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方伟  陈越  丁洁 《水运工程》2012,(12):134-138
软土地基上的临时围堤,通常由于地质条件差、加荷速率过快等多种因素会影响围堤的整体稳定,从而易发生失稳事故.介绍了某工程临时围堤失稳所采取的修复措施,并通过对地基承载力及围堤整体稳定性的分析,探讨了软土地基上失稳围堤修复措施的关键因素,对预防失稳发生及在失稳发生后宜采用的修复措施提出了一些建议,为今后类似工程提供参考.  相似文献   

祁志坤  裘奇  洪潮 《中国水运》2014,(4):307-308
由于浙江沿海地基主要以淤泥质土和淤泥质黏土为主,对沿海围堤工程施工造成很大的困难,主要体现在软弱地基强度堤,使围堤施工过程中稳定性难以控制。本文通过分析浙江沿海围堤工程失稳的原理,并归纳影响围堤施工稳定性的几个因素,最后总结围堤在施工过程中确保稳定性的措施,为浙江沿海围堤工程提供参考。  相似文献   

对围堤边坡稳定进行综合影响分析,并结合工程实例,对围海工程中出现的围堤边坡变形失稳原因进行调查分析,总结经验和吸取教训,以期为类似工程施工提供参考.  相似文献   

万超  李建 《中国水运》2014,(4):315-316
围堤在填海造地工程中占据着重要地位,可有效防止填料的流失,以免对海洋造成污染。结合实例对某工程中围堤的滑动现象进行了分析,造成其滑动的原因有很多,如河水冲刷、淤泥量较大、荷载重、施工延期、淤泥清除不合理等。对此制定了相应的方案,并经过对其中出现问题的修改,最终取得了较好的修复效果。  相似文献   

围堤结构的安全稳定问题是工程首要问题,围堤一旦失稳,都会产生经济损失,甚至是重大安全事故,严重影响工程实施进度,而做好防渗闭气结构是保证围堤安全稳定的关键措施之一。水利围垦工程中常用闭气土作为防渗闭气结构,但是闭气土常用海堤附近的淤泥,回填工程量大、施工效率低。袋装砂结构已在大量水运工程的设计和施工中证明可以满足防渗闭气的要求,同时具有施工效率高、闭气效果好的特点。结合工程实例,提出了闭气结构的优化方案,对原设计方案的闭气结构设计、施工做出反思。  相似文献   

蔡丽忠 《中国水运》2014,(5):220-221
工程施工技术不但关系着港区未来的生存,而且对围堤安全性发挥了关键作用,围堤工程具备的临海特点,决定了必须对工程施工技术严格管理控制,迅速提高筑堤技术,综合处理地基,研究新型的砌体预制结构。文中围绕港区围堤工程施工技术,主要分析了港区工程围堤施工现状,探讨了曹妃甸港区围堤工程中施工技术的运用,最后对港区围堤工程施工技术发展进行了研究。  相似文献   

蔡建  黄东海  田鹏 《水运工程》2019,(4):175-180
大型砂袋围堤作为软土地基上围堤修建的新技术,提高了围堤的凝聚力和整体性,能较好地适应软土地基的变形。受袋体作用的影响,大型砂袋围堤的整体力学和工程特性发生了较大的改变。合理确定砂袋的力学、工程特性,判断其对围堤整体稳定性的影响是模拟砂袋围堤、设计计算特征参数的依据。分析大型砂袋围堤中袋体作用的研究现状,总结模型试验、数值分析和理论推导3方面的研究成果和进展,对工程应用和未来研究的发展方向提出了针对性建议。  相似文献   

张志华 《中国水运》2009,(12):133-134
围堤工程堤基中会经常存在深槽,给围堤施工增加困难甚至因深槽处理不当发生深槽涮深而无法封堵,导致围堤工程失败。本文结合上海横沙二期促淤圈围工程深槽封堵施工实例,介绍深槽封堵施工技术和施工中应该注意事项。  相似文献   

文章以实际工程为例,首先对填海造地工程项目中安全管理的主要影响条件进行了分析总结,然后对填海造地工程项目中分包安全管理要点进行讨论,并提出了填海造地工程项目中分包安全管理有效的对策建议,预防安全事故的发生,为我国填海造地的发展起到保驾护航的作用。  相似文献   

软土地基海堤施工过程中关键技术难点之一是海堤稳定性控制.恰当的稳定控制标准的确定对于保证围堤工程安全、工程进度、工程质量和控制工程费用具有重要意义.结合舟山金塘大浦口集装箱码头前期工程围堤工程施工现场监测资料,对围堤稳定控制的标准进行探讨.提出围堤施工稳定控制应以深层水平位移作为主控指标,沉降监控指标及孔压监控指标需结合水平位移速率使用.  相似文献   

为解决宁波大榭招商国际集装箱码头现有陆域布局散乱、土地利用不充分、堆场容量不足的问题,对码头陆域布局进行优化研究,以期集约化利用土地,增强码头的竞争力和发展潜力。基于调研和分析,梳理当前陆域布局中存在的主要问题;对泊位通过能力和堆场容量的计算分析,合理确定码头总体的运量规模,并以此指导陆域布局调整和优化工作。从土地利用和堆场容量两个方面进行评价,优化工作取得良好的效果。研究提出一种大型集装箱码头陆域布局优化的可行思路,可为类似项目研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

针对外海孤岛、海域软基及陆域形成多项分项工程条件,以工程土石方总体平衡为原则,进行了上海液化天然气(LNG)接收站陆域形成工程总体设计。设计的海堤结构、陆域形成及地基处理方案既满足LNG接收站较高场地使用要求,且等级高又较经济。可为类似陆域形成工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

双鱼岛作为离岸式城市综合开发类人工岛,岛上陆域高程是一个独立的系统,陆域高程的确定关系到规划、安全、护岸、景观、土方量和造价、防洪排涝、亲水性等。对人工岛填海造地期和使用期高程确定的主要因素进行论述,并整体介绍双鱼岛高程的变化趋势,对不同部位的高程确定进行分析,同时对工程安全性与景观的平衡、高程与上部规划的关系、高程与土方量及最优造价进行研究。研究成果可供类似工程的高程确定提供思路及参考。  相似文献   

The coastal zone is an interaction region between land and ocean and an interface of geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere, as well as greatly affected by human activities. Driven by economic activities and increased population, urbanization is rapidly developing in coastal zones, and a series of land resource and environmental conflicts have occurred, especially in developing countries at times of economic transition. This article reports a case study of the Shandong Peninsula of East China. We analyze the land-use practices and land cover changes of six cities over a timeframe of nearly a decade. We then review the management conflict issues. The most commonly encountered conflicts fall into three categories: those between expanding constructed land and decreased cultivated land; those between land resource utilization and conservation; and those between increasing demand for land and degrading land quality. All in all, they reflect the fundamental conflicts between short-term economic development gains and long-term food security and ecosystem sustainability. This article puts forward an institutional approach to coordinate these conflicts so as to realize integrated and coordinated coastal management.  相似文献   

通过总结大铲湾集装箱码头一期工程陆域平面布置设计思路,分析堆场、闸口、外部道路、高程等细部设计,探讨大型专业化集装箱码头陆域平面设计的重点内容及关键事项。同时为达到集约化使用土地、以最小的土地代价满足港区发展的需要提供了有益的尝试和借鉴。  相似文献   

王雅山 《港工技术》2012,49(4):14-15,22
在老港区城市化开发改造中,适当的土地一级开发模式能够有效地保证港口企业国有资产的利益最大化.分析沿海港口企业参与老港区土地一级开发的必要性和关键环节,对典型的土地一级开发模式进行比较.建议沿海港口企业应通过设计符合自身情况的土地一级开发模式,积极参与老港区的城市化开发改造.  相似文献   

周志丹 《水运工程》2013,(12):85-88
防城港钢铁项目陆域形成采用大面积填海造地,大面积填海后会对防城湾的纳潮量及海洋环境造成一定影响。 通过对填海面积、纳潮量等方面的比较和分析提出陆域坡顶线的优化设计方案,总结在类似湾口位置和自然条件下陆域坡顶 线设计所需考虑的因素。  相似文献   

China's national marine development strategy acknowledges that land reclamation problems cannot be avoided. Land reclamation has increased rapidly, leading to many risks—as regards resources, the environment, and social concerns. China needs to implement measures to control these risks. Analysis of current legal regulations on land reclamation reveals paradoxes of legislation at the national level and varying regional legal practices; there is a shortage of effective and coordinated land reclamation regulations in China. Analysis of the factors that affect land reclamation shows that regulation plays a central role in managing land reclamation. And, through an analysis of the deficiencies in existing legislation and by learning from the experience of other countries, we can propose a direction for China's land reclamation legislation. Such reforms could effectively protect China's marine resources, avoid environmental and societal risks, and contribute to coastline protection.  相似文献   

Conventionl wisdom in terms of land utilization has been derived from a micro view—strategies concerning land utilization have been formulated based on the need of terminal operators. The major factors considered are the cost, the manoeuverability, the stacking ability of the yard operating systems etc. Regretfully, they have failed to deal with issues concerning land utilization in a broader aspect. Factors considered from a micro view point cannont explain why there are huge differences in the storage capacity of land, the utilization rate of this storage capacity and varying land productivity achieved among container terminals throughout the world. Few researchers have examined he issues from a macro view point, revealing a lack of far-sightedness. Therefore, they cannot explain the global differences in land utilization among terminal operators. The aim of this paper is to examine this issue from a macro view point and provide principles for terminal development.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to describe a program of agricultural land preservation in Carlsbad, California. This program focuses on agricultural subsidies and has been adopted and certified by the California State Coastal Commission and is scheduled for implementation on January 1, 1982.

This subsidy program is a variation of development rights transfer. Although no property rights are actually transferred, owners of land designated for agricultural use are subsidized by fees imposed on land designated for potential conversion to residential use. The Carlsbad program is placed into context by means of a brief review of similar proposals which attempt to preserve agricultural land in a fair and equitable manner.

The importance of agricultural land preservation is emphasized through discussions of urban development pressure, the significance of agriculture in the Carlsbad coastal zone, and the work of the California State Coastal Commission.  相似文献   

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