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Nonlinear road pricing charges each traveler based on his/her trip’s corresponding particular attribute level. In order to help authorities in designing road pricing systems at a strategic level, this paper attempts to address two fundamental questions: (i) what is the value of pricing’s nonlinearity for mitigating traffic congestion? (ii) if a nonlinear toll function is implemented, should it be convex, concave or other shape? Specifically, we consider distance-based pricing in linear cities. For linear monocentric cities with heterogeneous travelers, we show that the system optimal distance-based pricing indeed exhibits nonlinearity. It is proved that: (i) the cost-based system optimal toll function is monotonically increasing and concave with respect to the traveled distance; (ii) the time-based system optimal toll function always exists and is unique. If the initial proportion of each traveler group is invariant along a corridor and the demand function is of exponential type, then the time-based system optimal toll function enables the travelers, living further away from a city center, to face a lower toll level per unit distance. For a linear polycentric city, we demonstrate: (i) there always exists the system optimal differentiated (in terms of city centers) toll functions; (ii) it is highly possible that the system optimal non-differentiated toll function does not exist. Hence, we further propose an optimal toll design model, prove the Lipschitz continuity of its objective and adopt a global-optimization algorithm to solve it.  相似文献   

With the approach of introducing the conceptions of mental account and mental budgeting into the process of travelers’ route choice, we try to identify why the usages of tolled roads are often overestimated. Assuming that every traveler sets a mental account for his/her travel to keep track of their expense and keep out-of-pocket spending under control, it addresses these questions such that “How much money can I spend on the travel?” and “What if I spend too much?”. Route tolls that exceed the budget are much more unacceptable compared to those within budget due to the non-fungibility of money between different accounts. A simple network with two nodes and two routes is analyzed firstly, the analytical solutions are obtained and the optimal road tolls supporting the user equilibrium as a system optimum are also derived. The proposed model is then extended to a generalized network. The multiclass user equilibrium conditions with travel mental budgeting are formulated into an equivalent variational inequality (VI) problem and an equivalent minimization problem. Through analyses with numerical examples, it is found that the main reason that the usages of high tolled roads are often overestimated is due to the fact that travelers with low and moderate out-of-pocket travel budget perceive a much higher travel cost than their actual cost on the high tolled roads.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a fuzzy preference based model of route choice. The core of the model is FiPV (Fuzzy individuelle Präferenzen von Verkehrsteilnehmern or fuzzy traveler preferences), that is a choice function based on fuzzy preference relations for travel decisions. The proposed model may be the first application of fuzzy individual choice in traffic assignment and probably also the first in this class to consider the spatial knowledge of individual travelers. It is argued that travelers do not or cannot always follow the maximization principle. Therefore we formulate a model that also takes into account the travelers with non-maximizing behavior. The model is based on fuzzy preference relations, of which elements are fuzzy pairwise comparisons between the available alternatives.  相似文献   

Modeling air carrier demand is instrumental to understanding the relative importance of competitive forces that shape the airline environment and determine a carrier's market share. This paper develops a conceptual framework for analyzing carrier demand in a competitive context and applies that framework to study air carrier choice. This framework can be used by carriers to assess the market share and revenue implications of service design, pricing, marketing, and promotional strategies. We adopt an individual traveler choice approach to identify and measure the relative importance of factors which influence air travel demand. Travelers' patterns of air travel, perceptions of carrier service, frequent-flyer program membership, and carrier choice behavior are used to estimate models of individual carrier choice. These models indicate the importance of carrier presence in the origin market, carrier service in a city pair market (share of flights), carrier quality of service reflected in ratings by individual travelers, and traveler loyalty reflected in frequent-flyer program membership on carrier choice. The importance of these variables and the specific quantitative relationship estimated, can be used to estimate the market share impact of service design, pricing, marketing, and promotional changes. The empirical results of this study demonstrate the dramatic impact of frequent-flyer program participation on carrier choice for individual flights. These effects are particularly strong among the most important air carrier market, the frequent business traveler.  相似文献   

Using a 2012 stated preference survey based on a traveler’s most recent actual trip, this study predicts traveler choices between general purpose lanes and managed lanes for a freeway in Houston, Texas. The choice model incorporates probability weighting for risky travel times. The results indicate significant improvement in predicative power over a model that excludes weighting, confirming non-linearity in the probability weighting function. The maximum value of time (VOT) measures calculated in this study are lower than estimated in many previous route choice studies. This highlights the importance of incorporating individual weights for travel risks. Travelers’ underweighting of travel time risks would help explain the lower VOTs found in our study because respondents consider route choice decision-making as a gamble, but assign their own probabilities of occurrence to arriving at their destination on time, late, or early. We find that traveler groups are heterogeneous and the different weights developed for different groups of travelers can be used to better understand their probabilities. Segmentation analysis indicates that Age may serve to proxy the effects of more experience over time, or changing driving abilities, or changes in one’s sense of optimism or pessimism at different ages. Gender and Income also play a role in how the objective probabilities presented to respondents were translated into subjective probabilities.  相似文献   

Transportation is an important source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this paper, we develop a bi-level model for GHG emission charge based on continuous distribution of the value of time (VOT) for travelers. In the bi-level model framework, a policy maker (as the leader) seeks an optimal emission charge scheme, with tolls differentiated across travel modes (e.g., bus, motorcycles, and cars), to achieve a given GHG reduction target by shifting the proportions of travelers taking different modes. In response, travelers (as followers) will adjust their travel modes to minimize their total travel cost. The resulting mode shift, hence the outcome of the emission charge policy, depends on travelers’ VOT distribution. For the solution of the bi-level model, we integrate a differential evolution algorithm for the upper level and the “all or nothing” traffic assignment for the lower level. Numerical results from our analysis suggest important policy implications: (1) in setting the optimal GHG emission charge scheme for the design of transportation GHG emission reduction targets, policy makers need to be equipped with rigorous understanding of travelers’ VOT distribution and the tradeoffs between emission reduction and system efficiency; and (2) the optimal emission charge scheme in a city depends significantly on the average value of travelers’ VOT distribution—the optimal emission charge can be designed and implemented in consistency with rational travel flows. Further sensitivity analysis considering various GHG reduction targets and different VOT distributions indicate that plausible emission toll schemes that encourage travelers to choose greener transportation modes can be explored as an efficient policy instrument for both transportation network performance improvement and GHG reduction.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of the provision of traffic information on toll road usage based on a stated preference survey conducted in central Texas. Although many researchers have studied congestion pricing and traffic information dissemination extensively, most of them focused on the effects that these instruments individually produce on transportation system performance. Few studies have been conducted to elaborate on the impacts of traffic information dissemination on toll road utilization. In this study, 716 individuals completed a survey to measure representative public opinions and preferences for toll road usage in support of various traffic information dissemination classified by different modes, contents, and timeliness categories. A nested logit model was developed and estimated to identify the significant attributes of traffic information dissemination, traveler commuting patterns, routing behavior, and demographic characteristics, and analyze their impacts on toll road utilization. The results revealed that the travelers using dynamic message sign systems as their primary mode of receiving traffic information are more likely to choose toll roads. The potential toll road users also indicated their desire to obtain traffic information via internet. Information regarding accident locations, road hazard warnings, and congested roads is frequently sought by travelers. Furthermore, high-quality congested road information dissemination can significantly enhance travelers’ preferences of toll road usage. Specifically the study found that travelers anticipated an average travel time saving of about 11.3 min from better information; this is about 30 % of travelers’ average one-way commuting time. The mean value of the time savings was found to be about $11.82 per hour, close to ½ of the average Austin wage rate. The model specifications and result analyses provide in-depth insights in interpreting travelers’ behavioral tendencies of toll road utilization in support of traffic information. The results are also helpful to shape and develop future transportation toll system and transportation policy.  相似文献   

This study investigates Pareto-improving congestion pricing and revenue refunding schemes in general transportation networks, which make every road user better off as compared with the situation without congestion pricing. We consider user heterogeneity in value of time (VOT) by adopting a multiclass user model with fixed origin–destination (OD) demands. We first prove that an OD and class-based Pareto-improving refunding scheme exists if and only if the total system monetary travel disutility is reduced. In view of the practical difficulty in identifying individual user’s VOT, we further investigate class-anonymous refunding schemes that give the same amount of refund to all user classes traveling between the same OD pair regardless of their VOTs. We establish a sufficient condition for the existence of such OD-specific but class-anonymous Pareto-improving refunding schemes, which needs information only on the average toll paid and average travel time for trips between each OD pair.  相似文献   

Using a primary dataset from an experimental survey in eight European cities, this study identified the key determinants of satisfaction with individual trip stages as well as overall journey experience for different travel modes and traveler groups. Multivariate statistical analyses were used to examine the relationships between overall satisfaction and travel experience variables, trip complexity, subjective well-being indices, travel-related attitudes as well as individual- and trip-specific attributes. The results indicate that for certain traveler groups, such as women, young and low-income or unemployed travelers, there are distinctive determinants of satisfaction with trip stages for various travel modes. The results also indicate that satisfaction with the primary trip stage is strongly linked to overall trip satisfaction, while satisfaction levels with access and egress trip stages are strongly related to satisfaction with the primary trip stage. Past experience, traveler expectations and attitudes, and the emotional state of travelers are also significant explanatory variables for travel satisfaction. The results indicate that when an individual consciously chooses a particular travel mode, they will report a higher level of satisfaction with that chosen mode. Notwithstanding, while past experience highly influences an individual’s current travel satisfaction, the more they travel with the current mode, the less satisfied they are with their choice. The results of this study highlight the importance of gaining a better understanding of the interaction between instrumental variables and non-instrumental variables at different trip stages and the influence on user preferences, satisfaction and decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Motivated by the growth of ridesourcing services and the expected advent of fully-autonomous vehicles (AVs), this paper defines, models, and compares assignment strategies for a shared-use AV mobility service (SAMS). Specifically, the paper presents the on-demand SAMS with no shared rides, defined as a fleet of AVs, controlled by a central operator, that provides direct origin-to-destination service to travelers who request rides via a mobile application and expect to be picked up within a few minutes. The underlying operational problem associated with the on-demand SAMS with no shared rides is a sequential (i.e. dynamic or time-dependent) stochastic control problem. The AV fleet operator must assign AVs to open traveler requests in real-time as traveler requests enter the system dynamically and stochastically. As there is likely no optimal policy for this sequential stochastic control problem, this paper presents and compares six AV-traveler assignment strategies (i.e. control policies). An agent-based simulation tool is employed to model the dynamic system of AVs, travelers, and the intelligent SAMS fleet operator, as well as, to compare assignment strategies across various scenarios. The results show that optimization-based AV-traveler assignment strategies, strategies that allow en-route pickup AVs to be diverted to new traveler requests, and strategies that incorporate en-route drop-off AVs in the assignment problem, reduce fleet miles and decrease traveler wait times. The more-sophisticated AV-traveler assignment strategies significantly improve operational efficiency when fleet utilization is high (e.g. during the morning or evening peak); conversely, when fleet utilization is low, simply assigning traveler requests sequentially to the nearest idle AV is comparable to more-advanced strategies. Simulation results also indicate that the spatial distribution of traveler requests significantly impacts the empty fleet miles generated by the on-demand SAMS.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a research case study that examined the distribution of travel time of origin–destination (OD) pairs on a transportation network under incident conditions. Using a transportation simulation dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model, incident on a transportation network is executed under normal conditions, incident conditions without traveler information availability, and incident conditions assuming that users had perfect knowledge of the incident conditions and could select paths to avoid the incident location. The results suggest that incidents have a different impact on different OD pairs. The results confirm that an effective traveler information system has the potential to ease the impacts of incident conditions network wide. Yet it is also important to note that the use of information may detriment some OD pairs while benefiting other OD pairs. The methodology demonstrated in this paper provides insights into the usefulness of embedding a fully calibrated DTA model into the analysis tools of a traffic management and information center.  相似文献   

A new assignment principle for traveler behavior in an urban network is described which is based on empirical findings in the theory of travel budgets. It characterizes the distribution of travelers, demand, and modal split. It treats all travel decisions (whether to travel, where to go, how to get there) and the important costs (time and money) in a single, unified way. A numerical technique is proposed and it is applied to several examples to illustrate qualitative features.  相似文献   

This paper develops an integrated model to characterize the market penetration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in urban transportation networks. The model explicitly accounts for the interplay among the AV manufacturer, travelers with heterogeneous values of travel time (VOTT), and road infrastructure capacity. By making in-vehicle time use more leisurely or productive, AVs reduce travelers’ VOTT. In addition, AVs can move closer together than human-driven vehicles because of shorter safe reaction time, which leads to increased road capacity. On the other hand, the use of AV technologies means added manufacturing cost and higher price. Thus, traveler adoption of AVs will trade VOTT savings with additional out-of-pocket cost. The model is structured as a leader (AV manufacturer)-follower (traveler) game. Given the cost of producing AVs, the AV manufacturer sets AV price to maximize profit while anticipating AV market penetration. Given an AV price, the vehicle and routing choice of heterogeneous travelers are modeled by combining a multinomial logit model with multi-modal multi-class user equilibrium (UE). The overall problem is formulated as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC), which is challenging to solve. We propose a solution approach based on piecewise linearization of the MPCC as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) and solving the MILP to global optimality. Non-uniform distribution of breakpoints that delimit piecewise intervals and feasibility-based domain reduction are further employed to reduce the approximation error brought by linearization. The model is implemented in a simplified Singapore network with extensive sensitivity analyses and the Sioux Falls network. Computational results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the solution approach and yield valuable insights about transportation system performance in a mixed autonomous/human driving environment.  相似文献   

In this paper, a destination choice model with pairwise district-level constants is proposed for trip distribution based on a nearly complete OD trip matrix in a region. It is found that the coefficients are weakly identified in a destination choice model with pairwise zone-level constants. Thus, a destination choice model with pairwise district-level constants is then proposed and an iterative algorithm is developed for model estimation. Herein, the “district” means a spatial aggregation of a number of zones. The proposed model is demonstrated through simulation experiments. Then, destination choice models with and without pairwise district-level constants are estimated based on GPS data of taxi passenger trips collected during morning peak hours within the Inner Ring Road of Shanghai, China. The datasets comprise 504,187 trip records and a sample of 10,000 taxi trips for model development. The zones used in the study are actually 961 residents’ committees while the districts are 52 residential districts that are spatial aggregations and upper-level administrative units of residents’ committees. It is found that the estimated value of time dramatically drops after the involvement of district-level constants, indicating that the traditional model tends to overestimate the value of time when ignoring pairwise associations between two zones in trip distribution. The proposed destination choice model can ensure its predicted trip OD matrix to match the observed one at district level. Thus, the proposed model has potential to be widely applied for trip distribution under the situation where a complete OD trip matrix can be observed.  相似文献   

This study investigates a travelers’ day-to-day route flow evolution process under a predefined market penetration of advanced traveler information system (ATIS). It is assumed that some travelers equipped with ATIS will follow the deterministic user equilibrium route choice behavior due to the complete traffic information provided by ATIS, while the other travelers unequipped with ATIS will follow the stochastic user equilibrium route choice behavior. The interaction between these two groups of travelers will result in a mixed equilibrium state. We first propose a discrete day-to-day route flow adjustment process for this mixed equilibrium behavior by specifying the travelers’ route adjustment principle and adjustment ratio. The convergence of the proposed day-to-day flow dynamic model to the mixed equilibrium state is then rigorously demonstrated under certain assumptions upon route adjustment principle and adjustment ratio. In addition, without affecting the convergence of the proposed day-to-day flow dynamic model, the assumption concerning the adjustment ratio is further relaxed, thus making the proposed model more appealing in practice. Finally, numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate and evaluate the performance of the proposed day-to-day flow dynamic model.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new method to prioritize bicycle improvement projects based on accessibility to important destinations, such as grocery stores, banks, and restaurants. Central to the method is a new way to classify “bicycling stress” using marginal rates of substitution which are commonly developed through empirical behavioral research on bicyclist route choice. MRS values are input parameters representing bicycling stress associated with the number of lanes and speed limit of a street. The method was programmed as a geographic information system tool and requires commonly available data. The tool is demonstrated on three improvement scenarios that were recently proposed for Seattle, Washington. The full build-out scenario consists of 771 projects that include various new bike lanes, protected bike lanes, and multi-use trails. The tool produces priority rankings based on a project’s ability to improve low-stress connectivity between homes and important destinations. The analysis identifies specific areas and neighborhoods that can be expected to exhibit better bikeability. Transportation planners can use the tool to help communicate anticipated project impacts to decision-makers and the public.  相似文献   

This paper examines the variation in the value of travel time savings (VTTS) for travelers with a managed lane (ML) option when taking an ordinary trip versus a trip that is unusual in some way. VTTS estimates vary substantially depending on the urgency of the trip made. At the low end, the mean VTTS for a traveler who wants to make extra stops and still arrive on time is approximately 10% higher than that for an ordinary trip. At the high end, a traveler running late for an appointment shows a mean VTTS that is approximately 300% higher than that for an ordinary trip. These estimates vary widely over the population of travelers. In light of these variations, the value of an uncongested travel alternative (such as MLs) is examined and found to be greatly undervalued if using typical VTTS estimates.  相似文献   


This narrative review synthesised the limited work that has been carried out into road safety education targeting parents. Parent education appeared to have a positive impact on child safety seat use and children’s bike helmet use, but results regarding the impact of parent education on pedestrian safety were mixed. The review highlighted important gaps in the literature. A key gap being identifying effective ways to engage parents of low socioeconomic and ethnic minority backgrounds. Further, another gap is understanding effective ways to engage and support parents of children with additional needs to build their children’s road safety skills. There is some evidence that parent education has a positive impact on these “at-risk” groups, but little work on how to engage with these groups and the type of parent education required.  相似文献   

Existing user equilibrium models of activity-travel scheduling generally fall short in representing travelers’ decision-making processes. The majority have either implicitly or explicitly assumed that travelers follow the principle of utility maximization. This assumption ignores the fact that individuals may be loss–averse when making activity-travel decisions. Allowing for the situation that travelers possess accurate information of the urban-transportation system due to modern technologies, studies on reference-dependent decision-making under near-perfect information are receiving increasing attention. In view of traveler heterogeneity, individuals can be divided into multiple classes according to their reference points. In this paper, we propose a reference-dependent multi-class user equilibrium model for activity-travel scheduling, which can be reformulated as a variational inequality problem. Moreover, comparative analyses are conducted on the equilibrium states between utility-maximization (no reference) and reference-dependency of exogenous and endogenous references. A numerical example regarding combined departure-time and mode choice for commuting is conducted to illustrate the proposed model. The simulated results indicate that reference points and loss aversion attitudes have significant effects on the choice of departure time and mode.  相似文献   

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