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This paper analyzes the influence of urban development density on transit network design with stochastic demand by considering two types of services, rapid transit services, such as rail, and flexible services, such as dial-a-ride shuttles. Rapid transit services operate on fixed routes and dedicated lanes, and with fixed schedules, whereas dial-a-ride services can make use of the existing road network, hence are much more economical to implement. It is obvious that the urban development densities to financially sustain these two service types are different. This study integrates these two service networks into one multi-modal network and then determines the optimal combination of these two service types under user equilibrium (UE) flows for a given urban density. Then we investigate the minimum or critical urban density required to financially sustain the rapid transit line(s). The approach of robust optimization is used to address the stochastic demands as captured in a polyhedral uncertainty set, which is then reformulated by its dual problem and incorporated accordingly. The UE principle is represented by a set of variational inequality (VI) constraints. Eventually, the whole problem is linearized and formulated as a mixed-integer linear program. A cutting constraint algorithm is adopted to address the computational difficulty arising from the VI constraints. The paper studies the implications of three different population distribution patterns, two CBD locations, and produces the resultant sequences of adding more rapid transit services as the population density increases. 相似文献
Optimal transit fare in a bimodal network under demand uncertainty and bounded rationality

This paper investigates the optimal transit fare in a simple bimodal transportation system that comprises public transport and private car. We consider two new factors: demand uncertainty and bounded rationality. With demand uncertainty, travelers are assumed to consider both the mean travel cost and travel cost variability in their mode choice decision. Under bounded rationality, travelers do not necessarily choose the travel mode of which perceived travel cost is absolutely lower than the one of the other mode. To determine the optimal transit fare, a bi‐level programming is proposed. The upper‐level objective function is to minimize the mean of total travel cost, whereas the lower‐level programming adopts the logit‐based model to describe users' mode choice behaviors. Then a heuristic algorithm based on a sensitivity analysis approach is designed to solve the bi‐level programming. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effect of demand uncertainty and bounded rationality on the modal share, optimal transit fare and system performance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Build to order (BTO) is a supply chain disruption mitigation strategy. Whereas cost minimization is an operational objective, the goal of the BTO manufacturer is to maximize its profit by using pricing as its competitive decision-making strategy. In this paper, we study a BTO manufacturer who simultaneously determines its product prices and designs its supply chain network to maximize its expected profit under price-dependent stochastic demand. We propose an L-shaped decomposition with complete enumeration to solve for optimality and show that the expanded master problem remains convex programming, although the optimality cuts are quadratic inequalities. The computational results demonstrate that stocking up on differentiated components and allocating modules appropriately to meet realized demand is a resilient policy that sustains variations in demand. Furthermore, the pricing decision balances the expected revenue and expected operating cost with an increase in expected profit. The integration of pricing and operational planning results in a higher expected profit than by individual decisions. We also demonstrate that cost minimization may not provide the same level of profit if the manufacturer overestimates or underestimates its most profitable demand. 相似文献
In this paper, we study the transit itinerary planning problem with incorporation of randomness that arises in transit vehicle arrival/departure and passenger transfer. We investigate two approaches to address the uncertainty: a minmax robust approach and an expectation-based probabilistic approach. We adapt a two-phase framework to mitigate computational challenges in large-scale planning problems. In phase I, we compute candidate route connections offline and store them into a database. Although expensive computation is required in phase I, it is typically performed only once over a period of time (e.g., half a year). Phase II takes place whenever a request is received, for which we query candidate route connections from the database, build a stochastic shortest-path model based on either approach listed above, and solve the model in real time. With phase I, computational requirement in phase II is substantially reduced so as to ensure real-time itinerary planning. To demonstrate the practical feasibility of our two-phase approach, we conduct extensive case studies and sensitivity analyses based on a large real-world transit network. 相似文献
Sustainability is a requirement for modern public transportation networks, as these are expected to play a critical role in environment-friendly transportation systems. This paper focuses on developing an efficient model for solving a sustainable oriented variant of the Transit Route Network Design Problem. The model incorporates sustainable design objectives, considers emission-free (electric) vehicles and introduces a direct route design approach with route structure and directness control. An application in a real world case, highlights the performance and benefits of the proposed model. 相似文献
Supply chain disruptions are unintended, unwanted situations resulting in a negative supply chain performance. We study the supply chain network design under supply and demand uncertainty with embedded supply chain disruption mitigation strategies, postponement with downward substitution, centralized stocking and supplier sourcing base. We designed an integrated supply-side, manufacturing and demand-side operations network in such that the total expected operating cost is minimized. We modeled it in a deterministic equivalent formulation. An L-shaped decomposition with an additional decomposition step in the master problem is proposed. The computational results showed that parallel sourcing has a cost advantage against single sourcing under supply disruptions. In addition, the build-to-order (BTO) manufacturing mitigation process has its greatest impact with high variations on demands and is integrated with the component downward substitution. Lastly, the manufacturer needs to order differentiated components to cover its requirement for maximal product demand to prevent the loss of sale, even with fewer modules in stock. 相似文献
This paper addresses strategic airport facility planning under demand uncertainty. Existing studies are improved by (1) allowing capacity contraction and (2) adopting more flexible delay functions. A mixed‐integer nonlinear program, which incorporates scale economies in construction, time value of money, nonlinear congestion effect, and other factors, is proposed for optimizing the capacity expansion/contraction decisions over time for multiple airport components. The stochastic problem is converted into its deterministic equivalent because the number of demand scenarios considered is finite. A discrete approximation technique is used to remove the nonlinearities. Numerical studies are presented to demonstrate the capability of the proposed model and the computational efficiency of the solution method. The “Flaw of Averages” due to faulty decisions based on the average future condition is illustrated, and trade‐offs among various costs are discussed in the numerical analyses. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper formulates a network design problem (NDP) for finding the optimal public transport service frequencies and link capacity expansions in a multimodal network with consideration of impacts from adverse weather conditions. The proposed NDP aims to minimize the sum of expected total travel time, operational cost of transit services, and construction cost of link capacity expansions under an acceptable level of variance of total travel time. Auto, transit, bus, and walking modes are considered in the multimodal network model for finding the equilibrium flows and travel times. In the proposed network model, demands are assumed to follow Poisson distribution, and weather‐dependent link travel time functions are adopted. A probit‐based stochastic user equilibrium, which is based on the perceived expected travel disutility, is used to determine the multimodal route of the travelers. This model also considers the strategic behavior of the public transport travelers in choosing their routes, that is, common‐line network. Based on the stochastic multimodal model, the mean and variance of total travel time are analytical estimated for setting up the NDP. A sensitivity‐based solution algorithm is proposed for solving the NDP, and two numerical examples are adopted to demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed model. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
First-best marginal cost pricing (MCP) in traffic networks has been extensively studied with the assumption of deterministic travel demand. However, this assumption may not be realistic as a transportation network is exposed to various uncertainties. This paper investigates MCP in a traffic network under stochastic travel demand. Cases of both fixed and elastic demand are considered. In the fixed demand case, travel demand is represented as a random variable, whereas in the elastic demand case, a pre-specified random variable is introduced into the demand function. The paper also considers a set of assumptions of traveler behavior. In the first case, it is assumed that the traveler considers only the mean travel time in the route choice decision (risk-neutral behavior), and in the second, both the mean and the variance of travel time are introduced into the route choice model (risk-averse behavior). A closed-form formulation of the true marginal cost toll for the stochastic network (SN-MCP) is derived from the variational inequality conditions of the system optimum and user equilibrium assignments. The key finding is that the calculation of the SN-MCP model cannot be made by simply substituting related terms in the original MCP model by their expected values. The paper provides a general function of SN-MCP and derives the closed-form SN-MCP formulation for specific cases with lognormal and normal stochastic travel demand. Four numerical examples are explored to compare network performance under the SN-MCP and other toll regimes. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》1999,33(2):107-121
Using the schedule-based approach, in which scheduled time-tables are used to describe the movement of vehicles, a dynamic transit assignment model is formulated. Passengers are assumed to travel on a path with minimum generalized cost which consists of four components: in-vehicle time; waiting time; walking time; and a time penalty for each line change. With the exception of in-vehicle time, each of the other cost components is weighted by a sensitivity coefficient which varies among travelers and is defined by a density function. This time-dependent and stochastic minimum path is generated by a specially developed branch and bound algorithm. The assignment procedure is conducted over a period in which both passenger demand and train headways are varying. Due to the stochastic nature of the assignment problem, a Monte Carlo approach is employed to solve the problem. A case study using the Mass Transit Railway System in Hong Kong is given to demonstrate the model and its potential applications. 相似文献
A reliability‐based traffic assignment model for multi‐modal transport network under demand uncertainty

In densely populated and congested urban areas, the travel times in congested multi‐modal transport networks are generally varied and stochastic in practice. These stochastic travel times may be raised from day‐to‐day demand fluctuations and would affect travelers' route and mode choice behaviors according to their different expectations of on‐time arrival. In view of these, this paper presents a reliability‐based user equilibrium traffic assignment model for congested multi‐modal transport networks under demand uncertainty. The stochastic bus frequency due to the unstable travel time of bus route is explicitly considered. By the proposed model, travelers' route and mode choice behaviors are intensively explored. In addition, a stochastic state‐augmented multi‐modal transport network is adopted in this paper to effectively model probable transfers and non‐linear fare structures. A numerical example is given to illustrate the merits of the proposed model. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this study, we consider the robust uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem under polyhedral demand uncertainty. We model the demand uncertainty in two different ways. The hose model assumes that the only available information is the upper limit on the total flow adjacent at each node, while the hybrid model additionally imposes lower and upper bounds on each pairwise demand. We propose linear mixed integer programming formulations using a minmax criteria and devise two Benders decomposition based exact solution algorithms in order to solve large-scale problems. We report the results of our computational experiments on the effect of incorporating uncertainty and on the performance of our exact approaches. 相似文献
Transit network timetabling aims at determining the departure time of each trip of all lines in order to facilitate passengers transferring either to or from a bus. In this paper, we consider a bus timetabling problem with stochastic travel times (BTP-STT). Slack time is added into timetable to mitigate the randomness in bus travel times. We then develop a stochastic integer programming model for the BTP-STT to minimize the total waiting time cost for three types of passengers (i.e., transferring passengers, boarding passengers and through passengers). The mathematical properties of the model are characterized. Due to its computational complexity, a genetic algorithm with local search (GALS) is designed to solve our proposed model (OPM). The numerical results based on a small bus network show that the timetable obtained from OPM reduces the total waiting time cost by an average of 9.5%, when it is tested in different scenarios. OPM is relatively effective if the ratio of the number of through passengers to the number of transferring passengers is not larger than a threshold (e.g., 10 in our case). In addition, we test different scale instances randomly generated in a practical setting to further verify the effectiveness of OPM and GALS. We also find that adding slack time into timetable greatly benefits transferring passengers by reducing the rate of transferring failure. 相似文献
This study addresses guideway network design for personal rapid transit (PRT) favoring transit-oriented development. The guideway network design problem seeks to minimize both the guideway construction cost and users’ travel time. In particular, a set of optional points, known as Steiner points, are introduced in the graph to reduce the guideway length. The model is formulated as a combined Steiner and assignment problem, and a Lagrangian relaxation based solution algorithm is developed to solve the optimal solution. Numerical studies are carried on a real-sized network, and illustrate that the proposed model and solution algorithm can solve the PRT guideway network design problem effectively. 相似文献
Warren B. Powell 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》1982,16(1):31-43
Variability in the demand for air travel is studied with respect to stochastic and time varying components which affect the distribution of passengers who will want to travel on a particular day. The problem is then cast as one of optimizing the total capacity offered in a given time period using operating net revenues as the objective. The distribution of demand is assumed to be normal, and passengers lost on those days when demand is high are assumed to travel on another airline or a different mode. An airline must therefore balance the costs of increased capacity against the benefits of carrying more people. Tradeoffs are studied parametrically, with particular emphasis on the effect the variance of the distribution of demand has on different relationships. Also shown is a simple procedure for estimating actual market mean and variance given the mean and variance of the number of passengers actually flown, which has a truncated distribution. 相似文献
This research focuses on an efficient design of transit network in urban areas. The system developed is used to create, analyze and optimize routes and frequencies of transit system in the network level. The analysis is based on elastic demand, so the shift of demand between modes in network due to different service level is of prime consideration. The developed system creates all feasible routes connecting all pairs of terminals in the network. Out of this vast pool of routes, a set of optimal routes is generated for a certain predetermined number that maintains connectivity of significant demand. Based on these generated routes, the system fulfils transportation demand by assigning demand that considers path and route choices for non-transit users and transit users. Together with the assignment of demand, transit frequencies are optimized and the related fleet-size is calculated. Having an optimal setting of solution, the system is continued by reconnecting the routes to find some other better solutions in the periphery of the optimal setting. A set of mathematical programming modules is developed. Real data from Sioux Falls city network is used to evaluate the performance of the model and compare with other heuristic methods. 相似文献
Harvey J. Miller John D. Storm 《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》1996,4(6):373-389
Travel demand analyses are useful for transportation planning and policy development in a study area. However, travel demand modeling faces two obstacles. First, standard practice solves the four travel components (trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and network assignment) in a sequential manner. This can result in inconsistencies and non-convergence. Second, the data required are often complex and difficult to manage. Recent advances in formal methods for network equilibrium-based travel demand modeling and computational platforms for spatial data handling can overcome these obstacles. In this paper we report on the development of a prototype geographic information system (GIS) design to support network equilibrium-based travel demand models. The GIS design has several key features, including: (i) realistic representation of the multimodal transportation network, (ii) increased likelihood of database integrity after updates, (iii) effective user interfaces, and (iv) efficient implementation of network equilibrium solution algorithms. 相似文献
This paper presents a rolling horizon stochastic optimal control strategy for both Adaptive Cruise Control and Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control under uncertainty based on the constant time gap policy. Specifically, uncertainties that can arise in vehicle control systems and vehicle sensor measurements are represented as normally-distributed disturbances to state and measurement equations in a state-space formulation. Then, acceleration sequence of a controlled vehicle is determined by optimizing an objective function that captures control efficiency and driving comfort over a predictive horizon, constrained by bounded acceleration/deceleration and collision protection. The optimization problem is formulated as a linearly constrained linear quadratic Gaussian problem and solved using a separation principle, Lagrangian relaxation, and Kalman filter. A sensitivity analysis and a scenario-based analysis via simulations demonstrate that the proposed control strategy can generate smoother vehicle control and perform better than a deterministic feedback controller, particularly under small system disturbances and large measurement disturbances. 相似文献
To estimate travel times through road networks, in this study, we assume a stochastic demand and formulate a stochastic network equilibrium model whose travel times, flows, and demands are stochastic. This model enables us to examine network reliability under stochastic circumstances and to evaluate the effect of providing traffic information on travel times. For traffic information, we focus on travel time information and propose methods to evaluate the effect of providing that information. To examine the feasibility and validity of the proposed model and methods, we apply them to a simple network and the real road network of Kanazawa, Japan. The results indicate that providing ambulance drivers in Kanazawa with travel time information leads to an average reduction in travel time of approximately three minutes. 相似文献