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Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) systems have the potential to increase roadway capacity and mitigate traffic congestion thanks to the short following distance enabled by inter-vehicle communication. However, due to limitations in acceleration and deceleration capabilities of CACC systems, deactivation and switch to ACC or human-driven mode will take place when conditions are outside the operational design domain. Given the lack of elaborate models on this interaction, existing CACC traffic flow models have not yet been able to reproduce realistic CACC vehicle behaviour and pay little attention to the influence of system deactivation on traffic flow at bottlenecks. This study aims to gain insights into the influence of CACC on highway operations at merging bottlenecks by using a realistic CACC model that captures driver-system interactions and string length limits. We conduct systematic traffic simulations for various CACC market penetration rates (MPR) to derive free-flow capacity and queue discharge rate of the merging section and compare these to the capacity of a homogeneous pipeline section. The results show that an increased CACC MPR can indeed increase the roadway capacity. However, the resulting capacity in the merging bottleneck is much lower than the pipeline capacity and capacity drop persists in bottleneck scenarios at all CACC MPR levels. It is also found that CACC increases flow heterogeneity due to the switch among different operation modes. A microscopic investigation of the CACC operational mode and trajectories reveals a close relation between CACC deactivation, traffic congestion and flow heterogeneity.  相似文献   

This paper examines CACC truck platooning on uphill grades. It was found that the design of CT policy should consider the effects of low crawl speeds on significant upgrades. Three simple solutions, which have different impacts on traffic flow efficiency, are proposed. Furthermore, truck platoons, controlled by a state-of-the-art CACC model, become asymptotically unstable beyond some critical grade. The errors are permanent, suggesting that trucks fail to re-engage after the upgrade. This occurs by complex interactions between the CACC control and the bounded acceleration capabilities of trucks. New control concepts are developed to complement the existing control model and achieve asymptotic (and string) stability. The instability mechanisms and new control concepts are not specific to the control model used.  相似文献   

Vehicle longitudinal control systems such as (commercially available) autonomous Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and its more sophisticated variant Cooperative ACC (CACC) could potentially have significant impacts on traffic flow. Accurate models of the dynamic responses of both of these systems are needed to produce realistic predictions of their effects on highway capacity and traffic flow dynamics. This paper describes the development of models of both ACC and CACC control systems that are based on real experimental data. To this end, four production vehicles were equipped with a commercial ACC system and a newly developed CACC controller. The Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) that has been widely used for ACC car-following modeling was also implemented on the production vehicles. These controllers were tested in different traffic situations in order to measure the actual responses of the vehicles. Test results indicate that: (1) the IDM controller when implemented in our experimental test vehicles does not perceptibly follow the speed changes of the preceding vehicle; (2) strings of consecutive ACC vehicles are unstable, amplifying the speed variations of preceding vehicles; and (3) strings of consecutive CACC vehicles overcome these limitations, providing smooth and stable car following responses. Simple but accurate models of the ACC and CACC vehicle following dynamics were derived from the actual measured responses of the vehicles and applied to simulations of some simple multi-vehicle car following scenarios.  相似文献   

While safety is one of the most critical contributions of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), it is impractical to assess such impacts in a real world. Even with simulation, many factors including vehicle dynamics, sensor errors, automated vehicle control algorithms and crash severity need to be properly modeled. In this paper, a simulation platform is proposed which explicitly features: (i) vehicle dynamics; (ii) sensor errors and communication delays; (iii) compatibility with CACC controllers; (iv) state-of-the-art predecessor leader following (PLF) based cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) controller; and (v) ability to quantify crash severity and CACC stability. The proposed simulation platform evaluated the CACC performance under normal and cybersecurity attack scenarios using speed variation, headway ratio, and injury probability. The first two measures of effectiveness (MOEs) represent the stability of CACC platoon while the injury probability quantifies the severity of a crash. The proposed platform can evaluate the safety performance of CACC controllers of interest under various paroxysmal or extreme events. It is particularly useful when traditional empirical driver models are not applicable. Such situations include, but are not limited to, cyber-attacks, sensor failures, and heterogeneous traffic conditions. The proposed platform is validated against data collected from real field tests and tested under various cyber-attack scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of having cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) embedded vehicles on traffic flow characteristics of a multilane highway system. The study identifies how CACC vehicles affect the dynamics of traffic flow on a complex network and reduce traffic congestion resulting from the acceleration/deceleration of the operating vehicles. An agent-based microscopic traffic simulation model (Flexible Agent-based Simulator of Traffic) is designed specifically to examine the impact of these intelligent vehicles on traffic flow. The flow rate of cars, the travel time spent, and other metrics indicating the evolution of traffic congestion throughout the lifecycle of the model are analyzed. Different CACC penetration levels are studied. The results indicate a better traffic flow performance and higher capacity in the case of CACC penetration compared to the scenario without CACC-embedded vehicles.  相似文献   

Driver assistance systems support drivers in operating vehicles in a safe, comfortable and efficient way, and thus may induce changes in traffic flow characteristics. This paper puts forward a receding horizon control framework to model driver assistance and cooperative systems. The accelerations of automated vehicles are controlled to optimise a cost function, assuming other vehicles driving at stationary conditions over a prediction horizon. The flexibility of the framework is demonstrated with controller design of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Cooperative ACC (C-ACC) systems. The proposed ACC and C-ACC model characteristics are investigated analytically, with focus on equilibrium solutions and stability properties. The proposed ACC model produces plausible human car-following behaviour and is unconditionally locally stable. By careful tuning of parameters, the ACC model generates similar stability characteristics as human driver models. The proposed C-ACC model results in convective downstream and absolute string instability, but not convective upstream string instability observed in human-driven traffic and in the ACC model. The control framework and analytical results provide insights into the influences of ACC and C-ACC systems on traffic flow operations.  相似文献   

Advances in connected and automated vehicle technologies have resulted in new vehicle applications, such as cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC). Microsimulation models have shown significant increases in capacity and stability due to CACC, but most previous work has relied on microsimulation. To study the effects of CACC on larger networks and with user equilibrium route choice, we incorporate CACC into the link transmission model (LTM) for dynamic network loading. First, we derive the flow-density relationship from the MIXIC car-following model of CACC (at 100% CACC market penetration). The flow-density relationship has an unusual shape; part of the congested regime has an infinite congested wave speed. However, we verify that the flow predictions match observations from MIXIC modeled in VISSIM. Then, we use the flow-density relationship from MIXIC in LTM. Although the independence of separate links restricts the maximum congested wave speed, for common freeway link lengths the congested wave speed is sufficiently high to fit the observed flows from MIXIC. Results on a freeway and regional networks (with CACC-exclusive lanes) indicate that CACC could reduce freeway congestion, but naïve deployment of CACC-exclusive lanes could cause an increase in total system travel time.  相似文献   

The role of the driver in the longitudinal car following control task will change from operator to supervisor with most of manual control replaced by automation as adaptive cruise control (ACC) technologies become commonplace. The extent to which manual control can be replaced by ACC will be determined by many factors. An important issue is the compatibility between ACC performance and the driver’s expectations.This paper describes the results of a simulation study of the performance of ACC relative to driver expectation. Driver’s expectation is quantitatively defined as the expected deceleration rate for several time-to-collision (TTC) levels, and an absolute minimum TTC that drivers tried to avoid in all cases. A two-level ACC algorithm was used to simulate the performance of an ACC equipped vehicle in various scenarios, and the result was compared to the driver’s expectations. The investigation has focused on scenarios which ACC is able to manage technically, but where driver expectations might be breached.By systematically changing variables such as the parameters of the ACC algorithms, traffic scenarios and time-headway settings, a large number of situations have been tested. The results have revealed that whilst appropriate ACC settings can be found which will meet the driver’s expectations, the ACC settings that are most capable in a range of traffic conditions are not necessarily the most user-friendly. A discussion on the implications of the findings is also presented.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive cruise control (ACC) strategy where the acceleration characteristics, that is, the driving style automatically adapts to different traffic situations. The three components of the concept are the ACC itself, implemented in the form of a car-following model, an algorithm for the automatic real-time detection of the traffic situation based on local information, and a strategy matrix to adapt the driving characteristics (that is, the parameters of the ACC controller) to the traffic conditions. Optionally, inter-vehicle and infrastructure-to-car communication can be used to improve the accuracy of determining the traffic states. Within a microscopic simulation framework, we have simulated the complete concept on a road section with an on-ramp bottleneck, using empirical loop-detector data for an afternoon rush-hour as input for the upstream boundary. We found that the ACC vehicles improve the traffic stability and the dynamic road capacity. While traffic congestion in the reference scenario was completely eliminated when simulating a proportion of 25% ACC vehicles, travel times were already significantly reduced for much lower penetration rates. The efficiency of the proposed driving strategy even for low market penetrations is a promising result for a successful application in future driver assistance systems.  相似文献   

This contribution furthers the control framework for driver assistance systems in Part I to cooperative systems, where equipped vehicles can exchange relevant information via vehicle-to-vehicle communication to improve the awareness of the ambient situation (cooperative sensing) and to manoeuvre together under a common goal (cooperative control). To operationalize the cooperative sensing strategy, the framework is applied to the development of a multi-anticipative controller, where an equipped vehicle uses information from its direct predecessor to predict the behaviour of its pre-predecessor. To operationalize the cooperative control strategy, we design cooperative controllers for sequential equipped vehicles in a platoon, where they collaborate to optimise a joint objective. The cooperative control strategy is not restricted to cooperation between equipped vehicles. When followed by a human-driven vehicle, equipped vehicles can still exhibit cooperative behaviour by predicting the behaviour of the human-driven follower, even if the prediction is not perfect.The performance of the proposed controllers are assessed by simulating a platoon of 11 vehicles with reference to the non-cooperative controller proposed in Part I. Evaluations show that the multi-anticipative controller generates smoother behaviour in accelerating phase. By a careful choice of the running cost specification, cooperative controllers lead to smoother decelerating behaviour and more responsive and agile accelerating behaviour compared to the non-cooperative controller. The dynamic characteristics of the proposed controllers provide new insights into the potential impact of cooperative systems on traffic flow operations, particularly at the congestion head and tail.  相似文献   

In this paper, acceleration-based connected cruise control (CCC) is proposed to increase roadway traffic mobility. CCC is designed to be able to use acceleration signals received from multiple vehicles ahead through wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We consider various connectivity structures in heterogeneous platoons comprised of human-driven and CCC vehicles. We show that inserting a few CCC vehicles with appropriately designed gains and delays into the flow, one can stabilize otherwise string unstable vehicle platoons. Exploiting the flexibility of ad-hoc connectivity, CCC can be applied in a large variety of traffic scenarios. Moreover, using acceleration feedback in a selective manner, CCC provides robust performance and remains scalable for large systems of connected vehicles. Our conclusions are verified by simulations at the nonlinear level.  相似文献   

The advancements in communication and sensing technologies can be exploited to assist the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time cooperative eco-driving strategy for a group of vehicles with mixed automated vehicles (AVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs). The lead vehicles in the platoon can receive the signal phase and timing information via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication and the traffic states of both the preceding vehicle and current platoon via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose a receding horizon model predictive control (MPC) method to minimise the fuel consumption for platoons and drive the platoons to pass the intersection on a green phase. The method is then extended to dynamic platoon splitting and merging rules for cooperation among AVs and HVs in response to the high variation in urban traffic flow. Extensive simulation tests are also conducted to demonstrate the performance of the model in various conditions in the mixed traffic flow and different penetration rates of AVs. Our model shows that the cooperation between AVs and HVs can further smooth out the trajectory of the latter and reduce the fuel consumption of the entire traffic system, especially for the low penetration of AVs. It is noteworthy that the proposed model does not compromise the traffic efficiency and the driving comfort while achieving the eco-driving strategy.  相似文献   

Literature has shown potentials of Connected/Cooperative Automated Vehicles (CAVs) in improving highway operations, especially on roadway capacity and flow stability. However, benefits were also shown to be negligible at low market penetration rates. This work develops a novel adaptive driving strategy for CAVs to stabilise heterogeneous vehicle strings by controlling one CAV under vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. Assumed is a roadside system with V2I communications, which receives control parameters of the CAV in the string and estimates parameters imperfectly of non-connected automated vehicles. It determines the adaptive control parameters (e.g. desired time gap and feedback gains) of the CAV if a downstream disturbance is identified and sends them to the CAV. The CAV changes its behaviour based on the adaptive parameters commanded by the roadside system to suppress the disturbance.The proposed adaptive driving strategy is based on string stability analysis of heterogeneous vehicle strings. To this end, linearised vehicle dynamics model and control law are used in the controller parametrisation and Laplace transform of the speed and gap error dynamics in time domain to frequency domain enables the determination of sufficient string stability criteria of heterogeneous strings. The analytical string stability conditions give new insights into automated vehicular string stability properties in relation to the system properties of time delays and controller design parameters of feedback gains and desired time gap. It further allows the quantification of a stability margin, which is subsequently used to adapt the feedback control gains and desired time gap of the CAV to suppress the amplification of gap and speed errors through the string.Analytical results are verified via systematic simulation of both homogeneous and heterogeneous strings. Simulation demonstrates the predictive power of the analytical string stability conditions. The performance of the adaptive driving strategy under V2I cooperation is tested in simulation. Results show that even the estimation of control parameters of non-connected automated vehicles are imperfect and there is mismatch between the model used in analytical derivation and that in simulation, the proposed adaptive driving strategy suppresses disturbances in a wide range of situations.  相似文献   

Recently, the cooperative control of multiple vessels has been gaining increasing attention because of the potential robustness, reliability and efficiency of multi-agent systems. In this paper, we propose the concept of Cooperative Multi-Vessel Systems (CMVSs) consisting of multiple coordinated autonomous vessels. We in particular focus on the so-called Vessel Train Formation (VTF) problem. The VTF problem considers not only cooperative collision avoidance, but also grouping of vessels. An MPC-based approach is proposed for addressing the VTF problem. A centralized and a distributed formulation based on the Alternating Direction of Multipliers Method (ADMM) are investigated. The distributed formulation adopts a single-layer serial iterative architecture, which gains the benefits of reduced communication requirements and robustness against failures. The impacts of information updating sequences and responsibility parameters are discussed. We furthermore analyze the scalability of the proposed method. Simulation experiments of a CMVS navigating from different terminals in the Port of Rotterdam to inland waterways are carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of our method. The proposed method successfully steers the vessels from different origins to form a vessel train. Due to the effective communication, vessels can timely respond to the velocity changes that others make. After the formation is formed, the distances between vessels become constant. The results show the potential to use CMVSs for inland shipping with enhanced safety.  相似文献   

Variable speed limit systems where variable message signs are used to show speed limits adjusted to the prevailing road or traffic conditions are installed on motorways in many countries. The objectives of variable speed limit system installations are often to decrease the number of accidents and to increase traffic efficiency. Currently, there is an interest in exploring the potential of cooperative intelligent transport systems including communication between vehicles and/or vehicles and the infrastructure. In this paper, we study the potential benefits of introducing infrastructure to vehicle communication, autonomous vehicle control and individualized speed limits in variable speed limit systems. We do this by proposing a cooperative variable speed limit system as an extension of an existing variable speed limit system. In the proposed system, communication between the infrastructure and the vehicles is used to transmit variable speed limits to upstream vehicles before the variable message signs become visible to the drivers. The system is evaluated by the means of microscopic traffic simulation. Traffic efficiency and environmental effects are considered in the analysis. The results of the study show benefits of the infrastructure to vehicle communication, autonomous vehicle control and individualized speed limits for variable speed limit systems in the form of lower acceleration rates and thereby harmonized traffic flow and reduced exhaust emissions.  相似文献   

Traffic flow propagation stability is concerned about whether a traffic flow perturbation will propagate and form a traffic shockwave. In this paper, we discuss a general approach to the macroscopic traffic flow propagation stability for adaptive cruise controlled (ACC) vehicles. We present a macroscopic model with velocity saturation for traffic flow in which each individual vehicle is controlled by an adaptive cruise control spacing policy. A nonlinear traffic flow stability criterion is investigated using a wavefront expansion technique. Quantitative relationships between traffic flow stability and model parameters (such as traffic flow and speed, etc.) are derived for a generalized ACC traffic flow model. The newly derived stability results are in agreement with previously derived results that were obtained using both microscopic and macroscopic models with a constant time headway (CTH) policy. Moreover, the stability results derived in this paper provide sufficient and necessary conditions for ACC traffic flow stability and can be used to design other ACC spacing policies.  相似文献   

Recent developments of information and communication technologies (ICT) have enabled vehicles to timely communicate with each other through wireless technologies, which will form future (intelligent) traffic systems (ITS) consisting of so-called connected vehicles. Cooperative driving with the connected vehicles is regarded as a promising driving pattern to significantly improve transportation efficiency and traffic safety. Nevertheless, unreliable vehicular communications also introduce packet loss and transmission delay when vehicular kinetic information or control commands are disseminated among vehicles, which brings more challenges in the system modeling and optimization. Currently, no data has been yet available for the calibration and validation of a model for ITS, and most research has been only conducted for a theoretical point of view. Along this line, this paper focuses on the (theoretical) development of a more general (microscopic) traffic model which enables the cooperative driving behavior via a so-called inter-vehicle communication (IVC). To this end, we design a consensus-based controller for the cooperative driving system (CDS) considering (intelligent) traffic flow that consists of many platoons moving together. More specifically, the IEEE 802.11p, the de facto vehicular networking standard required to support ITS applications, is selected as the IVC protocols of the CDS, in order to investigate how the vehicular communications affect the features of intelligent traffic flow. This study essentially explores the relationship between IVC and cooperative driving, which can be exploited as the reference for the CDS optimization and design.  相似文献   


Congestion at motorway junctions is a traffic phenomenon that degrades operation of infrastructure and can lead to breakdown of traffic flow and associated reduction in capacity. Advanced communication technologies open new possibilities to prevent or at least delay this phenomenon, and innovative active traffic management systems have been developed in the recent years for better control of motorway traffic. This paper presents a review of control strategies for facilitating motorway on-ramp merging using intelligent vehicles. First, the concepts of the control algorithms are reviewed chronologically divided into three types of intelligent vehicle: completely automated, equipped with cooperative adaptive cruise control and equipped with on-board display. Then, a common structure is identified, and the algorithms are presented based on their characteristics in order to identify similarities, dissimilarities, trends and possible future research directions. Finally, using a similar approach, a review of the methods used to evaluate these control strategies identifies important aspects that should be considered by further research on this topic.  相似文献   

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