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Connected and automated vehicles (CAV) are marketed for their increased safety, driving comfort, and time saving potential. With much easier access to information, increased processing power, and precision control, they also offer unprecedented opportunities for energy efficient driving. This paper is an attempt to highlight the energy saving potential of connected and automated vehicles based on first principles of motion, optimal control theory, and a review of the vast but scattered eco-driving literature. We explain that connectivity to other vehicles and infrastructure allows better anticipation of upcoming events, such as hills, curves, slow traffic, state of traffic signals, and movement of neighboring vehicles. Automation allows vehicles to adjust their motion more precisely in anticipation of upcoming events, and save energy. Opportunities for cooperative driving could further increase energy efficiency of a group of vehicles by allowing them to move in a coordinated manner. Energy efficient motion of connected and automated vehicles could have a harmonizing effect on mixed traffic, leading to additional energy savings for neighboring vehicles.  相似文献   

Various green driving strategies have been proposed to smooth traffic flow and lower pollutant emissions and fuel consumption in stop-and-go traffic. In this paper, we present a control theoretic formulation of distributed, cooperative green driving strategies based on inter-vehicle communications (IVCs). The control variable is the advisory speed limit, which is designed to smooth a following vehicle’s speed profile without changing its average speed. We theoretically analyze the performance of a constant independent and three simple cooperative green driving strategies and present three rules for effective and robust strategies. We then develop a distributed cooperative green driving strategy, in which the advisory speed limit is first independently calculated by each individual vehicle and then averaged among green driving vehicles through IVC. By simulations with Newell’s car-following model and the Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model (CMEM), we demonstrate that such a strategy is effective and robust independently as well as cooperatively for different market penetration rates of IVC-equipped vehicles and communication delays. In particular, even when 5% of the vehicles implement the green driving strategy and the IVC communication delay is 60 s, the fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 15%. Finally we discuss some future extensions.  相似文献   

The advancements in communication and sensing technologies can be exploited to assist the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time cooperative eco-driving strategy for a group of vehicles with mixed automated vehicles (AVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs). The lead vehicles in the platoon can receive the signal phase and timing information via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication and the traffic states of both the preceding vehicle and current platoon via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose a receding horizon model predictive control (MPC) method to minimise the fuel consumption for platoons and drive the platoons to pass the intersection on a green phase. The method is then extended to dynamic platoon splitting and merging rules for cooperation among AVs and HVs in response to the high variation in urban traffic flow. Extensive simulation tests are also conducted to demonstrate the performance of the model in various conditions in the mixed traffic flow and different penetration rates of AVs. Our model shows that the cooperation between AVs and HVs can further smooth out the trajectory of the latter and reduce the fuel consumption of the entire traffic system, especially for the low penetration of AVs. It is noteworthy that the proposed model does not compromise the traffic efficiency and the driving comfort while achieving the eco-driving strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present results regarding the experimental validation of connected automated vehicle design. In order for a connected automated vehicle to integrate well with human-dominated traffic, we propose a class of connected cruise control algorithms with feedback structure originated from human driving behavior. We test the connected cruise controllers using real vehicles under several driving scenarios while utilizing beyond-line-of-sight motion information obtained from neighboring human-driven vehicles via vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. We experimentally show that the design is robust against variations in human behavior as well as changes in the topology of the communication network. We demonstrate that both safety and energy efficiency can be significantly improved for the connected automated vehicle as well as for the neighboring human-driven vehicles and that the connected automated vehicle may bring additional societal benefits by mitigating traffic waves.  相似文献   

In this paper, a forward power-train plug-in hybrid electric vehicle model with an energy management system and a cycle optimization algorithm is evaluated for energy efficiency. Using wirelessly communicated predictive traffic data for vehicles in a roadway network, as envisioned in intelligent transportation systems, traffic prediction cycles are optimized using a cycle optimization strategy. This resulted in a 56-86% fuel efficiency improvements for conventional vehicles. When combined with the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle power management system, about 115% energy efficiency improvements were achieved. Further improvements in the overall energy efficiency of the network were achieved with increased penetration rates of the intelligent transportation assisted enabled plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.  相似文献   

Traffic congestion and energy issues have set a high bar for current ground transportation systems. With advances in vehicular communication technologies, collaborations of connected vehicles have becoming a fundamental block to build automated highway transportation systems of high efficiency. This paper presents a distributed optimal control scheme that takes into account macroscopic traffic management and microscopic vehicle dynamics to achieve efficiently cooperative highway driving. Critical traffic information beyond the scope of human perception is obtained from connected vehicles downstream to establish necessary traffic management mitigating congestion. With backpropagating traffic management advice, a connected vehicle having an adjustment intention exchanges control-oriented information with immediately connected neighbors to establish potential cooperation consensus, and to generate cooperative control actions. To achieve this goal, a distributed model predictive control (DMPC) scheme is developed accounting for driving safety and efficiency. By coupling the states of collaborators in the optimization index, connected vehicles achieve fundamental highway maneuvers cooperatively and optimally. The performance of the distributed control scheme and the energy-saving potential of conducting such cooperation are tested in a mixed highway traffic environment by the means of microscopic simulations.  相似文献   

Connected Vehicles (CV) equipped with a Speed Advisory System (SAS) can obtain and utilize upcoming traffic signal information to manage their speed in advance, lower fuel consumption, and improve ride comfort by reducing idling at red lights. In this paper, a SAS for pre-timed traffic signals is proposed and the fuel minimal driving strategy is obtained as an analytical solution to a fuel consumption minimization problem. We show that the minimal fuel driving strategy may go against intuition of some people; in that it alternates between periods of maximum acceleration, engine shut down, and sometimes constant speed, known in optimal control as bang-singular-bang control. After presenting this analytical solution to the fuel minimization problem, we employ a sub-optimal solution such that drivability is not sacrificed and show fuel economy still improves significantly. Moreover this paper evaluates the influence of vehicles with SAS on the entire arterial traffic in micro-simulations. The results show that SAS-equipped vehicles not only improve their own fuel economy, but also benefit other conventional vehicles and the fleet fuel consumption decreases with the increment of percentage of SAS-equipped vehicles. We show that this improvement in fuel economy is achieved with a little compromise in average traffic flow and travel time.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that while the TRANSYT traffic model simulates transit vehicles in mixed traffic operation, it does not adequately consider the effects of bus or streetcar stops on the travelled roadway near signalized intersections. Its assumption that the transit vehicles do not hold up other vehicles while they are loading and unloading passengers is also invalid when midblock stops occur in the travelled lanes. To account for the effects of transit stops, an alternative type of network formulation which uses dummy nodes and dummy links with appropriate link costs is proposed for modelling the effects of transit stops. It approximates transit stop dwells by discrete distributions, requiring 1 dummy node and 4 dummy links for each nonzero value used in the approximating distribution. Realism for such operation can be improved significantly, usually with the use of only 1 or 2 dummy nodes per transit stop. Parameters for the dummy links have been tested over a wide range, and a set of operational values is recommended. Flow profiles illustrating the need for and the effects of the recommended formulation are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, the route recommendation provided by the traffic management authority, rather than the uncontrollable bifurcation splitting rate, is directly considered as the control variable in the route guidance system; a real-time en-route diversion control strategy with multiple objectives is designed in a Model Predictive Control (MPC) framework with regard to system uncertainties and disturbances. The objectives include not only traffic efficiency, but also emission reduction and fuel economy, which respectively correspond to minimizing the total time spent (TTS), total amount of emissions and fuel consumption for all vehicles moving through a network. In the MPC framework, the routing control problem is transformed to be a constrained combinational optimization, which is solved by the parallel Tabu Search algorithm. Two representative traffic scenarios are tested, and the simulation results show: (1) The room for improvement in each objective by means of route diversion control is not consistent with each other and varies with the utilized traffic scenario. In the peak hour, the routing control can lead to significant improvements in TTS and fuel economy, while a relatively small improvement in emission reduction is achieved; in the off-peak hour, however, it is opposite, which indicates that routing is possibly dispensable from the aspect of improving traffic efficiency, but is required from the aspect of emission reduction. (2) The conflict among the multiple objectives varies with the utilized traffic scenario in route diversion control. Improving traffic efficiency often conflicts with emission reduction in both scenarios. For the objectives of traffic efficiency and fuel economy, they are not conflicting in peak hour, while in the off-peak hour, the two objectives are likely conflicting, and the improvement in one objective can lead to the degradation in the other objective. (3) Regardless of the scenarios of peak hour or off-peak hour, the proposed control strategy can result in a proper trade-off among the three chosen objectives.  相似文献   


Automated vehicles (AV) will change transport supply and influence travel demand. To evaluate those changes, existing travel demand models need to be extended. This paper presents ways of integrating characteristics of AV into traditional macroscopic travel demand models based on the four-step algorithm. It discusses two model extensions. The first extension allows incorporating impacts of AV on traffic flow performance by assigning specific passenger car unit factors that depend on roadway type and the capabilities of the vehicles. The second extension enables travel demand models to calculate demand changes caused by a different perception of travel time as the active driving time is reduced. The presented methods are applied to a use case of a regional macroscopic travel demand model. The basic assumption is that AV are considered highly but not fully automated and still require a driver for parts of the trip. Model results indicate that first-generation AV, probably being rather cautious, may decrease traffic performance. Further developed AV will improve performance on some parts of the network. Together with a reduction in active driving time, cars will become even more attractive, resulting in a modal shift towards car. Both circumstances lead to an increase in time spent and distance traveled.


This research proposed an eco-driving system for an isolated signalized intersection under partially Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) environment. This system prioritizes mobility before improving fuel efficiency and optimizes the entire traffic flow by optimizing speed profiles of the connected and automated vehicles. The optimal control problem was solved using Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle. Simulation-based before and after evaluation of the proposed design was conducted. Fuel consumption benefits range from 2.02% to 58.01%. The CO2 emissions benefits range from 1.97% to 33.26%. Throughput benefits are up to 10.80%. The variations are caused by the market penetration rate of connected and automated vehicles and v/c ratio. No adverse effect is observed. Detailed investigation reveals that benefits are significant as long as there is CAV and they grow with CAV’s market penetration rate (MPR) until they level off at about 40% MPR. This indicates that the proposed eco-driving system can be implemented with a low market penetration rate of connected and automated vehicles and could be implemented in a near future. The investigation also reveals that the proposed eco-driving system is able to smooth out the shock wave caused by signal controls and is robust over the impedance from conventional vehicles and randomness of traffic. The proposed system is fast in computation and has great potential for real-time implementation.  相似文献   

Improving fuel efficiency in vehicular traffic by increasing average speeds is shown to have a major trade-off through land use changes and modal shifts that result in an overall loss in fuel efficiency for the total urban area. In Perth, even though vehicles in central areas have a 19% lower fuel efficiency than average due to congestion, the central area residents still use 22% less actual fuel on average due to their locational advantages. On the other hand, outer suburban traffic is 12% more efficient than average but residents use 29% more actual fuel. A comparison of 32 world cities confirms that there is a trade-off between fuel-efficient traffic and fuel-efficient cities. The implications for traffic engineering programmes and road funding are discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution and energy use in the light-duty transportation sector are currently regulated through fuel economy and emissions standards, which typically assess quantity of pollutants emitted and volume of fuel used per distance driven. In the United States, fuel economy testing consists of a vehicle on a treadmill, while a trained driver follows a fixed drive cycle. By design, the current standardized fuel economy testing system neglects differences in how individuals drive their vehicles on the road. As autonomous vehicle (AV) technology is introduced, more aspects of driving are shifted into functions of decisions made by the vehicle, rather than the human driver. Yet the current fuel economy testing procedure does not have a mechanism to evaluate the impacts of AV technology on fuel economy ratings, and subsequent regulations such as Corporate Average Fuel Economy targets. This paper develops a method to incorporate the impacts of AV technology within the bounds of current fuel economy test, and simulates a range of automated following drive cycles to estimate changes in fuel economy. The results show that AV following algorithms designed without considering efficiency can degrade fuel economy by up to 3%, while efficiency-focused control strategies may equal or slightly exceed the existing EPA fuel economy test results, by up to 10%. This suggests the need for a new near-term approach in fuel economy testing to account for connected and autonomous vehicles. As AV technology improves and adoption increases in the future, a further reimagining of drive cycles and testing is required.  相似文献   

Energy and emissions impacts of a freeway-based dynamic eco-driving system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surface transportation consumes a vast quantity of fuel and accounts for about a third of the US CO2 emissions. In addition to the use of more fuel-efficient vehicles and carbon-neutral alternative fuels, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions can be lowered through a variety of strategies that reduce congestion, smooth traffic flow, and reduce excessive vehicle speeds. Eco-driving is one such strategy. It typically consists of changing a person’s driving behavior by providing general static advice to the driver (e.g. do not accelerate too quickly, reduce speeds, etc.). In this study, we investigate the concept of dynamic eco-driving, where advice is given in real-time to drivers changing traffic conditions in the vehicle’s vicinity. This dynamic strategy takes advantage of real-time traffic sensing and telematics, allowing for a traffic management system to monitor traffic speed, density, and flow, and then communicates advice in real-time back to the vehicles. By providing dynamic advice to drivers, approximately 10–20% in fuel savings and lower CO2 emissions are possible without a significant increase in travel time. Based on simulations, it was found that in general, higher percentage reductions in fuel consumption and CO2 emission occur during severe compared to less congested scenarios. Real-world experiments have also been carried out, showing similar reductions but to a slightly smaller degree.  相似文献   

Traffic signals, even though crucial for safe operations of busy intersections, are one of the leading causes of travel delays in urban settings, as well as the reason why billions of gallons of fuel are burned, and tons of toxic pollutants released to the atmosphere each year by idling engines. Recent advances in cellular networks and dedicated short-range communications make Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications a reality, as individual cars and traffic signals can now be equipped with communication and computing devices. In this paper, we first presented an integrated simulator with V2I, a car-following model and an emission model to simulate the behavior of vehicles at signalized intersections and calculate travel delays in queues, vehicle emissions, and fuel consumption. We then present a hierarchical green driving strategy based on feedback control to smooth stop-and-go traffic in signalized networks, where signals can disseminate traffic signal information and loop detector data to connected vehicles through V2I communications. In this strategy, the control variable is an individual advisory speed limit for each equipped vehicle, which is calculated from its location, signal settings, and traffic conditions. Finally, we quantify the mobility and environment improvements of the green driving strategy with respect to market penetration rates of equipped vehicles, traffic conditions, communication characteristics, location accuracy, and the car-following model itself, both in isolated and non-isolated intersections. In particular, we demonstrate savings of around 15% in travel delays and around 8% in fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Different from many existing ecodriving strategies in signalized road networks, where vehicles’ speed profiles are totally controlled, our strategy is hierarchical, since only the speed limit is provided, and vehicles still have to follow their leaders. Such a strategy is crucial for maintaining safety with mixed vehicles.  相似文献   

This study addresses the impacts of automated cars on traffic flow at signalized intersections. We develop and subsequently employ a deterministic simulation model of the kinematics of automated cars at a signalized intersection approach, when proceeding forward from a stationary queue at the beginning of a signal phase. In the discrete-time simulation, each vehicle pursues an operational strategy that is consistent with the ‘Assured Clear Distance Ahead’ criterion: each vehicle limits its speed and spacing from the vehicle ahead of it by its objective of not striking it, regardless of whether or not the future behavior of the vehicle ahead is cooperative. The simulation incorporates a set of assumptions regarding the values of operational parameters that will govern automated cars’ kinematics in the immediate future, which are sourced from the relevant literature.We report several findings of note. First, under a set of assumed ‘central’ (i.e. most plausible) parameter values, the time requirement to process a standing queue of ten vehicles is decreased by 25% relative to human driven vehicles. Second, it was found that the standard queue discharge model for human–driven cars does not directly transfer to queue discharge of automated vehicles. Third, a wet roadway surface may result in an increase in capacity at signalized intersections. Fourth, a specific form of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications that allows all automated vehicles in the stationary queue to begin moving simultaneously at the beginning of a signal phase provides relatively minor increases in capacity in this analysis. Fifth, in recognition of uncertainty regarding the value of each operational parameter, we identify (via scenario analysis, calculation of arc elasticities, and Monte-Carlo methods) the relative sensitivity of overall traffic flow efficiency to the value of each operational parameter.This study comprises an incremental step towards the broader objective of adapting standard techniques for analyzing traffic operations to account for the capabilities of automated vehicles.  相似文献   

This paper analyses transport energy consumption of conventional and electric vehicles in mountainous roads. A standard round trip in Andorra has been modelled in order to characterise vehicle dynamics in hilly regions. Two conventional diesel vehicles and their electric-equivalent models have been simulated and their performances have been compared. Six scenarios have been simulated to study the effects of factors such as orography, traffic congestion and driving style. The European fuel consumption and emissions test and Artemis urban driving cycles, representative of European driving cycles, have also been included in the comparative analysis. The results show that road grade has a major impact on fuel economy, although it affects consumption in different levels depending on the technology analysed. Electric vehicles are less affected by this factor as opposed to conventional vehicles, increasing the potential energy savings in a hypothetical electrification of the car fleet. However, electric vehicle range in mountainous terrains is lower compared to that estimated by manufacturers, a fact that could adversely affect a massive adoption of electric cars in the short term.  相似文献   

This research intends to explore external factors affecting driving safety and fuel consumption, and build a risk and fuel consumption prediction model for individual drivers based on natural driving data. Based on 120 taxi drivers’ natural driving data during 4 months, driving behavior data under various conditions of the roadway, traffic, weather, and time of day are extracted. The driver's fuel consumption is directly collected by the on-board diagnostics (OBD) unit, and safety index is calculated based on Data Threshold Violations (DTV) and Phase Plane Analysis with Limits (PPAL) considering speed, longitudinal and lateral acceleration. By using a linear mixed model explaining the fixed effect of the external conditions and the random effect of the driver, the influences of various external factors on fuel consumption and safety are analyzed and discussed. The prediction model lays a foundation for drivers' fuel consumption and risk prediction in different external conditions, which could help improve individual driving behavior for the benefit of both fuel consumption and safety.  相似文献   

The quest for more fuel-efficient vehicles is being driven by the increasing price of oil. Hybrid electric powertrains have established a presence in the marketplace primarily based on the promise of fuel savings through the use of an electric motor in place of the internal combustion engine during different stages of driving. However, these fuel savings associated with hybrid vehicle operation come at the tradeoff of a significantly increased initial vehicle cost due to the increased complexity of the powertrain. On the other hand, telematics-enabled vehicles may use a relatively cheap sensor network to develop information about the traffic environment in which they are operating, and subsequently adjust their drive cycle to improve fuel economy based on this information – thereby representing ‘intelligent’ use of existing powertrain technology to reduce fuel consumption. In this paper, hybrid and intelligent technologies using different amounts of traffic flow information are compared in terms of fuel economy over common urban drive cycles. In order to develop a fair comparison between the technologies, an optimal (for urban driving) hybrid vehicle that matches the performance characteristics of the baseline intelligent vehicle is used. The fuel economy of the optimal hybrid is found to have an average of 20% improvement relative to the baseline vehicle across three different urban drive cycles. Feedforward information about traffic flow supplied by telematics capability is then used to develop alternative driving cycles firstly under the assumption there are no constraints on the intelligent vehicle’s path, and then taking into account in the presence of ‘un-intelligent’ vehicles on the road. It is observed that with telematic capability, the fuel economy improvements equal that achievable with a hybrid configuration with as little as 7 s traffic look-ahead capability, and can be as great as 33% improvement relative to the un-intelligent baseline drivetrain. As a final investigation, the two technologies are combined and the potential for using feedforward information from a sensor network with a hybrid drivetrain is discussed.  相似文献   

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