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Congestion in Terminal Maneuvering Area (TMA) in hub airports is the main problem in Chinese air transportation. In this paper we propose a new system to integrated sequence and merge aircraft to parallel runways at Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA). This system is based on the advanced avionics capabilities. Our methodology integrates a Multi-Level Point Merge (ML-PM) system, an economical descent approaches procedure, and a tailored heuristic algorithm to find a good, systematic, operationally-acceptable solution. First, Receding Horizontal Control (RHC) technique is applied to divide the entire 24 h of traffic into several sub-problems. Then in each sub-problem, it is optimized on given objectives (conflict, deviation from Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) on the runway and makespan of the arrival flow). Four decision variables are designed to control the trajectory: the entry time, the entry speed, the turning time on the sequencing leg, and the landing runway allocation. Based on these variables, the real time trajectories are generated by the simulation module. Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm is used to search the best solution for aircraft to execute. Finally, the conflict-free, least-delay, and user-preferred trajectories from the entry point of TMA to the landing runway are defined. Numerical results show that our optimization system has very stable de-conflict performance to handle continuously dense arrivals in transition airspace. It can also provide the decision support to assist flow controllers to handle the asymmetric arrival flows on different runways with less fuel consumption, and to assist tactical controllers to easily re-sequence aircraft with more relaxed position shifting. Moreover, our system can provide the fuel consumption prediction, and runway assignment information to assist airport and airlines managers for optimal decision making. Theoretically, it realizes an automated, cooperative and green control of routine arrival flows. Although the methodology defined here is applied to the airport BCIA, it could also be applied to other airports in the world.  相似文献   

This paper develops analytical models for calculating the ultimate arrival, departure, and mixed operation capacity of closely-spaced parallel runways. Each capacity is defined as the maximum number of corresponding aircraft operations accommodated during a given period of time (usually one or a quarter of an hour) under constant (i.e. sustained) demand for service. As combined, they enable the capacity coverage curve to be synthesized. In particular, the capacity model for arrivals assumes the use of two rather innovative approach procedures – the Staggered Approach Procedure (SGAP) and the Steeper Approach Procedure (SEAP) in combination with the baseline Conventional Approach Procedure (CNAP) under Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) and Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR).The model for arrival capacity that aims to estimate potential of these procedures uses main inputs such as: the geometry of given parallel runways and innovative SGAP and SEAP, and baseline CNAP; the Air Traffic Control (ATC) minimum separation rules; aircraft fleet mix characterized by the wake-vortex categories; capability of using different ILS Glide (GS) angles; final approach speeds; and the arrival runway occupancy time. In addition, the model for departure capacity uses inputs that embrace: the ATC separation rules between successive departures; aircraft fleet mix; and corresponding runway occupancy times. Finally, the model for mixed operation capacity uses inputs such as: the ATC arrival–departure separation rules; corresponding runway occupancy times; aircraft fleet mix for each type of operations; and proportion of the arrival and departure demand.The models are applied to calculating the ultimate capacity of closely-spaced parallel runways at two large airports, one in Europe and other in the US, assuming safe use of innovative SGAP and SEAP in combination with CNAP under IMC. The output from the models consists of the corresponding capacities and their variations depending on particular inputs.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first local search heuristic for the coupled runway sequencing (arrival & departure) and taxiway routing problems, based on the receding horizon (RH) scheme that takes into account the dynamic nature of the problem. As test case, we use Manchester Airport, the third busiest airport in the UK. From the ground movement perspective, the airport layout requires that departing aircraft taxi across the arrivals runway. This makes it impossible to separate arrival from departure sequencing in practice. Operationally, interactions between aircraft on the taxiways could prevent aircraft from taking off from, or landing on, runways during the slots assigned to them by an algorithm optimizing runway use alone. We thus consider the interactions between arrival and departure aircraft on the airport surface. Compared to sequentially optimized solutions, the results obtained with our approach indicate a significant decrease in the taxiway routing delay, with generally no loss in performance in terms of the sequencing delay for a regular day of operations. Another benefit of such a simultaneous optimization approach is the possibility of holding aircraft at the stands for longer, without the engines running. This significantly reduces the fuel burn, as well as bottlenecks and traffic congestion during peak hours that are often the cause of flight delays due to the limited amount of airport surface space available. Given that the maximum computing time per horizon is around 95 s, real-time operation might be practical with increased computing power.  相似文献   


This paper develops a heuristic algorithm for the allocation of airport runway capacity to minimise the cost of arrival and departure aircraft/flight delays. The algorithm is developed as a potential alternative to optimisation models based on linear and integer programming. The algorithm is based on heuristic (‘greedy’) criteria that closely reflect the ‘rules of thumb’ used by air traffic controllers. Using inputs such as arrival and departure demand, airport runway system capacity envelopes and cost of aircraft/flight delays, the main output minimises the cost of arrival and departure delays as well as the corresponding interdependent airport runway system arrival and departure capacity allocation. The algorithm is applied to traffic scenarios at three busy US airports. The results are used to validate the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithm against results from selected benchmarking optimisation models.  相似文献   

Trajectory optimisation has shown good potential to reduce environmental impact in aviation. However, a recurring problem is the loss in airspace capacity that fuel optimal procedures pose, usually overcome with speed, altitude or heading advisories that lead to more costly trajectories. This paper aims at the quantification in terms of fuel and time consumption of implementing suboptimal trajectories in a 4D trajectory context that use required times of arrival at specific navigation fixes. A case study is presented by simulating conflicting Airbus A320 departures from two major airports in Catalonia. It is shown how requiring an aircraft to arrive at a waypoint early or late leads to increased fuel burn. In addition, the efficiency of such methods to resolve air traffic conflicts is studied in terms of both fuel burn and resulting aircraft separations. Finally, various scenarios are studied reflecting various airline preferences with regards to cost and fuel burn, as well as different route and conflict geometries for a broader scope of study.  相似文献   

The full benefits of Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) are realised when CCO are performed without interruption. However, CCO require safe departures that necessarily implies a reduction in capacity at high density traffic airports. This paper quantifies the capacity impact due to the integration of CCO (conflict-free with other departures and arrivals) in a high density traffic airport. The methodology develops a scheduling algorithm, a conflict-detection and resolution algorithm, and Monte Carlo simulations. The scheduling algorithm calculates two schedules, one for departures and another for arrivals, considering the CCO Rate. The conflict-detection and resolution algorithm compares CCO and arrival trajectories to detect which aircraft pairs are in conflict. The Air Traffic Control (ATC) intervention required to solve the conflict is modelled by delaying the CCO take-off. Numerical simulations based on Monte Carlo techniques are used to analyse scheduling combinations that are statistically significant in terms of conflict, ATC interventions, total delay and capacity. The results show a 32% reduction in the maximum theoretical capacity with a CCO Rate of 100%. Despite the reduction, the number of CCO departures is above the maximum operational capacity (50% of the maximum theoretical capacity). This implies that with optimised scheduling it is possible for all departures to be CCO.  相似文献   

Current technological advances in communications and navigation have improved air traffic management (ATM) with new decision support tools to balance airspace capacity with user demands. Despite agreements achieved in flying reference business trajectories (RBTs) among different stakeholders, tight spatio-temporal connectivity between trajectories in dense sectors can cause perturbations that might introduce time or space deviations into the original RBTs, thus potentially affecting other 4D trajectories. In this paper, several challenging results are presented by properly tuning the Calculated Take-Off Times (CTOTs) as a tool for mitigating the propagation of perturbations between trajectories that can readily appear in dense sectors. Based on the identification of “collective microregions”, a tool for predicting potential spatio-temporal concurrence events between trajectories over the European airspace was developed, together with a CTOT algorithm to sequence the departures that preserve the scheduled slots while relaxing tight trajectory interactions. The algorithm was tested by considering a realistic scenario (designed and analyzed in the STREAM project (Stream, 2013)) to evaluate relevant ATM KPIs that provide aggregated information about the sensitivity of the system to trajectory interactions, taking into account the system dynamics at a network level. The proposed approach contributes to enhancing the ATM capacity of airports to mitigate network perturbations.  相似文献   

The flight schedule of an airline is the primary factor in finding the most effective and efficient deployment of the airline's resources. The flight schedule process aims at finding a set of routes with associated aircraft type, frequency of service and times of departures and arrivals in order to satisfy a specific objective such as profit maximization. In this paper, we develop a two‐phase heuristic model for airline frequency planning and aircraft routing for small size airlines. The first phase develops a frequency plan using an economic equilibrium model between passenger demand for flying a particular route and aircraft operating characteristics. The second phase uses a time‐of‐day model to develop an assignment algorithm for aircraft routing.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model which studies probability distributions of queue lengths at fixed time traffic signals. It extends Haight's model for Poisson arrivals that the arrival distribution during the effective red period is general and the headway between two successive departures is not less than the minimum departure headway. Moreover, the probability generating function of the queue length, at the end of the effective red period, is derived. The probabilities of the queue lengths, at the ends of the effective green, actual red and amber periods, are also obtained. Comparison is made with Haight's model. Finally a case study for the proposed model is reported.  相似文献   

To mitigate airport congestion caused by increasing air traffic demand, the trajectory‐based surface operations concept has been proposed to improve surface movement efficiency while maintaining safety. It utilizes decision support tools to provide optimized time‐based trajectories for each aircraft and uses automation systems to guide surface movements and monitor their conformance with assigned trajectories. Whether the time‐based trajectories can be effectively followed so that the expected benefits can be guaranteed depends firstly on whether these trajectories are realistic. So, this paper first deals with the modeling biases of the network model typically used for taxi trajectory planning via refined taxiway modeling. Then it presents a zone control‐based dynamic routing and timing algorithm upon the refined taxiway model to find the shortest time taxi route and timings for an aircraft. Finally, the presented algorithm is integrated with a sequential planning framework to continuously decide taxi routes and timings. Experimental results demonstrate that the solution time for an aircraft can be steadily around a few milliseconds with timely cleaning of expired time windows, showing potential for real‐time decision support applications. The results also show the advantages of the proposed methodology over existing approaches. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a solution methodology based on the stochastic branch and bound algorithm to find optimal, or close to optimal, solutions to the stochastic airport runway scheduling problem. The objective of the scheduling problem is to find a sequence of aircraft operations on one or several runways that minimizes the total makespan, given uncertain aircraft availability at the runway. Enhancements to the general stochastic branch and bound algorithm are proposed and we give the specific details pertaining to runway scheduling. We show how the algorithm can be terminated early with solutions that are close to optimal, and investigate the impact of the uncertainty level. The computational experiment indicates that the sequences obtained using the stochastic branch and bound algorithm have, on average, 5–7% shorter makespans than sequences obtained using deterministic sequencing models. In addition, the proposed algorithm is able to solve instances with 14 aircraft using less than 1 min of computation time.  相似文献   

The runway orientation must satisfy the operational requirements of aircraft for landing and takeoff. Actually, the runway orientation is the result of compromises between the airport usability (wind coverage) and additional factors, such as available land, existing obstructions, topographic difficulties, flight path interference among runways and airports, noise pollution, and other environmental impacts. Therefore, the solution of a combination of acceptable runway orientations, which avoids excessive crosswinds at least 95% of the time, as well as the optimal orientation solution, is essential to conduct those compromises in the runway orientation analysis. The objective of this paper is to develop a computer model, named the optimization of multiple runway orientations model, which is capable of simultaneously providing a combination of acceptable runway orientations, changing the allowable crosswind limit flexibly, and determining the optimal orientations of multiple runway configurations. Instead of visual estimation or geometric computation, this paper presents an analytical method for wind coverage analysis. The model is mainly running in spreadsheet and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). The numerical example and comparison show that the optimization of multiple runway orientations model is competitively accurate and convenient in comparison with previous ones. This paper presents an up‐to‐date model for the optimization of multiple runway orientations. By combining it with the geographic information system obstructions model, it can become an essential element of a future model for airport development cost minimization that combines airfield land use, earthwork volume, and cost estimation modules. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A numerical method has been developed for estimating delays on congested waterways. Analytic and numerical results are presented for series of G/G/1 queues, i.e. with generally distributed arrivals and service times and single chambers at each lock. One or two-way traffic operations are modelled. A metamodelling approach which develops simple formulas to approximate the results of simulation models is presented. The structure of the metamodels is developed from queueing theory while their coefficients are statistically estimated from simulation results. The numerical method consists of three modules: (1) delays, (2) arrivals and (3) departures. The first estimates the average waiting time for each lock when the arrival and service time distributions at this lock are known. The second identifies the relations between the arrival distributions at one lock and the departure distributions from the upstream and downstream locks. The third estimates the mean and variance of inter-departure times when the inter-arrival and service time distributions are known. The method can be applied to systems with two-way traffic through common bi-directional servers as well as to one-way traffic systems. Algorithms for both cases are presented. This numerical method is shown to produce results that are close to the simulation results. The metamodels developed for estimating delays and variances of inter-departure times may be applied to waterways and other series of G/G/1 queues. These metamodels for G/G/1 queues may provide key components of algorithms for analyzing networks of queues.  相似文献   

The insufficiency of infrastructure capacity in an air transport system is usually blamed for poor punctuality performance when implementing flight schedules. However, investigations have revealed that ground operations of airlines have become the second major cause of flight delay at airports. A stochastic approach is used in this paper to model the operation of aircraft turnaround and the departure punctuality of a turnaround aircraft at an airport. The aircraft turnaround model is then used to investigate the punctuality problem of turnaround aircraft. Model results reveal that the departure punctuality of a turnaround aircraft is influenced by the length of scheduled turnaround time, the arrival punctuality of inbound aircraft as well as the operational efficiency of aircraft ground services. The aircraft turnaround model proposed is then employed to evaluate the endogenous schedule punctuality of two turnaround aircraft. Model results, when compared with observation data, show that the operational efficiency of aircraft ground services varies among turnarounds. Hence, it is recommended that the improvement of departure punctuality of turnaround aircraft may be achieved from two approaches: airline scheduling control and the management of operational efficiency of aircraft ground services.  相似文献   

A novel approach is presented in which signalized intersections are treated as normal highway bottlenecks for improved computational efficiency. It is unique in two ways. First, it treats the signalized intersections as common freeway bottlenecks by a reversed cause and effect modeling approach. Both traffic arrivals and departures are modeled by smooth continuous functions of time as if there were no interruptions to traffic flows from signals. The use of smooth continuous functions for departure curves instead of commonly used step functions makes it easy to apply differential calculus in optimization and future extension to a system of intersections. Second, a dynamic linear programming (LP) model is then developed to maximize the total vehicular output from the intersection during the entire period of congestion subject to prevailing capacity and other operational constraints. The continuous optimal departure flow rate (the effect) is then converted to signal timing parameters (the cause) that can be readily implemented. Two numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the properties of the proposed algorithm and examine its performance.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an empirically driven, non-parametric method to isolate and estimate the effects that changes in demand and changes in throughput have on delay – in particular, arrival and departure flight delay at airport runways. Classic queuing concepts were used to develop a method by which an intermediate, or counterfactual, queuing scenario could be constructed, to isolate the delay effects due to shifts in demand and throughput. This method includes the development of a stochastic throughput function that is based entirely on data and has three key features. Firstly, the function relies on non-parametric, empirically-based probability distributions of throughput counts. Secondly, facility capacity needs not be explicitly defined, as it is implicitly included in the probability distributions of throughput. Thirdly, the throughput performance function preserves the effect of factors that cause capacity (and, therefore, throughput) to fluctuate over a given period. Temporal sequences of high, moderate, and low capacity are maintained between the observed and counterfactual scenarios. The method was applied to a case study of the three major New York area airports of LaGuardia (LGA), Newark Liberty (EWR), and John F. Kennedy (JFK), using operational data extracted from the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) Aviation System Performance Metrics (ASPM) database. The focus was on the peak summer travel seasons of 2006 and 2007, as these airports experienced record levels of delay in 2007. The results indicate that decreases in both demand and throughput were experienced at LGA and EWR, although the decreases in throughput had more significant effects on operational delays as they increased overall at these airports. At JFK, the increase in departure throughput was not sufficient to offset the increase in departure demands. For arrivals, demand increased and throughput decreased. These trends caused a significant growth in delay at JFK between 2006 and 2007.  相似文献   

The aviation community is actively investigating initiatives to reduce aircraft fuel consumption from surface operations, as surface management strategies may face fewer implementation barriers compared with en route strategies. One fuel-saving initiative for the air transportation system is the possibility of holding aircraft at the gate, or the spot, until the point at which they can taxi unimpeded to the departure runway. The extent to which gate holding strategies have financial and environmental benefits hinges on the quantity of fuel that is consumed during surface operations. A pilot of an aircraft may execute the taxi procedure on a single engine or utilize different engine thrust rates during taxi because of a delay. In the following study, we use airline fuel consumption data to estimate aircraft taxi fuel consumption rates during the “unimpeded” and “delayed” portions of taxi time. We find that the fuel consumption attributed to a minute of taxi-out delay is less than that attributed to minute of unimpeded taxi time; for some aircraft types, the fuel consumption rate for a minute of taxi delay is half of that for unimpeded taxi. It is therefore not appropriate, even for rough calculations, to apply nominal taxi fuel consumption rates to convert delayed taxi-out time into fuel burn. On average we find that eliminating taxi delay would reduce overall flight fuel consumption by about 1%. When we consider the savings on an airport-by-airport basis, we find that for some airports the potential reduction from reducing taxi delay is as much as 2%.  相似文献   

The lack of a proper integration of strategic Air Traffic Management decision support tools with tactical Air Traffic Control interventions usually generates a negative impact on the Reference Business Trajectory adherence, and in consequence affects the potential of the Trajectory-Based Operations framework. In this paper, a new mechanism relaying on Reference Business Trajectories as a source of data to reduce the amount of Air Traffic Controller interventions at the tactical level while preserving Air Traffic Flow Management planned operations is presented. Artificial Intelligence can enable Constraint Programming as it is a powerful paradigm for solving complex, combinatorial search problems. The proposed methodology takes advantage of Constraint Programming and fosters adherence of Airspace User’s trajectory preferences by identifying tight interdependencies between trajectories and introducing a new mechanism to improve the aircraft separation at concurrence events considering time uncertainty. The underlying philosophy is to capitalize present degrees of freedom between layered Air Traffic Management planning tools, when sequencing departures at the airports by considering the benefits of small time stamp changes in the assigned Calculated Take-Off Time departures and to enhance Trajectory-Based Operations concepts.  相似文献   

There has been rapid growth in interest in real-time transport strategies over the last decade, ranging from automated highway systems and responsive traffic signal control to incident management and driver information systems. The complexity of these strategies, in terms of the spatial and temporal interactions within the transport system, has led to a parallel growth in the application of traffic microsimulation models for the evaluation and design of such measures, as a remedy to the limitations faced by conventional static, macroscopic approaches. However, while this naturally addresses the immediate impacts of the measure, a difficulty that remains is the question of how the secondary impacts, specifically the effect on route and departure time choice of subsequent trips, may be handled in a consistent manner within a microsimulation framework.The paper describes a modelling approach to road network traffic, in which the emphasis is on the integrated microsimulation of individual trip-makers’ decisions and individual vehicle movements across the network. To achieve this it represents directly individual drivers’ choices and experiences as they evolve from day-to-day, combined with a detailed within-day traffic simulation model of the space–time trajectories of individual vehicles according to car-following and lane-changing rules and intersection regulations. It therefore models both day-to-day and within-day variability in both demand and supply conditions, and so, we believe, is particularly suited for the realistic modelling of real-time strategies such as those listed above. The full model specification is given, along with details of its algorithmic implementation. A number of representative numerical applications are presented, including: sensitivity studies of the impact of day-to-day variability; an application to the evaluation of alternative signal control policies; and the evaluation of the introduction of bus-only lanes in a sub-network of Leeds. Our experience demonstrates that this modelling framework is computationally feasible as a method for providing a fully internally consistent, microscopic, dynamic assignment, incorporating both within- and between-day demand and supply dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the results of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the day-to-day dynamics of commuter behavior in congested traffic systems. The interactive experiments involve actual work commuters in a simulated traffic system, whereby commuters noncooperatively supply their decisions to a traffic simulation model that determines the resulting arrival times and associated trip times; these in turn form the basis of the commuters' decisions on the next day. Models are developed to predict the daily switching of departure time and/or route by individual commuters in response to experienced congestion in the system or to exogenously supplied information. These models are incorporated in a dynamic modelling framework for the analysis of the impacts of planned traffic disruptions, such as those associated with major highway repair and reconstruction activities.  相似文献   

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