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轿车涂装辅具是指轿车在涂装过程中,为了很好地固定车身四门两盖及油箱盖等部件同时又能方便员工操作的一种辅助性工具。一款辅具的设计是否合理、安装是否方便,直接影响到生产节拍及漆膜质量的好坏。由于轿车涂装辅具种类多、配备数量大、易损耗等特点,因此各轿车主机厂均把轿车涂装辅具的设计和日常管理列入重点管理项目。  相似文献   

汽车涂装生产过程中,车身随横移机在生产线上运动,处于非关闭状态的侧门普遍存在开启定位不牢固,辅具易脱落及使用不方便等问题。文章以整体式上框的侧门结构为基础,设计开发了一款依靠弹簧作用力,通过固定支座和限位卡板来满足固定要求的专用定位辅具。该辅具能够准确并牢固定位侧门开启角度,安装且使用方便,通用性好,其结构简单且成本低廉。辅具的设计已申报专利,并制作投入使用,能够很好地满足涂装生产的需要。  相似文献   

针对轿车涂装生产过程中,车身随横移机在生产线上移动、翻转,处于非关闭状态的侧门存在的开启定位不牢固,辅具易脱落、使用不方便等问题,本文以奇瑞某一车型为基础,设计开发了一款定位辅具,结构简单、性能可靠、使用方便,能够满足生产需要。  相似文献   

汽车涂装的随车辅具是指在汽车涂装时固定车身的车门、行李箱盖和发动机罩盖等部件,并使所固定的各部件保持一定的姿态.便于进行人工或机械喷涂作业的用具。一个辅具的设计是否合理、安装是否方便,直接关系着涂装的质量及操作人员的劳动量。随车辅具的种类多、数量大,随车辅具的设计和日常管理一直是各汽车厂的工作难点之一:本文根据实际生产经验,对辅具的设计与管理进行简要介绍。  相似文献   

一种集成油气分离器功能的油箱盖,在有效收集汽油蒸气,防止燃油溢流的同时,还能平衡油箱内部气压,保证燃油箱正常供油,确保摩托车运行正常。该油箱盖不仅解决了油气分离效果不佳的问题,而且性能可靠、安装方便和应用成本低。  相似文献   

整体式全无缝桥梁的设计与应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整体式全无缝桥梁是指在中小桥梁上梁与桥台形式整体,桥梁任何位置(包括两头)都没有设置伸缩缝,梁的伸缩靠桥台及台后的特殊装置予以吸收。对于中小桥梁,采用整体式全无缝桥梁设计可望彻底解决伸缩装置问题。简要介绍了我国第一座整体式全无缝桥梁———广东清远四九中桥的设计、营运情况,以期推广应用。  相似文献   

钢板热冲压成形是实现车身轻量化的重要工艺途径。为了提升零件服役性能,提高热冲压生产节拍,结合激光拼焊板(TWB)技术,开展了热冲压一体式门环的成形模具与工艺技术研究,最终制作成功合格的热冲压门环零件。  相似文献   

文章对基于可编程控制器的辅助机床控制系统的结构、控制方案进行介绍。对系统的硬件和软件设计作了阐述。应用不同的网络协议,通过工控机可对设备的状态进行监控并将生产过程中工件的加工数据进行标识存储,实现可追溯化。  相似文献   

铝合金油箱端盖在压型后,变形很大、外形尺寸较大、扭斜、不平整,难以达到装配要求,本文通过使用(自制专用)设备,对压型后的端盖施加外力,改变其外形,从而解决此问题。  相似文献   

A 7-DOF full-car model with optimal active control suspension is utilized to evaluate the vehicle dynamic performances which are achieved through proposed controllers. The optimal controller, which includes the integral action for the suspension deflection, considerably improves the attitude control of a vehicle because the rolling and pitching motion in cornering and braking maneuvers are reduced, respectively. In the viewpoint of level control, the integral control acting on the suspension deflection results in the zero steady-state deflection in response to static body forces and ramp road input. The dynamic characteristics of the suspension control system are evaluated in terms of time domain and frequency domain. The simulations in the time domain demonstrate the advantages of the active suspension system obtained by penalizing the integral and derivative of suspension deflections and the derivative of roll and pitch angles in the performance index. The frequency characteristic curves obtained by simulations regarding integral action or derivative action show the increase of both ride comfort and road-holding performances by maximizing the use of suspension deflections. The potential of derivative control is shown by the performances of the car traveling over a bump and braking.  相似文献   

A 7-DOF full-car model with optimal active control suspension is utilized to evaluate the vehicle dynamic performances which are achieved through proposed controllers. The optimal controller, which includes the integral action for the suspension deflection, considerably improves the attitude control of a vehicle because the rolling and pitching motion in cornering and braking maneuvers are reduced, respectively. In the viewpoint of level control, the integral control acting on the suspension deflection results in the zero steady-state deflection in response to static body forces and ramp road input. The dynamic characteristics of the suspension control system are evaluated in terms of time domain and frequency domain. The simulations in the time domain demonstrate the advantages of the active suspension system obtained by penalizing the integral and derivative of suspension deflections and the derivative of roll and pitch angles in the performance index. The frequency characteristic curves obtained by simulations regarding integral action or derivative action show the increase of both ride comfort and road-holding performances by maximizing the use of suspension deflections. The potential of derivative control is shown by the performances of the car traveling over a bump and braking.  相似文献   

浅埋偏压状态下软弱泥质页岩隧道洞室及围岩的稳定分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对常张高速公路关口垭软弱泥质页岩的特点,采用三维有限元数值计算方法,分析了浅埋偏压隧道围岩受力特征、隧道洞室及围岩的稳定性,从而为软弱泥质页岩隧道工程的修建提供依据和积累经验。  相似文献   

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