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本文通过一组典型双桨船型,即常规船型、双尾鳍型及双尾型船的自航船模操纵性试验,探索了双桨船的操纵特点,分析研究了螺旋桨旋向及船型对操纵性的影响规律。研究表明:内旋桨使回转性及错车性能略有下降,但错车仍有正常转向,车舵并用能得到理想的效果。内旋使倒航性能大为改善,使倒航可操。单机倒航时出现有规律的反常转向,可利用作为倒航的操纵手段。双尾鳍船的回转性能优于另两种船型,倒航性能及车舵并用的转首性能亦优于常规型船,是具有良好操纵性的一种船型。双尾鳍船型配以内旋桨方案有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Local air pollution is the most relevant externality of maritime transport, and its effects are more acute in urban areas as a result of manoeuvring, hotelling and load/unload activities at ports. This article is intended to assess ships’ local air pollution impact in generally densely populated harbour areas to decide whether alternative power supply measures are feasible. First, an optimized infrastructure investment model is developed to ease implementation and maximize the efficiency of alternative power supply projects. Once target harbours and traffic (ship types) within a national port network have been chosen, a vessel traffic analysis (ship type, tonnage, manoeuvring, and hotelling times) is carried out to quantify and evaluate annual polluting emissions (PM2,5, SO2, NOx, and VOCs) and their externalities. Finally, the assessment model is applied and results of the Spanish port network case study are discussed. The results obtained are significant and bring the possibility of further controlling the ship’s environmental performance at berth.  相似文献   

船舶碰撞的研究始终是航行安全或海上交通安全研究领域的热点问题。介绍了应用船舶操纵模拟器模拟碰撞过程的仿真技术,它是目前进行海上事故鉴定和事故分析的重要技术手段。首先利用仿真技术对当事船舶的碰撞过程进行实时动态仿真,再通过船舶碰撞事故分析软件(船舶碰撞事故分析系统2.0)进行分析,最后的仿真结果对船长、驾驶员具有重要的参考价值,也为海上安全主管机关调查处理船舶碰撞事故提供一种新的途径。  相似文献   

王辰  陈兵  孙榕 《中国海事》2022,(1):29-31
针对现有技术手段对深远海区域船舶动态感知能力不足的问题,分析了基于SAR的深远海船舶动态感知技术实现深远海船舶动态监控的可能性,并对海事应用场景进行了初步研究,认为该技术可用于大区域深远海船舶交通态势分析、深远海遇险船舶定位及应急指挥、海事日常空中主动巡航监管,可作为海事系统技术体系的一个重要组成部分"陆海空天"一体化...  相似文献   

海上智能交通系统体系的构建与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海上智能交通系统构建的关键是实现船舶航行自动化和对海上交通能够实行有效的管理,从宏观角度可归结为船舶的避碰。但以往的避碰研究都对信息的交流考虑不够。基于系统的思想,我们认为把协商决策引入船舶避碰才能发挥系统整体的最佳效能,提出了建立海上智能交通系统的框架与结构体系,并探讨了其具体实现及关键技术和问题。最后对其未来发展进行展望,给出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The shipping industry operates in a regulatory framework, where the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the leading regulatory body. The role of the IMO is to propose maritime regulations to its member states. The successful worldwide implementation of a maritime regulation depends on how many member states adopt it. However, many maritime regulations are not adequately implemented worldwide. As a result, ship operators have found themselves in an uncomfortable position in developing their business in an unstable regulatory regime. This paper proposes an extendable and applicable methodology involving a System of Hierarchical Scorecards (SHS) to measure the implementation costs and benefits of a newly introduced or existing maritime regulation by ship operators. The regulators may use the results in evaluating newly introduced and/or existing regulations through taking into account the economic burden that will be generated to ship operators. In this paper, SHS is extended to demonstrate its applicability on evaluating a ship operator’s organization with regard to his regulatory implementation performance by the means of a case study.  相似文献   

人的失误模型在船舶溢油事故应急中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶交通事故问题的预测一直是业内研究人员十分重视的研究课题。分别采用回归预测法、时间序列预测法、灰色理论预测法和贝叶斯统计预测法等不同方法,结合国内某港引航站近十多年来船舶引航总量和事故的实际情况,进行了比较分析和对未来情况予以预测。着重就贝叶斯方法在港口船舶引航风险预测中的运用进行了探讨。结论证明贝叶斯估计方法得到的结果具有良好的预测效果。  相似文献   

In recent years, the work in engine control rooms (ECRs) onboard ships is becoming increasingly demanding and complex due to growing presence of modern information technology (IT) applications introduced in a problem-patching fashion. Previous studies about ECRs discussed the design issues associated with physical and cognitive ergonomics and lack of regulatory support. This paper has re-examined a design case in an ECR on a merchant ship and discussed the potential of a service-oriented architectural approach to manage emerging unruly technologies and integrate distributed resources in the maritime human-technology system. An EU project was introduced to illustrate the value of this design approach. Confronted with the complexity issues residing in a sociotechnical system like the ECR, this conceptual paper suggests a shift of focus from patching individual problems locally to a holistic systems perspective on the maritime eco-system development, which would likely require more collaborative efforts of various maritime stakeholders in practice. Certain extent of mandatory standardization for deploying and managing information systems is considered to be critical in these collaborative endeavors.  相似文献   

随着国际贸易和航运业的发展,船舶发生重特大水上险情和事故的风险在不断增大。一些重特大事故对海上人命财产安全、海洋环境、通航安全、港口生产等公共利益构成严重威胁。政府主管部门为避免或减少对公共利益的损害,有责任对这些事故的处置进行干预,在紧急情况下还应采取必要的强制措施。然而,目前我国水上应急处置方面的法律法规还很不完善,主管部门难以依法实施干预和处置行动。文中通过介绍英国水上行政强制相关立法情况,旨在对加强我国水上应急处置行政强制方面的立法能够起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   


This study develops a generalized F distribution model with random parameters to estimate the ship property damage cost in maritime traffic accidents with 10 years’ shipping accident data in the Fujian waters. Model results show that sinking and capsizing can incur the largest property damage cost, followed by collisions, contact, grounding and fire/explosion. There is a smaller ship property damage cost when the ship is moored or docked. The poor visibility has the least impact on the increment of ship property damage cost. Results reveal that the bigger property damage cost is associated with maritime accidents occurring in the Straits/sea areas and under the strong wind/wave condition and nighttime periods. It is also found that the lookout failure exhibits a bigger effect than the operation error. These results are helpful for policy makers to make efficient strategies for reducing property damage cost in maritime accidents. The developed model is useful for insurance companies in determining the appropriate ship insurance rates.  相似文献   

文中通过对“A”渔船与阿联酋籍“AL JABER50”轮碰撞事故进行海事调查,进一步解析了事故中所涉及的海事调查工作,尤其是事故后续的船舶返还工作,旨在为以后类似事故的调查及后续工作提供参考。  相似文献   


The safety of maritime transportation along the twenty-first century Maritime Silk Road (MSR) is important to ensure its development and sustainability. Maritime transportation poses risks of accidents that can cause the death or injury of crew members and damage to ships and the environment. This paper proposes a Bayesian network (BN) based risk analysis approach that is newly applied in the main route of the MSR to analyse its relevant maritime accidents. The risk data are manually collected from the reports of the accident that occurred along the MSR. Next, the risk factors are identified and the results from the modelling method can provide useful insights for accident prevention. Historical data collected from accident reports are used to estimate the prior probabilities of the identified risk factors influencing the occurrence of maritime accidents. The results show that the main influencing factors are the type and location of an accident and the type, speed, and age of the involved ship(s). In addition, scenario analysis is conducted to analyse the risks of different ships in various navigational environments. The findings can be used to analyse the probability of each possible maritime accident along MSR and to provide useful insights for shipowners’ accident prevention.  相似文献   

水上交通事故安全调查独立性的研讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立的水上交通事故安全调查是目前世界海事组织推荐的一种事故调查模式。结合我国海事调查的实际情况,从法学理论到海事执法实践,从国际公约要求到社会安全需求等方面说明了事故安全调查独立性的必要性。同时,通过对这种海事调查模式的综合分析,论述了独立性事故安全调查与国际合作调查的关系,并对其未来的发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

浅谈超大型集装箱船舶的操纵体会及注意事项   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以超大型集装箱船为例,分析了该类型船的性能及操纵特点,探讨了大型集装箱船舶的操纵方法。结合航行实践及驾驶经验,提出了最佳驾驶操纵方法和在紧急情况下防止事故发生的注意事项。  相似文献   

在国际海事司法实践中,扣押船舶是非常重要的一种担保债务人履行债务的方式,但是在两大法系中,船舶扣押制度的性质不同,实现方式也不同。如果涉及到方便旗船扣押,情况会变得更复杂。因为方便旗船涉及到船舶登记所有人、实际所有人及经营人等几个当事人之间复杂的关系,形成了几种不同的方便旗船运营模式,这给海事请求权人提起扣押方便旗船的申请带来了困难。文中通过分析两大法系针对船舶扣押的不同态度,基于剖析几种不同的方便旗船经营模式,分析海事请求人提出扣押方便旗船申请的可行性及可能的途径,从而保障海事请求权人的合法权益。  相似文献   

船舶操纵性能及其代理模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高船舶操纵性能计算效率,文章结合基于NAPA计算仿真结果和支持向量回归方法预报海洋平台支援船的操纵性能,在收集足够相关船型信息前提下,采用能够合理探索设计空间和抽样的拉丁超立方方法获取了30条样本船型数据。通过NAPA仿射变化、位移转换及根据船型设计变量进行局部调整从而生成系列船型以表达船体几何形状。针对每个船型,分别计算了5项操纵性衡准指标:进距、战术直径、横距、10°舵角第一超越角和20°舵角第一超越角。为提高船舶操纵性能的计算效率,文中利用作者早先新提出的一种单参数Lagrangian 支持向量回归算法来训练并构建代理模型以预报船舶操纵性能,该算法整合了Laplace损失函数,仅采用单参数控制计算误差并于置信区间中增加了b2/2项。以海洋平台支援船为例,采用SPL-SVR算法预报船舶操纵性能,并与基于NAPA计算仿真结果、人工神经网络、经典支持向量回归算法进行对比。不需要昂贵的仿真代码计算,文中采用SPL-SVR算法建立的船舶操纵性能响应面模型比较适合船型初步设计的工程实际应用,并具有较好的效率和适用性。  相似文献   

上海港外高桥挖入式港池进口航道航行条件研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
外高桥挖入式港池规划前期论证的关键内容之一是其进口航道航行条件的评估。交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所接受委托,对规划船型的操纵运动方程进行了仔细研究。对规划船型的典型——“冰河”轮作了水动力测定;利用实船试验资料对操纵运动的数学模型进行科学率定;使用本所研制的船舶操纵模拟器对规划拟定的两个港池——外高桥嘴挖入式港池和五号沟挖入式港池的进口航道航行条件进行了比较深入的试验研究。最后,给出了两个港池安全进口的必要条件,为规划部门选定提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

基于电子海图的船舶操纵仿真器   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文主要介绍最近研制的由微机、高分辨率显示器、图形卡、操纵控制箱等组成的基于电子海图船舶操纵仿真器的两个主要技术──船舶操纵数学模型和电子海图技术,最后还介绍了该仿真器在航海实际中的一个应用.在数学模型中,考虑到航海实际的需要,提出了一个适合常速、低速和大漂角等各种情况的水动力计算模型以及四象限舵力和浆力的算法.另外,考虑了浅水、岸壁、风、流、浪的影响及附属操纵设备──拖轮、缆绳、锚链等对船舶的作用.本仿真器的电子海图装置,不仅能实时显示船舶所在海域的海图,动态显示船舶的二维俯视图象及运动姿态、航行轨迹,还可根据需要选择性地放大、缩小海图、显示各种岸基设施,并且可以记录模拟过程中的各种数据,制作航迹图的硬拷贝以及在显示器上再现,以供分析研究.  相似文献   

讨论诉前船舶扣押中的海事请求权,船舶扣押范围,重复扣押以及船舶活扣押等问题,并对相关问题提出看法和建议,以其为船舶扣押的研究和海事诉讼实践提供参考。  相似文献   


Even if the same two ships operate in the same encountering situation, the actual strategies and timing of operations may be different. Therefore, the fixed collision avoidance trajectory and ship movements are no longer suitable for simulating the real ship behaviour. This paper tries to develop an artificial intelligent system that fully sensitive to the local circumstances and command a ship in virtual environment. Based on AIS (Automatic Identification System) data, this study has developed artificial forces which help decision makings on-board independently under different situations and catching the stochastic nature of ship behaviours during collision avoidances manoeuvring. Actual ship tracks are helpful for ascertaining the parameters that contribute to artificial forces in collision avoidances, while the correlation coefficient analysis is helpful to distinguish the parameters. This study will help to develop a navigation traffic simulation to reflect the realistic ship behaviour and provide reliable information for port and waterway planning, risk analysis, and mitigation measures. The method can be used in developing algorithms for autonomous ships. The method introduced in this study lays a foundation for developing artificial forces at intersections or bends, although the model is only applicable in straight channels at the moment.  相似文献   

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