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Mobile technologies are generating new business models for urban transport systems, as is evident from recent startups cropping up from the private sector. Public transport systems can make more use of mobile technologies than just for measuring system performance, improving boarding times, or for analyzing travel patterns. A new transaction model is proposed for public transport systems where travelers are allowed to pre-book their fares and trade that demand information to private firms. In this public-private partnership model, fare revenue management is outsourced to third party private firms such as big box retail or large planned events (such as sports stadiums and theme parks), who can issue electronic coupons to travelers to subsidize their fares. This e-coupon pricing model is analyzed using marginal cost theory for the transit service and shown to be quite effective for monopolistic coupon rights, particularly for demand responsive transit systems that feature high cost fares, non-commute travel purposes, and a closed access system with existing pre-booking requirements. However, oligopolistic scenarios analyzed using game theory and network economics suggest that public transport agencies need to take extreme care in planning and implementing such a policy. Otherwise, they risk pushing an equivalent tax on private firms or disrupting the urban economy and real estate values while increasing ridership.  相似文献   

A model is developed for jointly optimizing the characteristics of a rail transit route and its associated feeder bus routes in an urban corridor. The corridor demand characteristics are specified with irregular discrete distributions which can realistically represent geographic variations. The total cost (supplier plus user cost) of the integrated bus and rail network is minimized with an efficient iterative method that successively substitutes variable values obtained through classical analytic optimization. The optimized variables include rail line length, rail station spacings, bus headways, bus stop spacings, and bus route spacing. Computer programs are designed for optimization and sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity of the transit service characteristics to various travel time and cost parameters is discussed. Numerical examples are presented for integrated transit systems in which the rail and bus schedules may be coordinated.  相似文献   


This paper studies incentive-based subsidy to transit systems to improve performance. It derives a formula for optimal effort that equalizes marginal cost and marginal benefit and derives some principles from it among which is that the larger the value of a transit system’s performance criterion the larger the effort it will exert to improve it. Next, using a constrained cost minimization approach it derives a nonlinear cost function that includes optimal effort and estimates it using an unbalanced panel data of single mode U.S. bus transit systems. The results show that optimal effort is the equivalent of seven full-time employees (15,243 labor hours) per year and in real terms it results in 0.6% cost saving (US$198,331) and US$836,796 in incentive subsidy per observation. The implications of these findings are examined.  相似文献   

Public transit structure is traditionally designed to contain fixed bus routes and predetermined bus stations. This paper presents an alternative flexible-route transit system, in which each bus is allowed to travel across a predetermined area to serve passengers, while these bus service areas collectively form a hybrid “grand” structure that resembles hub-and-spoke and grid networks. We analyze the agency and user cost components of this proposed system in idealized square cities and seek the optimum network layout, service area of each bus, and bus headway, to minimize the total system cost. We compare the performance of the proposed transit system with those of comparable systems (e.g., fixed-route transit network and taxi service), and show how each system is advantageous under certain passenger demand levels. It is found out that under low-to-moderate demand levels, the proposed flexible-route system tends to have the lowest system cost.  相似文献   

An integrated approach is suggested for the planning and evaluation of mass transport systems which includes a bus network and LRT/RTS in urban areas. This approach involves a simplified procedure for determining mass transit demand, bus route network generation and evaluation, light or rapid transit corridor identification and its patronage determination in the presence of bus networks. Scheduling of a mass transportation system based on marginal ridership concept is also suggested for a given fleet size. All the three major components (demand estimation, route network generation and scheduling) iterate and interact each other with a feedback mechanism for the desired optimal solution in terms of performance indicators. Necessary interactive software packages for all the above subsystems have been developed.  相似文献   


In large metropolitan areas, public transit is a major mode choice of commuters for their daily travel, which has an important role in relieving congestion on transportation corridors. The purpose of this study is to develop a model which optimizes service patterns (SPs) and frequencies that yield minimum cost transit operation. Considering a general transit route with given stops and origin-destination demand, the proposed model consists of an objective total cost function and a set of constraints to ensure frequency conservation and sufficient capacity subject to operable fleet size. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed model, in which the demand and facility data of a rail transit route were given. Results show that the proposed model can be applied to optimize integrated SPs and headways that significantly reduce the total cost, while the resulting performance indicators are generated.  相似文献   

Using a single line model, it has been shown recently that the presence of a stringent financial constraint induces a less than optimal bus frequency and larger than optimal bus size. This occurs because the constraint induces a reduction of the importance of users’ costs (their time); in the extreme, users’ costs disappear from the design problem. In this paper we show that such a constraint also has an impact on the spatial structure of transit lines. This is done departing from the single line model using an illustrative urban network that could be served either with direct services (no transfers) or with corridors (transfers are needed). First, the optimal structure of lines is investigated along with frequencies and vehicle sizes when the full costs for users and operators are minimized (unconstrained case); the optimal lines structure is shown to depend upon the patronage level, the values of time and the cost of providing bus capacity. Then the same problem is solved for the extreme case of a stringent financial constraint, in which case users’ costs have relatively little or no effect in determining the solution; in this case the preferred outcome would be direct services under all circumstances, with lower frequencies and larger bus sizes. The impact of the financial constraint on the spatial structure of transit lines is shown to be caused by the reduction in cycle time under direct services; the introduction of users’ costs in the objective function makes waiting times reverse this result under some circumstances.  相似文献   

The issue of returns of scale in bus transit continues to be a subject of debate among transportation analysts. From a public policy perspective, returns to scale are relevant to many policy areas such as transit service pricing, cost allocation, productivity and organization of the industry. Empirical studies conducted during the past decade have generated conflicting results. Constant, decreasing and increasing returns to scale have all been reported.This paper identifies the sources of these conflicting results: confusion regarding the concept of scale economies, variable definition, assumptions regarding the shape of the cost function, and certain characteristics of the data base. The paper also discusses the theoretical concept of scale economies, and an interpretation of the concept for bus transit is presented. It is concluded that recent studies which have utilized generalized cost functions more accurately represent the economic structure of bus transit, and provide a stronger basis for transit policy analysis.  相似文献   

Transit service contracting has responded to fiscal and financial woes of public transit agencies as the most uniquely attractive cost‐saving strategy at present. Most transit service contracting, however, has been in the traditional provision of entire fixed route bus service or commuter express bus service, and exclusive demand responsive service for the general public or for special disadvantaged population groups such as the elderly and/or the handicapped. This paper presents a new module in transit service contracting whereby the public and private operators jointly provide the peak service on the same route and at the same time. While the public agency provides the base demand of the service, the private provider provides the excess demand, both following the same schedules and similar service arrangements. In this paper, proposed service arrangements, costing and contracting procedures are discussed. It is also reported that substantial cost savings ranging from 32 to 57% with an average savings of 48% can be achieved if the excess peak hour bus transit service on highly peaked routes in public transit agencies is contracted to competing private operator(s).  相似文献   

We develop a model of the costs of railroad operations which allows examination of the effects of network and input price changes, and which allows us to estimate marginal operating costs on an origin-destination basis. A primary potential use of this model is pricing of specific services. Economic theory is used to specify a marginal cost function which is estimated using data from the network analysis. This provides a convenient summary of the information in the network model, and could be used to investigate the impacts of changes in prices of input, such as fuel, on marginal operating costs.  相似文献   


In urban areas where transit demand is widely spread, passengers may be served by an intermodal transit system, consisting of a rail transit line (or a bus rapid transit route) and a number of feeder routes connecting at different transfer stations. In such a system, passengers may need one or more transfers to complete their journey. Therefore, scheduling vehicles operating in the system with special attention to reduce transfer time can contribute significantly to service quality improvements. Schedule synchronization may significantly reduce transfer delays at transfer stations where various routes interconnect. Since vehicle arrivals are stochastic, slack time allowances in vehicle schedules may be desirable to reduce the probability of missed connections. An objective total cost function, including supplier and user costs, is formulated for optimizing the coordination of a general intermodal transit network. A four-stage procedure is developed for determining the optimal coordination status among routes at every transfer station. Considering stochastic feeder vehicle arrivals at transfer stations, the slack times of coordinated routes are optimized, by balancing the savings from transfer delays and additional cost from slack delays and operating costs. The model thus developed is used to optimize the coordination of an intermodal transit network, while the impact of a range of factors on coordination (e.g., demand, standard deviation of vehicle arrival times, etc) is examined.  相似文献   

Due to unexpected demand surge and supply disruptions, road traffic conditions could exhibit substantial uncertainty, which often makes bus travelers encounter start delays of service trips and substantially degrades the performance of an urban transit system. Meanwhile, rapid advances of information and communication technologies have presented tremendous opportunities for intelligently scheduling a bus fleet. With the full consideration of delay propagation effects, this paper is devoted to formulating the stochastic dynamic vehicle scheduling problem, which dynamically schedules an urban bus fleet to tackle the trip time stochasticity, reduce the delay and minimize the total costs of a transit system. To address the challenge of “curse of dimensionality”, we adopt an approximate dynamic programming approach (ADP) where the value function is approximated through a three-layer feed-forward neural network so that we are capable of stepping forward to make decisions and solving the Bellman’s equation through sequentially solving multiple mixed integer linear programs. Numerical examples based on the realistic operations dataset of bus lines in Beijing have demonstrated that the proposed neural-network-based ADP approach not only exhibits a good learning behavior but also significantly outperforms both myopic and static polices, especially when trip time stochasticity is high.  相似文献   

This study evaluates an existing bus network from the perspectives of passengers, operators, and overall system efficiency using the output of a previously developed transportation network optimisation model. This model is formulated as a bi-level optimisation problem with a transit assignment model as the lower problem. The upper problem is also formulated as bi-level optimisation problem to minimise costs for both passengers and operators, making it possible to evaluate the effects of reducing operator cost against passenger cost. A case study based on demand data for Hiroshima City confirms that the current bus network is close to the Pareto front, if the total costs to both passengers and operators are adopted as objective functions. However, the sensitivity analysis with regard to the OD pattern fluctuation indicates that passenger and operator costs in the current network are not always close to the Pareto front. Finally, the results suggests that, regardless of OD pattern fluctuation, reducing operator costs will increase passenger cost and increase inequity in service levels among passengers.  相似文献   

This paper studies the supply variables that influence the destination and route choices of users of a bicycle sharing system in the Chilean city of Santiago. A combined trip demand logit model is developed whose explanatory variables represent attributes relating to the topology of the possible routes and other characteristics such as the presence of bikeways, bus service and controlled intersections. The data for the explanatory variables and system users were collected through field surveys of the routes and interviews conducted at the system stations. The results of the model show that proximity to stops on the Santiago Metro and the existence of bikeways are the main factors influencing destination and route choices. Also indicated by the model estimates are gender differences, a preference for tree-lined routes and an avoidance of routes with bus services. Finally, the outcomes reveal considerable potential for the integration of bicycle sharing systems with Metro transit.  相似文献   

First-best marginal cost toll for a traffic network with stochastic demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
First-best marginal cost pricing (MCP) in traffic networks has been extensively studied with the assumption of deterministic travel demand. However, this assumption may not be realistic as a transportation network is exposed to various uncertainties. This paper investigates MCP in a traffic network under stochastic travel demand. Cases of both fixed and elastic demand are considered. In the fixed demand case, travel demand is represented as a random variable, whereas in the elastic demand case, a pre-specified random variable is introduced into the demand function. The paper also considers a set of assumptions of traveler behavior. In the first case, it is assumed that the traveler considers only the mean travel time in the route choice decision (risk-neutral behavior), and in the second, both the mean and the variance of travel time are introduced into the route choice model (risk-averse behavior). A closed-form formulation of the true marginal cost toll for the stochastic network (SN-MCP) is derived from the variational inequality conditions of the system optimum and user equilibrium assignments. The key finding is that the calculation of the SN-MCP model cannot be made by simply substituting related terms in the original MCP model by their expected values. The paper provides a general function of SN-MCP and derives the closed-form SN-MCP formulation for specific cases with lognormal and normal stochastic travel demand. Four numerical examples are explored to compare network performance under the SN-MCP and other toll regimes.  相似文献   

Extensive work exists on regular rail network planning. However, few studies exist on the planning and design of ring-radial rail transit systems. With more ring transit lines being planned and built in Asia, Europe and the America's, a detailed study on ring transit lines is timely. An analytical model to find the optimal number of radial lines in a city for any demand distribution is first introduced. Secondly, passenger route choice for different rail networks is analyzed, for a many-to-many Origin-Destination (OD) demand distribution, based on a total travel time cost per passenger basis. The routes considered are: (1) radial lines only; (2) ring line only or radial lines and ring line combined; or (3) direct access to a destination without using the rail system. Mathematica and Matlab are used to code the route choice model. A cost-benefit optimization model to identify the feasibility and optimality of a ring line is proposed. Unlike simulations and agent-based models, this model is shown to be easily transferable to many ring-radial transit networks. The City of Calgary is used as an example to illustrate the applicability of each model. The existing urban rail network and trip distribution are major influencing factors in judging the feasibility and optimal location of the ring line. This study shows the potential net benefit of introducing a ring line by assessing changes in passengers’ costs. The changes in passenger cost parameters, such as ride cost and access cost, are shown to greatly influence the feasibility of a ring line.  相似文献   

Creating a bus network that covers passenger demand conveniently is an important ingredient of the transit operations planning process. Certainly determination of optimal bus network is highly sensitive to any change of demand, thus it is desirable not to consider average or estimated figures, but to take into account prudently the variations of the demand. Many cities worldwide experience seasonal demand variations which naturally have impact on the convenience and optimality of the transit service. That is, the bus network should provide convenient service across all seasons. This issue, addressed in this work, has not been thoroughly dealt with neither in practice nor in the literature. Analyzing seasonal transit demand variations increases further the computational complexity of the bus-network design problem which is known as a NP-hard problem. A solution procedure using genetic algorithm efficiently, with a defined objective-function to attain the optimization, is proposed to solve this cumbersome problem. The method developed is applied to two benchmarked networks and to a case study, to the city of Mashhad in Iran with over 3.2 million residents and 20 million visitors annually. The case study, characterized by a significant seasonal demand variation, demonstrates how to find the best single network of bus routes to suit the fluctuations of the annual passenger demand. The results of comparing the proposed algorithm to previously developed algorithms show that the new development outperforms the other methods between 1% and 9% in terms of the objective function values.  相似文献   

This research proposes an equilibrium assignment model for congested public transport corridors in urban areas. In this model, journey times incorporate the effect of bus queuing on travel times and boarding and alighting passengers on dwell times at stops. The model also considers limited bus capacity leading to longer waiting times and more uncomfortable journeys. The proposed model is applied to an example network, and the results are compared with those obtained in a recent study. This is followed by the analysis and discussion of a real case application in Santiago de Chile. Finally, different boarding and alighting times and different vehicle types are evaluated. In all cases, demand on express services tends to be underestimated by using constant dwell time assignment models, leading to potential planning errors for these lines. The results demonstrate the importance of considering demand dependent dwell times in the assignment process, especially at high demand levels when the capacity constraint should also be considered. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the objective of transit routing is often set either to minimize the total operational cost, subject to a given level of service quality, or to maximize the service quality at a given acceptable cost. In a deregulated, commercial‐based environment however, such as bus and railway operations in cities of the UK and Hong Kong where several private firms compete in route‐based or area‐based market, routing becomes one of the means for higher returns rather than just for cost saving. In such a case, how do the transit providers set up their routes for profit‐maximization? Will the routing based on the provider's objective meet the user's objective? How do government regulations and policies affect the choice of transit provider's routing strategy? To answer these questions, we first examine the relationship between the objectives of users and transit providers, set up criteria for transit routing quality, and then investigate the possible routing configurations/patterns for a hypothetical case. These criteria include (1) the load factor of transit, (2) the level of route directness, (3) the level of route overlapping, and (4) the total number of routes and (5) the average of route length. These measures are finally applied to a real case in Hong Kong to examine the route changes of Kowloon Motor Bus from 1975 to 1995. The result of the empirical case reveais how key measures such as load factor are controlled by the bus operator and affected by government policies and how the bus routing pattern was adjusted to meet users' need. Facing the dilemma as evident in Hong Kong between the route directness and the efficiency of road use, we suggest that a rational multi‐modal routing structure be put in place if an institutional solution is introduced so that bus and other transit modes can form a sharing program or an alliance.  相似文献   

Current analytic models for optimizing urban bus transit systems tend to sacrifice geographic realism and detail in order to obtain their solutions. The models presented here shows how an optimization approach can be successful without oversimplifying spatial characteristics and demand patterns of urban areas and how a grid bus transit system in a heterogeneous urban environment with elastic demand is optimized. The demand distribution over the service region is discrete, which can realistically represent geographic variation. Optimal network characteristics (route and station spacings), operating headways and fare are found, which maximize the total operator profit and social welfare. Irregular service regions, many‐to‐many demand patterns, and vehicle capacity constraints are considered in a sequential optimization process. The numerical results show that at the optima the operator profit and social welfare functions are rather flat with respect to route spacing and headway, thus facilitating the tailoring of design variables to the actual street network and particular operating schedule without a substantial decrease in profit. The sensitivities of the design variables to some important exogenous factors are also presented.  相似文献   

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