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The paper analyzes the airlines’ hub location problem through a spatial competition game played in two stages. First, airlines sequentially choose the location of their hub and second, they compete offering direct or connecting services between each city-pair. Different outcomes in the first stage will affect competition in the second, and as a consequence, the market share that airlines can obtain.Given actual demand patterns, results of the model are applied to the South-Atlantic airline market. We study the subgame perfect equilibriums obtained as a result of competition in each city-pair to anticipate where airlines will probably locate their hubs once an “open skies” policy is adopted in this market.  相似文献   

While the existing literature has focused on the short-term impacts, this paper investigates the long-term impacts of high-speed rail (HSR) competition on airlines. An analytical model is developed to study how an airline may change its network and market coverage when facing HSR competition on trunk routes. We show that prior to HSR competition, an airline is more likely to adopt a fully-connected network and cover fewer fringe markets if the trunk market is large. Under HSR competition, the airline will, for a given network structure, have a greater incentive to cover more fringe (regional or foreign) markets if the trunk market is large, or the airline network is close to hub-and-spoke. Further, the airline will, for any given market coverage, move towards a hub-and-spoke network when the trunk market is large, or the number of fringe markets covered by the airline network is large. Both effects are more prominent when the decreasing rate of airline density economies is large. We further show that HSR competition can induce the airline to adopt network structure and market coverage that are closer to the socially optimal ones, thereby suggesting a new source of welfare gain from HSR based on its long-term impacts on airlines. Implications for operators, policy makers and specific countries (such as China) are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this research, we consider a flight scheduling problem for oligopolistic competition with direct flights and a point to point network. In this type of market situation, passengers are sensitive to the departure time of a flight rather than the transfer time. The airline needs to carefully consider the departure times of their competitors when determining their own. Therefore, unlike past approaches which have only considered one departure time for a competitor's flight, a flight scheduling framework is developed which takes into consideration possible competitor departure times. The framework includes two dependent stages which are repeatedly solved during the solution process. In addition, an upper bound model is also designed to evaluate the solution quality. Numerical tests are performed using data for Taiwan's outlying island route which is characterized by the above market situation. Satisfactory results are obtained, showing the good performance of the framework. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) model for the intermodal hub-and-spoke network design (IHSND) problem with multiple stakeholders and multi-type containers. The model incorporates a parametric variational inequality (VI) that formulates the user equilibrium (UE) behavior of intermodal operators in route choice for any given network design decision of the network planner. The model also uses a cost function that is capable of reflecting the transition from scale economies to scale diseconomies in distinct flow regimes for carriers or hub operators, and a disutility function integrating actual transportation charges and congestion impacts for intermodal operators. To solve the MPEC model, a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) embedded with a diagonalization method for solving the parametric VI is proposed. Finally, the comparative analysis of the HGA and an exhaustive enumeration algorithm indicates a good performance of the HGA in terms of computational time and solution quality. The HGA is also applied to solve a large-scale problem to show the applicability of the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   

We compare two common ways of incorporating service frequency into models of airline competition. One is based on the so called s-curve, in which, all else equal, market shares are determined by frequency shares. The other is based on schedule delay—the time difference between when travelers wish to travel and when flights are available. We develop competition models that differ only with regard to which of the above approaches is used to capture the effect of frequency. The demand side of both models is an approximation of a nested logit model which yields endogenous travel demand by including not traveling in the choice set. We find symmetric competitive equilibrium for both models analytically, and compare their predictions concerning market frequency with empirical evidence. In contrast to the s-curve model, the schedule delay model depicts a more plausible relationship between market share and frequency share and accurately predicts observed patterns of supply side behavior. Moreover, the predictions from both models are largely the same if we employ numerical versions of the model that capture real-world aspects of competition. We also find that, for either model, the relationship between airline frequency and market traffic is the same whether frequency is determined by competitive equilibrium, social optimality, or social optimality with a break-even constraint.  相似文献   

For air travelers originating from the spokes of the US hub-and-spoke air network, price, flight frequency, and aircraft type are all known factors in their travel decision-making process. Less well known, however, is the extent to which different elements of ground travel enter into these travelers’ air journeys. Based on 51 interviews at four universities at spokes surrounding O’Hare International Airport, this article describes how considerations such as vehicle availability, individual driving ability, localized weather, and unanticipated ground travel are fundamentally part of the air travel decision-making process for spoke travelers.  相似文献   

Agent-based micro-simulation models require a complete list of agents with detailed demographic/socioeconomic information for the purpose of behavior modeling and simulation. This paper introduces a new alternative for population synthesis based on Bayesian networks. A Bayesian network is a graphical representation of a joint probability distribution, encoding probabilistic relationships among a set of variables in an efficient way. Similar to the previously developed probabilistic approach, in this paper, we consider the population synthesis problem to be the inference of a joint probability distribution. In this sense, the Bayesian network model becomes an efficient tool that allows us to compactly represent/reproduce the structure of the population system and preserve privacy and confidentiality in the meanwhile. We demonstrate and assess the performance of this approach in generating synthetic population for Singapore, by using the Household Interview Travel Survey (HITS) data as the known test population. Our results show that the introduced Bayesian network approach is powerful in characterizing the underlying joint distribution, and meanwhile the overfitting of data can be avoided as much as possible.  相似文献   

Crew fatigue is one of the main causes of airline accidents. Regulatory authorities such as the Federal Aviation Agency constantly introduce new fatigue regulations, often in the form of hard constraints on the length of duty and rest periods. The complex nature of travel-related fatigue, however, makes it difficult to account for it indirectly through such constraints. Recent studies show that fatigue depends on human factors such as the homeostatic process and the circadian body clock as well as time-zone differences. In this work, we explicitly account for fatigue in crew pairing optimization through the Three Process Model of Alertness, one of the most comprehensive fatigue models available in the literature. We provide a mathematical model for the crew pairing problem that incorporates fatigue and solve it using a column generation approach. Numerical analysis on two real data sets reveals that the proposed approach is able to reduce the crew fatigue levels substantially with minimal impact on cost. In particular, it is shown that hard constraints on fatigue may still lead to high fatigue levels and that jet-lag and time-zone differences have a major impact. The results of the tests also show that some of the rules and regulations in practice may be omitted if the fatigue is accounted for directly.  相似文献   

Unfortunately, situations such as flood, hurricanes, chemical accidents, and other events occur frequently more and more. To improve the efficiency and practicality of evacuation management plan, an integrated optimization model of one‐way traffic network reconfiguration and lane‐based non‐diversion routing with crossing elimination at intersection for evacuation is constructed in this paper. It is an integrated model aiming at minimizing the network clearance time based on Cell Transmission Model. A hybrid algorithm with modified genetic algorithm and tabu search method is devised for approximating optimal problem solutions. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed model and solving method, two cases are illustrated in this paper. Through the first example, it can be seen that the proposed model and algorithm can effectively solve the integrated problems, and compared with the objective value of the original network, the network clearance time of the final solution reduces by 47.4%. The calculation results for the realistic topology and size network of Ningbo in China, which locates on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean, justify the practical value of the model and solution method, and solutions under different settings of reduction amount of merging cell capacity embody obvious differences. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Road agencies are facing the challenges of aging pavements, deteriorating networks, and insufficient maintenance budgets. This study addresses two limitations in the current state of practice in pavement management. First, because the evaluation of maintenance strategies has traditionally focused on economic and technical aspects, it neglects the environmental impact of maintenance decisions. Second, current management systems often provide a unique, optimised pavement maintenance strategy based on a specific objective(s) and constraint(s). The main objective of the study is to analyse the effect of including environmental aspects and funding availability in the design of maintenance strategies. To achieve this objective, the study followed a three-step methodology. First, this study reviews existing practices on pavement maintenance and the criteria considered to trigger the application of maintenance treatments and their effects on pavement condition. Then, maintenance strategies are optimised considering three levels of budgetary capacity and a sustainable evaluation which incorporates technical, economic, and environmental aspects over the pavement lifecycle. Finally, a case study dealing with an urban pavement network in Chile is analysed. Results obtained from this case study show that an increment of 2% in maintenance budget allows to account for more sustainable maintenance decisions, such as cold in-place recycling and full-depth slab repair, whose greenhouse gas emissions are lower than other alternatives. Results also show that functional asphalt overlay and microsurfacing are more recommended in flexible pavements when budgetary restrictions are low, whereas recommended treatments for rigid pavements exhibit small variability with budgetary restrictions.  相似文献   


This paper presents an examination of the empirical merits of a set of spatial interaction indices for measuring hierarchical differentiation (i.e. dominance and connectivity) in a spatial network. To allow for the comparison of the degree of hierarchical differentiation in networks with different numbers of nodes/links, we propose to normalize the ratio between the real measures and the corresponding values for a rank size distribution in order to obtain readily interpretable measures of hierarchical differentiation. When applied to data on air passenger flows within Europe, the normalized indices, interpreted together, appear to give a good idea of the tendency toward hierarchical differentiation. The potential usefulness of this analytical framework is discussed in the context of studies on (transnational) inter-city relations and empirical assessments of changes in the spatial configuration of airline networks.  相似文献   

Loss and damage caused by unscheduled events, especially earthquakes, have sudden and significant impacts not only on the region’s economy where the event occurs but also on other regions. The New Madrid Seismic Zone, located in the center of the United States, could have great impacts on economic activities related to this area, if a major earthquake occurred. Based on the 1993 US Commodity Flow Survey [US Commodity Flow Survey, 1993. Available from: <http://www.bts.gov/ntda/cfs/prod.html>], more than 42% of total commodity flows in the US are related to the greater Midwest, which includes the New Madrid Seismic Zone. If a catastrophic earthquake occurred in this area, the indirect damages could spread far beyond the region, and could have sizable impacts on other regions. A model of interregional commodity flows, incorporating regional input–output relationships, and the corresponding transportation network flows, was applied to assess the economic impacts of such an unexpected event. The economic impacts from the event are described for three hypothetical scenarios, analyzing the magnitude and the extent of the direct and indirect impacts. These analytical results may be used to propose strategic management of the recovery and reconstruction efforts after the event.  相似文献   

In this research, a Bayesian network (BN) approach is proposed to model the car use behavior of drivers by time of day and to analyze its relationship with driver and car characteristics. The proposed BN model can be categorized as a tree-augmented naive (TAN) Bayesian network. A latent class variable is included in this model to describe the unobserved heterogeneity of drivers. Both the structure and the parameters are learned from the dataset, which is extracted from GPS data collected in Toyota City, Japan. Based on inferences and evidence sensitivity analysis using the estimated TAN model, the effects of each single observed characteristic on car use measures are tested and found to be significant. The features of each category of the latent class are also analyzed. By testing the effect of each car use measure on every other measure, it is found that the correlations between car use measures are significant and should be considered in modeling car use behavior.  相似文献   

This paper develops an econometric model of flight delays to investigate the influence of competition and dominance on the incentives of carriers to maintain on-time performance. We consider both the route and the airport levels to inspect the local and global effects of competition, with a unifying framework to test the hypotheses of 1. airport congestion internalization and 2. the market competition-quality relationship in a single econometric model. In particular, we examine the impacts of the entry of low cost carriers (LCC) on the flight delays of incumbent full service carriers in the Brazilian airline industry. The main results indicate a highly significant effect of airport congestion self-internalization in parallel with route-level quality competition. Additionally, the potential competition caused by LCC presence provokes a global effect that suggests the existence of non-price spillovers of the LCC entry to non-entered routes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology to determine fleet size and structure for those airlines operating on hub‐and‐spoke networks. The methodology highlights the impact of stochastic traffic network flow effects on fleet planning process and is employed to construct an enhanced revenue model by incorporating the expected revenue optimization model into fleet planning process. The objective of the model is to find a feasible allocation of aircraft fleet types to route legs using minimum fleet purchasing cost, thus ensuring that the expected fleet profit is maximized subject to several critical resource constraints. By using a linear approximation to the total network revenue function, the fleet planning model with enhanced revenue modeling is decomposed into the nonlinear aspects of expected revenue optimization and the linear aspects of determining fleet size and structure by optimal allocation of aircraft fleet types to route legs. To illustrate this methodology and its economic benefits, an example consisting of 6 chosen aircraft fleet types, 12 route legs, and 57 path‐specific origin‐destination markets is presented and compared with the results found using revenue prorated fleet planning formulation. The results show that the fleet size and structure of the methodology proposed in this paper gain 211.4% improvement in fleet profit over the use of the revenue prorated fleet planning approach. In addition, comparison with the deterministic model reveals that the fleet size and structure of this proposed methodology are more adaptable to the fluctuations of passenger demands. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A well-functioning public bicycle system relates not only to its mode of operation, vehicle allocation, rental station layout and vehicle leasing configuration, but also the bicycle network structure and its formation. However, the latter aspects have been widely overlooked in China. Here, we help to further attract more researchers to conduct relevant studies and make suggestions for the development of public bicycle transport in many small and medium-sized cities across the world. We demonstrate how to explore the public bicycle network structure of a county-level Chinese city – Yixing – known for its clay ware and tourism. We show that complex network theory and shortest path analysis technology are useful in characterizing the public bicycle network structure, in aspects such as network topology, the spatial distribution of sub-networks and traffic flows. Finally, the paper proposes relevant urban planning strategies.  相似文献   

Neural networks have been extensively applied to short-term traffic prediction in the past years. This study proposes a novel architecture of neural networks, Long Short-Term Neural Network (LSTM NN), to capture nonlinear traffic dynamic in an effective manner. The LSTM NN can overcome the issue of back-propagated error decay through memory blocks, and thus exhibits the superior capability for time series prediction with long temporal dependency. In addition, the LSTM NN can automatically determine the optimal time lags. To validate the effectiveness of LSTM NN, travel speed data from traffic microwave detectors in Beijing are used for model training and testing. A comparison with different topologies of dynamic neural networks as well as other prevailing parametric and nonparametric algorithms suggests that LSTM NN can achieve the best prediction performance in terms of both accuracy and stability.  相似文献   

Conceptual and empirical models of the propensity to perform social activity–travel behavior are described, which incorporate the influence of individuals’ social context, namely their social networks. More explicitly, the conceptual model develops the concepts of egocentric social networks, social activities, and social episodes, and defines the three sets of aspects that influence the propensity to perform social activities: individuals’ personal attributes, social network composition, and information and communication technology interaction with social network members. Using the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique and data recently collected in Toronto, the empirical model tests the effect of these three aspects on the propensity to perform social activities. Results suggest that the social networks framework provides useful insights into the role of physical space, social activity types, communication and information technology use, and the importance of “with whom” the activity was performed with. Overall, explicitly incorporating social networks into the activity–travel behavior modeling framework provides a promising framework to understand social activities and key aspects of the underlying behavioral process. Juan Antonio Carrasco a PhD candidate in Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto, holds a MSc degree in Transportation Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His doctoral research explores the relationships between social networks, activity–travel behavior, and ICTs. His research interests also include microsimulation, land use-transportation, and econometric modeling. Eric J. Miller is Bahen-Tanenbaum Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto where he is also Director of the Joint Program in Transportation. His research interests include integrated land-use/transportation modeling, activity-based travel modeling, microsimulation and sustainable transportation planning.  相似文献   

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