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Intersections are the bottlenecks of the urban road system because an intersection’s capacity is only a fraction of the maximum flows that the roads connecting to the intersection can carry. This capacity can be increased if vehicles cross the intersections in platoons rather than one by one as they do today. Platoon formation is enabled by connected vehicle technology. This paper assesses the potential mobility benefits of platooning. It argues that saturation flow rates, and hence intersection capacity, can be doubled or tripled by platooning. The argument is supported by the analysis of three queuing models and by the simulation of a road network with 16 intersections and 73 links. The queuing analysis and the simulations reveal that a signalized network with fixed time control will support an increase in demand by a factor of (say) two or three if all saturation flows are increased by the same factor, with no change in the control. Furthermore, despite the increased demand vehicles will experience the same delay and travel time. The same scaling improvement is achieved when the fixed time control is replaced by the max pressure adaptive control. Part of the capacity increase can alternatively be used to reduce queue lengths and the associated queuing delay by decreasing the cycle time. Impediments to the control of connected vehicles to achieve platooning at intersections appear to be small.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new approach for controlling the traffic at isolated intersections. We assume that all vehicles are equipped with on-board units (ITS station) that make them able to wirelessly negotiate the “right of way” according to the measurements done by the positioning system during their travel. A vehicle is allowed to cross the intersection if the green color is displayed to the driver in an on-board screen. The control aims to smooth the traffic through the sequence of vehicles authorized to traverse the intersection. The main challenge raised with the assumption is that the sequence must be dynamically formed by a real time application. The dynamic behavior of the traffic is considered discrete, in order to determine the switching rule according to the instantly observed events. We propose a model based on Timed Petri Nets with Multipliers (TPNM) which allows us to propose the control policy through the structural analysis. The resulting switching rules are very simplistic and efficient for isolated intersections. Indeed, microscopic simulations show that they perform as well as the optimal sequence based on the detection of vehicles at the entrance of the intersection. Moreover, the proposed approach has been tested through a real intersection.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Distributed-Coordinated methodology for signal timing optimization in connected urban street networks. The underlying assumption is that all vehicles and intersections are connected and intersections can share information with each other. The novelty of the work arises from reformulating the signal timing optimization problem from a central architecture, where all signal timing parameters are optimized in one mathematical program, to a decentralized approach, where a mathematical program controls the timing of only a single intersection. As a result of this distribution, the complexity of the problem is significantly reduced thus, the proposed approach is real-time and scalable. Furthermore, distributed mathematical programs continuously coordinate with each other to avoid finding locally optimal solutions and to move towards global optimality. We proposed a real-time and scalable solution technique to solve the problem and applied it to several case study networks under various demand patterns. The algorithm controlled queue length and maximized intersection throughput (between 1% and 5% increase compared to the actuated coordinated signals optimized in VISTRO) and reduced travel time (between 17% and 48% decrease compared to actuated coordinated signals) in all cases.  相似文献   

Traffic signals at intersections are an integral component of the existing transportation system and can significantly contribute to vehicular delay along urban streets. The current emphasis on the development of automated (i.e., driverless and with the ability to communicate with the infrastructure) vehicles brings at the forefront several questions related to the functionality and optimization of signal control in order to take advantage of automated vehicle capabilities. The objective of this research is to develop a signal control algorithm that allows for vehicle paths and signal control to be jointly optimized based on advanced communication technology between approaching vehicles and signal controller. The algorithm assumes that vehicle trajectories can be fully optimized, i.e., vehicles will follow the optimized paths specified by the signal controller. An optimization algorithm was developed assuming a simple intersection with two single-lane through approaches. A rolling horizon scheme was developed to implement the algorithm and to continually process newly arriving vehicles. The algorithm was coded in MATLAB and results were compared against traditional actuated signal control for a variety of demand scenarios. It was concluded that the proposed signal control optimization algorithm could reduce the ATTD by 16.2–36.9% and increase throughput by 2.7–20.2%, depending on the demand scenario.  相似文献   

Unconventional intersection designs have been recently proposed as a new approach to deal with heavy left turns at signalized intersections. One of these unconventional schemes, the Upstream Signalized Crossover (USC) intersection, was shown to significantly reduce average vehicle delays; particularly when the volumes entering the intersection are relatively high. The Ministry of Public Works of Qatar is considering the implementation of the USC intersection on three signalized intersections along a major urban corridor in Doha. This paper investigates the potential improvements associated with the USC implementation. VISSIM was used to analyze the proposed USC intersections and the existing conventional intersections. Analyses were carried out for AM , Midday, and PM peak hours. The results showed that most of the travel time measurement sections experienced lower delays in the USC configuration for the three peak periods. As well, the total system delay, in hours, for the USC configuration was less than that of the conventional configuration by 19.4, 14.8, and 13.6% for the AM , Midday, and PM peaks, respectively. The average control delay for each single USC intersection was lower than its conventional counterpart by between 7.6 and 22.9%. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A road network model that allows each vehicle to choose the route that minimizes its travel time is developed and tested using data from a medium-size city. Assumed as given are the street configuration, the travel speed for streets with and without perfect progression of their traffic lights, any intersection with special turning phases, and the origin and destination (but not routes) of all vehicles entering and leaving the city during a typical period of time. The model incorporates the expected delay at intersections due to the congestion resulting from random fluctuations in traffic flow. It also can adjust the length of the green phase at each traffic light to minimize overall travel time.A test with data from the City of Vancouver, B.C., confirmed the basic assumptions of the model. Compared with observed traffic flow, the morning rush hour volumes per street had a median absolute error of 16%. Furthermore, the error decreased steadily to this value as the linear programming iterations reduced the objective to its optimal value. On an IBM 370-148, computer time to optimality was 110 minutes for the test area which included 59 intersections with an average flow per street of 640 vehicles per hour. Subsequent optimization of the red and green phases of the traffic lights slightly altered the flow pattern, but had a negligible effect on the overall travel time. The introduction of anticipated growth in total traffic volume indicated that the system could adjust to 60% more vehicles before the street capacity and configuration would require major alteration.  相似文献   

In this paper, a person-delay-based optimization method is proposed for an intelligent TSP logic that enables bus/signal cooperation and coordination among consecutive signals under the Connected Vehicle environment. This TSP logic, called TSPCV-C, provides a method to secure the mobility benefit generated by the intelligent TSP logic along a corridor so that the bus delay saved at an upstream intersection is not wasted at downstream intersections. The problem is formulated as a Binary Mixed Integer Linear Program (BMILP) which is solved by standard branch-and-bound method. Minimizing per person delay has been adopted as the criterion for the model. The TSPCV-C is also designed to be conditional. That is, TSP is granted only when the bus is behind schedule and the grant of TSP causes no extra total person delay.The logic developed in this research is evaluated using both analytical and microscopic traffic simulation approaches. Both analytical tests and simulation evaluations compared four scenarios: without TSP (NTSP), conventional TSP (CTSP), TSP with Connected Vehicle (TSPCV), and Coordinated TSP with Connected Vehicle (TSPCV-C). The measures of effectiveness used include bus delay and total travel time of all travelers. The performance of TSPCV-C is compared against conventional TSP (CTSP) under four congestion levels and five intersection spacing cases. The results show that the TSPCV-C greatly reduces bus delay at signalized intersection for all congestion levels and spacing cases considered. Although the TSPCV is not as efficient as TSPCV-C, it still demonstrates sizable improvement over CTSP. An analysis on the intersection spacing cases reveals that, as long as the intersections are not too closely spaced, TSPCV can produce a delay reduction up to 59%. Nevertheless, the mechanism of TSPCV-C is recommended for intersections that are spaced less than 0.5 mile away. Simulation based evaluation results show that the TSPCV-C logic reduces the bus delay between 55% and 75% compared to the conventional TSP. The range of improvement corresponding to the four different v/c ratios tested, which are 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.0, respectively. No statistically significant negative effects are observed except when the v/c ratio equals 1.0.  相似文献   

Information from connected vehicles, such as the position and speed of individual vehicles, can be used to optimize traffic operations at an intersection. This paper proposes such an algorithm for two one-way-streets assuming that only a certain percentage of cars are equipped with this technology. The algorithm enumerates different sequences of cars discharging from the intersection to minimize the objective function. Benefits of platooning (multiple cars consecutively discharging from a queue) and signal flexibility (adaptability to demand) are also considered. The goal is to gain insights about the value (in terms of delay savings) of using connected vehicle technology for intersection control.Simulations are conducted for different total demand values and demand ratios to understand the effects of changing the minimum green time at the signal and the penetration rate of connected cars. Using autonomous vehicle control systems, the signal could rapidly change the direction of priority without relying on the reaction of drivers. However, without this technology a minimum green time is necessary. The results of the simulations show that a minimum green time increases the delay only for the low and balanced demand scenarios. Therefore, the value of using cars with autonomous vehicle control can only be seen at intersections with this kind of demand patterns, and could result in up to 7% decrease in delay. On the other hand, using information from connected vehicles to better adapt the traffic signal has proven to be indeed very valuable. Increases in the penetration rate from 0% up to 60% can significantly reduce the average delay (in low demand scenarios a decrease in delay of up to 60% can be observed). That being said, after a penetration rate of 60%, while the delays continue to decrease, the rate of reduction decreases and the marginal value of information from communication technologies diminishes. Overall, it is observed that connected vehicle technology could significantly improve the operation of traffic at signalized intersections, at least under the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Intra‐city commuting is being revolutionized by call‐taxi services in many developing countries such as India. A customer requests a taxi via phone, and it arrives at the right time and at the right location for the pick‐up. This mode of intra‐city travel has become one of the most reliable and convenient modes of transportation for customers traveling for business and non‐business purposes. The increased number of vehicles on city roads and raising fuel costs has prompted a new type of transportation logistics problem of finding a fuel‐efficient and quickest path for a call‐taxi through a city road network, where the travel times are stochastic. The stochastic travel time of the road network is induced by obstacles such as the traffic signals and intersections. The delay and additional fuel consumption at each of these obstacles are calculated that are later imputed to the total travel time and fuel consumption of a path. A Monte‐Carlo simulation‐based approach is proposed to identify unique fuel‐efficient paths between two locations in a city road network where each obstacle has a delay distribution. A multi‐criteria score is then assigned to each unique path based on the probability that the path is fuel efficient, the average travel time of the path and the coefficient of variation of the travel times of the path. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data from connected probe vehicles can be critical in estimating road traffic conditions. Unfortunately, current available data is usually sparse due to the low reporting frequency and the low penetration rate of probe vehicles. To help fill the gaps in data, this paper presents an approach for estimating the maximum likelihood trajectory (MLT) of a probe vehicle in between two data updates on arterial roads. A public data feed from transit buses in the city of San Francisco is used as an example data source. Low frequency updates (at every 200 m or 90 s) leaves much to be inferred. We first estimate travel time statistics along the road and queue patterns at intersections from historical probe data. The path is divided into short segments, and an Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is proposed for allocating travel time statistics to each segment. Then the trajectory with the maximum likelihood is generated based on segment travel time statistics. The results are compared with high frequency ground truth data in multiple scenarios, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, in estimating both the trajectory while moving and the stop positions and durations at intersections.  相似文献   

The present paper describes how to use coordination between neighbouring intersections in order to improve the performance of urban traffic controllers. Both the local MPC (LMPC) introduced in the companion paper (Hao et al., 2018) and the coordinated MPC (CMPC) introduced in this paper use the urban cell transmission model (UCTM) (Hao et al., 2018) in order to predict the average delay of vehicles in the upstream links of each intersection, for different scenarios of switching times of the traffic lights at that intersection. The feedback controller selects the next switching times of the traffic light corresponding to the shortest predicted average delay. While the local MPC (Hao et al., 2018) only uses local measurements of traffic in the links connected to the intersection in comparing the performance of different scenarios, the CMPC approach improves the accuracy of the performance predictions by allowing a control agent to exchange information about planned switching times with control agents at all neighbouring intersections. Compared to local MPC the offline information on average flow rates from neighbouring intersections is replaced in coordinated MPC by additional online information on when the neighbouring intersections plan to send vehicles to the intersection under control. To achieve good coordination planned switching times should not change too often, hence a cost for changing planned schedules from one decision time to the next decision time is added to the cost function. In order to improve the stability properties of CMPC a prediction of the sum of squared queue sizes is used whenever some downstream queues of an intersection become too long. Only scenarios that decrease this sum of squares of local queues are considered for possible implementation. This stabilization criterion is shown experimentally to further improve the performance of our controller. In particular it leads to a significant reduction of the queues that build up at the edges of the traffic region under control. We compare via simulation the average delay of vehicles travelling on a simple 4 by 4 Manhattan grid, for traffic lights with pre-timed control, traffic lights using the local MPC controller (Hao et al., 2018), and coordinated MPC (with and without the stabilizing condition). These simulations show that the proposed CMPC achieves a significant reduction in delay for different traffic conditions in comparison to these other strategies.  相似文献   

The turning behavior is one of the most challenging driving maneuvers under non-protected phase at mixed-flow intersections. Currently, one-dimensional simulation models focus on car-following and gap-acceptance behaviors in pre-defined lanes with few lane-changing behaviors, and they cannot model the lateral and longitudinal behaviors simultaneously, which has limitation in representing the realistic turning behavior. This paper proposes a three-layered “plan-decision-action” (PDA) framework to obtain acceleration and angular velocity in the turning process. The plan layer firstly calculates the two-dimensional optimal path and dynamically adjusts the trajectories according to interacting objects. The decision layer then uses the decision tree method to select a suitable behavior in three alternatives: car-following, turning and yielding. Finally, in the action layer, a set of corresponding operational models specify the decided behavior into control parameters. The proposed model is tested by reproducing 210 trajectories of left-turn vehicles at a two-phase mixed-flow intersection in Shanghai. As a result, the simulation reproduces the variation of trajectories, while the coverage rate of the trajectories is 88.8%. Meanwhile, both the travel time and post-encroachment time of simulation and empirical turning vehicles are similar and do not show statistically significant difference.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the problem of determining the optimum cycle and phase lengths for isolated signalized intersections. Calculation of the optimal cycle and green phase lengths is based on the minimization of the average control delay experienced by all vehicles that arrive at the intersection within a given time period. We consider under-saturated as well as over-saturated conditions at isolated intersections. The defined traffic signal timing problem, that belongs to the class of combinatorial optimization problems, is solved using the Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) metaheuristic approach. The BCO is a biologically inspired method that explores collective intelligence applied by honey bees during the nectar collecting process. The numerical experiments performed on some examples show that the proposed approach is competitive with other methods. The obtained results show that the proposed approach is capable of generating high-quality solutions within negligible processing times.  相似文献   

This work examines the possibility of splitting an uncontrolled “X” intersection into two adjacent uncontrolled “T” intersections. This splitting aims to improve both the movement and safety of traffic. The problem addressed in this work is how to determine the optimal distance between the two adjacent T intersections. The best type of split, based on previous studies, is the one in which vehicles approach first the right turn and then the left turn in both directions of travel. The main conclusions drawn in this work refer to this preferred type. The optimal distance is arrived at on the basis of an objective function of minimal delay subject to blocking queues, passing (another vehicle) probabilities, budget limitations and safety threshold. The input data consist of 12 traffic volumes associated with all the traffic movements of an X intersection. The main findings are: (a) under a medium level of traffic volume, the blocking queue lengths are of the order of hundreds of meters and are very sensitive to the increase of volume toward and beyond saturation flow; (b) the passing probability function along the road segment between the two adjacent T intersections increases with the length of the segment and stabilizes at a length of a few hundred meters; (c) there is a relationship between accident frequency (accident rate and density) and the distance between the split intersections. An example of this relationship is introduced; and (d) the optimal distance between the two adjacent T intersections is found not only theoretically, but also practically for possible implementations.  相似文献   

A practical system is described for the real-time estimation of travel time across an arterial segment with multiple intersections. The system relies on matching vehicle signatures from wireless sensors. The sensors provide a noisy magnetic signature of a vehicle and the precise time when it crosses the sensors. A match (re-identification) of signatures at two locations gives the corresponding travel time of the vehicle. The travel times for all matched vehicles yield the travel time distribution. Matching results can be processed to provide other important arterial performance measures including capacity, volume/capacity ratio, queue lengths, and number of vehicles in the link. The matching algorithm is based on a statistical model of the signatures. The statistical model itself is estimated from the data, and does not require measurement of ‘ground truth’. The procedure does not require measurements of signal settings; in fact, signal settings can be inferred from the matched vehicle results. The procedure is tested on a 1.5 km (0.9 mile)-long segment of San Pablo Avenue in Albany, CA, under different traffic conditions. The segment is divided into three links: one link spans four intersections, and two links each span one intersection.  相似文献   

Lane-based road information plays a critical role in transportation systems, a lane-based intersection map is the most important component in a detailed road map of the transportation infrastructure. Researchers have developed various algorithms to detect the spatial layout of intersections based on sensor data such as high-definition images/videos, laser point cloud data, and GPS traces, which can recognize intersections and road segments; however, most approaches do not automatically generate Lane-based Intersection Maps (LIMs). The objective of our study is to generate LIMs automatically from crowdsourced big trace data using a multi-hierarchy feature extraction strategy. The LIM automatic generation method proposed in this paper consists of the initial recognition of road intersections, intersection layout detection, and lane-based intersection map-generation. The initial recognition process identifies intersection and non-intersection areas using spatial clustering algorithms based on the similarity of angle and distance. The intersection layout is composed of exit and entry points, obtained by combining trajectory integration algorithms and turn rules at road intersections. The LIM generation step is finally derived from the intersection layout detection results and lane-based road information, based on geometric matching algorithms. The effectiveness of our proposed LIM generation method is demonstrated using crowdsourced vehicle traces. Additional comparisons and analysis are also conducted to confirm recognition results. Experiments show that the proposed method saves time and facilitates LIM refinement from crowdsourced traces more efficiently than methods based on other types of sensor data.  相似文献   

Conceptually, a Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) system suggests speeds to vehicles, allowing them to pass through an intersection during the green interval. In previous papers, a single speed is computed for each vehicle in a range between acceptable minimum and maximum values (for example between standstill and the speed limit). This speed is assumed to be constant until the beginning of the green interval, and sent as advice to the vehicle. The goal is to optimise for a particular objective, whether it be minimisation of emissions (for environmental reasons), fuel usage or delay. This paper generalises the advice given to a vehicle, by optimising for delay over the entire trajectory instead of suggesting an individual speed, regardless of initial conditions – time until green, distance to intersection and initial speed. This may require multiple acceleration manoeuvres, so the advice is sent as a suggested acceleration at each time step. Such advice also takes into account a suitable safety constraint, ensuring that vehicles are always able to stop before the intersection during a red interval, thus safeguarding against last-minute signal control schedule changes. While the algorithms developed primarily minimise delay, they also help to reduce fuel usage and emissions by conserving kinetic energy. Since vehicles travel in platoons, the effectiveness of a GLOSA system is heavily reliant on correctly identifying the leading vehicle that is the first to be given trajectory advice for each cycle. Vehicles naturally form a platoon behind this leading vehicle. A time loop technique is proposed which allows accurate identification of the leader even when there are complex interactions between preceding vehicles. The developed algorithms are ideal for connected autonomous vehicle environments, because computer control allows vehicles’ trajectories to be managed with greater accuracy and ease. However, the advice algorithms can also be used in conjunction with manual control provided Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication is available.  相似文献   

In recent years, red light cameras (RLCs) have been installed at many signalized intersections. The main reason behind installing RLCs is to reduce intersection‐related accidents caused because of a driver's behavior to cross the intersection when the signal turns red. By nature, if the driver is aware of the presence of RLC his or her driving behavior is bound to change. This behavioral change, however, may be intentional or unintentional. This may influence the utilization of yellow intervals resulting in a possible increase in dilemma zone, which in turn, may reduce the service capacity of the intersection. To accurately capture this capacity reduction, we present a probabilistic approach to modify the saturation flow rate formula in the Highway Capacity Manual that is currently used to calculate the capacity of signalized intersections. We introduce a new factor in the saturation flow rate calculation called red light reduction factor, to account for the capacity reduction owing to RLCs. Using field data from Baltimore, Maryland, we establish a relationship for the red light reduction factor. We then show that capacity of RLC‐equipped intersections is generally lower than that without RLCs. Although the percentage reduction in capacity of a single intersection may not seem significant, the cumulative impact of such reduction in a heavily traveled road network may be quite significant, resulting in significant loss in travel time. In future works, the systemwide capacity reduction owing to the presence of RLCs can be studied in congested transportation networks. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the wake of traffic congestion at intersections, it is imperative to shorten delays in corridors with stochastic arrivals. Coordinated adaptive control can adjust green time flexibly to deal with a stochastic demand, while maintaining a minimum through-band for coordinated intersections. In this paper, a multi-stage stochastic program based on phase clearance reliability (PCR) is proposed to optimize base timing plans and green split adjustments of coordinated intersections under adaptive control. The objective is to minimize the expected intersection delay and overflow of the coordinated approach. The overflow or oversaturated effect is explicitly addressed in the delay calculation, which greatly increases the modeling complexity due to the interaction of overflow delays across cycles. The notion of PCR separates the otherwise related green time settings of consecutive cycles into a number of stages, in which the base timing plan and actual timing plan in different cycles are handled sequentially. We then develop a PCR based solution algorithm to solve the problem, and apply the model and the solution algorithm to actual intersections in Shanghai to investigate its performance as compared with Allsop’s method and Webster’s method. Preliminary results show the PCR-based method can significantly shorten delays and almost eliminates overflow for the coordinated approaches, with acceptable delay increases of the non-coordinated approaches. A comparison between the proposed coordinated adaptive logic and a coordinated actuated logic is also conducted in the case study to show the advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

The use of probe vehicles to provide estimates of link travel times has been suggested as a means of obtaining travel times within signalized networks for use in advanced traveler information systems. Previous research has shown that bias in arrival time distributions of probe vehicles will lead to a systematic bias in the sample estimate of the mean. This paper proposes a methodology for reducing the effect of this bias. The method, based on stratified sampling techniques, requires that vehicle count data be obtained from an in-road loop detector or other traffic surveillance method. The effectiveness of the methodology is illustrated using simulation results for a single intersection approach and for an arterial corridor. The results for the single intersection approach indicate a correlation (R2) between the biased estimate and the population mean of 0.61, and an improved correlation between the proposed estimation method and the population mean of 0.81. Application of the proposed method to the arterial corridor resulted in a reduction in the mean travel time error of approximately 50%, further indicating that the proposed estimation method provides improved accuracy over the typical method of computing the arithmetic mean of the probe reports.  相似文献   

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