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A multiple user class equilibrium assignment algorithm is formulated to determine vehicle trips and the vehicle miles of travel (VMT) in various operating modes on highway links. A heuristic solution algorithm based on the Frank–Wolfe decomposition of the equilibrium assignment problem is presented. The treatment of intrazonal trips, which are very important for emission studies is also discussed. The solution algorithm is implemented in a traffic assignment program for emission studies, referred to as TAPES. The use of the algorithm is demonstrated through a TAPES model case study on a Charlotte, NC network database for 1990 AM peak period. The operating mode mix of VMT in cold transient, hot transient and hot stabilized modes, also known as the mix of cold-starts, hot-starts and stabilized mode trips, is derived on a link by link basis. The results are aggregated by facility type and the location of link segments. It is observed that the operating mode fractions in transient and stabilized modes could vary widely across different facility types geographic locations. The aggregated operating mode fractions derived from the assignment analysis indicates that a lesser proportion of VMT operates in cold and hot transient modes when compared to the operating mode mix derived from the Federal Test Procedure (FTP).  相似文献   

This study uses EUROCONTROL data on operating performance of the national air navigation service providers over the 2002–2011 time period to document in detail the efficiency changes across providers and time using data envelopment analysis. Our results suggest that overall providers’ productivity improved over the time period covered by the data, driven by improvements in technical rather than allocative efficiency. However, some trend reversals in the post-2008 crisis period are also observed.  相似文献   

A well-designed service plan efficiently utilizes its infrastructure and ensures an acceptable level of service stability with consideration of potential incidents that disturb or disrupt the rail transit services. To perform service evaluation, an integrated process combining capacity, resource usage, and system reliability is required to quantify service efficiency and stability in a consistent way. This study adopts capacity-based indices, “capacity utilization” and “expected recovery time”, as the attributes for service efficiency and stability, and develops a comprehensive evaluation framework with three corresponding modules to incorporate capacity, service plan, and system reliability and maintainability simultaneously. The capacity analysis module computes the rail transit capacities under normal and degraded operations. The reliability module classifies and fits the proper reliability and maintainability distributions to the historical interruption data. The service efficiency and stability module analyzes the results of the previous two modules and evaluates the service efficiency and stability of rail transit service plans. Empirical results show that the established evaluation framework can not only evaluate the service efficiency and stability but also identify critical sections and time slots. This tool can help rail transit operators rapidly assess their operational changes and investment strategies related to efficiency and stability so as to provide efficient and stable services to their customers.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the cost structure of the integrated air freight business by means of a translog cost function. This allows to extend knowledge on the supply side and to examine if strategies of integrators are consistent with cost structure. The cost function is based on quarterly time-series data from 1990 to 2010 for FedEx and UPS. A total and a variable model are estimated. In addition, a static as well as a dynamic approach is followed. We find that integrators exhibit strong scale and density economies in the short and the long term. This result is in line with the aggressive expansion and cooperation strategies pursued by integrators. Our results indicate that the concentration in the integrated air freight industry will continue: a concern for industry actors and regulatory agencies.  相似文献   

The analysis of the causes behind the appearance and propagation of delays is one of the major topics inside Air Transport Management research. Existing research focuses by and large on Air Traffic Flow Management regulations and reactionary delays; less attention has been devoted to the study of the mechanisms governing the generation and absorption of delays while airborne, in spite of their important economical and environmental consequences. Here we present a methodology to detect delay-generating events, based on the comparison of planned and real trajectories; these events are then used to characterise several aspects of the dynamics of the system, e.g. its resilience. We apply this methodology to a historical data set of flights crossing the European airspace during 2011, and observe an overall resilient system, able to absorb as much delays as it generates; yet resilience is not constant, but strongly depends on the phase of the flight, and shows high spatial and temporal heterogeneities. We anticipate the proposed methodology to open new doors for the development of a better systemic performance, by enabling the characterisation and understanding of this fundamental type of delay.  相似文献   

Each stakeholder in the air transportation system has a different perspective on the performance efficiency metrics, making analysis of system-wide design options very difficult. This paper uses topological structures of service networks to examine trade-offs between efficiency metrics established around the passenger, airline, and air navigation service provider perspectives. The findings indicate that the scale-free type topologies are preferred under most of the metrics. However, with enough density, random topologies become more appealing with its high robustness feature and performance comparable to scale-free.  相似文献   

A methodology to assist transportation planners in designing bus services is developed. The methodology is most relevant for use in locations where bus service of the type being studied does not currently exist and therefore no information is available on past choice behavior, or in instances when transferability of travel models estimated in another location is difficult. The methodology assesses the sensitivity of bus service characteristics upon intended bus usage using survey data collected in Orange County, California, by the Orange County Transit District (OCTD). The methodology is based on a nonparametric statistical test developed by Kolmogorov and Smirnov.Scenarios describing hypothetical operations of bus service are presented to survey respondents who indicate their intended levels of bus usage under each situation. Significant differences between the response distributions associated with pairs of scenarios are identified and potential ridership levels, as bus operations become more favorable, are assessed. Various user segments are then identified on the basis of their levels of intended bus usage and the corresponding marketing implications associated with each segment are discussed.  相似文献   

Public service obligations (PSOs) are used by governments in many countries, including the United States and 11 countries in Europe, to mandate a minimum level of commercial air transportation service, especially for small or rural communities. This paper analyzes PSOs in these 12 countries for the year 2010 using the recently proposed Global Connectivity Index to measure direct and indirect market access and a novel subsidy database covering 90% of PSO movements in these countries to assess value-for-money.We show that PSO services represent about 2.5% of all commercial movements in the 12 countries analyzed, generating about 1% of these countries’ total air transport connectivity. Over all routes for which data was available, approximately USD$ 900 million was earmarked for PSO and air service discount provision in 2010, with average subsidies per movement ranging from about $700 to $3500. PSO market access and efficiency outcomes vary across the countries analyzed. Some countries, such as Germany and the United States, focus on providing network access for smaller communities, thereby creating not only point-to-point, but also onward connectivity, while others such as Norway, Sweden, and Ireland, predominantly aim at providing “lifeline services” that connect remote regions to a nearby economic center without providing onward connections.  相似文献   

The asymmetric effects of service quality on international travelers' airline choice behavior were investigated in this paper. The linear structural equation modeling system was first applied to quantify passengers' perceptions of service quality provided by airlines, which were then used as the input variables of the asymmetric response model developed to capture international travelers' airline decision. Their asymmetric responses to various service quality of airlines were assumed to be either gains or losses with respect to their reference points. The results showed that the asymmetric response model performs better than the traditional logit models that capture only symmetrical effects.  相似文献   

One of the crucial factors in achieving a high punctuality in railway traffic systems, is the ability to effectively reschedule the trains when disturbances occur. The railway traffic rescheduling problem is a complex task to solve both from a practical and a computational perspective. Problems of practically relevant sizes have typically a very large search space, making them time-consuming to solve even for state-of-the-art optimization solvers. Though competitive algorithmic approaches are a widespread topic of research, not much research has been done to explore the opportunities and challenges in parallelizing them. This paper presents a parallel algorithm to efficiently solve the real-time railway rescheduling problem on a multi-core parallel architecture. We devised (1) an effective way to represent the solution space as a binary tree and (2) a novel sequential heuristic algorithm based on a depth-first search (DFS) strategy that quickly traverses the tree. Based on that, we designed a parallel algorithm for a multi-core architecture, which proved to be 10.5 times faster than the sequential algorithm even when run on a single processing core. When executed on a parallel machine with 8 cores, the speed further increased by a factor of 4.68 and every disturbance scenario in the considered case study was solved within 6 s. We conclude that for the problem under consideration, though a sequential DFS approach is fast in several disturbance scenarios, it is notably slower in many other disturbance scenarios. The parallel DFS approach that combines a DFS with simultaneous breadth-wise tree exploration, while being much faster on an average, is also consistently fast across all scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper studies real-time schedule recovery policies for liner shipping under various regular uncertainties and the emerging disruption event that may delay a vessel from its planned schedule. The aim is to recover the affected schedule in the most efficient way. One important contribution of this work is to explicitly distinguish two types of uncertainties in liner shipping, and propose different strategies to handle them. The problem can be formulated as a multi-stage stochastic control problem that minimizes the total expected fuel cost and delay penalty. For regular uncertainties that can be characterized by appropriate probabilistic models, we develop the properties of the optimal control policy; then we show how an emerging disruption may change the control policies. Numerical studies demonstrate the advantages of real-time schedule recovery policies against some typical alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new double standard model (DSM), along with a genetic algorithm (GA), for solving the emergency medical service (EMS) vehicle allocation problem that ensures acceptable service reliability with limited vehicle resources. Without loss of generality, the model is formulated to address emergency services to human injuries caused by vehicle crashes at intersections within an urban street network. The EMS fleet consists of basic life support (BLS) and advanced life support (ALS) vehicles suited for treating crashes with different severity levels within primary and secondary service coverage standards corresponding to extended response times. The model ensures that all demand sites are covered by at least one EMS vehicle within the secondary standard and a portion of which also meets the service reliability requirement. In addition, a portion of demand sites can be covered by at least one of each type of EMS vehicles within the primary standard. Meanwhile, it aims to achieve maximized coverage of demand sites within the primary standard that complies with the required service reliability. A computational experiment is conducted using 2004–2010 data on top two hundred high crash intersections in the city of Chicago as demand sites for model application. With an EMS fleet size of 15 BLS and 60 ALS ambulances maintained by the Chicago Fire Department, at best 92.4–95.5% of demand could be covered within the secondary standard at 90% of service reliability; and 65.5–68.4% of high severity demand and 50.2–54.5 low severity demand could be covered within the primary standard at 90% of service reliability. The model can help optimize EMS vehicle allocation in urban areas.  相似文献   

Transport demand for containers has been increasing for decades, which places pressure on road transport. As a result, rail transport is stimulated to provide better intermodal freight transport services. This paper investigates mathematical models for the planning of container movements in a port area, integrating the inter-terminal transport of containers (ITT, within the port area) with the rail freight formation and transport process (towards the hinterland). An integer linear programming model is used to formulate the container transport across operations at container terminals, the network interconnecting them, railway yards and the railway networks towards the hinterland. A tabu search algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. The practical applicability of the algorithm is tested in a realistic infrastructure case and different demand scenarios. Our results show the degree by which internal (ITT) and external (hinterland) transport processes interact, and the potential for improvement of overall operations when the integrated optimization proposed is used. Instead, if the planning of containers in the ITT system is optimized as a stand-alone problem, the railway terminals may suffer from longer delay times or additional train cancellations. When planning the transport of 4060 TEU containers within one day, the benefits of the ITT planning without considering railway operations account for 17% ITT cost reduction but 93% railway operational cost growth, while the benefits of integrating ITT and railway account for a reduction of 20% in ITT cost and 44% in railway operational costs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a very simple modification of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm for the solution of the traffic assignment problem. It is shown that the modified algorithm can be implemented without much increase in computational effort over the original one. Convergence of the algorithm is proved and computational results are reported to demonstrate the validity of the modification.  相似文献   

Bus driver scheduling aims to find the minimum number of bus drivers to cover a published timetable of a bus company. When scheduling bus drivers, contractual working rules must be enforced, thus complicating the problem. In this research, we develop a column generation algorithm that decomposes this complicated problem into a master problem and a series of pricing subproblems. The master problem selects optimal duties from a set of known feasible duties, and the pricing subproblem augments the feasible duty set to improve the solution obtained in the master problem. The proposed algorithm is empirically applied to the realistic problems of several bus companies. The numerical results show that the proposed column generation algorithm can solve real‐world problems and obtain bus driver schedules that are better than those developed and used by the bus companies. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a rolling horizon algorithm to plan the delivery of vehicles to automotive dealers by a heterogeneous fleet of auto-carriers. The problem consists in scheduling the deliveries over a multiple-day planning horizon during which requests for transportation arrive dynamically. In addition, the routing of the auto-carriers must take into account constraints related to the loading of the vehicles on the carriers. The objective is to minimize the sum of traveled distances, fixed costs for auto-carrier operation, service costs, and penalties for late deliveries. The problem is solved by a heuristic that first selects the vehicles to be delivered in the next few days and then optimizes the deliveries by an iterated local search procedure. A branch-and-bound search is used to check the feasibility of the loading. To handle the dynamic nature of the problem, the complete algorithm is applied repeatedly in a rolling horizon framework. Computational results on data from a major European logistics service provider show that the heuristic is fast and yields significant improvements compared to the sequential solution of independent daily problems.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to improve our understanding of passengers’ behavioral intention by proposing an integrated framework from the attitudinal perspective. According to the literature in marketing research, we establish a causal relationship model that considers “service quality-satisfaction-behavioral intentions” paradigm, perceived value theory, and switching barrier theory. Exploring passengers’ behavioral intention from satisfaction and perceived value help to understand how passengers are attracted by the company, while switching barriers assist in realizing how passengers are “locked” into a relationship with the current company. Furthermore, in order to capture the nature of service quality, we adopt a hierarchical factor structure which serves service quality as the higher-order factor. In this study, coach industry is selected as our research subject. The empirical results, as hypothesized, show that all causal relationships are statistically significant, and perceived value us the most important predictor of satisfaction and passengers’ behavioral intention. In conclusion, the managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of constructing periodic timetables for train operations. We use a mathematical model consisting of periodic time window constraints by means of which arrival and departure times can be related pairwise on a clock, rather than on a linear time axis. Constructing a timetable, then, means solving a set of such constraints. This problem is known to be hard, i.e. it is NP-complete. We describe a new algorithm to solve the problem based on constraint generation and work out a real-life example. It appears that, for problem instances of modest, yet non-trivial, size, the algorithm performs very well, which opens a way to thorough performance analysis of railway systems by studying a large number of possible future timetables.  相似文献   

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