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Driver’s stop-or-run behavior at signalized intersection has become a major concern for the intersection safety. While many studies were undertaken to model and predict drivers’ stop-or-run (SoR) behaviors including Yellow-Light-Running (YLR) and Red-Light-Running (RLR) using traditional statistical regression models, a critical problem for these models is that the relative influences of predictor variables on driver’s SoR behavior could not be evaluated. To address this challenge, this research proposes a new approach which applies a recently developed data mining approach called gradient boosting logit model to handle different types of predictor variables, fit complex nonlinear relationships among variables, and automatically disentangle interaction effects between influential factors using high-resolution traffic and signal event data collected from loop detectors. Particularly, this research will first identify a series of related influential factors including signal timing information, surrounding traffic information, and surrounding drivers’ behaviors using thousands drivers’ decision events including YLR, RLR, and first-to-stop (FSTP) extracted from high-resolution loop detector data from three intersections. Then the research applies the proposed data mining approach to search for the optimal prediction model for each intersection. Furthermore, a comparison was conducted to compare the proposed new method with the traditional statistical regression model. The results show that the gradient boosting logit model has superior performance in terms of prediction accuracy. In contrast to other machine learning methods which usually apply ‘black-box’ procedures, the gradient boosting logit model can identify and rank the relative importance of influential factors on driver’s stop-or-run behavior prediction. This study brings great potential for future practical applications since loops have been widely implemented in many intersections and can collect data in real time. This research is expected to contribute to the improvement of intersection safety significantly.  相似文献   

Lane‐changing involves many concerns about safety and efficiency which makes it one of the most difficult tasks of driving. It is indeed quite personal since drivers operate vehicles according to their integrated perception of comprehensive circumstances rather than individual rules. A lane‐changing decision support model is developed in this study using artificial neural networks (ANN). The advantages of the ANN approach lie in the learning capability. Due to its nature, an ANN model can consolidate various kinds of information surrounding the vehicle for the drivers and generate reliable results to help control vehicles. It then becomes a useful mechanism to assist drivers in judging current situations and making the right decisions. Several preliminary validations and comparisons are conducted with the field survey data. It is confirmed that the ANN model mimics traffic characteristics more accurately than conventional methods. This product would expedite the implementation of relevant applications in the intelligent transportation systems context. In particular, the ANN model can be adapted to individual driver characteristics. This reveals practical feasibility and significant market potential for customized in‐vehicle equipment.  相似文献   

This paper builds a meta-model of vehicle ownership choice parameters to predict how their values might vary across extended periods as a function of macroeconomic variables. Multinomial logit models of vehicle ownership are estimated from repeated cross-sectional data between 1971 and 1996 for large urban centers in Ontario. Three specifications are tested: a varying constants (VC) model where the alternative specific constants are allowed to vary each year; a varying scales (VS) model where the scale parameter varies instead; and a varying scales and constants model. The estimated parameters are then regressed on macroeconomic variables (e.g., employment rate, gas prices, etc.). The regressions yield good fit and statistically significant results, suggesting that changes in the macroeconomic environment influence household decision making over time, and that macroeconomic information could potentially help predict how model parameters evolve. This implies that the common assumption of holding parameters constant across forecast horizons could potentially be relaxed. Furthermore, using a separate validation dataset, the predictive power of the VC and VS models outperform conventional approaches providing further evidence that pooling data from multiple periods could also produce more robust models.  相似文献   

Agent-based approaches to simulating long-term location and mobility decisions and short-term activity and travel decisions of households and individuals are receiving increasing attention in land-use and transportation interaction (LUTI) models to predict land-use changes and travel behaviour in mutual interaction. Social interactions between households and between individuals potentially have an influence on a wide range of the long-term and short-term choices involved in these systems. In this paper we identify the areas in which social interactions play a role and address the question how these influences can be modelled in the context of agent-based LUTI models. We distinguish impacts on activity participation (joint activity participation, support-and-help activities) and impacts on decision making (information exchange, social adaptation of preferences and aspirations) as the two main areas of social influence. A prototype of a LUTI model is proposed that accounts for impacts of the social network on longer-term mobility decision making through information exchange and social adaptation of preferences and aspirations. The model is demonstrated in a numerical simulation.  相似文献   

Real-time traffic information is increasingly available to support route choice decisions by reducing the travel time uncertainty. However it is likely that a traveler cannot assess all available information on all alternative routes due to time constraints and limited cognitive capacity. This paper presents a model that is consistent with a general network topology and can potentially be estimated based on revealed preference data. It explicitly takes into account the information acquisition and the subsequent path choice. The decision to acquire information is assumed to be based on the cognitive cost involved in the search and the expected benefit defined as the expected increase in utility after the search. A latent class model is proposed, where the decision to search or not to search and the depth of the search are latent and only the final path choices are observed. A synthetic data set is used for the purpose of validation and ease of illustration. The data are generated from the postulated cognitive-cost model, and estimation results show that the true values of the parameters can be recovered with enough variability in the data. Two other models with simplifying assumptions of no information and full information are also estimated with the same set of data with significantly biased path choice utility parameters. Prediction results show that a smaller cognitive cost encourages information search on risky and fast routes and thus higher shares on those routes. As a result, the expected average travel time decreases and the variability increases. The no-information and full-information models are extreme cases of the more general cognitive-cost model in some cases, but not generally so, and thus the increasing ease of information acquisition does not necessarily warrant a full-information model.  相似文献   

Urban air quality is generally poor at traffic intersections due to variations in vehicles’ speeds as they approach and leave. This paper examines the effect of traffic, vehicle and road characteristics on vehicular emissions with a view to understand a link between emissions and the most likely influencing and measurable characteristics. It demonstrates the relationships of traffic, vehicle and intersection characteristics with vehicular exhaust emissions and reviews the traffic flow and emission models. Most studies have found that vehicular exhaust emissions near traffic intersections are largely dependent on fleet speed, deceleration speed, queuing time in idle mode with a red signal time, acceleration speed, queue length, traffic-flow rate and ambient conditions. The vehicular composition also affects emissions. These parameters can be quantified and incorporated into the emission models. There is no validated methodology to quantify some non-measurable parameters such as driving behaviour, pedestrian activity, and road conditions  相似文献   

Latent choice set models that account for probabilistic consideration of choice alternatives during decision making have long existed. The Manski model that assumes a two-stage representation of decision making has served as the standard workhorse model for discrete choice modeling with latent choice sets. However, estimation of the Manski model is not always feasible because evaluation of the likelihood function in the Manski model requires enumeration of all possible choice sets leading to explosion for moderate and large choice sets. In this study, we propose a new group of implicit choice set generation models that can approximate the Manski model while retaining linear complexity with respect to the choice set size. We examined the performance of the models proposed in this study using synthetic data. The simulation results indicate that the approximations proposed in this study perform considerably well in terms of replicating the Manski model parameters. We subsequently used these implicit choice set models to understand latent choice set considerations in household auto ownership decisions of resident population in the Southern California region. The empirical results confirm our hypothesis that certain segments of households may only consider a subset of auto ownership levels while making decisions regarding the number of cars to own. The results not only underscore the importance of using latent choice models for modeling household auto ownership decisions but also demonstrate the applicability of the approximations proposed in this study to estimate these latent choice set models.  相似文献   

The advancements in communication and sensing technologies can be exploited to assist the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time cooperative eco-driving strategy for a group of vehicles with mixed automated vehicles (AVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs). The lead vehicles in the platoon can receive the signal phase and timing information via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication and the traffic states of both the preceding vehicle and current platoon via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose a receding horizon model predictive control (MPC) method to minimise the fuel consumption for platoons and drive the platoons to pass the intersection on a green phase. The method is then extended to dynamic platoon splitting and merging rules for cooperation among AVs and HVs in response to the high variation in urban traffic flow. Extensive simulation tests are also conducted to demonstrate the performance of the model in various conditions in the mixed traffic flow and different penetration rates of AVs. Our model shows that the cooperation between AVs and HVs can further smooth out the trajectory of the latter and reduce the fuel consumption of the entire traffic system, especially for the low penetration of AVs. It is noteworthy that the proposed model does not compromise the traffic efficiency and the driving comfort while achieving the eco-driving strategy.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a vehicle transaction timing model which is conditional on household residential and job relocation timings. Further, the household residential location and members’ job relocation timing decisions are jointly estimated. Some researchers have modeled the household vehicle ownership decision jointly with other household decisions like vehicle type choice or VMT; however, these models were basically static and changes in household taste over time has been ignored in nearly all of these models. The proposed model is a dynamic joint model in which the effects of land-use, economy and disaggregate travel activity attributes on the major household decisions; residential location and members’ job relocation timing decisions for wife and husband of the household, are estimated. Each of these models is estimated using both the Weibull and log-logistic baseline hazard functions to assess the usefulness of a non-monotonic rather than monotonic baseline hazard function. The last three waves of the Puget Sound Panel Survey data and land-use, transportation, and built environment variables from the Seattle Metropolitan Area are used in this study as these waves include useful explanatory variables like household tenure that were not included in the previous waves.  相似文献   

This article presents a cooperative manoeuvre among three dual mode cars – vehicles equipped with sensors and actuators, and that can be driven either manually or autonomously. One vehicle is driven autonomously and the other two are driven manually. The main objective is to test two decision algorithms for priority conflict resolution at intersections so that a vehicle autonomously driven can take their own decision about crossing an intersection mingling with manually driven cars without the need for infrastructure modifications. To do this, the system needs the position, speeds, and turning intentions of the rest of the cars involved in the manoeuvre. This information is acquired via communications, but other methods are also viable, such as artificial vision. The idea of the experiments was to adjust the speed of the manually driven vehicles to force a situation where all three vehicles arrive at an intersection at the same time.  相似文献   

Community Transport (CT) in the UK operates a diverse range of services, and organisations are computerising management and operational functions. This paper describes the approach which has been taken to computerising four operational decision making functions.

The paper considers models of human decision making and problem solving, with particular reference to an information processing view of cognitive activity and to perception and memory. The design of decision support systems is also discussed.

Four decision problems are considered. For each, the paper considers how people tackle the problem, how computers can be used to tackle it and the approach which has been adopted.

For allocating trips to vehicles using a diary, the approach has been to provide a representation on screen of a manual diary. For vehicle brokerage, vehicles are presented to the operator allocating a booking in an order based on the Sequence Number, an index of how ‘difficult to book’ a vehicle is, and the distance of the vehicle's base from the start point of the trip. For the sorting of passenger pick‐ups into an efficient tour, traditional solutions to the travelling salesperson problem have been rejected in favour of a solution using spacefilling curves. Finally, for allocating dial‐a‐ride passenger trips to vehicle shifts an approach has been chosen which presents the operator with appropriate information rather than attempting to automate the scheduling.

The paper concludes that the approach to the diary has been successful and accepted by operators, although the similar approach to the dial‐a‐ride scheduling has not, as the system has not yet been able to replace manual scheduling aids. The facility to order passenger pick‐ups is little used by operators. Finally, it is suggested that the vehicle brokerage problem may be an appropriate use of fuzzy logic.  相似文献   

The recently emerging trend of self-driving vehicles and information sharing technologies, made available by private technology vendors, starts creating a revolutionary paradigm shift in the coming years for traveler mobility applications. By considering a deterministic traveler decision making framework at the household level in congested transportation networks, this paper aims to address the challenges of how to optimally schedule individuals’ daily travel patterns under the complex activity constraints and interactions. We reformulate two special cases of household activity pattern problem (HAPP) through a high-dimensional network construct, and offer a systematic comparison with the classical mathematical programming models proposed by Recker (1995). Furthermore, we consider the tight road capacity constraint as another special case of HAPP to model complex interactions between multiple household activity scheduling decisions, and this attempt offers another household-based framework for linking activity-based model (ABM) and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) tools. Through embedding temporal and spatial relations among household members, vehicles and mandatory/optional activities in an integrated space-time-state network, we develop two 0–1 integer linear programming models that can seamlessly incorporate constraints for a number of key decisions related to vehicle selection, activity performing and ridesharing patterns under congested networks. The well-structured network models can be directly solved by standard optimization solvers, and further converted to a set of time-dependent state-dependent least cost path-finding problems through Lagrangian relaxation, which permit the use of computationally efficient algorithms on large-scale high-fidelity transportation networks.  相似文献   

Lane-based road information plays a critical role in transportation systems, a lane-based intersection map is the most important component in a detailed road map of the transportation infrastructure. Researchers have developed various algorithms to detect the spatial layout of intersections based on sensor data such as high-definition images/videos, laser point cloud data, and GPS traces, which can recognize intersections and road segments; however, most approaches do not automatically generate Lane-based Intersection Maps (LIMs). The objective of our study is to generate LIMs automatically from crowdsourced big trace data using a multi-hierarchy feature extraction strategy. The LIM automatic generation method proposed in this paper consists of the initial recognition of road intersections, intersection layout detection, and lane-based intersection map-generation. The initial recognition process identifies intersection and non-intersection areas using spatial clustering algorithms based on the similarity of angle and distance. The intersection layout is composed of exit and entry points, obtained by combining trajectory integration algorithms and turn rules at road intersections. The LIM generation step is finally derived from the intersection layout detection results and lane-based road information, based on geometric matching algorithms. The effectiveness of our proposed LIM generation method is demonstrated using crowdsourced vehicle traces. Additional comparisons and analysis are also conducted to confirm recognition results. Experiments show that the proposed method saves time and facilitates LIM refinement from crowdsourced traces more efficiently than methods based on other types of sensor data.  相似文献   

A classical way to represent vehicle interactions at merges at the microscopic scale is to combine a gap-acceptance model with a car-following algorithm. However, in congested conditions (when a queue spills back on the major road), outputs of such a combination may be irrelevant if anticipatory aspects of vehicle behaviours are disregarded (like in single-level gap-acceptance models). Indeed, the insertion decision outcomes are so closely bound to the car-following algorithm that irrelevant results are produced. On the one hand, the insertion decision choice is sensitive to numerical errors due to the car-following algorithm. On the other hand, the priority sharing process observed in congestion cannot be correctly reproduced because of the constraints imposed by the car-following on the gap-acceptance model. To get over these issues, more sophisticated gap-acceptance algorithms accounting for cooperation and aggressiveness amongst drivers have been recently developed (multi-level gap-acceptance models). Another simpler solution, with fewer parameters, is investigated in this paper. It consists in introducing a relaxation procedure within the car-following rules and proposing a new insertion decision algorithm in order to loosen the links between both model components. This approach will be shown to accurately model the observed flow allocation pattern in congested conditions at an aggregate scale.  相似文献   

Many accidents occurring at signalized intersections are closely related to drivers’ decisions of running through intersections during yellow light, i.e., yellow-light running (YLR). Therefore it is important to understand the relationships between YLR and the factors which contribute to drivers’ decision of YLR. This requires collecting a large amount of YLR cases. However, existing data collection method, which mainly relies on video cameras, has difficulties to collect a large amount of YLR data. In this research, we propose a method to study drivers’ YLR behaviors using high-resolution event-based data from signal control systems. We used 8 months’ high-resolution data collected by two stop-bar detectors at a signalized intersection located in Minnesota and identified over 30,000 YLR cases. To identify the possible reasons for drivers’ decision of YLR, this research further categorized the YLR cases into four types: “in should-go zone”, “in should-stop zone”, “in dilemma zone”, and “in optional zone” according to the driver’s location when signal turns to yellow. Statistical analysis indicates that the mean values of approaching speed and acceleration rate are significantly different for different types of YLR. We also show that there were about 10% of YLR drivers who cannot run through intersection before traffic light turns to red. Furthermore, based on a strong correlation between hourly traffic volume and number of YLR events, this research developed a regression model that can be used to predict the number of YLR events based on hourly flow rate. This research also showed that snowing weather conditions cause more YLR events.  相似文献   

The dynamic vehicle allocation problem arises when a motor carrier must simultaneously and in real time coordinate the dispatching of vehicles from one region to the next all over the country. The decision to send a vehicle loaded or empty from one region to the next, arriving in the destination region at some point in the future, must anticipate the downstream impacts of the decision. The consequences of another load in a particular region at some point in the future, however, are highly uncertain. A simple methodology is proposed which calculates approximately the marginal value of an additional vehicle in each region in the future. This information is then used to generate a standard pure network which can be efficiently optimized to give dispatching decisions for today.  相似文献   

Residential location search has become an important topic to both practitioners and researchers as more detailed and disaggregate land-use and transportation demand models are developed which require information on individual household location decisions. The housing search process starts with an alternative formation and screening stage. At this level households evaluate all potential alternatives based on their lifestyle, preferences, and utilities to form a manageable choice set with a limited number of plausible alternatives. Then the final residential location is selected among these alternatives. This two-stage decision making process can be used for both aggregate zone-level selection as well as searching disaggregate parcel or building-based housing markets for potential dwellings. In this paper a zonal level household housing search model is developed. Initially, a household specific choice set is drawn from the entire possible alternatives in the area based on the average household work distance to each alternative. Following the choice set formation step, a discrete choice model is utilized for modeling the final residential zone selection of the household. A hazard-based model is used for the choice set formation module while the final choice selection is modeled using a multinomial logit formulation with a deterministic sample correction factor. The approach presented in the paper provides a remedy for the large choice set problem typically faced in housing search models.  相似文献   

A statewide sample of Maine registered vehicle owners is used to examine factors that affect their assessments of eco-labeled conventionally fueled passenger vehicles. The study focuses on developing an empirical and theoretical framework with which to model vehicle choice decisions under eco-labeled conditions. Particular attention is paid to how eco-information may affect the two-stage vehicle purchase process. The study builds upon environmental economic and psychology literature in examining the role of personal characteristics such as perceived effectiveness of consumer purchase decisions and perceptions of the eco-labeled products as factors in the vehicle purchase decision. It was found that environmental attributes of an eco-labeled passenger vehicle are significant in the purchase decision. The eco-information is considered in the vehicle purchase decision, but is generally not considered at the class-level decision.  相似文献   

Work zones exist widely on urban arterials in the cities that are undergoing road construction or maintenance. However, the existing studies on arterial work zones are very limited, especially on the work zones at urban intersections, although they have a severe negative impact on the urban traffic system. For the first time, this study focuses on how work zones reduce intersection capacity. A type of widely observed work zone, the straddling work zone that straddles on a road segment and an intersection, is studied. A linear regression model and a multiplicative model suggested by Highway Capacity Manual are proposed respectively to determine the saturation flow rate of the signal intersection with the straddling work zone. The data of 22 straddling work zones are collected and used to evaluate the performances of the proposed models. The results display that the linear regression model outperforms the multiplicative model suggested by Highway Capacity Manual. The study also reveals that reducing approach (or exit) lanes and the mixture of motor vehicles and non‐motor vehicles (and pedestrians) can significantly decrease the capacity of the intersection with straddling work zone. Therefore, in setting a straddling work zone, workers should try to ensure that the intersection approach and exit are unobstructed and set a separation for non‐motors and pedestrians to avoid mixed traffic flow. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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