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Transport systems in real cities are complex with many modes of transport sharing and competing for limited road space. This work intends to understand how space distributions for modes and interactions among modes affect network traffic performance. While the connection between performance of transport systems and general land allocation is the subject of extensive research, space allocation for interacting modes of transport is an open research question. Quantifying the impact of road space distribution on the performance of a congested multimodal transport system with a dynamic aggregated model remains a challenge. In this paper, a multimodal macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) is developed to represent the traffic dynamics of a multimodal transport system. Optimization is performed with the objective of minimizing the total passenger hours traveled (PHT) to serve the total demand by redistributing road space among modes. Pricing strategies are also investigated to provide a higher demand shift to more efficient modes. We find by an application to a bi-modal two-region city that (i) the proposed model captures the operational characteristics of each mode, and (ii) optimal dynamic space distribution strategies can be developed. In practice, the approach can serve as a physical dynamic model to inform space distribution strategies for policy makers with different goals of mobility.  相似文献   

Despite widespread growth in on-road public transport priority schemes, road management authorities have few tools to evaluate the impacts of these schemes on all road users. This paper describes a methodology developed in Melbourne, Australia to assist the road management authority, VicRoads, evaluate trade-offs in the use of its limited road-space for new bus and tram priority projects. The approach employs traffic micro-simulation modelling to assess road-space re-allocation impacts, travel behaviour modelling to assess changes in travel patterns and a social cost benefit framework to evaluate impacts. The evaluation considers a comprehensive range of impacts including the environmental benefits of improved public transport services. Impacts on public transport reliability improvements are also considered. Although improved bus and tram reliability is a major rationale for traffic priority its use in previous evaluations is rare. The paper critiques previous approaches, describes the proposed method and explores some of the results found in its application. A major finding is that despite a more comprehensive approach to measuring the benefits of bus and tram priority, road-space reallocation is difficult to economically justify in road networks where public transport usage is low and car usage high. Strategies involving the balanced deployment of bus and tram priority measures where the allocation of time and space to PT minimises negative traffic impacts is shown to improve the overall management of road-space. A discussion of the approach is also provided including suggestions for further methodology development.
Bill YoungEmail:

This paper investigates the intermodal equilibrium, road toll pricing, and bus system design issues in a congested highway corridor with two alternative modes - auto and bus - which share the same roadway along this corridor. On the basis of an in-depth analysis of the demand and supply sides of the bimodal transportation system, the mode choice equilibrium of travelers along the continuum corridor is first presented and formulated as an equivalent variational inequality problem. The solution properties of the bimodal continuum equilibrium formulation are analytically explored. Two models, which account for different infrastructure/system regulatory regimes (public and private), are then proposed. In the public regulatory model, the road toll location and charge level are simultaneously optimized together with the bus service fare and frequency. In the private regulatory model, the fare and frequency of bus services, which are operated by a profit-driven private operator, are optimized for exogenously given toll pricing schemes. Finally, an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed models. Sensitivity analysis of residential/household distribution along the corridor is carried out together with a comparison of four different toll pricing schemes (no toll, first best, distance based, and location based). Insightful findings are reported on the interrelationships among modal competition, market regulatory regimes, toll pricing schemes, and urban configurations as well as their implications in practice.  相似文献   

The Downs–Thomson paradox (D–T paradox) occurs when expansion of a congested and untolled highway undermines scale economies of a competing transit service, leaving users of both modes worse off. The standard analysis of the D–T paradox is based on several stringent assumptions: fixed total travel demand, perfect substitutability between automobile and transit trips, and no transit crowding. This paper re-examines the paradox when these assumptions are relaxed while retaining the usual assumption that there is no congestion interaction between the modes. It also broadens consideration to alternative transit administration regimes. In the standard treatment the transit operator is obliged to cover its costs. In this paper we also study two other regimes: transit profit maximization, and system-wide welfare maximization with no financing constraint. We examine how the transit system operator responds to highway capacity expansion in each regime, and how this affects welfare for drivers and transit users. We show that in all regimes the full price of transit declines only if the full price of driving falls as well. Thus, drivers are more likely to benefit from highway expansion than transit riders. The D–T paradox cannot occur in the profit maximization or unconstrained welfare maximization regimes. In the traditional self-financing regime transit service deteriorates, but the D–T paradox is not inevitable. Numerical analysis suggests that it can occur only when automobile and transit trips are nearly perfect substitutes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a person-capacity-based optimization method for the integrated design of lane markings, exclusive bus lanes, and passive bus priority signal settings for isolated intersections is developed. Two traffic modes, passenger cars and buses, have been considered in a unified framework. Person capacity maximization has been used as an objective for the integrated optimization method. This problem has been formulated as a Binary Mixed Integer Linear Program (BMILP) that can be solved by a standard branch-and-bound routine. Variables including, allocation of lanes for different passenger car movements (e.g., left turn lanes or right turn lanes), exclusive bus lanes, and passive bus priority signal timings can be optimized simultaneously by the proposed model. A set of constraints have been set up to ensure feasibility and safety of the resulting optimal lane markings and signal settings. Numerical examples and simulation results have been provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed person-capacity-based optimization method. The results of extensive sensitivity analyses of the bus ratio, bus occupancy, and maximum degree of saturation of exclusive bus lanes have been presented to show the performance and applicable domain of the proposed model under different composition of inputs.  相似文献   

Bus rapid transit (BRT) is a popular strategy to increase transit attraction because of its high‐capacity, comfortable service, and fast travel speed with the exclusive right‐of‐way. Various engineering designs of right‐of‐way and the violation enforcement influence interactions between BRT and general traffic flows. An empirical assessment framework is proposed to investigate traffic congestion and lane‐changing patterns at one typical bottleneck along a BRT corridor. The BRT bottleneck consists of bus lane, BRT station, video enforcement zone, and transit signal priority intersection. We analyze oblique cumulative vehicle counts and oblique cumulative lane‐changing maneuvers extracted from videos. The cumulative vehicle counts method widely applied in revealing queueing dynamics at freeway bottlenecks is extended to an urban BRT corridor. In the study site, we assume four lane‐changing patterns, three of which are verified by the empirical measurements. Investigations of interactions between buses and general traffic show that abnormal behaviors (such as lane violations and slow moving of the general traffic) induce 16% reduction in the saturation rate of general traffic and 17% increase in bus travel time. Further observations show that the BRT station and its induced increasing lane‐changing maneuvers increase the downstream queue discharge flows of general traffic. The empirical results also contribute to more efficient strategies of BRT planning and operations, such as alternative enforcement methods, various lane separation types, and optimized traffic operations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study calculates the natural resource use of road transport for different road categories and for different vehicle types. Material inputs per service are determined as the life cycle wide consumption of materials by the road and vehicles, and set against person-kilometres and ton-kilometres transported. If the material input of the infrastructure is allocated to the users according to traffic volume, the material input per service values for abiotic resources and for water are much higher for cars than for bus traffic. The material inputs per service unit for air is significantly lower for buses than for cars. For bicycles, abiotic natural resource consumption is between that for cars and buses, while water consumption is in most instances the highest and air consumption the lowest for the modes studied. The material input per service values for the full trailer are significantly lower than for other goods vehicles. The material inputs per service value for air is significantly higher in the case of vans. If the allocation of road infrastructure use is done by gross vehicle weight, the material input per service values for abiotic resources and water of buses and heavy lorries rise.  相似文献   

A dynamic ‘car-following’ extension of the conventional economic model of traffic congestion is presented, which predicts the average cost function for trips in stationary states to be significantly different from the conventional average cost function derived from the speed-flow function. When applied to a homogeneous road, the model reproduces the same stationary state equilibria as the conventional model, including the hypercongested ones. However, stability analysis shows that the latter are dynamically unstable. The average cost function for stationary state traffic coincides with the conventional function for non-hypercongested traffic, but rises vertically at the road’s capacity due to queuing, instead of bending backwards. When extending the model to include an upstream road segment, it predicts that such queuing will occur under hypercongested conditions, while the general shape of the average cost function for full trips does not change, implying that hypercongestion will not occur on the downstream road segment. These qualitative predictions are verified empirically using traffic data from a Dutch bottleneck. Finally, it is shown that reduced-form average cost functions, that relate the sum of average travel cost and average schedule delay costs to the number of users in a dynamic equilibrium, certainly need not have the intuitive convex shape, but may very well be concave – despite the fact that the underlying speed-flow function may be convex.  相似文献   

As one of the most promising bus priority techniques, the innovative intermittent bus lane (IBL) strategy has drawn more attention in the past few years. In this paper, some improvements on the operation of the IBL strategy are proposed, and two cellular automaton models for a roadway section with two lanes, one with no bus priority and the other with an intermittent bus lane, are built to study the characteristics of urban traffic flow. Computer simulations and analytical models are developed to conduct quantitative research on the influence of IBL on the traffic density distribution, traffic velocity, and traffic capacity of the roadway section. By comparing the average paces in the two cases, this paper proposes a methodology to determine suitable traffic conditions for the IBL strategy implementation. The results indicate that for the designed scenarios, the IBL strategy is effective only when the traffic density is in the range of 25 to 74 pcu/km, which suggests that level of service C is the inflection point for implementing the IBL strategy. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a research on traffic modelling developed for assessing traffic and energy performance of electric systems installed along roads for dynamic charging-while-driving (CWD) of fully electric vehicles (FEVs).The logic adopted by the developed traffic model is derived from a particular simulation scenario of electric charging: a freight distribution service operated using medium-sized vans. In this case, the CWD service is used to recover the state of charge of the FEV batteries to shortly start with further activities after arrival at the depot.The CWD system is assumed to be implemented in a multilane ring road with several intermediate on-ramp entrances, where the slowest lane is reserved for the dynamic charging of authorized electric vehicles. A specific traffic model is developed and implemented based on a mesoscopic approach, where energy requirements and charging opportunities affect driving and traffic behaviours. Overtaking manoeuvres as well as new entries in the CWD lane of vehicles that need to charge are modelled according to a cooperative driving system, which manages adequate time gaps between consecutive vehicles. Finally, a speed control strategy is simulated at a defined node to create an empty time-space slot in the CWD lane, by delaying the arriving vehicles. This simulated control, implemented to allow maintenance operations for CWD that may require clearing a charging zone for a short time slot, could also be applied to facilitate on-ramp merging manoeuvres.  相似文献   

In many cities of the world, road space is increasingly contested. Growing vehicle numbers, traffic calming and the development of new infrastructure for more sustainable transport modes such as bicycles have all contributed to pressure on available space and conflicts over the allocation of space. This paper provides the first assessment of urban transport infrastructure space distribution, distinguishing motorized individual transport, public transport, cycling and walking. To calculate area allocation, an assessment methodology was developed using high-resolution digital satellite images in combination with a geographical information system to derive area measurements. This methodology was applied to four distinctly different city quarters in Freiburg, Germany. Results indicate that space is unevenly distributed, with motorized individual transport being the favoured transport mode. Findings also show that if trip number to space allocation ratios are calculated, one of the most sustainable transport modes, the bicycle, is the most disadvantaged. This suggests that area allocation deserves greater attention in the planning and implementation of more sustainable urban transport designs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model-based multiobjective control strategy to reduce bus bunching and hence improve public transport reliability. Our goal is twofold. First, we define a proper model, consisting of multiple static and dynamic components. Bus-following model captures the longitudinal dynamics taking into account the interaction with the surrounding traffic. Furthermore, bus stop operations are modeled to estimate dwell time. Second, a shrinking horizon model predictive controller (MPC) is proposed for solving bus bunching problems. The model is able to predict short time-space behavior of public transport buses enabling constrained, finite horizon, optimal control solution to ensure homogeneity of service both in time and space. In this line, the goal with the selected rolling horizon control scheme is to choose a proper velocity profile for the public transport bus such that it keeps both timetable schedule and a desired headway from the bus in front of it (leading bus). The control strategy predicts the arrival time at a bus stop using a passenger arrival and dwell time model. In this vein, the receding horizon model predictive controller calculates an optimal velocity profile based on its current position and desired arrival time. Four different weighting strategies are proposed to test (i) timetable only, (ii) headway only, (iii) balanced timetable - headway tracking and (iv) adaptive control with varying weights. The controller is tested in a high fidelity traffic simulator with realistic scenarios. The behavior of the system is analyzed by considering extreme disturbances. Finally, the existence of a Pareto front between these two objectives is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Seoul city authority implemented an innovative bus transport reform (BTR) in July 2004. This paper evaluates the performance of that reform. To this end, the paper includes a discussion of the features of the reform, an explanation of the fields and the contents of the reform, and an assessment of the performance of the reform formulated by comparing pertinent circumstances in place before and after its inception. The performance of eight fields: bus routes, bus fares, bus management, bus operation, a new smart card, a median bus lane system, vehicles and stops, and the promotion of the BTR, are measured, as are the performances of four groups influenced by the BTR. Those groups are bus passengers, bus operators, transport regulators, and members of the wider civil community. The results indicate a readily apparent decrease in traffic density in Seoul after the introduction of the reform, and it would appear that the increase in the number of public transport users bears an inverse relationship with the decrease in the transport share of private cars.  相似文献   

In urban areas, where road space is limited, it is important to provide efficient public and private transportation systems to maximize person throughput, for example from a signalized intersection. To this end, this research looks at providing bus priority using a dedicated bus lane which is terminated upstream of the intersection, and placing an additional signal at this location, called a pre-signal. Although pre-signals are already implemented in some countries (e.g. UK, Denmark, and Switzerland), an adaptive control algorithm which responds to varying traffic demands has not yet been proposed and analyzed in the literature. This research aims to fill that gap by developing an adaptive control algorithm for pre-signals tailored to real-time private and public transportation demands. The necessary infrastructure to operate an adaptive pre-signal is established, and guidelines for implementation are provided. The relevant parameters regarding the boundary conditions for the adaptive algorithm are first determined, and then quantified for a typical case using a micro-simulation model. It is demonstrated with case studies that, under all considered scenarios, implementing a pre-signal with the proposed adaptive control algorithm will result in the least average person delay at the intersection. The algorithm is expected to function well with a wide range of car demands, bus frequencies, and bus passenger occupancies. Moreover, the algorithm is robust to errors in these input values, so exact information is not required.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a bi-level programming model to solve the design problem for bus lane distribution in multi-modal transport networks. The upper level model aims at minimizing the average travel time of travelers, as well as minimizing the difference of passengers’ comfort among all the bus lines by optimizing bus frequencies. The lower level model is a multi-modal transport network equilibrium model for the joint modal split/traffic assignment problem. The column generation algorithm, the branch-and-bound algorithm and the method of successive averages are comprehensively applied in this paper for the solution of the bi-level model. A simple numerical test and an empirical test based on Dalian economic zone are employed to validate the proposed model. The results show that the bi-level model performs well with regard to the objective of reducing travel time costs for all travelers and balancing transit service level among all bus lines.  相似文献   

The Intermittent Bus Lane signals setting within an area   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Intermittent Bus Lane (IBL) used for bus priority is a lane in which the status of a given section changes according to the presence or not of a bus in its spatial domain: when a bus is approaching such a section, the status of that lane is changed to BUS lane, and after the bus moves out of the section, it becomes a normal lane again, open to general traffic. Therefore when bus services are not so frequent, general traffic will not suffer much, and bus priority can still be obtained. This measure can be operating at a single city block, but if all related control parameters along bus lines are considered together, more time gains can be obtained. In this paper, the basic structure and operation of IBL around a single intersection are briefly introduced, then the construction of an objective function and its relationships with the related priority control parameters along one bus line and their simplifications are described. Finally the calculations of the priority control parameters when there are several connected bus lines within an area and some simulation results are discussed.  相似文献   


The motorcycle is a popular mode of transport in Malaysia and developing Asian countries, but its significant representation in the traffic mix results in high rates of motorcycle accidents. As a result, the Malaysian Government decided to segregate motorcycle traffic along its new federal roads as an engineering approach to reduce accidents. However, traffic engineers needed to know the maximum traffic a motorcycle lane could accommodate. Despite substantial literature related to speed–flow–density relationships and capacities of various transport facilities, there is a knowledge gap regarding motorcycle lanes. This paper establishes motorcycle speed–flow–density relationships and capacities of exclusive motorcycle lanes in Malaysia. Observations of motorcycle flows and speeds were conducted along existing and experimental motorcycle lanes. Motorcycle speed–density data were aggregated and plotted for two types of observable motorcycle riding behaviour patterns that were influenced by the widths of a motorcycle lane: the headway pattern (lane width ≤ 1.7 m) and the space pattern (lane width > 1.7 m). For both riding patterns, regression analysis of motorcycle speed–density data best fits the logarithmic model and consequently the motorcycle flow–density and speed–flow models are derived. Motorcycle lane capacities for headway and space riding patterns are estimated as 3300 mc/hr/lane and 2200 mc/hr/m, respectively.  相似文献   

Morning commuters choose their departure times and travel modes based on a combinational evaluation of factors associated with the chances of running into bottleneck congestion, likely schedule delays, parking space availability as well as monetary costs of traveling and parking. This study investigates a morning commute problem with carpooling behavior under parking space constraint at destination. We consider such a scenario that as a competing mode of the transit line, the highway contains a carpool lane only used by carpoolers while all solo drivers are forced to use a general purpose (GP) lane. Unlike the standard bottleneck model, the rush-hour dynamic departure patterns with a binding parking supply vary with the relative proportion of the two lanes’ capacities. The possible departure pattern domain with different parking supply and lane capacity allocation is explored in terms of the relative extra carpool cost and distinguished between the bi-mode and multi-mode equilibria. It is found that compared with solo drivers, carpoolers have shorter rush hour in order to smooth the extra carpool cost. With the decrease of parking spots, the number of solo drivers cuts down gradually, whilst the number of carpoolers climbs up firstly and then declines in the multi-mode system. Under mild assumptions, the best system performance can be realized with the joint consideration of total travel cost and vehicle emission cost through optimizing the lane capacity allocation and the parking supply.  相似文献   

A hybrid predictive control formulation based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization to optimize real-time operations of public transport systems is presented. The state space model includes bus position, expected load and arrival time at stops. The system is based on discrete events, and the possible operator control actions are: holding vehicles at stations and skipping some stations. The controller (operator) pursues the minimization of a dynamic objective function to generate better operational decisions under uncertain demand at bus stops. In this work, a multi-objective approach is conducted to include different goals in the optimization process that could be opposite. In this case, the optimization was defined in terms of two objectives: waiting time minimization on one side, and impact of the strategies on the other. A genetic algorithm method is proposed to solve the multi-objective dynamic problem. From the conducted experiments considering a single bus line corridor, we found that the two objectives are opposite but with a certain degree of overlapping, in the sense that in all cases both objectives significantly improve the level of service with respect to the open-loop scenario by regularizing the headways. On average, the observed trade-off validates the proposed multi-objective methodology for the studied system, allowing dynamically finding the pseudo-optimal Pareto front and making real-time decisions based on different optimization criteria reflected in the proposed objective function compounds.  相似文献   

In the absence of system control strategies, it is common to observe bus bunching in transit operations. A transit operator would benefit from an accurate forecast of bus operations in order to control the system before it becomes too disrupted to be restored to a stable condition. To accomplish this, we present a general bus prediction framework. This framework relies on a stochastic and event-based bus operation model that provides sets of possible bus trajectories based on the observation of current bus positions, available via global positioning system (GPS) data. The median of the set of possible trajectories, called a particle, is used as the prediction. In particular, this enables the anticipation of irregularities between buses. Several bus models are proposed depending on the dwell and inter-stop running time representations. These models are calibrated and applied to a real case study thanks to the high quality data provided by TriMet (the Portland, Oregon, USA transit district). Predictions are finally evaluated by an a posteriori comparison with the real trajectories. The results highlight that only bus models accounting for the bus load can provide valid forecasts of a bus route over a large prediction horizon, especially for headway variations. Accounting for traffic signal timings and actual traffic flows does not significantly improves the prediction. Such a framework paves the way for further development of refined dynamic control strategies for bus operations.  相似文献   

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