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The shipping industry in Nigeria since the early 1990s has been experiencing a continuous disastrous downturn. Nigerian shipping companies' participation in international shipping has continued to be very limited. Their presence and impact is hardly felt in the world's shipping industry. Both the national carriers (that is shipping companies with national carrier status) and other indigenous private shipping companies have vessel as well as management problems. These problems have led to the poor performance of the Nigerian shipping industry for over a decade now. The carriers in the industry are not attaining for the country the gains that are supposed to emanate from shipping. This paper points out the importance of shipping to a nation, identifies the problems the country's shipping companies are facing and proffers solutions that include merging of the companies to have strong financial standing and a competitive edge.  相似文献   

谈航运公司加强运输成本控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高海英 《中国海事》2012,(10):35-37
自2010年以来,受全球经济增速放缓的影响,航运市场总体形势变得十分严峻复杂,运输价格大幅下跌、运输成本快速上升,航运公司面临严峻挑战。特别是今年以来,全球航运船队运力供应继续快速增长。按现有订单统计,2012年,全球航运船队运力增长,其中集装箱船队增长率将达到8.8%,干散货船队增长率将达到7.7%,油船船队增长  相似文献   

袁立  赵丽平 《集装箱化》2011,22(5):14-15
工会在西方国家的社会生活中扮演着重要角色,对各行各业都有不可忽视的影响。作为全球承运人的大型集装箱班轮公司必然也会受到西方工会的影响。西方工会发展现状西方工会历史悠久,可以追溯到中世纪时期的行会。从18世纪英国出现首个现代工会开始,西方  相似文献   

孙家康 《水运管理》2010,32(7):16-18
尊敬的各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们:大家好!首先,非常感谢大会主办方邀请我出席今天的会议并作大会主题演讲,与港航各界的朋友一起探讨内河航运的趋势,并共同谋求合作发展的道路。在此,请允许我代表中远集运,对论坛的隆重召开表示热烈祝贺,并预祝大会取得圆满成功。今天我报告的主题是“港航合作,共谋发展”,共分为3个部分。  相似文献   

Since shipping companies are highly competitive, we ask whether financial risk assessment tools impact company performance and, therefore competitiveness and efficiency. Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) is used in the evaluation. Based on distinct features of the risk-return relationship, three cargo segments in the shipping industry are studied—dry bulk, liquid bulk, and containerized cargo. The influence of the risk assessment indicators on market and operational efficiency is subsequently determined using a panel regression to determine whether different asset allocation and risk management techniques improve the performance of shipping companies. In this analysis, 79 international shipping companies listed in Bloomberg Shipping Indices are included in the data collected from Thomson One for the period of 2001–2010. Efficiency estimation from the SFA shows that containerized cargo firms have better performance in both market and operating efficiencies. Operating efficiency performance is achieved by lowering liquidity. Market efficiency is improved by well-managed leverage level.  相似文献   

3月16日,备受社会关注的《企业所得税法(草案)》在十届全国人大五次会议上经审议表决,获得了高票通过。3月19日,国家主席胡锦涛签署了第63号主席令,正式公布了《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》。从2008年1月1日起施行的这部新税法规定,外资企业将与内资企业一样缴纳统一的25%所得税,不再享有税收优惠。  相似文献   

董鹏  江佳  杜霭琳 《集装箱化》2010,21(1):25-27
为促进EDI在订舱和提单补料中的应用,分析传统操作方法存在的问题,以INTTRA软件为例阐述EDI应用的功能和优越性,指出EDI应用于订舱和提单补料的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Shipping companies are high-vulnerability information handling organizations (HIHOs). In the past, such companies used exclusively HIHO private communication networks and own satellite resources in order to share and transport sensitive information. In recent years, the ability for the HIHO network users to exploit the advantages of the low-vulnerability information handling organizations’ (LIHOs) value added networks, has led to the need for augmentation of the HIHO networks. In the maritime sector, a push-and-pull effect on the need and demand to transfer information onboard and ashore has led many companies to experiment with interconnected HIHO and LIHO open distributed systems and networks, for their ship-to-shore communications. Security then becomes an issue in a domain, onboard–ashore data transmissions, where little information on the level of risk is available. This paper proposes a risk assessment and management framework to assist in countermeasure selection and level of LIHO network use definition. The model is ultimately applicable where information on potential risks and their impact is minimum and simultaneously changeable. The model is connected to a security profile for interconnected HIHO and LIHO open distributed systems and networks.  相似文献   

Shipping companies are high-vulnerability information handling organizations (HIHOs). In the past, such companies used exclusively HIHO private communication networks and own satellite resources in order to share and transport sensitive information. In recent years, the ability for the HIHO network users to exploit the advantages of the low-vulnerability information handling organizations' (LIHOs) value added networks, has led to the need for augmentation of the HIHO networks. In the maritime sector, a push-and-pull effect on the need and demand to transfer information onboard and ashore has led many companies to experiment with interconnected HIHO and LIHO open distributed systems and networks, for their ship-to-shore communications. Security then becomes an issue in a domain, onboard-ashore data transmissions, where little information on the level of risk is available. This paper proposes a risk assessment and management framework to assist in countermeasure selection and level of LIHO network use definition. The model is ultimately applicable where information on potential risks and their impact is minimum and simultaneously changeable. The model is connected to a security profile for interconnected HIHO and LIHO open distributed systems and networks.  相似文献   

美、加集装箱多式联运发展经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张帅 《集装箱化》2009,20(11):6-9
针对我国集装箱多式联运发展落后的现状,对多式联运中出现的问题进行分析,借鉴美国、加拿大两国多式联运发展的先进经验,提出我国发展多式联运的措施和建议。  相似文献   

本文从安全管理体系与质量管理体系的建立背景、原理出发,讨论了两个体系的相互关系。在文件结构、运行方法上给出了两个体系有效结合的建议和方法,为航运公司的体系建设和运行管理提供帮助。  相似文献   

由美国次贷危机而引发的金融危机对全球航运市场产生了严重影响,对航运市场特别是干散货市场和集装箱市场造成了巨大的冲击,使航运市场跌入低谷。虽然现在有回暖的趋势,但今年的行情仍然不容乐观。航运企业应该及时调整经营策略,采取积极的应对措施,将金融危机给企业带来的损失降低到最小程度。  相似文献   

This paper discusses and assesses the complex process of change that has occurred in East Europe over thc last five years, and attempts to relate these changes to the shipping sector. Conventional mathematical methods are discussed as inappropriate in analysing economic, social and political developments and the technique of conceptual modelling is used, borrowed from other disciplines including those of environmental appraisal and computer sciences. The main linkages are discussed with particular reference to the Polish shipping sector, with specific analysis of the legal, managerial, spatial, economic, political, social and organizational contexts. The dominant themes of change are drawn out in an attempt to predict the impact on the Polish shipping industry in general and the three main State companies-Polish Ocean Lines (Liner Shipping); Polish Steamship Company (Bulk/Tramp) and Polish Baltic Ferries- that dominate the market.  相似文献   

This paper explores the positions of financial ratios identified utilizing both subjective and objective weighting methods—the consistent fuzzy preference relation (CFPR) and entropy—based on questionnaires collected from experts and the financial statements of major shipping companies in Taiwan and Korea. The comparison of perceptions of financial ratios by country and by expert group illuminates some financial aspects that experts may have ignored or not paid close attention to during the business operating process, especially in today’s turbulent world shipping market. The major results of this paper show that experts in the two countries have different perceptions of the debt-to-equity ratio and that by combining the results of objective and subjective weights, categorization of financial ratios by quadrant can help decision-makers find business options and strategies to improve the financial performance of their companies. This research approach may be applied to other business entities, improving on the direct rating method used in previous studies.  相似文献   

航运公司安全管理体系有关问题及管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁永铭 《中国海事》2006,(12):40-44
一、当前航运公司SMS运行管理中存在的主要问题 1.体系文件不能充分体现ISM和NSM规则的基本要求如关于船上操作方案的制定,有的只编写了涉及船舶安全和防止污染的关键性船上操作方案和须知的制定程序,但没有对所有已认定的关键性船上操作制定相应的方案和须知。关于应急反应,只有一般性的紧急情况标识、描述和反应的程序和针对每一种已标明紧急情况的船上反应措施,但缺少岸基的具体应对措施。有的公司对船长适当的指挥资格认定没有具体的保障措施,船长对SMS的完全熟悉,没有规定具体内容、方式和考核要求。指定人员对SMS的监控缺少具体的可操作制度等。  相似文献   

张吉轶 《水运工程》2020,(10):194-197
岩石与泥沙疏浚料在吹填管线输送过程中,破碎后的岩石疏浚料对吹填管线产生严重磨损,管线爆裂、管线断面磨损不均匀等问题会减少绞吸船有效作业时间及吹填管线使用寿命。通过对比沙特阿美贝里钻井岛项目中国与欧洲疏浚公司使用的吹填管线差异发现:欧洲疏浚公司通过在吹填管线中增加快速接头结构以及沉管采用焊接式钢管等方式来适应岩石疏浚吹填管线要求,可以为我国疏浚公司开展挖岩吹填项目时吹填管线的选择与制造提供参考。  相似文献   

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