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In this paper, a person-capacity-based optimization method for the integrated design of lane markings, exclusive bus lanes, and passive bus priority signal settings for isolated intersections is developed. Two traffic modes, passenger cars and buses, have been considered in a unified framework. Person capacity maximization has been used as an objective for the integrated optimization method. This problem has been formulated as a Binary Mixed Integer Linear Program (BMILP) that can be solved by a standard branch-and-bound routine. Variables including, allocation of lanes for different passenger car movements (e.g., left turn lanes or right turn lanes), exclusive bus lanes, and passive bus priority signal timings can be optimized simultaneously by the proposed model. A set of constraints have been set up to ensure feasibility and safety of the resulting optimal lane markings and signal settings. Numerical examples and simulation results have been provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed person-capacity-based optimization method. The results of extensive sensitivity analyses of the bus ratio, bus occupancy, and maximum degree of saturation of exclusive bus lanes have been presented to show the performance and applicable domain of the proposed model under different composition of inputs.  相似文献   

Travel by a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system may be much more energy efficient than travel by conventional road transport. The difference could be so large that the energy invested in the PRT infrastructure may be equivalent to the fuel that is saved by previous car and bus riders in less than five years. We analyzed the propulsion energy requirements of a PRT system and made a first-order calculation of the energy cost of the infrastructure and maintenance. Operation of the PRT requires only half the energy required by buses and a quarter of the energy used by passenger cars per passenger kilometer. The energy used to build the PRT infrastructure in a city may be recovered in five years if 10% of the car drivers switch to the PRT.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed an evaluation method of exclusive bus lanes (EBLs) in a bi-modal degradable road network with car and bus transit modes. Link travel time with and without EBLs for two modes is analyzed with link stochastic degradation. Furthermore, route general travel costs are formulated with the uncertainty of link travel time for both modes and the uncertainty of waiting time at a bus stop and in-vehicle congestion costs for the bus mode. The uncertainty of bus waiting time is considered to be relevant to the degradation of the front links of the bus line. A bi-modal user equilibrium model incorporating travelers’ risk adverse behavior is proposed for evaluating EBLs. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate how the road degradation level, travelers’ risk aversion level and the front link’s correlation level with the uncertainty of the bus waiting time affect the results of the user equilibrium model with and without EBLs and how the road degradation level affects the optimal EBLs setting scheme. A paradox of EBLs setting is also illustrated where adding one exclusive bus lane may decrease share of bus.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that in addition to travel time and cost as the common influences on mode, route and departure time choices, travel time variability plays an increasingly important role, especially in the presence of traffic congestion on roads and crowding on public transport. The dominant focus of modelling and implementation of optimal pricing that incorporates trip time variability has been in the context of road pricing for cars. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a non-trivial extension to the existing literature on optimal pricing in a multimodal setting, building in the role of travel time variability as a source of disutility for car and bus users. We estimate the effect of variability in travel time and bus headway on optimal prices (i.e., tolls for cars and fares for buses) and optimal bus capacity (i.e., frequencies and size) accounting for crowding on buses, under a social welfare maximisation framework. Travel time variability is included by adopting the well-known mean–variance model, using an empirical relationship between the mean and standard deviation of travel times. We illustrate our model with an application to a highly congested corridor with cars, buses and walking as travel alternatives in Sydney, Australia. There are three main findings that have immediate policy implications: (i) including travel time variability results in higher optimal car tolls and substantial increases in toll revenue, while optimal bus fares remain almost unchanged; (ii) when bus headways are variable, the inclusion of travel time variability as a source of disutility for users yields higher optimal bus frequencies; and (iii) including both travel time variability and crowding discomfort leads to higher optimal bus sizes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general framework to estimate the bus user time benefits of a median busway including the effects on travel time and access time. Unlike previous models, we take into account the effects of geometry and the interaction with the demand structure. Models for predicting the bus in-vehicle time benefits of a median dual carriageway busway against mixed traffic condition on 2 and 3 lanes roads are estimated using data from a case study in Santiago (Chile), using a bus travel time model empirically estimated and considering different base case situations, including mixed traffic operations and bus lanes. Results of the application show that the expected in-vehicle time savings of a median busway might be reduced by access time losses due to increased walking distances and road crossing delays. Also, that net time benefits can vary significantly according to the base situation and the structure of demand considered. These findings point out to the need of including a wider set of impacts when studying the benefits of median busways, beyond in-vehicle time savings only. The empirical work presented here is completely based on passive data coming from GPS and smartcards, what makes easier and cheaper to conduct this type of analysis as well as to do it with a comprehensive scope at an early stage of the development of a BRT project. This framework can be extended to other types of dedicated bus lanes provided that a corresponding bus travel time savings model is available.  相似文献   

We verify that slow speeds in a special-use lane, such as a carpool or bus lane, can be due to both, high demand for that lane and slow speeds in the adjacent regular-use lane. These dual influences are confirmed from months of data collected from all freeway carpool facilities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Additional data indicate that both influences hold: for other types of special-use lanes, including bus lanes; and for other parts of the world.The findings do not bode well for a new US regulation stipulating that most classes of Low-Emitting Vehicles, or LEVs, are to vacate slow-moving carpool lanes. These LEVs invariably constitute small percentages of traffic; e.g. they are only about 1% of the freeway traffic demand in the San Francisco Bay Area. Yet, we show: that relegating some or all of these vehicles to regular-use lanes can significantly add to regular-lane congestion; and that this, in turn, can also be damaging to vehicles that continue to use the carpool lanes. Counterproductive outcomes of this kind are predicted first by applying kinematic wave analysis to a real Bay Area freeway. Its measured data indicate that the site selected for this analysis stands to suffer less from the regulation than will others in the region. Yet, we predict: that the regulation will cause the site’s people-hours and vehicle-hours traveled during the rush to each increase by more than 10%; and that carpool-lane traffic will share in the damages. Real data from the site support these predictions. Further parametric analysis of a hypothetical, but more generic freeway system indicates that these kinds of negative outcomes will be widespread. Constructive ways to amend the new regulation are discussed, as are promising strategies to increase the vehicle speeds in carpool lanes by improving the travel conditions in regular lanes.  相似文献   

Due to a variety of reasons, the previous century is characterized by an extraordinary growth in car use that has continued into the current century. This has resulted in serious environmental repercussions. Despite technological advancements, the externalities remain an ecological threat that can not be discarded by policy makers. Therefore, it is essential that policy makers focus on reducing car use and on stimulating the shift towards more environment-friendly transport modes. In this study, Q-methodology is adopted as the technique to segment people, and to ascertain which approaches and determinants matter to medium distance travel. Segmentation is important, as policy measures will be more efficient and effective if they are fine-tuned on specific target groups. The analysis revealed that four discourses preponderate the paradigm of environmentally sustainable transport: travelers who use public transport as a dominant alternative, car-dependent travelers, travelers with a positive perception of using public transport, and travelers with a preference for car use. Concerning rational, economic motives, individuals evaluate travel time reliability as most important. To increase the reliability policy makers should consider the use of separate bus lanes and traffic light manipulation. In addition, public transport can be made even more attractive, when costs of cars are made more variable by road or congestion charging. When the s motives are discussed, the differences between the different groups of travelers were more pronounced. Next to increasing the benefits of using public transport, policy makers should also pay attention to removing psycho-social barriers.
Mario CoolsEmail:

Utilizing daily ridership data, literature has shown that adverse weather conditions have a negative impact on transit ridership and in turn, result in revenue loss for the transit agencies. This paper extends this discussion by using more detailed hourly ridership data to model the weather effects. For this purpose, the daily and hourly subway ridership from New York City Transit for the years 2010–2011 is utilized. The paper compares the weather impacts on ridership based on day of week and time of day combinations and further demonstrates that the weather’s impact on transit ridership varies based on the time period and location. The separation of ridership models based on time of day provides a deeper understanding of the relationship between trip purpose and weather for transit riders. The paper investigates the role of station characteristics such as weather protection, accessibility, proximity and the connecting bus services by developing models based on station types. The findings indicate substantial differences in the extent to which the daily and hourly models and the individual weather elements are able to explain the ridership variability and travel behavior of transit riders. By utilizing the time of day and station based models, the paper demonstrates the potential sources of weather impact on transit infrastructure, transit service and trip characteristics. The results suggest the development of specific policy measures which can help the transit agencies to mitigate the ridership differences due to adverse weather conditions.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the most critical environmental challenges faced in the world today. The transportation sector alone contributes to 22% of carbon emissions, of which 80% are contributed by road transportation. In this paper we investigate the potential private car greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and social welfare gains resulting from upgrading the bus service in the Greater Beirut Area. To this end, a stated preference (SP) survey on mode switching from private car to bus was conducted in this area and analyzed by means of a mixed logit model. We then used the model outputs to simulate aggregate switching behavior in the study area and the attendant welfare and environmental gains and private car GHG emissions reductions under various alternative scenarios of bus service upgrade. We recommend a bundle of realistic bus service improvements in the short term that will result in a reasonable shift to buses and measurable reduction in private car emissions. We argue that such improvements will need to be comprehensive in scope and include both improvements in bus level of service attributes (access/egress time, headway, in-vehicle travel time, and number of transfers) and the provision of amenities, including air-conditioning and Wi-Fi. Moreover, such a service needs to be cheaply priced to achieve reasonably high levels of switching behavior. With a comprehensively overhauled bus service, one would expect that bus ridership would increase for commuting purposes at first, and once the habit for it is formed, for travel purposes other than commuting, hence dramatically broadening the scope of private car GHG emissions reduction. This said, this study demonstrates the limits of focused sectorial policies in targeting and reducing private car GHG emissions, and highlights the need for combining behavioral interventions with other measures, most notably technological innovations, in order for the contribution of this sector to GHG emissions mitigation to be sizable.  相似文献   

This paper documents victims of bus crime and examines the extent to which fear of personal security affects bus ridership. Using data from a victimization survey of 1088 households in west central Los Angeles, it was found that frequency of bus use was the most important correlate of being victimized. Examining moderate and heavy bus users only, it was found that the elderly, women, Hispanics and low-income persons were more likely to be victimized than other subpopulations. There was a general perception that bus travel to downtown Los Angeles was more dangerous than travel within residential neighborhoods, and that night travel was much more dangerous than day travel. Women, Hispanics and persons of low education level were more likely to perceive bus use as dangerous, indicating a subpopulation correspondence between the likelihood of victimization and perceptions of safety from bus crime. In addition, persons who had been victimized by a bus crime or who knew persons who had been victimized were more likely to perceive bus use as less safe. Lastly, it appears that victims of bus crimes, persons who had witnessed bus crimes and persons who perceived bus travel as less safe may be less likely to use buses, especially on certain routes and during certain times, but these variables are secondary in importance to automobile access, the convenience of bus travel and age.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the combination effects of queue jump lanes (QJLs) on signalised arterials to establish if a multiplier effect exists, that is, the benefit from providing QJLs at multiple intersections is higher than the sum of benefits from providing them individually at each of those intersections. To explore the combination effects on bus delay and total person delay, a delay estimation model is developed using kinematic wave theory, kinematic equations and Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, to investigate the combination effects in offset settings optimised for bus delay or total person delay, offset optimisation models are proposed. Validation results using traffic micro‐simulation indicate the effectiveness and computational efficiency of the proposed models. Results of a modelling test bed suggest that providing QJLs at multiple intersections can create a multiplier effect on one‐directional bus delay savings with signal offsets that provide bus progression. Furthermore, optimising offsets to minimise bus delay tends to create a multiplier effect on one‐directional bus delay savings, particularly when variations in dwell times are not high. The reason for the multiplier effect may be that providing QJLs reduces variations in bus travel times, which makes signal coordination for buses perform more effectively. From a policy perspective, the existence of a multiplier effect suggests that a corridor‐wide scale implementation of QJLs has considerable merit. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Priced managed lanes are increasingly being used to better utilize the existing capacity of the roadway to relieve congestion and offer reliable travel time to road users. In this paper, we investigate the optimization problem for pricing managed lanes with multiple entrances and exits which seeks to maximize the revenue and minimize the total system travel time (TSTT) over a finite horizon. We propose a lane choice model where travelers make online decisions at each diverge point considering all routes on a managed lane network. We formulate the problem as a deterministic Markov decision process and solve it using the value function approximation (VFA) method for different initializations. We compare the performance of the toll policies predicted by the VFA method against the myopic revenue policy which maximizes the revenue only at the current timestep and two heuristic policies based on the measured densities on the managed and general purpose lanes (GPLs). We test the results on four different test networks. The primary findings from our research suggest the usefulness of the VFA method for determining dynamic tolls. The best-found objective value from the method at its termination is better than other heuristics for all test networks with average improvements in the objective ranging between 10% and 90% for revenue maximization and 0–27% for TSTT minimization. Certain VFA initializations obtain best-found toll profiles within first 5–50 iterations which warrants computational time savings. Our findings also indicate that the revenue-maximizing optimal policies follow the “jam-and-harvest” behavior where the GPLs are pushed towards congestion in the earlier time steps to generate higher revenue in the later time steps, a characteristic not observed for the policies minimizing TSTT.  相似文献   

A timed transfer terminal synchronizes the arrival of incoming vehicles with the departure of outgoing vehicles so as to minimize transfer delays. Most bus timed transfer terminals follow fixed schedules, and do not utilize intelligent transportation systems for vehicle tracking and control. This paper reviews technologies that enable real-time control of timed transfer. We evaluate the benefits of tracking bus locations and executing dynamic schedule control through the simulation of a generic timed transfer terminal under a range of conditions. Based on empirical data collected by the Los Angeles County/Metropolitan Transit Agency, we found delay over segments of long-headway bus lines to be negatively correlated with lateness at the start of the segment, indicating that buses have a tendency to catch up when they fall behind schedule. The simulation analysis showed that the benefit of bus tracking is most significant when one of the buses experiences a major delay, especially when there is a small number of connecting buses.  相似文献   

In order to understand the mode shift behavior of car travelers and relieve traffic congestion, a Stated Preference survey has been conducted in the city of Ji'nan in China to analyze bus choice behavior and the heterogeneity of car travelers. Several discrete choice models, including multinomial logit, mixed logit and latent class model (LCM) are developed based on these survey data. A comparative analysis indicates that the LCM has the highest precision and is more suitable to analyze the heterogeneity of car travelers. The LCM divides car travelers into three classes. Different classes have different sets of influencing factors in the model. Policy recommendations are also proposed for those classes to promote bus shift from car travelers based on the model results. Finally, sensitivity analysis on parking fees and fuel cost is carried out on the LCMs under different bus service levels. Car travelers have different sensitivities to the influencing factors. The conclusions indicate that the LCM can reflect the heterogeneity and preferences of car travelers and can be used to understand how to shift the behavior of car travelers and make more effective traffic policy.  相似文献   

Morning commuters choose their departure times and travel modes based on a combinational evaluation of factors associated with the chances of running into bottleneck congestion, likely schedule delays, parking space availability as well as monetary costs of traveling and parking. This study investigates a morning commute problem with carpooling behavior under parking space constraint at destination. We consider such a scenario that as a competing mode of the transit line, the highway contains a carpool lane only used by carpoolers while all solo drivers are forced to use a general purpose (GP) lane. Unlike the standard bottleneck model, the rush-hour dynamic departure patterns with a binding parking supply vary with the relative proportion of the two lanes’ capacities. The possible departure pattern domain with different parking supply and lane capacity allocation is explored in terms of the relative extra carpool cost and distinguished between the bi-mode and multi-mode equilibria. It is found that compared with solo drivers, carpoolers have shorter rush hour in order to smooth the extra carpool cost. With the decrease of parking spots, the number of solo drivers cuts down gradually, whilst the number of carpoolers climbs up firstly and then declines in the multi-mode system. Under mild assumptions, the best system performance can be realized with the joint consideration of total travel cost and vehicle emission cost through optimizing the lane capacity allocation and the parking supply.  相似文献   

On August 1, 2007, the collapse of the I-35W bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis abruptly interrupted the usual route of about 140,000 daily vehicle trips, which substantially disturbed regular traffic flow patterns on the network. It took several weeks for the network to re-equilibrate, during which period travelers continued to learn and adjust their travel decisions. A good understanding of this process is crucial for traffic management and the design of mitigation schemes. Data from loop-detectors, bus ridership statistics, and a survey are analyzed and compared, revealing the evolving traffic reactions to the bridge collapse and how individual choices could help to explain such dynamics. Findings on short-term traffic dynamics and behavioral reactions to this major network disruption have important implications for traffic management in response to future scenarios.  相似文献   

U-turns are treated as left-turns in the current procedures for estimating saturation flow rates at signalized intersections. While U-turning vehicles are usually mixed with left-turning vehicles in inside or left-turn lanes and conflict with opposing through traffic as left-turning vehicles, the vehicle operating characteristics are different. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of U-turns on the traffic flow in left-turn lanes. Field data of 600 headways of left-turning passenger cars and 160 headways of U-turning passenger cars are recorded. The average headways of U-turning passenger cars are found to be significantly larger than those of left-turning passenger cars. The effects of U-turning vehicles depend upon the percent of U-turning vehicles in the left-turn lane, as well as the order of formation in the traffic stream. Adjustment factors for varying percents of U-turning vehicles in left-turn lanes are established.  相似文献   

This paper explores at the planning level the benefits of coordinating tram movements and signal timings at controlled intersections. Although trams may have dedicated travel lanes, they mostly operate in a mixed traffic environment at intersections. To ensure tram progression, pre-set signal timings at intersections are adjusted by activating Transit Signal Priority (TSP) actions, which inevitably add delays to the auto traffic. A mixed integer program is proposed for jointly determining tram schedules for a single tram line and modifying signal timings at major controlled intersections. The objective is to minimize the weighted sum of the total tram travel time and TSP’s negative impacts on other traffic. A real-world case study of Line 5 of the Shenyang Hunnan Modern Tramway shows that by extending the dwell time or link travel time we can significantly reduce the TSP’s negative impacts on the auto traffic while only slightly increasing tram travel times.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a bi-level programming model to solve the design problem for bus lane distribution in multi-modal transport networks. The upper level model aims at minimizing the average travel time of travelers, as well as minimizing the difference of passengers’ comfort among all the bus lines by optimizing bus frequencies. The lower level model is a multi-modal transport network equilibrium model for the joint modal split/traffic assignment problem. The column generation algorithm, the branch-and-bound algorithm and the method of successive averages are comprehensively applied in this paper for the solution of the bi-level model. A simple numerical test and an empirical test based on Dalian economic zone are employed to validate the proposed model. The results show that the bi-level model performs well with regard to the objective of reducing travel time costs for all travelers and balancing transit service level among all bus lines.  相似文献   

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