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As air transport demand keeps growing more quickly than system capacity, efficient and effective management of system capacity becomes essential to the operation of the future global air traffic system. Although research in the past two decades has made significant progress in relevant research fields, e.g. air traffic flow management and airport capacity modelling, research loopholes in air traffic management still exist and links between different research areas are required to enhance the system performance of air traffic management. Hence, the objective of this paper is to review systematically current research in the literature about the issue of air traffic management to prioritize productive research areas. Papers about air traffic management are discussed and categorized into two levels: system and airport. The system level of air transport research includes two main topics: air traffic flow management and airspace research. On the airport level, research topics are: airport capacity, airport facility utilization, aircraft operations in the airport terminal manoeuvring area as well as aircraft ground operations research. Potential research interests to focus on in the future are the integration between airspace capacity and airport capacity, the establishment of airport information systems to use airport capacity better, and the improvement in flight schedule planning to improve the reliability of schedule implementation.  相似文献   

This paper presents analytical models that describe the safety of unstructured and layered en route airspace designs. Here, ‘unstructured airspace’ refers to airspace designs that offer operators complete freedom in path planning, whereas ‘layered airspace’ refers to airspace concepts that utilize heading-altitude rules to vertically separate cruising aircraft based on their travel directions. With a focus on the intrinsic safety provided by an airspace design, the models compute instantaneous conflict counts as a function of traffic demand and airspace design parameters, such as traffic separation requirements and the permitted heading range per flight level. While previous studies have focused primarily on conflicts between cruising aircraft, the models presented here also take into account conflicts involving climbing and descending traffic. Fast-time simulation experiments used to validate the modeling approach indicate that the models estimate instantaneous conflict counts with high accuracy for both airspace designs. The simulation results also show that climbing and descending traffic caused the majority of conflicts for layered airspaces with a narrow heading range per flight level, highlighting the importance of including all aircraft flight phases for a comprehensive safety analysis. Because such trends could be accurately predicted by the three-dimensional models derived here, these analytical models can be used as tools for airspace design applications as they provide a detailed understanding of the relationships between the parameters that influence the safety of unstructured and layered airspace designs.  相似文献   

A key limitation when accommodating the continuing air traffic growth is the fixed airspace structure including sector boundaries. The geometry of sectors has stayed relatively constant despite the fact that route structures and demand have changed dramatically over the past decade. Dynamic Airspace Sectorization is a concept where the airspace is redesigned dynamically to accommodate changing traffic demands. Various methods have been proposed to dynamically partition the airspace to accommodate the traffic growth while satisfying other sector constraints and efficiency metrics. However, these approaches suffer from several operational drawbacks, and their computational complexity increases fast as the airspace size and traffic volume increase. In this paper, we evaluate and identify the gaps in existing 3D sectorization methods, and propose an improved Agent Based Model (iABM) to address these gaps. We also propose three additional models using KD-Tree, Bisection and Voronoi Diagrams in 3D, to partition the airspace to satisfy the convexity constraint and reduce computational cost. We then augment these methods with a multi-objective optimization approach that uses four objectives: minimizing the variance of controller workload across the sectors, maximizing the average sector flight time, and minimizing the distance between sector boundaries and the traffic flow crossing points. Experimental results show that iABM has the best performance on workload balancing, but it is restrictive when it comes to the convexity constraint. Bisection- and Voronoi Diagram-based models perform worse than iABM on workload balancing but better on average sector flight time, and they can satisfy the convexity constraint. The KD-tree-based model has a lower computational cost, but with a poor performance on the given objectives.  相似文献   

The constant increase in air traffic demand increases a probability of the separation minima infringements in certain areas as a consequence of increased traffic density. The Annual Safety Report 2016 reports that in recent years the number of infringements, measured per million flight hours, had been increased at a lower rate (Eurocontrol, 2018). However, this level of infringements still generates a continuous pressure on the air traffic control (ATC) system and seeks for more control resources ready to tactically solve potential conflicts, while increasing at the same time the operational costs. Considering present air traffic management (ATM) trade-off criteria: increased airspace capacity and traffic efficiency but reducing the cost while preserving safety, new services must be designed to distribute the separation management ATC task loads among other actors. Based on the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research and Next Generation Air Transportation System initiatives, this paper proposes an innovative separation management service to shift the completely centralized tactical ATC interventions to more efficient decentralized tactical operations relying on an advanced surrounding traffic analysis tool, to preserve the safety indicators while considering the operational efficiency. A developed methodology for the proposed service is an application-oriented, trying to respond to characteristics and requirements of the current operational environment. The paper further analysis the traffic complexity taking into consideration the so-called domino effect, i.e. a number of the surrounding aircraft causally involved in the separation management service by the means of identification of the spatiotemporal interdependencies between them and the conflicting aircraft. This complexity is driven by the interdependencies structure and expressed as a time-criticality in quantifying the total number of the system solutions, that varies over time as the aircraft are approaching to each other. The results from two randomly selected ecosystem scenarios, extracted from a simulated traffic, illustrate different avoidance capacities for a given look-ahead time and the system solutions counts, that in discrete moments reach zero value.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic network‐based approach for short‐term air traffic flow prediction in en route airspace. A dynamic network characterizing both the topological structure of airspace and the dynamics of air traffic flow is developed, based on which the continuity equation in fluid mechanics is adopted to describe the continuous behaviour of the en route traffic. Building on the network‐based continuity equation, the space division concept in cell transmission model is introduced to discretize the proposed model both in space and time. The model parameters are sequentially updated based on the statistical properties of the recent radar data and the new predicting results. The proposed method is applied to a real data set from Shanghai Area Control Center for the short‐term air traffic flow prediction both at flight path and en route sector level. The analysis of the case study shows that the developed method can characterize well the dynamics of the en route traffic flow, thereby providing satisfactory prediction results with appropriate uncertainty limits. The mean relative prediction errors are less than 0.10 and 0.14, and the absolute errors fall in the range of 0 to 1 and 0 to 3 in more than 95% time intervals respectively, for the flight path and en route sector level. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper develops a heuristic algorithm for the allocation of airport runway capacity to minimise the cost of arrival and departure aircraft/flight delays. The algorithm is developed as a potential alternative to optimisation models based on linear and integer programming. The algorithm is based on heuristic (‘greedy’) criteria that closely reflect the ‘rules of thumb’ used by air traffic controllers. Using inputs such as arrival and departure demand, airport runway system capacity envelopes and cost of aircraft/flight delays, the main output minimises the cost of arrival and departure delays as well as the corresponding interdependent airport runway system arrival and departure capacity allocation. The algorithm is applied to traffic scenarios at three busy US airports. The results are used to validate the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithm against results from selected benchmarking optimisation models.  相似文献   

Multi-Airport Systems (MAS), or Metroplexes, serve air traffic demand in cities with two or more airports. Due to the spatial proximity and operational interdependency of the airports, Metroplex airspaces are characterized by high complexity, and current system structures fail to provide satisfactory utilization of the available airspace resources. In order to support system-level design and management towards increased operational efficiency in such systems, an accurate depiction of major demand patterns is a prerequisite. This paper proposes a framework for the robust identification of significant air traffic flow patterns in Metroplex systems, which is aligned with the dynamic route service policy for the effective management of Metroplex operations. We first characterize deterministic demand through a spatio-temporal clustering algorithm that takes into account changes in the traffic flows over the planning horizon. Then, in order to handle uncertainties in the demand, a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) approach is proposed, which takes into account demand variations and prediction errors in a robust way to ensure the reliability of the demand identification. The DRO-based approach is applied on pre-tactical (i.e. one-day planning) as well as operational levels (i.e. 2-h rolling horizon). The framework is applied to Time Based Flow Management (TBFM) data from the New York Metroplex. The framework and results are validated by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of short to mid-term aircraft trajectory prediction, that is, the estimation of where an aircraft will be located over a 10–30 min time horizon. Such a problem is central in decision support tools, especially in conflict detection and resolution algorithms. It also appears when an air traffic controller observes traffic on the radar screen and tries to identify convergent aircraft, which may be in conflict in the near future. An innovative approach for aircraft trajectory prediction is presented in this paper. This approach is based on local linear functional regression that considers data preprocessing, localizing and solving linear regression using wavelet decomposition. This algorithm takes into account only past radar tracks, and does not use any physical or aeronautical parameters. This approach has been successfully applied to aircraft trajectories between several airports on the data set that is one year air traffic over France. The method is intrinsic and independent from airspace structure.  相似文献   

The integration of drones into civil airspace is one of the most challenging problems for the automation of the controlled airspace, and the optimization of the drone route is a key step for this process. In this paper, we optimize the route planning of a drone mission that consists of departing from an airport, flying over a set of mission way points and coming back to the initial airport. We assume that during the mission a set of piloted aircraft flies in the same airspace and thus the cost of the drone route depends on the air traffic and on the avoidance maneuvers used to prevent possible conflicts. Two air traffic management techniques, i.e., routing and holding, are modeled in order to maintain a minimum separation between the drone and the piloted aircraft. The considered problem, called the Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Planning Problem in Controlled Airspace (TDTSPPCA), relates to the drone route planning phase and aims to minimize the total operational cost. Two heuristic algorithms are proposed for the solution of the problem. A mathematical formulation based on a particular version of the Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem, which allows holdings at mission way points, and a Branch and Cut algorithm are proposed for solving the TDTSPPCA to optimality. An additional formulation, based on a Travelling Salesman Problem variant that uses specific penalties to model the holding times, is proposed and a Cutting Plane algorithm is designed. Finally, computational experiments on real-world air traffic data from Milano Linate Terminal Maneuvering Area are reported to evaluate the performance of the proposed formulations and of the heuristic algorithms.  相似文献   

Aircraft operating over the oceans are not tracked by air traffic control radars. Separation between aircraft in oceanic airspace is maintained by assigning each a block of airspace within which it is expected to remain without benefit of realtime monitoring to detect and correct navigational errors. A collision could occur of one aircraft deviates from its assigned course sufficiently to violate the airspace of another. To keep the risk of collision acceptably low in the heavily travelled North Atlantic region, the frequency of large course deviations is controlled by imposing navigational performance requirements on airspace users, together with separation minima. This paper describes the process by which a minimum navigational performance specification was developed and implemented for this region.  相似文献   

Airspace Flow Programs (AFPs) assign ground delays to flights in order to limit flow through capacity constrained airspace regions. AFPs have been successful in controlling traffic with reasonable delays, but a new program called the Combined Trajectory Options Program, or CTOP, is being explored to further accommodate projected increases in traffic demand. In CTOP, centrally managed rerouting and user preference inputs are also incorporated into initial en route resource allocations. We investigate four alternative versions of resource allocation within CTOP in this research, under differing assumptions about the degree of random variability in airline flight assignment costs when measured against a simple model based upon the flight specific, but otherwise fixed, ratio of airborne flight time and ground delay unit cost. Two en route resource allocation schemes are based on ordered assignments that are similar to those used currently, and the other two are system-optimal assignment schemes. One of these system-optimal schemes is based on complete preference information, which is ideal but not realistic, and the other is based on partial information that may be feasible to implement but yields less efficient assignments. The main contribution of this research is a methodological framework to evaluate and compare these alternative en route resource allocation schemes, under varying assumptions about the information traffic managers have been provided about the flight operators’ route preferences. The framework allows us to evaluate these various schemes under differing assumptions about how well the traffic managers’ flight cost model captures flight costs. A numerical example demonstrates that a sequential resource allocation scheme – where flights are assigned resources in the order in which preference information is submitted – can be more efficient than a scheme that offers a cost minimizing allocation based on less complete preference information, and may at the same time be perceived as equitable. We also find that assigning resources in the order flights are scheduled results in less efficient allocations, but more equitable ones.  相似文献   

Two of the ways in which air travel affects climate are the emission of carbon dioxide and the creation of high-altitude contrails. One possible impact reduction strategy is to significantly reduce the formation of contrails. This could be achieved by limiting the cruise altitude of aircraft. If implemented, this could severely constrain air space capacity, especially in parts of Europe. In addition, carbon emissions would likely be higher due to less efficient aircraft operation at lower cruise altitudes. This paper describes an analysis of these trade-offs using an air space simulation model as applied to European airspace. The model simulates the flight paths and altitudes of each aircraft and is here used to calculate emissions of carbon dioxide and changes in the journey time. For a one-day Western European traffic sample, calculations suggest annual mean CO2 emissions would increase by only 4% if cruise altitudes were restricted to prevent contrail formation. The change in journey time depended on aircraft type and route, but average changes were less than 1 min. Our analysis demonstrates that altitude restrictions on commercial aircraft could be an effective means of reducing climate change impacts, though it will be necessary to mitigate the increased controller workload conflicts that this will generate.  相似文献   

For tools that generate more efficient flight routes or reroute advisories, it is important to ensure compatibility of automation and autonomy decisions with human objectives so as to ensure acceptability by the human operators. In this paper, the authors developed a proof of concept predictor of operational acceptability for route changes during a flight. Such a capability could have applications in automation tools that identify more efficient routes around airspace impacted by weather or congestion and that better meet airline preferences. The predictor is based on applying data mining techniques, including logistic regression, a decision tree, a support vector machine, a random forest and Adaptive Boost, to historical flight plan amendment data reported during operations and field experiments. Cross validation was used for model development, while nested cross validation was used to validate the models. The model found to have the best performance in predicting air traffic controller acceptance or rejection of a route change, using the available data from Fort Worth Air Traffic Control Center and its adjacent Centers, was the random forest, with an F-score of 0.77. This result indicates that the operational acceptance of reroute requests does indeed have some level of predictability, and that, with suitable data, models can be trained to predict the operational acceptability of reroute requests. Such models may ultimately be used to inform route selection by decision support tools, contributing to the development of increasingly autonomous systems that are capable of routing aircraft with less human input than is currently the case.  相似文献   

The aircraft turnaround processes is mainly controlled by the ground handling, airport or airline staff, except the aircraft boarding, which is driven by the passengers’ experience and willingness or ability to follow the proposed boarding procedures. The paper uses a prior developed, calibrated, stochastic aircraft boarding model, which is applied to different boarding strategies (chronological order of passenger arrival, hand luggage handling), group constellations and innovative infrastructural changes (Flying Carpet, Side-Slip Seat, Foldable Passenger Seat). In this context, passenger boarding is assumed to be a stochastic, agent-based, forward-directed, one-dimensional and discrete process. The stochastic model covers individual passenger behavior as well as operational constraints and deviations. A comprehensive assessment using one model allows for efficient comparison of current research approaches and innovative operational solutions for efficient passenger boarding.  相似文献   

The airport taxi planning (TP) module is a decision tool intended to guide airport surface management operations. TP is defined by a flow network optimization model that represents flight ground movements and improves aircraft taxiing routes and schedules during periods of aircraft congestion. TP is not intended to operate as a stand‐alone tool for airport operations management: on the contrary, it must be used in conjunction with existing departing and arriving traffic tools and overseen by the taxi planner of the airport, also known as the aircraft ground controller. TP must be flexible in order to accommodate changing inputs while maintaining consistent routes and schedules already delivered from past executions. Within this dynamic environment, the execution time of TP may not exceed a few minutes. Classic methods for solving binary multi‐commodity flow networks with side constraints are not efficient enough; therefore, a Lagrangian decomposition methodology has been adapted to solve it. We demonstrate TP Lagrangian decomposition using actual data from the Madrid‐Barajas Airport. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adverse weather conditions are hazardous to flight and contribute to re-routes and delays. This has a negative impact on the National Airspace System (NAS) due to reduced capacity and increased cost. In today’s air traffic control (ATC) system there is no automated weather information for air traffic management decision-support systems. There are also no automatic weather decision-support tools at the air traffic controller workstation. As a result, air traffic operators must integrate weather information and traffic information manually while making decisions. The vision in the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) includes new automation concepts with an integration of weather information and decision-making tools. Weather-sensitive traffic flow algorithms could automatically handle re-routes around weather affected areas; this would optimize the capacity during adverse conditions. In this paper, we outline a weather probe concept called automatic identification of risky weather objects in line of flight (AIRWOLF). The AIRWOLF operates in two steps: (a) derivation of polygons and weather objects from grid-based weather data and (b) subsequent identification of risky weather objects that conflict with an aircraft’s line of flight. We discuss how the AIRWOLF concept could increase capacity and safety while reducing pilot and air traffic operator workload. This could translate to reduced weather-related delays and reduced operating costs in the future NAS.  相似文献   

This study addresses the impacts of automated cars on traffic flow at signalized intersections. We develop and subsequently employ a deterministic simulation model of the kinematics of automated cars at a signalized intersection approach, when proceeding forward from a stationary queue at the beginning of a signal phase. In the discrete-time simulation, each vehicle pursues an operational strategy that is consistent with the ‘Assured Clear Distance Ahead’ criterion: each vehicle limits its speed and spacing from the vehicle ahead of it by its objective of not striking it, regardless of whether or not the future behavior of the vehicle ahead is cooperative. The simulation incorporates a set of assumptions regarding the values of operational parameters that will govern automated cars’ kinematics in the immediate future, which are sourced from the relevant literature.We report several findings of note. First, under a set of assumed ‘central’ (i.e. most plausible) parameter values, the time requirement to process a standing queue of ten vehicles is decreased by 25% relative to human driven vehicles. Second, it was found that the standard queue discharge model for human–driven cars does not directly transfer to queue discharge of automated vehicles. Third, a wet roadway surface may result in an increase in capacity at signalized intersections. Fourth, a specific form of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications that allows all automated vehicles in the stationary queue to begin moving simultaneously at the beginning of a signal phase provides relatively minor increases in capacity in this analysis. Fifth, in recognition of uncertainty regarding the value of each operational parameter, we identify (via scenario analysis, calculation of arc elasticities, and Monte-Carlo methods) the relative sensitivity of overall traffic flow efficiency to the value of each operational parameter.This study comprises an incremental step towards the broader objective of adapting standard techniques for analyzing traffic operations to account for the capabilities of automated vehicles.  相似文献   

The Air Holding Problem Module is proposed as a decision support system to help air traffic controllers in their daily air traffic flow management. This system is developed using an Artificial Intelligence technique known as multiagent systems to organize and optimize the solutions for controllers to handle traffic flow in Brazilian airspace. In this research, the air holding problem is modeled with reinforcement learning, and a solution is proposed and applied in two case studies of the Brazilian airspace. The system can suggest more precise and realistic actions based upon past situations and knowledge of the professionals and forecast the impact of restrictive measures at the local and/or overall level. The first case study shows performance improvements in traffic flows between 8 and 47% at the local level up to 49% at the overall level. In the second case study, performance improvements were between 15 and 57% at the local level and between 41 and 48% at the overall level. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In modern cities, a rapid increase of motorcycles and other types of Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs) is observed as an answer to long commuting in traffic jams and complex urban navigation. Such increasing penetration rate of PTWs creates mixed traffic flow conditions with unique characteristics that are not well understood at present. Our objective is to develop an analytical traffic flow model that reflects the mutual impacts of PTWs and Cars. Unlike cars, PTWs filter between cars, have unique dynamics, and do not respect lane discipline, therefore requiring a different modeling approach than traditional “Passenger Car Equivalent” or “Follow the Leader”. Instead, this work follows an approach that models the flow of PTWs similarly to a fluid in a porous medium, where PTWs “percolate” between cars depending on the gap between them.Our contributions are as follows: (I) a characterization of the distribution of the spacing between vehicles by the densities of PTWs and cars; (II) a definition of the equilibrium speed of each class as a function of the densities of PTWs and cars; (III) a mathematical analysis of the model’s properties (IV) an impact analysis of the gradual penetration of PTWs on cars and on heterogeneous traffic flow characteristics.The proposed model could contribute as an enabler for ‘PTW-aware’ future Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems technologies and traffic regulations.  相似文献   

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