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  目的  常规疲劳损伤谱分析法只考虑了线性波浪载荷对疲劳寿命的影响,对于大外飘型船舶,如何考虑非线性砰击载荷的影响成为疲劳损伤计算的难点。  方法  首先,采用非线性时域方法计算船体总弯矩的时历分布;然后,结合雨流计数法,统计出船体节点在非线性砰击载荷下的疲劳应力范围分布,进而得到船体节点考虑非线性砰击载荷影响的疲劳损伤;最后,将其与线性波浪载荷产生的疲劳损伤予以对比,计算非线性砰击弯矩对某大外飘型船舶疲劳总损伤的放大系数。  结果  经计算,考虑砰击载荷后,疲劳损伤放大约40%。  结论  采用该计算方法对具有严重砰击载荷的船舶进行疲劳损伤计算具有实际参考意义。  相似文献   

An accurate determination of the global load effects in a ship is vital for the design of the vessel. This paper addresses an experimental and numerical study of containership responses in severe head seas. Experimental results were obtained using a flexible model of a containership of newer design. The experiments showed that, taking hull flexibility into account, the fourth and sixth harmonic of the vertical bending moments had a maximum value of between 25% and 50% of the first harmonic. We also demonstrated that hull flexibility can increase the vertical bending moment by up to 35% in sea states relevant for design. Comparisons of moments found experimentally with results from a nonlinear hydroelastic strip theory method showed that the effect of nonlinearities on the rigid body moments was slightly over-predicted in the aft body. The method also tends to over-predict the increase of the bending moments due to hull flexibility. In general however, the numerical results compared reasonably well with the experimental ones.  相似文献   

Container shipping has been expanding dramatically during the last decade. Due to their special structural characteristics, such as the wide breadth and large hatch openings, horizontal bending and torsion play an important role to the fatigue safety of containerships. In this study the fatigue contributions from vertical bending, horizontal bending and torsion are investigated using full-scale measurements of strain records on two containerships. Further, these contributions are compared to results from direct calculations where a nonlinear 3D panel method is used to compute wave loads in time domain. It is concluded that both bending and torsion have significant impacts on the fatigue assessment of containerships. The stresses caused by these loads could be correctly computed by full-ship finite element analysis. However, this requires large computational effort, since for fatigue assessment purposes the FE analysis needs to be carried out for all encountered sea states and operational conditions with sufficient time steps for each condition. In this paper, a new procedure is proposed to run the structure finite element analysis under only one sea condition for only a few time steps. Then, these results are used to obtain a relationship between wave loads and structural stresses through a linear regression analysis. This relation can be further used to compute stresses for arbitrary sea states and operational conditions using the computed wave loads (bending and torsion moments) as input. Based on this proposed method for structure stress analysis, an efficient procedure is formulated and found to be in very good agreement with the full-ship finite element analysis. In addition it is several orders of magnitude more time efficient for fatigue assessment of containership structures.  相似文献   

针对波浪作用下平台运动引起的立管疲劳损伤,进行完整的频域计算方法研究。首先采用势流理论对平台的运动响应进行分析,求得平台的运动频响函数;接着采用有限元法对立管的应力响应进行分析,求得立管的应力频响函数;最后,结合立管材料的S-N曲线,采用谱分析方法对四种不同海况下波致立管振动引起的疲劳损伤进行分析,获得损伤沿立管轴线方向的分布曲线。研究结果表明:波致立管振动疲劳损伤与有义波高密切相关,疲劳损伤值随着波高的增加成指数次方增长;立管的最大疲劳损伤值通常出现在立管的边界区域。  相似文献   

Vertical bending moment (VBM) is of crucial importance in ensuring the survival of vessels in rough seas. With regard to conventional vessels, wave-induced maximum VBM is normally considered to be experienced in head seas. It is conservative to determine the extreme VBM based on either numerical simulations or model tests in long-crested head seas. Extensive model tests have been conducted in head seas with focus on the nonlinear vertical responses in severe seas, and the measured results were compared with numerical calculations for validation. Unexpected phenomena, however, were observed during the model tests of an ultra-large containership. The maximum sagging and hogging VBMs were encountered in oblique seas. Furthermore, the significant wave height used in oblique seas was even smaller than that used in head seas. The nonlinear vertical load effects in oblique seas require further investigations for this particular vessel. Limited experimental results in oblique seas have been reported, in which the lateral responses were always more concerned than the vertical responses. Up to now, rare systematic comparisons of the nonlinear vertical responses between head and oblique seas have been published, especially when the hydroelastic effects are also accounted for. A 13000-TEU ultra-large containership model, which was designed by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), has been tested in the towing tank and the ocean basin at the Marintek center in Trondheim. The experimental results in regular waves are first compared between head and oblique seas. The statistical characteristics of the VBM amidships under nineteen irregular wave conditions are then investigated. Next, the extreme hogging and sagging VBMs are compared under different wave conditions with focus on the extreme hogging VBMs. At the end of the paper, the uncertainties in the experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a flexible cylinder in oscillatory flow was experimentally investigated in an ocean basin. An intermittent VIV was confirmed to have occurred during the tests. The fatigue damage caused by VIV was calculated based on rainflow counting and a standard S–N curve. There are 3 main observations for fatigue damage from VIV in oscillatory flow: 1) the damage varied significantly with the KC number, which is a unique feature for VIV in oscillatory flow. 2) Fatigue damage at small KC number cases was found to be larger compared to those at large KC numbers owing to the fact that number of vortex shedding cycles per half of the motion cycle is low, and damping within half of the motion cycle will hence become low. The fact that vortices from the previous cycle still are active during the next may also contribute to the large response at small KC numbers. 3) ‘Amplitude modulation’ and ‘mode transition’, two specific features for VIV in oscillatory flow, were found to have a strong influence on fatigue. Fatigue damage has also been calculated by an empirical VIV prediction model assuming that all cases have steady flow at an equivalent velocity. Finally, a simplified method for calculating fatigue damage from VIV in oscillatory flow based on steady flow conditions is proposed. A modification factor diagram is presented, but the scope of the present study is too limited to provide a good basis for a general model for this factor. A general model for how to apply results from constant current analysis to predict fatigue in oscillatory flow will therefore need further research.  相似文献   

Most new advanced ships have extensive data collection systems to be used for continuous monitoring of engine and hull performance, for voyage performance evaluation etc. Such systems could be expanded to include also procedures for stress monitoring and for decision support, where the most critical wave-induced ship extreme responses and fatigue damage accumulation can be estimated for hypothetical changes in ship course and speed in the automatically estimated wave environment.The aim of this paper is to outline a calculation procedure for fatigue damage rate prediction in hull girders taking into account whipping stresses. It is conceptually shown how such a method, which integrates onboard estimation of sea states, can be used to deduce decision support with respect to the accumulated fatigue damage in the hull girder.The paper firstly presents a set of measured full-scale wave-induced stress ranges in a container ship, where the associated fatigue damage rates calculated from a combination of the rain-flow counting method and the Palmgren-Miner damage rule are compared with damage predictions obtained from a computationally much faster frequency fatigue analysis using a spectral method. This analysis verifies the applied multi-modal spectral analysis procedure for fatigue estimation for cases where hull girder flexibility plays a role.To obtain an automated prediction method for the fatigue damage rates it is in the second part of the paper shown how a combination of the full-scale onboard acceleration and stress measurements can be used to calculate sea state parameters. These calculated environmental data are verified by a comparison to hindcast data.In the third part of the paper the full-scale fatigue stress ranges are compared to results from an analytical design oriented calculation procedure for flexible ship hulls in short-term estimated sea states.Altogether, it is conceptually shown that by a combination of the onboard estimated sea state parameters with the described analytical fatigue damage prediction procedure a method can be established for real-time onboard decision support which includes estimates of fatigue damage rates.  相似文献   

水下爆炸作用下对称结构船体梁整体损伤特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于相似原则设计了全封闭对称结构船体梁模型,将TNT炸药置于模型中部正下方爆炸,通过改变爆距和药量来研究梁模型在水下近距非接触爆炸作用下的整体损伤特性,比较爆炸气泡运动对梁结构造成的中垂和中拱弯曲损伤作用,探索近距条件下炸药爆炸造成梁发生整体损伤变形时的高效攻击方式。研究发现:在近距非接触爆炸作用下,当爆炸气泡脉动频率与梁一阶湿频率相近时,水下爆炸气泡对梁结构造成的损伤作用以中垂弯曲为主,且爆径比越小,中垂损伤作用越明显;若爆径比不变,随着药量的增大,梁的整体损伤模式会由中垂弯曲向中拱弯曲转变;一定爆距范围内,炸药在远距离多次爆炸比近距离一次爆炸所造成的梁结构中垂损伤变形要大。  相似文献   

目前对基于冰载荷引起的船体结构强度问题已经发展的较为成熟,但是基于冰载荷引起的结构疲劳强度的研究比较少。针对该问题,如果有一种简化方法来指导早期的结构设计,对船舶设计者来说是很有现实意义的。本文对英国劳氏船级社发布的ShipRight FDA ICE[1]作概括性的介绍,旨在向读者介绍这一简单而高效的评估方法以及技术背景和注意要点等。最后文章根据这一方法给出数条油船和LNG船的算例,并验证通过该方法改善疲劳节点的可行性。  相似文献   

Results from four different methods for stochastic dynamic response analysis of a proposed jack-up platform are compared. This structure exhibits both significant dynamic amplification and non-linear transfer of sea elevation into load effects. Both estimation of extreme response and fatigue damage are considered. The most complex procedure based on time-domain simulation and step-by-step integration is employed as a benchmark for assessment of three simplified methods. The simplifications consist of various types of linearization in conjunction with transfer function approximations. Applicability of the methods to structures with increasingly non-linear behaviour and dynamic amplification is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Existing VIV prediction approaches for steel catenary riser (SCR) typically employ truncation model without considering the interaction between the SCR and soil, and only allow for cross-flow (CF) VIV. In this study, a time domain approach accounting for the SCR-soil interaction is proposed to predict the CF and in-line (IL) VIV induced fatigue damage of a SCR at touchdown zone (TDZ). The hydrodynamic force resulting from the vortex shedding is modeled using the forced oscillation test data of a rigid cylinder and an empirical damping model, which are defined as functions of the non-dimensional dominant frequency and amplitude of the SCR response. Due to the coupling effect, the IL VIV force is magnified based on the CF VIV amplitude. By combining a linear hysteretic interaction model with a trench shape model, some particular phenomena during the vertical SCR-soil interaction are captured and qualitatively discussed, while for the horizontal direction, the seabed is simplified as nonlinear spring model. Based on these models, parametric studies are conducted to broaden the understanding of the sensitivity of VIV induced fatigue damage to the seabed characteristic. The results indicate trench depth, vertical and lateral stiffness, and clay suction are significantly affect the VIV induced maximum fatigue damage at TDZ.  相似文献   

For non-linear systems the estimation of fatigue damage under stochastic loadings can be rather time-consuming. Usually Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is applied, but the coefficient-of-variation (COV) can be large if only a small set of simulations can be done due to otherwise excessive CPU time. The reason is that the fatigue damage estimation is very sensitive to the largest values from the simulations. The paper suggests the additional use of the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) to get a better estimation of the tail in the distribution of the estimated fatigue damage and thereby reducing the COV. For a specific example dealing with stresses in a tendon in a tension leg platform the COV is thereby reduced by a factor of three.  相似文献   

The present paper addresses the stresses in dynamic steel tube umbilicals at the platform hang-off exposed to large motions corresponding to an extreme storm condition. Experimental tests were carried out by mounting fibre-optic Braggs inside steel tubes of a 9 m long umbilical specimen. Then the specimen was exposed to constant tension and dynamic curvature by means of a bellmouth and the stresses were measured. Realizing that the geometry of the umbilical cross section was too complex to apply full 3D modeling, a beam and penalty contact modeling procedure was applied to describe the extreme stress behavior. Then a simplified method was proposed to determine the contact stiffness which was further validated by full scale umbilical axial stiffness testing. As hoop contact interfaces between steel tubes and separation fillers were observed in the test specimen, a tailor-made contact element was formulated to facilitate hoop contact. Different modeling alternatives were used to investigate the hoop contact effect on the extreme axial stress and Coulomb friction stress range, which were further validated against measured dynamic axial stress. Good correlation was found by the combination of describing all contact interfaces and constraints due to the grooves in the inner sheath.  相似文献   

Despite many studies on barge collisions with girder bridges in the literature, this paper investigates the progressive damage behaviors and nonlinear failure modes of a cable-stayed bridge pier subjected to ship collisions using finite element (FE) simulations in LS-DYNA. The damages in the pier initiate with appearing of local shear failures in the slender columns during the ship collision stage and reach the severe cross-sectional fractures associated with the formation of plastic hinges which causes the combined shear-flexural failures during the free vibration phase of the pier response. In addition, an analytical simplified model with two-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) is proposed to formulate the strain rate effects of the concrete materials as the dynamic increase factors in the global responses of the impacted pier. It is found that the analytical model is able to efficiently estimate the impact responses of the structure compared to those from the FE high-resolution simulations. Moreover, three different damage indices are proposed based on the pier deflection, the internal energy absorbed by the pier, and the axial load capacity of the pier columns to classify the damage levels of the pier. Finally, an efficient damage index method is determinant by comparing the calculated results with the damage behaviors of the pier observed from the FE simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper the hydrodynamic characteristics of a floating cylinder are investigated via forced oscillation experiments in towing tank. The effects of Keulegan–Carpenter number, Reynolds number, reduced velocity and overtopping on hydrodynamics of the floating cylinder in oscillatory and steady flow are studied. The results show a considerably difference of the hydrodynamic characters between the floating and the fully immerged cylinders due to the influences of free surface. The growth of the reduced velocity, a proven notable effect on hydrodynamics, will lead to the increase of added mass coefficient and the decrease of drag coefficient. Meanwhile the overtopping, a particular phenomenon for the floating cylinder, render the added mass coefficients reach up to 3.6 while for the drag coefficient small influences were made.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the hydroelastic problem of a pontoon-type, very large floating structure (VLFS) edged with the perforated plates, non-perforated plates or their combination anti-motion device both numerically and experimentally. A direct time domain modal expansion method, taking amount of the time domain Kelvin sources in hydrodynamic forces, in which the fluid flows across the perforated anti-motion plate by applying the Darcy's law, is applied to the fluid–structure interaction problem. A quarter of numerical model is built based on the symmetry of flow field and structure in hydrodynamic forces, and special care is paid to the rapid and accurate evaluation of time domain free-surface Green functions and its spatial derivatives in finite water depth by using interpolation–tabulation method. Using the developed numerical tools and the model tests conducted in a wave basin, the response-reduction efficiency of the perforated plates is systematically assessed for various wave and anti-motion plate parameters, such as plate width, porosity and submergence depth. As a result of the parametric study, the porosity 0.11 is selected as the optimal porosity, and the relationship between the porosity and the porous parameter is developed by using the least-squares fitting scheme. After simulation and verification, the dual anti-motion plates which are the perforated-impermeable-plate combination attached to the fore-end and back-end of the VLFS, are designed for more wave energy dissipation and added damping. Considering variation of the water depths in offshore, discussion on the effectiveness of these anti-motion devices at different water depths is highlighted.  相似文献   

To provide a theoretical methodology to predict the critical condition for capsizing due to broaching, a nonlinear dynamical system approach was applied to the surge–sway–yaw–roll motion of a ship running with an autopilot in following and quartering seas. Fixed points of a mathematical model for the ship motion and unstable manifolds of the fixed point near the wave crest were systematically investigated. As a result, the existence of heteroclinic bifurcation was identified. With numerical experiments, it was confirmed that this heteroclinic bifurcation reasonably well represents the critical condition for capsizing due to broaching. Thus the nonlinear dynamical approach can be substituted for tedious numerical experiments. Received for publication on Nov. 20, 1998; accepted on March 16, 1999  相似文献   

High load-carrying capacity of ship windows is important for ship safety. This aspect has recently become significant after several incidents with broken windows in superstructures had occurred. In order to get more insight into the failure behavior and into the interaction between glass windows and surrounding wall structure, experiments and numerical investigations of windows subjected to quasi-static as well as impact loads were performed. In this paper quasi-static ultimate load tests with full-scale test models, each containing a clamped or bonded laminated safety glass window, are described. Finite element modeling of the steel structure, laminated glass, and elastomer bonding or gasket is outlined in detail. Material data are based on small-scale tests of steel and glass specimens, and on published data. Afterwards a method to calculate failure probabilities of glass panes under pressure loads is presented. Failure probabilities for the glass panes in the tests are determined and failure mechanisms are clarified. Finally, hints for designing safe windows and for improving window designs are given.  相似文献   

Previously reported container losses were generally attributed to extremely violent motions of containerships due to adverse weather conditions. However, most existing specifications or standards adopted for containers and lashing equipment meet the requirement of static conditions. Hence, further researches on safer container shipping under heavy sea states are required. Consequently, an experimental study method is proposed to measure the dynamic response of 1/10 scaled lashing bridge and container stack. The scaled model of the lashing bridge is constructed based on the similarity theory. Based on two dimensionless numbers, Froude's number and Cauchy's number, eleven container scaled models are employed. A series of experiments with controlled parameters are performed using a three-degrees shaking table (roll, pitch, heave) to present sufficient data to verify the effectiveness of the numerical model. The results of experiments, numerical simulations and calculations of the VERISTAR procedure (developed according to the BV rule) are compared. This study aimed to explore the mechanical behavior of the lashing bridge and container stack under predetermined driving excitations (roll and pitch) which simulated heavy sea states. According to the results, the model can predict conditions similar to real situations of the lashing bridge and container stacks while storages on the weather deck.  相似文献   

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