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In this paper, we study the economics of parking provision for the morning commute, where all the parking lots are owned and operated by private operators. The parking capacity allocations, parking fees and access times are considered in a parking market. First we solve the parking market equilibrium without regulatory intervention, revealing four types of competitive equilibrium. Only one of the four types of equilibrium, however, is found to be stable and realistic, and under it each parking area is preferred by the commuters during certain time periods. Compared to the case without parking choice, provision of parking through a competitive market is able to reduce commuters’ travel cost and queuing delay, but it does not necessarily lead to the most desirable market outcome that minimizes social cost or commuter cost. This issue can be addressed through market regulations, such as price-ceiling, capacity-floor or capacity-ceiling, and a quantity tax/subsidy regulation. It is found that both price-ceiling and quantity tax/subsidy regulations can efficiently reduce both the system cost and commuter cost under certain conditions, and help ensure the stability of the parking market. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate these findings and furthermore, how a price ceiling or a quantity tax/subsidy should be set in a parking market under realistic model parameters. 相似文献
This paper investigates how recurrent parking demand can be managed by dynamic parking pricing and information provision in the morning commute. Travelers are aware of time-varying pricing information and time-varying expected occupancy, through either their day-to-day experience or online information provision, to make their recurrent parking choices. We first formulate the parking choices under the User Equilibrium (UE) conditions using the Variational Inequality (VI) approach. More importantly, the System Optimal (SO) parking flow pattern and SO parking prices are also derived and solved efficiently using Linear Programming. Under SO, any two parking clusters cannot be used at the same time by travelers between more than one Origin–Destination (O–D) pairs. The SO parking flow pattern is not unique, which offers sufficient flexibility for operators to achieve different management objectives while keeping the flow pattern optimal. We show that any optimal flow pattern can be achieved by charging parking prices in each area that only depend on the time or occupancy, regardless of origins and destinations of users of this area. In the two numerical experiments, the best system performance is usually achieved by pricing the more preferred (convenient) area such that it is used up to a terminal occupancy of around 85–95%. Optimal pricing essentially balances the parking congestion (namely cruising time) and the level of convenience. 相似文献
Urban planners typically set the minimum parking requirements for every land use to satisfy the peak demand for free parking. As a result, parking is free for 99% of automobile trips in the United States. Minimum parking requirements increase the supply and reduce the price – but not the cost – of parking. They bundle the cost of parking spaces into the cost of development, and thereby increase the prices of all the goods and services sold at the sites that offer free parking. Cars have many external costs, but the external cost of parking in cities may be greater than all the other external costs combined. To prevent spillover, cities could price on-street parking rather than require off-street parking. Compared with minimum parking requirements, market prices can allocate parking spaces fairly and efficiently. 相似文献
The time spent searching for free parking spaces can produce considerable environmental pollution. Information on parking availability can be a powerful instrument for reducing these search costs. This paper develops a demand assignment model to evaluate the benefits of manipulating information with the objective of reducing the time and distances involved in finding a parking-place; including the walking distances involved. Using the full search procedure it was found that improvements of some 10% in efficiency could be achieved, but only at high computational costs. A genetic algorithm was programmed that increases the possibility of finding the optimum information conditions that can be translated into lower emissions of toxic greenhouse gases. 相似文献
In studies of parking policy, the role of parking pricing has been addressed. Most researches have focused on the determination of a proper price for city parking spaces that are open to the public and it is now evident that price is used by authorities as a tool to manage transport demand. However, studies of parking pricing that pertain to privately-owned parking resources are few and in particular, the problem of setting a proper price for physical market parking has rarely been studied, such as a mall’s ‘dual-pricing portfolio’ decision for the simultaneous determination of a parking fee and the consumer spending required for free parking (i.e., the ‘threshold’). This is a common problem for most malls, but the different agents involved (e.g., the visitors, the mall, the marketplace and the parking lot departments) usually have diverse goals, so the decision must take account of a multiplicity of criteria and subtle relationships. In order to systematically support this type of inter-departmental decision process, a decision model that includes an analytical decision-aid process and the relevant programming models is established. A numerical example verifies the proposed model by taking the data for a mall in Taiwan and the implications, in terms of management, are given. This systematic computational model can be generalized to any type of commercial market that requires a (new) parking pricing policy. 相似文献
To overcome the range-anxiety problem and further shortcomings associated with electric vehicles, workplace charging (WPC) is gaining increasing attention. We propose a microeconomic model of WPC and use the approach to shed light on the incentives and barriers employees and employers face when deciding on demand for and supply of WPC. It is shown that under market conditions there is no WPC contract an employer is willing to offer and at the same time the majority of employees is willing to accept. To overcome the lack of demand or underprovision of WPC we discuss various ‘remedies’, involving subsidies to charging facility costs and adjustments in electricity tariffs or loading technologies. We find that direct subsidies to WPC facilities or subsidies combined with specific energy price policies could be a way to foster WPC provision. In contrast measures on the employee side that may help to stimulate the demand for WPC turn out to be less feasible. Hence, our results suggest that in order to promote WPC it is more promising to support employers in offering WPC contracts than to provide employees an incentive to accept WPC contracts. The study therefore gives a rationale for public initiatives being undertaken to boost WPC provision, as e.g. in the case of the US. 相似文献
When total parking supply in an urban downtown area is insufficient, morning commuters would choose their departure times not only to trade off bottleneck congestion and schedule delays, but also to secure a parking space. Recent studies found that an appropriate combination of reserved and unreserved parking spaces can spread the departures of those morning commuters and hence reduce their total travel cost. To further mitigate both traffic congestion and social cost from competition for parking, this study considers a parking reservation scheme with expiration times, where commuters with a parking reservation have to arrive at parking spaces for the reservation before a predetermined expiration time. We first show that if all parking reservations have the same expiration time, it is socially preferable to set the reservations to be non-expirable, i.e., without expiration time. However, if differentiated expiration times are properly designed, the total travel cost can be further reduced as compared with the reservation scheme without expiration time, since the peak will be further smoothed out. We explore socially desirable equilibrium flow patterns under the parking reservation scheme with differentiated expiration times. Finally, efficiencies of the reservation schemes are examined. 相似文献
In this paper we present a theoretical framework for the analysis of road safety in different contexts characterized by the following factors: the presence or the absence of externalities, moral hazard, taxes (subsidies), government regulation, liability insurance and multi-period insurance contracts. The main results are the following: (i) A Pareto optimal solution for insurance coverage and road safety is characterized by full insurance and a level of prevention which takes into account externalities between drivers. (ii) Without asymmetrical information, such a Pareto optimal solution can be obtained with or without a fault system for negligence if an adequate rating system is set up in order to induce individuals to take into account externalities. Taxes and subsidies can also be efficient. Government regulation of road safety is another way to reduce inefficies due to externalities. However, these interventions will not generally lead to a socially optimal level of road safety under asymmetrical information. (iii) Under asymmetrical information, two mechanisms are examined in some detail: fault for negligence and multi-period insurance contracts. It is shown that one-period liability insurance contracts (assuming that the legal system can observe the individual's level of road safety activities when accidents occur) or multi-period no-fault insurance contracts (assuming an infinite horizon with no discounting) based in part on the individual's past driving record can give individually rational self-protection activity levels which are socially efficient in presence of both moral hazard and externalities. Under less stringent assumptions, these contracts can give second-best solutions. 相似文献
The last decade has seen considerable developments in computer assisted design procedures which enable planners to investigate the impacts of changes in the transport system. These developments have become more available to analysts through the introduction of microcomputers and computer graphics. Unfortunately, the impacts of parking on the transport have not been incorporated explicitly in many of these models since their prime concern is the movement of traffic. Parking system design and policy analysis can, however, benefit greatly from these developments in computer technology and availability. The design of parking systems can be improved and the investigation of policy impacts can be trialed or refined prior to their introduction using microcomputer packages. This paper outlines some developments in these areas. More specifically, it outlines a hierarchy or microcomputer models and information systems that can investigate parking policy and study the level of service provided by parking systems. 相似文献
With the objective of deriving useful insights into measures against traffic congestion at service areas (SAs) and parking areas (PAs) on expressways and ensuring efficient use of SAs/PAs, this study investigated the decisions on where a truck is parked (i.e., choice of an SA or a PA), how long it is parked (i.e., parking time), and their influential factors. To this end, this study used the trajectory data of 1600 trucks recorded in 6-min intervals by in-vehicle digital tachographs on the Sanyo and Chugoku Expressways in Japan from October 2013 to March 2014. First, the aspect of repeated choice of each truck (i.e., habitual behavior) toward a specific SA/PA was clarified. Next, a multilevel discrete–continuous model (Type II Tobit model) was developed to reveal the factors affecting the above decisions. The modeling results confirmed the existence of habitual behavior and showed that trucks were more likely to be parked a longer time at an SA/PA when it is closer to the destination. It appears that truck drivers may adjust their time at the SA/PA close to the destination to comply with the arrival time, which is often predetermined by the owner of the transported goods. Furthermore, the availability of restaurants and shops, and the number of parking spaces available for trucks and trailers are important determinants of parking time, whereas the existence of a convenience store is important to the choice of the SA/PA. Parking experience has an extremely strong positive effect on the parking choice and use. Moreover, increasing the number of parking lots may induce its longer use. 相似文献
ABSTRACTCycling is experiencing a revival in many cities. Research has focused on the determinants of cycling – in particular the role of the built environment and road infrastructure. Bicycle parking has received little attention – even though bicycles are parked most of the time. This article reviews the scientific literature on bicycle parking and identifies existing gaps in research and knowledge. The review analyses 94 peer-reviewed papers identified through a search in Scopus and Web of Science, in December 2017. The annual number of papers increased 15-fold between 1995 and 2017. Overall, the level of evidence on the importance of bicycle parking is limited. The majority of studies are based on cross-sectional data with the presence of parking as a binary independent variable. Most studies focus on bicycle parking at public transport stops and at work places. Few studies report on bicycle parking throughout cities, and hardly any on parking at residential locations. Bicycle parking supply and quality appears to be a determinant of cycling for current and potential cyclists. Our findings can serve as input for an evidence-based debate on the role of bicycle parking. For practitioners, our research supports investment in bicycle parking, but acknowledges that a proper evaluation of such initiatives needs to be conducted to increase the level of evidence. 相似文献
Several characteristics are defined to describe parking. The mathematical relationships between these characteristics are derived both in a general form and applied to specified parking duration distribution. The results of the analysis can be applied in planning and dimensioning of parking places. Methods of revising and generalizing field survey data collected by periodic check methods are discussed. A method for the reduction of number of observations in parking studies is presented. Three examples are given to illustrate the use of the mathematical methods. 相似文献
The author examines new, flexible parking requirements in several U.S. cities and Canada. Flexible requirements provide relaxations in zoning code specifications for off-street parking in return for developer commitments to ridesharing measures, support of transit or in-lieu fees for public parking. Issues examined include whether developers take advantage of flexible requirements, whether agreements with developers lead to agreed-upon action, and whether actions lead to desired results. Based on experiences of several cities, implications and cautions are drawn for local planners. The first caution relates to cities using flexible requirements to collect in-lieu fees in support of public parking. Where cities delay providing parking, inflation may make it difficult to provide the desired parking supply. Or, developers may not choose to pay the fee, such as in the case where cities grant relaxations for other measures more attractive than paying the fees.Other implications relate to flexible requirements in support of ridesharing or transit. Developers will not necessarily take advantage of relaxations tied to support of these modes. Generally, developers will take the least-cost ways to gain relaxations. They may choose to provide the parking where transit or ridesharing measures are too costly or complex. Or, they may take relaxations easier to obtain than those for ridesharing and transit. Finally, even where developers do agree to ridesharing measures, the measures may not be effective. On the other hand, developer-sponsored actions have proven effective in some cities where tight or expensive parking prevails, or where neighborhood residents have organized against office commuters parking on neighborhood streets, or where other economic or community variables favor ridesharing and transit. 相似文献
By using household-level micro data captured through the National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure for 2004, this study evaluates the residential parking rent price elasticity of car ownership in Japan. It analyzes the number of cars owned by a household, using various attributes including expenditure for renting a parking space on a monthly basis. The estimation results derived from the IV-ordered probit model show that the absolute value of parking rent price elasticity of car ownership is, at most, 0.48, which is fairly small (i.e., inelastic). The elasticity value varies depending on city size; for megacities, elasticity is always negative for car ownership, whereas for middle-sized or small cities, towns, and villages, elasticity is positive for one-car ownership and negative for the ownership of more than one car. Hence, when the price of parking increases, some people may switch from more than one car to one car and some people in megacities may switch from one to zero cars. Indeed, the net effect of a price increase may be that non-car ownership increases in megacities and one-car ownership increases in other cities. 相似文献
Established rules-of-thumb and industry guidelines for estimating the supply of parking at airports are based on uncertain quantities such as design year enplanements and number of airport employees, and are independent of cost. In the presence of continued uncertainty and increasing competition for limited space in and around airports, it is important that facilities are sized in relation to cost of providing and using them. A probabilistic model based on the classical “newsboy” problem is proposed to determine the optimal supply of parking in relation to expected total cost while treating demand as a random quantity. Empirical data are used to demonstrate the application of the proposed model for decision making. In addition to construction and maintenance costs, and user costs, decisions are shown to be sensitive to the level of uncertainty of design year enplanements. 相似文献
This paper reviews some of the arguments which have been put forward on the economics of bus deregulation, particularly the paper by Gwilliam and others. It argues that the experience of road haulage licensing is relevant. The evidence there suggests that liberalization has not had the adverse effects that many predicted and that in most respects one could expect bus deregulation to have no less favourable consequences. The main difference between buses and road haulage is over how far bus drivers might revert to the old practices of the 1920s of chasing, tailing, etc. which were said at the time to be a major cause of consumer dissatisfaction. The paper reviews the economics of some of these practices and suggests which might be discounted and which need further attention. 相似文献
Transportation - With shared mobility services becoming increasingly popular and vehicle automation technology advancing fast, there is an increasing interest in analysing the impacts of... 相似文献
目前,许多城市存在违法停车现象,行政机关对此交通管理问题的治理方法主要是罚款。然而这种行政管理手段在实践中存在诸多弊端。为此,有必要探索将行政指导、行政奖励等柔性行政管理方式运用到交通管理活动中,以创建不同的行政行为相结合的新型交通管理模式,提高交通行政管理效率、方便行政相对人,改善行政机关与公众之间的关系。 相似文献
Over recent years, parking policy has become a key element of transport policy in many countries. Parking policy measures can affect many different dimensions of travel behaviour but are likely to be most significant in terms of travellers' choice of parking type and location. This dimension of travel choice has, to date, received comparatively little attention, yet is of vital importance if we are to properly understand and predict the effects of parking policy measures.This paper presents two studies addressing this issue carried out in the United Kingdom and Germany. Both studies used a stated preference approach in order to collect disaggregate data on travellers responses to changes in parking attributes and used these data to build simple logit models of parking type choice. The studies were designed in order to allow comparable choice models to be estimated from the two datasets. The results obtained strongly indicate the need to separately identify the costs associated with different components of the parking activity (e.g., general in-vehicle time, parking search time, egress time) and also point to the existence of significant differences in the relative valuation of these components across different journey purposes. Where possible, the results of the choice modelling exercises are also compared with existing revealed and stated preference results and are found to be generally in line with prior expectations. 相似文献
We examine car driver’s behaviour when choosing a parking place; the alternatives available are free on-street parking, paid on-street parking and parking in an underground multi-storey car park. A mixed logit model, allowing for correlation between random taste parameters and estimated using stated choice data, is used to infer values of time, both when looking for a parking space and for accessing the final destination. Apart from the cost of parking, we found that vehicle age was a key variable when choosing where to park in Spain. We also found that the perception of the parking charge was fairly heterogeneous, depending both on the drivers’ income levels and whether or not they were local residents. Our results can be generalised for personalised policy making related with parking demand management. 相似文献