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随着城市群的快速发展,相邻城市间的中短途客流需求快速增长,快速轨道交通网络中服务于中短途客流的城际铁路迎来黄金发展时期。由于跨行政区域但又属于区域性交通,城际铁路既不同于城市轨道交通又区别于干线铁路系统,良好的运营管理模式是城际铁路高效运营的关键,本文从运营和发展角度探讨我国城际铁路的运营管理模式。首先从功能定位角度明确了城际铁路及其运营管理模式的定义;其次分析了国内外各类轨道交通的运营管理模式分类,结合城际铁路特点归纳出城际铁路可采用的三类运营管理模式;最后,在分析城际铁路运营管理模式影响因素的基础上,探讨城际铁路运营管理模式的适用性问题,为我国即将开通和正在规划的城际铁路线路及网络提供运营管理模式的选择参考。  相似文献   

近年来,城际铁路的建设方兴未艾,起到了便捷出行、串联城市、促进区域一体等作用。本文运用文献研究法,比较分析法,以成绵乐城际铁路对乐山市的旅游影响为例,结合城际铁路的技术经济特点,分析来乐旅客交通方式的变化趋势及城际铁路开通后对乐山市旅游的影响。分析发现城际铁路的开通运营使乐山市旅游人数和综合收入都实现大幅度增长,对传统的公路及普速列车运输方式产生冲击,对旅客旅游时间与方式产生影响。最后针对旅游交通的发展提出了政策建议,为同类旅游城市的交通规划和组织提供决策支持。  相似文献   

交通一体化是京津冀地区优化和引导城镇空间布局、疏解非首都核心功能和实现协同发展的重要基础,建设城际铁路是实现京津冀交通一体化的关键所在。本文分析了京津冀区域经济、人口、城镇化、资源环境等发展特征,梳理了协同发展战略要求下铁路网发展中存在的主要问题,阐述了加快京津冀地区城际铁路发展的必要性,提出了京津冀城际铁路发展的战略途径及措施建议。  相似文献   

加快交通基础设施建设是广东省深入贯彻落实中央"五大发展理念"、在新形势下推动区域协调发展的重要抓手。虽然广东省交通基础设施建设取得快速发展,但交通运输发展不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题仍然突出,铁路仍是发展中的短板。"十三五"期间,广东省需要继续加快铁路建设,发挥铁路比较优势和骨干作用,构建与其他交通方式有机衔接的综合交通运输体系;以珠三角城际铁路为突破口,推动铁路投融资体制改革,促进城际铁路建设和新型城镇化可持续发展。  相似文献   

介绍了城际铁路与城市轨道交通以及包括城际铁路和城市轨道的关联性和差异性等概念,在此基础上分析了换乘和共线两种衔接模式的具体运用方式。在换乘模式研究方面,结合实际分析了五种换乘模式和各自的特点和分别适用情况;在共线运营模式方面,介绍了其概念,运营方式和主要类型等,并绘制相应图形进行进一步的说明分析。最终提出关于针对衔接模式选择的影响因素分析,并分析了以上两种衔接方式的特点。对今后都市圈的交通一体化建设有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

城际铁路对城市圈同城化的促进作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对城市圈同城化进行了界定,分析了城际铁路对城市圈同城化的促进作用,并结合国内外城际铁路推动城市圈发展的经验,分析展望了武汉城市圈城际铁路的兴建对其同城化的促进作用。  相似文献   

李政  姜阳 《综合运输》2022,(1):17-20
我国城际铁路通车里程快速增长,逐渐连接成网,对传统铁路以及交通运输格局带来了深远的影响。梳理城际铁路发展情况,分析城际铁路在发展中存在的新情况、新问题,提出加强顶层设计、统筹规划综合运输网络体系、完善城际铁路建设国家标准体系、创新城际铁路运营管理模式等有效促进城际铁路健康发展的措施建议。  相似文献   

我国建设城际铁路正成为大趋势,尽管大批城际铁路业已开通,在规划方面还缺乏有效的理论指导。城际铁路概念不清晰、功能定位模糊、速度目标值与系统制式不统一等问题亟待解决。本文通过分析城际铁路的功能定位,提出基于城际铁路功能定位的速度目标值评价方法,对未来城际铁路的规划建设具有参考意义。  相似文献   

城际铁路对支撑和引领城市群发展具有重要作用,但要避免过度超前建设导致资源浪费,合理把握城际铁路建设时机至关重要。本文基于人口、经济水平等指标对城际通道的运输需求进行模型构建,并对20个城市群中的124条城际主通道进行案例分析。结果表明,至2030年,我国大部分城际主通道可利用高速铁路或既有铁路承担城际客运功能,但部分发达地区确有城际铁路建设需求。提出以下政策建议供相关部门参考:一是及时做好发达地区城市群城际铁路建设规划;二是慎重进行全国范围内的城际铁路大规模集中投资;三是重点抓好未规划有高速铁路的城际通道的城际铁路建设。  相似文献   

我国城际铁路的两种发展模式   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
<正> 1 问题的提出 在国外,城际铁路发展已有几十年的历史,取得列车高速条件下营运经验的主要有日本的新干线、法国的TGV、德国的ICE、英国的APT及意大利的TAV等系统。而我国城际铁路建设才刚刚起步,2001年,铁道部把“适当发展城际铁路”列入了“十五”规划。同时,发展城际铁路也是目前正在制定中的“2003~2020年中长期铁路发展规划”的重要内容。  相似文献   

广西沿海铁路作为大西南的重要出海通道,是防城、钦州、北海等重要沿海港口主要的后方集疏运干线。文章提出了广西沿海铁路开行双层集装箱列车的意义,预测了广西沿海铁路集装箱的运量,从经济与通过能力方面分析了广西沿海铁路开行双层集装箱列车的必要性。  相似文献   

姜阳  李政 《综合运输》2021,(3):38-41,60
城际铁路在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要作用,但在投资主体由"部省合作"向"地方主导"转变的过程中,出现了建设资金不足、资金筹措方式单一、可持续发展压力大等问题。本文通过对珠三角地区、京津冀地区、成渝地区等典型地区城际铁路建设投融资模式的调查研究,分析当前城际铁路投融资模式存在的主要问题,并研究提出相关的措施建议。  相似文献   

Reform of trucking Vehicle Weights and Dimensions (VWD) regulations in Canada is now underway. The effect these reforms will have on the freight transportation industry are only recently the subject of research. This paper is part of this new research effort, aimed at understanding how regulatory reform in the trucking sector will affect the existing competitive relationship between trucks and the railways. The paper presents the results of study and research into modelling the relationship between mode choice and the service characteristics that are affected by VWD reform.Using several periods of data, a series of econometric models are developed which help to elucidate the relative relationships between the mode service characteristics for both of the principal interprovincial freight modes. A technique is developed and presented to model railway user costs in order to overcome the complex and often unrepresentable pricing activities of Canadian railways.The strength of the developed econometric models is presented, including their significance and statistical reliability. This is further reinforced by the similarities exhibited by all the models in the series. The selected model is applied to predict market service responses required of the railway industry in order to compete with the trucking sector now adapting to the new regulations.The impact of the newly implemented vehicle weight and dimension reform on the rail transportation industry is analyzed and railway industry improvements aimed at maintaining its market share are presented. The results predicted by the model show that railway user cost reductions should be moderate, and likely less than the level of inflation over the period of time when trucking converts its fleet to take advantage of the new regulations.Abbreviations AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials - CCMTA Canadian Conference of Motor Transport Administrators - EPI End products, inedible commodity classification - GVW Gross Vehicle Weight - NA 1988 VWD National Agreement - RTAC Roads and Transportation Association of Canada - VWD Vehicle Weight(s) and Dimension(s) - WA 1988 VWD Western Agreement  相似文献   

After nearly a half century of federal and state regulation, the U.S. intercity bus industry is the subject of proposals which would drastically reduce the extent of governmental control over fare setting, service abandonment, and market entry. An essential requirement for understanding how these regulatory changes might affect the industry is knowing the extent to which economies of scale are present in the provision of intercity bus services. This paper reports on the analysis of economies of scale for both Class I firms and for Class II and III firms. The results show nearly constant returns to scale beyond very low output levels but very strong dependence on the mix of charter and regular-route service provided.  相似文献   

Because of different geo‐demographic and economic conditions, the impact of the new passenger modes (road and air) on rail travel was much larger in North America than in Europe. In 1960s and 1970s, as the railway share of intercity traffic in North America shrunk to a negligible one or two percent, the passenger trains were abandoned by private railway companies and taken over by state organizations, which have continued to operate traditional trains and generate mounting losses. On the technology side, no attempts have been made to improve competitiveness of trains vis‐a‐vis automobiles and airplanes.

In Europe and Japan, the railways responded to the challenge by (i) upgrading the performance (speed) and comfort of traditional trains operating on existing tracks and (ii) developing trains which could, on short and intermediate range distances, compete successfully, in terms of speed and economy, with the road and air modes. The Japanese (Shinkansen trains) and French (TGV trains) experience clearly shows that trains operating on dedicated lines at average speeds of 150 to 200 km/hr provide a superior transportation service and economy on high‐traffic intercity routes of up to about 500 km length. In this paper the factors responsible for the present status of passenger rail in North America are analysed, the current policies in the U.S. and Canada are evaluated in the light of experience to date and developments abroad, and suggestions for a long‐term passenger rail policy are made. This includes examination of (i) the viability of continued subsidization of traditional train services, (ii) the viability of operation of faster trains on existing tracks, (iii) the scope for introduction of modern, fast trains on dedicated lines in high‐density, intercity corridors, (iv) the application of fast trains as access to major airports and integration of airports with fast intercity lines, and (v) the impact of energy (oil) consumption in transportation.


Congested road and air networks, coupled with the idea that transport systems should be balanced, have spawned the field of intercity intermodal passenger transport which is based on travel across connected networks that is as seamless as possible. There is a very large number of attributes that affect the objective and subjective quality of travel. Intercity public transport planning therefore requires an excellent understanding of connections between different services and how the quality of these connections affects passengers, operators and the society at large. This article reviews the vast literature over the last 20 years from Europe, North America and Asia that is related to intercity travel, the connectivity of transport and cooperation between different modes of transport and presents a simple yet powerful way to perceive connected transport systems. The article then reviews planning practice at a variety of states worldwide, and suggests a set of focus areas of research or gaps that once filled, the authors expect, will allow further development of connected intercity passenger travel.  相似文献   


In this paper, the characteristics of intercity freight modal operations are investigated to evaluate the potential for achieving energy savings. It is determined that the greatest opportunities for conserving energy appear to rest with achieving modal shifts and operational improvements in truck and rail transport. To test this hypothesis, intercity truck and rail freight operations are analyzed to determine the relationships between energy consumption and the delivery of transport service. The energy consumption impact of alternative conservation measures are calculated, and in turn, evaluated in light of a series of institutional constraints. As such, this study goes beyond the characteristic cataloging of alternative energy conservation measures by conducting a disaggregated assessment of the effectiveness and feasibility of implementing such measures. This paper concludes that the potential for achieving energy conservation in the movement of intercity freight in general, and by truck and rail systems in particular, is limited, as well as shrouded by the complexity of the nature of the commodity itself, the commodity flow characteristics, and the market and institutional structure.  相似文献   

客运专线耐久性混凝土对骨料的指标要求及原因浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客运专线施工中的混凝土配制要求采用耐久性混凝土,而经验和实践证明优质骨料是配制耐久性混凝土的关键因素;客运专线标准也都对骨料的质量指标提出了很高的要求.文章通过对现行规范和验标的解读,分析了优质骨料在优质耐久性混凝土中的作用机理.  相似文献   

Kulsreshtha  Mudit  Nag  Barnali 《Transportation》2000,27(2):221-241
In this paper we derive long run structural relationships for all the three classes, viz. upper, second and ordinary second class, of non-suburban long distance passenger transport demand for Indian railways using annual time series data for 1970–1995. We employ some of the recent developments in multivariate dynamic econometric time series modeling including estimation of long-run structural cointegrating relationships, short-run dynamics and measurement of the effects of shocks and their persistence on evolution of the dynamic passenger transport demand system. The models are estimated using a cointegrating vector autoregressive (VAR) modeling framework, which allows for endogeneity of regressors. The demand systems are found to be stable for all the classes in the long run and they converge to equilibrium in a period of around 2–4 years after a typical system-wide shock. Any disequilibrium in the short-run is corrected in the long-run with adjustments in passenger transport demand and the price variable, i.e. real rate charged per passenger kilometer. Results show that travel demand in all classes would rise with income, although the rise is less than proportionate in the case of ordinary class. High price elasticity in long-run and short-run impulse responses indicate that passenger fare hike could lead to substantial decline in travel demand leading to decline in revenue earnings of the railways. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

文中主要研究了电气化铁路对埋地钢质燃气管道交流干扰的影响.在京沪高铁试运行期间选取了9条管线进行普测,证实了整个京沪高铁沿线的管线确实受到了交流干扰.通过测试交流电气化铁路在试运行、正式开通后交流干扰的变化情况,表明高铁发车密度越大、载重量越重,所产生的交流干扰明显加大.同时,通过对施加排流措施前、施加排流措施后的对比测试,发现通过增加排流措施,可以使管道受到的干扰大幅度降低,证明了排流工程的有效性.  相似文献   

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