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通过建立静力模型模拟既有隧道衬砌的现有受力状态并分析新隧道开挖时引起既有隧道的衬砌应力重分布;然后建立动力模型分析新隧道爆破时应力波在既有隧道二次衬砌中引起的应力状态;将静力模型和动力模型中隧道衬砌的应力进行矢量叠加,评判新隧道爆破开挖对既有隧道的影响。结果表明新建隧道爆破开挖对既有隧道的应力分布有较大影响,使得既有隧道二次衬砌近新隧道侧边墙处拉应力达到1.57MPa,超出混凝土抗拉强度,建议对新隧道施工采取必要的控制措施,从而保证既有隧道的安全。  相似文献   

南京红山南路下穿红山动物园段为浅埋立体多洞群隧道,隧道全长150m,包括双向四车道的机动车隧道、管廊隧道和非机动车隧道,形成了连拱隧道、小净距隧道和上下重叠隧道的立体多洞群关系.隧道所处地层的岩性强度差异较大,局部见溶洞,地质条件较为复杂文章主要介绍了立体洞群隧道的衬砌结构设计、施工方法,以及相关的数值模拟分析.  相似文献   

国道213线郎川公路隧道洞口景观设计方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隧道洞口是隧道的门户,在隧道工程中有着很重要的地位。随着社会对土木工程结构物(隧道、桥梁等)的要求越来越高,使得景观设计成为隧道结构物设计的重要内容之一。目前,景观设计的概念虽已引入到隧道洞口设计当中,但有些隧道洞门仍采用结构单一,形式呆板的洞门。本文以国道213线郎川公路的四座隧道为例,探讨隧道洞口景观设计的方法,以期能为隧道洞口景观设计提供参考。  相似文献   

近二十多年来,我国公路隧道建设得到了迅速发展,隧道建设长度、断面形式和处理方法日益丰富,从事公路隧道建设的人员也越来越多。相继推出的《公路隧道通风照明设计规范》、《公路隧道设计规范》、《公路隧道交通工程设计规范》、《公路隧道设计细则》等行业规范,对推进我国公路隧道建设技术进步,规范和指导其设计行为起到了重要作用。目前,公路隧道技术已自成体系,全面修订或新编了隧道设计施工规范,但是,许多公路隧道建设技术人员仍感觉在工作  相似文献   

黄土隧道防排水施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
防水要求高是公路隧道特点之一,隧道防排水的成败影响其使用寿命及运营管理,黄延高速公路道南隧道是一座土质隧道,隧道所在区普遍有地下水,而且隧道路面位于地下水位之下.针对道南隧道的施工特点,阐述了防排水施工工艺.  相似文献   

文章针对郑州地铁盾构法隧道近距离叠交穿越电力隧道的施工工况,应用ABAQUS软件对地铁隧道穿越电力隧道施工进行数值模拟,研究分析了郑州砂性地层盾构施工引起的地表以及电力隧道的沉降规律。计算结果表明,地表沉降最大值位于两隧道中心,约12 mm;电力隧道最大沉降值位于盾构隧道与电力隧道交点处,最大值约15 mm,在规范要求沉降范围内。基于研究成果,采取针对性施工措施后,地表沉降与电力隧道的沉降得到了有效控制,确保了电力隧道的安全。  相似文献   

为评估隧道锚开挖及承载对下方既有隧道安全性的影响,采用弹性地基梁理论建立既有隧道在隧道锚开挖及承载影响下的变形计算模型,基于Mindlin公式分别给出隧道锚开挖及承载影响下的附加荷载计算方法,提出既有隧道竖向隆起变形安全性控制标准为12 mm。以四川沿江高速宁巧隧道-隧道锚体系为例,分析既有隧道在隧道锚开挖及承载影响下的变形特征,研究表明:既有隧道变形呈“凸”形,最大变形量位于锚塞体正下方附近,且随着与锚塞体距离的增大,隧道变形逐渐减小,最终收敛;既有隧道变形量随着围岩等级的降低及隧道-隧道锚间距的减小而增大;Ⅲ、Ⅳ级围岩条件下,隧道整体处于安全状态;Ⅴ级围岩条件下,隧道变形量在隧道锚开挖过程中已超过控制值,需要采取围岩加固、结构加强等工程措施。  相似文献   

近年来,铁路隧道施工安全质量事故时有发生,造成了重大人员伤亡和经济损失.文章对铁路隧道发生事故的类型作了统计,归纳为岩溶隧道突水突泥、软弱围岩隧道塌方、隧道掌子面后方塌方、洞内火灾、洞内爆炸、隧道洞口边仰坡塌方,以及洞内机械设备安全事故等七种事故类型.并对隧道工程事故产生的主要原因作了比较详细的分析,提出了预防事故的措施,以及加强隧道施工安全和质量的技术管理.针对当前铁路隧道施工安全形势,建议做好隧道选线等前期规划工作、推进隧道风险管理、提高隧道机械化施工水平和健全中国隧道修建技术体系等方面的工作.  相似文献   

上海长江隧道工程荣获"2012年度国际隧道奖"由国际隧道与地下空间协会评选的"2012年度国际隧道奖"颁奖典礼于2012年11月29日在加拿大多伦多喜来登中心大酒店举行。由上海市隧道工程轨道交通设计研究院申报的上海长江隧道工程荣获"2012年度国际隧道奖"(超过10亿美元级)。这是我国工程项目首次获得此项大奖,也是迄今为止我国隧道工程获得的最高国际奖项,表明我国工程项目的建设设计水平得到国际隧道界的充分认可。国际隧道奖评审委员会给予的推荐意  相似文献   

地铁施工对邻近桥梁桩基础内力影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用数值方法研究了城市盾构隧道施工对邻近桥梁单桩、两桩、四桩基础的应力与位移的影响,研究结果表明:(1)隧道施工使单桩近隧道侧轴向应力减小,远隧道侧轴向应力增大,其影响程度随桩与隧道水平距离的增大而减小;(2)隧道施工下穿两桩或四桩群桩基础后,桩身近隧道侧轴向应力增大而远隧道侧轴向应力减小;(3)隧道施工对群桩的影响远大于单桩,其中距隧道较远桩顶两侧应力差在隧道施工后显著增大,承台距隧道较近时远隧道桩上部混凝土可能承受拉应力作用;(4)桩竖向位移随桩与隧道距离增大而减小,若桩底位于隧道底面以下,则隧道施工后桩产生较小沉降值;(5)桩受隧道施工影响一般在桩顶水平位移最大处,桩与隧道较远时位移值随桩深线性减小,较近时呈非线性减小趋势,其中桩上部位移沿桩深减小较快,桩下部位移收敛到定值,桩顶位移在桩与隧道一定距离时最大。  相似文献   

A survey of research and development in advanced transit has been made by Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg in cooperation with Trans21 in Boston. Summary findings are reported for fourteen academic research programs and ten development programs for PRT. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the International Conference of PRT and other Emerging Systems held in Minneapolis in 1996.  相似文献   

Biodiesel use in local public transport could be especially significant in improving air quality in cities. The purpose of the experiments described in this paper was to evaluate the various (10, 20 and 50%) blends of biodiesel with diesel in the context of the engine and pollution aspects. As regards the experimental use of these findings on municipal buses, these experiments were the first reference in Hungary. The ages (15–20 years) and types of buses (Ikarus-280, Ikarus-260) used in the experiments are still common vehicles in Hungarian public transport. During our measurements, there was a significant difference between the change in fuel consumption of articulated and solo buses in traffic when compared to test bench measurements. The proportion of the engine performance reduction is nearly the same as that for biodiesel share in the blends. Most pollutants were decreasing (both at idle and full rpm), but this reduction is not directly proportional to the increase of the blending percentage. However, as for CO2, emission increase was observed in the case of idle rpm in comparison to normal diesel operation, even though this phenomenon was not due to biodiesel use, but the catalytic converter and the fact that biodiesel was used for the first time in the engine concerned.  相似文献   

The growth in container shipping poses considerable challenges to efforts to reduce the negative externalities associated with freight transport. There are particular concerns about the impacts of the associated port-hinterland freight flows. Through empirical research, this paper examines trends in the operational efficiency of the British port-hinterland container rail freight market and to assess the impacts of any changes on the overall sustainability of this market. Original survey work conducted in 2007 and 2015 has allowed longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of the characteristics of this market.The survey findings reveal that rail’s mode share of port container throughput (in TEU) has increased from 14.7% in 2007 to 16.6% in 2015 and it is likely that its share of the associated hinterland activity has also risen. Rail was carrying 25% more TEU by 2015 without an increase in train service provision. Increases in mean train capacity and mean load factor were observed, leading to growth in the mean train load from 44 TEU in 2007 to 55 TEU in 2015. This considerable improvement in operational efficiency is expected to have reduced the negative externalities per unit of transport activity associated with the rail-borne hinterland container flows, though scope is identified for further improvements in sustainability.  相似文献   


Numerous methodologies measuring walkability have been developed over the last years. This paper reviews the Walkability Index (WI) literature of the last decade (2009–2018) and highlights some limitations in the current approaches. Only a few studies have evaluated walkability in Latin America, mainly in big cities but not in medium and small-sized cities in the region, which present their own urbanisation dynamics, security issues, sidewalk invasion problems, and poor planning. Furthermore, most WIs in the literature use objective mesoscale variables to assess walkability in a given area. This paper contributes to filling these gaps by generating new evidence from a medium-sized city in Latin America to question if characteristics of the built environment encourage walking trips, as found in the literature, are transferable among regions. The study also proposes a novel index comprised of microscale and mesoscale built environment variables to assess walkability using virtual tools and considering users’ perceptions. The WI estimation relies on ranking probability models. The results of the case study suggest that subjective Security and Traffic Safety are the most crucial factors influencing walkability in these kind of cities, which is different from what is found in the literature from cities in developed countries where Sidewalk Condition and Attractiveness are the most important factors. Security appeared to be strongly associated with a subjective dimension, represented by the fear of crime or perceived risk for crime, instead of the actual occurrence of crimes. This result evidences the importance of the physical attributes of the real world and how they are captured, judged, and processed by pedestrians. Then, regional transferability of WIs needs to be done carefully. Finally, results in this paper highlight the importance of microscale built environment characteristics in the WI formulation in these cities. Results are in line with other research in some cities of the region, which found that microscale variables such as pavement quality and presence of obstacles on the sidewalks are relevant components to promote walkability.  相似文献   

本文通过对新疆不同成渣工艺及钢渣矿物化学组成、稳定性、物理指标进行分析,阐述了新疆钢渣技术现状,推动钢渣在公路工程中的资源化利用。新疆钢渣主要集中于北疆的乌昌地区,在热泼法和热闷法两种成渣工艺下,钢渣化学矿物成分相对稳定,属于高碱活性材料,并具有胶凝特性,同时具有一定工程级配。f-CaO含量热闷法小于热泼法,并且在自然环境下可陈化降解,有利于钢渣的稳定性。钢渣物理指标优于新疆常规碎、砾石材料,可集料化用于公路工程建设。此外,钢渣在工程应用中具有显著的经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

Observing the rhythms of daily life: A six-week travel diary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

公路隧道照明问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公路隧道的照明费用在公路隧道的运营成本中占有较大比重。我国的公路隧道照明,无论在技术规范还是工程实施方面,都存在许多需要改进的空间。文章叙述了我国公路隧道照明目前存在的一系列问题,并就如何解决这些问题,提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

为揭示频繁爆破下隧道内振动传播衰减规律,文章以蒙华铁路段家坪隧道为工程背景,利用LS-DY NA建立了三维隧道模型,模拟分析了多次爆破下隧道内近区和中远区的振动传播规律。结果表明,质点垂向峰值振速随距离和爆破次数的增大而减小,少数振速有增大的现象;近区振动衰减较快,中远区振动衰减比近区缓慢;中远区a值比近区至少小12.5%,但整体上二者的a值随爆破作用次数的增加呈缓慢上升趋势;系数K随爆破作用次数的增加而降低,近区K值降低速率普遍大于中远区,且近区K值比中远区至少大29.1%;频繁爆破下,中远区比近区较符合萨道夫斯基经验公式。  相似文献   

This paper aims to adopt a critical stance on the relevance and interpretation of the recently emerging concepts of resilience and vulnerability in transportation studies. It makes a clear distinction between engineering and ecological interpretations of these concepts and offers a systematic typology of various studies in this field. A core element in the study is the linkage between the aforementioned concepts and connectivity/accessibility in transport networks. The methodological findings in the study are put in perspective by addressing also such concepts as robustness, reliability and friability of transport systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse the diurnal rhythms of city life and its spatial differences in Tallinn, using mobile telephone positioning data. The positioning experiment was carried out in April 2006 over an 8-day period and 15-min intervals, with a random sample of 277 respondents living in new residential areas outside the city of Tallinn.The investigation of the space–time movements and daily distances of respondents showed that the majority of respondents had a similar temporal rhythm related to work, school, services and leisure in the city. Because of the different timing of those activities, the mobile positioning data made it possible to map functional differences in the city. The advantages and disadvantages of mobile positioning data in mapping urban life are discussed in the final section of the study.  相似文献   

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