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Daily trip chain complexity and type choices of low-income residents are examined based on activity travel diary survey data in Nanjing, China. Statistical tests reveal that non-work trip chain complexity is distinctly distinct between low-income residents and non-low-income residents. Low-income residents are inclined to make simple non-work chains. Two types of econometric models, a stereotype logit model and mixed logit model, are then developed to investigate the possible explanatory variables affecting their trip pattern. The number of stops within a chain and chain types are considered as dependent variables, while independent variables include household and personal characteristics as well as land use variables. Results show that once convenient and flexible conditions are supplied, low-income residents are more likely to make multiple activities in a trip chain. Areas with high population and employment densities are associated with complex work trip chains and more non-work activity involvement.  相似文献   

The paper presents a statistical model for urban road network travel time estimation using vehicle trajectories obtained from low frequency GPS probes as observations, where the vehicles typically cover multiple network links between reports. The network model separates trip travel times into link travel times and intersection delays and allows correlation between travel times on different network links based on a spatial moving average (SMA) structure. The observation model presents a way to estimate the parameters of the network model, including the correlation structure, through low frequency sampling of vehicle traces. Link-specific effects are combined with link attributes (speed limit, functional class, etc.) and trip conditions (day of week, season, weather, etc.) as explanatory variables. The approach captures the underlying factors behind spatial and temporal variations in speeds, which is useful for traffic management, planning and forecasting. The model is estimated using maximum likelihood. The model is applied in a case study for the network of Stockholm, Sweden. Link attributes and trip conditions (including recent snowfall) have significant effects on travel times and there is significant positive correlation between segments. The case study highlights the potential of using sparse probe vehicle data for monitoring the performance of the urban transport system.  相似文献   

Previous methods for estimating a trip matrix from traffic volume counts have used the principles of maximum entropy and minimum information. These techniques implicitly give as little weight to prior information on the trip matrix as possible. The new method proposed here is based on Bayesian statistical inference and has several advantages over these earlier approaches. It allows complete flexibility in the degree of belief placed on the prior estimate of the trip matrix and also allows for different degrees of belief in diffeent parts of the prior estimate. Furthermore under certain assumptions the method reduces to a simple updating scheme in which observations on the link flows successively modify the trip matrix. At the end of the scheme confidence intervals are available for the estimates of the trip matrix elements.  相似文献   

There is a broad body of theoretical and empirical literature dealing with trip chaining behaviour. This paper adds to the literature while focusing on the impact of activity chaining on the duration of time spent on individual purposes. Two questions in particular are addressed: first, does an additional purpose added to a trip chain affect the duration of the activities included? Second, is there any pattern of included activities that explains differences in duration? Duration data models are employed using German data. We find evidence that the number of purposes influences duration significantly. Leisure, shopping and personal business activities are affected by the occurrence of obligatory activities (work, school/university). We cannot find any evidence that personal business or leisure activities influence the duration of shopping, whereas the opposite is supported. Therefore, in terms of daily activities, obligatory and shopping activities are superior to leisure and personal business. We conclude that activity chaining and especially the pattern of combined purposes affect the duration of activities allocated to single purposes while controlling for a wide range of other explanatory variables. The results can be used in transport and simulation models.  相似文献   

Using a primary dataset from an experimental survey in eight European cities, this study identified the key determinants of satisfaction with individual trip stages as well as overall journey experience for different travel modes and traveler groups. Multivariate statistical analyses were used to examine the relationships between overall satisfaction and travel experience variables, trip complexity, subjective well-being indices, travel-related attitudes as well as individual- and trip-specific attributes. The results indicate that for certain traveler groups, such as women, young and low-income or unemployed travelers, there are distinctive determinants of satisfaction with trip stages for various travel modes. The results also indicate that satisfaction with the primary trip stage is strongly linked to overall trip satisfaction, while satisfaction levels with access and egress trip stages are strongly related to satisfaction with the primary trip stage. Past experience, traveler expectations and attitudes, and the emotional state of travelers are also significant explanatory variables for travel satisfaction. The results indicate that when an individual consciously chooses a particular travel mode, they will report a higher level of satisfaction with that chosen mode. Notwithstanding, while past experience highly influences an individual’s current travel satisfaction, the more they travel with the current mode, the less satisfied they are with their choice. The results of this study highlight the importance of gaining a better understanding of the interaction between instrumental variables and non-instrumental variables at different trip stages and the influence on user preferences, satisfaction and decision-making processes.  相似文献   

This paper describes procedures to develop truck trip generation (TTG) rates for small- and medium-sized urban areas and its implications. Ordinary least squares models are used to develop separate truck production and attraction equations with the number of employees as the independent variable for three industrial groups – retail, transportation and warehousing, and manufacturing. Results from this research indicate that number of employees is a statistically significant predictor, and has significant explanatory power in predicting the number of truck trips produced and attracted. The rates developed in this study are also found to be significantly different from rates developed in other studies with the implication that caution needs to be taken when transferring TTG rates. The rates are applied in a travel demand model as the initial step of incorporating truck traffic into the modeling process.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of land use and attitudinal characteristics on travel behavior for five diverse San Francisco Bay Area neighborhoods. First, socio-economic and neighborhood characteristics were regressed against number and proportion of trips by various modes. The best models for each measure of travel behavior confirmed that neighborhood characteristics add significant explanatory power when socio-economic differences are controlled for. Specifically, measures of residential density, public transit accessibility, mixed land use, and the presence of sidewalks are significantly associated with trip generation by mode and modal split. Second, 39 attitude statements relating to urban life were factor analyzed into eight factors: pro-environment, pro-transit, suburbanite, automotive mobility, time pressure, urban villager, TCM, and workaholic. Scores on these factors were introduced into the six best models discussed above. The relative contributions of the socio-economic, neighborhood, and attitudinal blocks of variables were assessed. While each block of variables offers some significant explanatory power to the models, the attitudinal variables explained the highest proportion of the variation in the data. The finding that attitudes are more strongly associated with travel than are land use characteristics suggests that land use policies promoting higher densities and mixtures may not alter travel demand materially unless residents' attitudes are also changed.  相似文献   

Recent years saw a continuing shift in labour force composition, e.g. greater participation of women and a prominent rise in part-time workers. There are as yet relatively few recent studies that examine systematically the influences on the travel of employed adults from such perspectives, particularly regarding possible transport disadvantages of the fastest growing segments of workers. A robust analysis requires systematic data on a wide range of explanatory variables and multiple travel outcomes including accessibility, mobility and trip frequency for different trip purposes. The UK NTS data does meet the majority of this demanding data requirement, but its full use has so far been hampered by methodological difficulties. To overcome complex endogeneity problems, we develop novel, integrated structural equation models (SEMs) to uncover the influences of latent land use characteristics, indirect influences on car ownership, interactions among trip purposes as well as residents’ self-selection and spatial sorting. This general-purpose method provides a new, systematic decomposition of the influences on travel outcomes, where the effects of each variable can be examined in turn with robust error terms. The new insights underline two direct policy implications. First, it highlights the contributions of land use planning and urban design in restraining travel demand in the 2000s, and their increasing influence over the decade. Secondly, it shows that there may still be a large mobility disadvantage among the fastest growing segments of workers, particularly in dense urban areas. This research further investigates trend breaking influences before and after 2007 through grouped SEM models, as a test of the methodology for producing regular and timely updates regarding the main influences on personal travel from a system level.  相似文献   

Non‐quantifiable factors (e.g. perceived, attitudinal and preferential factors) have not been investigated fully in past transportation studies, which has raised questions on the predictive capabilities of the models. In this study, Structure Integration Models, with one of their sub‐models, Measurement Equation, are combined with latent variables, which are integrated with another sub‐model, Structural Equation. The estimated latent variables are used as explanatory variables in decision models. As a result, the explanatory and predictive capabilities of the models are enhanced. The models can then be used to describe the various behaviors of travelers of different types of transportation systems in a more accurate way. In this study, the Structure Integration Model was applied to study the impacts of real‐time traffic information on the route‐switching behavior of road users on the Sun Yat‐Sen expressway, Taiwan. At present, the real‐time traffic information provided on this expressway includes radio traffic reports and changeable message signs. The results of this study can facilitate the provision of traffic information on highways.  相似文献   

Investigation of the dynamic processes of activity scheduling and trip chaining has been an interest of transportation researchers over the past decade because of its relevance to the effectiveness of congestion management and intelligent transportation systems. To empirically examine the processes, a computerized survey instrument is developed to collect household activity scheduling data. The instrument is unique in that it records the evolution of activity schedules from intentions to final outcomes for a weekly period. This paper summarizes the investigation on the dynamic processes of activity scheduling and trip chaining based on data collected from a pilot study of the instrument. With the data, ordered logit models are applied to identify factors that are pertinent to the scheduling horizon of activities. Results of the empirical analysis show that a daily schedule often starts with certain activities occupying a portion of the schedule and other activities are then arranged around these pre-occupants. Activities of shorter duration are more likely to be opportunistically inserted in a schedule already anchored by their longer duration counterparts. Persons with children often expect more constraining activities than those with no children. The analysis also shows that female respondents tend to be more structured in terms of how the week is planned. Additionally, analysis of travel patterns reveals that many trip-chains are formed opportunistically. Travel time required to reach an activity is positively related to the scheduling horizon for the activity, with more distant stops being planned earlier than closer locations.  相似文献   

This paper is the second of a pair of papers discussing two main themes concerning dense network modelling. These themes are: (1) the changing nature of traffic management technology and the underlying objectives behind traffic management practice, and (2) the use of measures of network reliability in models, especially as an element of the evaluation of alternative network configurations. This paper develops and applies the second theme, the use of network reliability concepts in the evaluation of traffic networks, through consideration of variations in travel times, distinction between local street and arterial road networks, and the definition and application of a set of reliability indices that may be used to study different trip movements in a network. It indicates how these indices may be used in appraising different traffic management plans for a dense network of local streets and arterial roads, using a case study application.  相似文献   

The delay costs of traffic disruptions and congestion and the value of travel time reliability are typically evaluated using single trip scheduling models, which treat the trip in isolation of previous and subsequent trips and activities. In practice, however, when activity scheduling to some extent is flexible, the impact of delay on one trip will depend on the actual and predicted travel time on itself as well as other trips, which is important to consider for long-lasting disturbances and when assessing the value of travel information. In this paper we extend the single trip approach into a two trips chain and activity scheduling model. Preferences are represented as marginal activity utility functions that take scheduling flexibility into account. We analytically derive trip timing optimality conditions, the value of travel time and schedule adjustments in response to travel time increases. We show how the single trip models are special cases of the present model and can be generalized to a setting with trip chains and flexible scheduling. We investigate numerically how the delay cost depends on the delay duration and its distribution on different trips during the day, the accuracy of delay prediction and travel information, and the scheduling flexibility of work hours. The extension of the model framework to more complex schedules is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system of hierarchical rule-based models of trip generation and modal split. Travel attributes, like trip counts for different transportation modes and commute distance, are among the modeled variables. The proposed framework could be considered as an alternative for several modules of the traditional travel demand modeling approach, while providing travel attributes at the highly disaggregate level that can be also used in activity-based micro-simulation modeling systems. Nonetheless, the modeling framework of this study is not considered as a substitute for activity-based models. The explanatory variables set ranges from socio-economic and demographic attributes of the household to the built environment characteristics of the household residential location. Another important contribution of the study is a framework in which travel attributes are modeled in conjunction with each other and the interdependencies among them are postulated through a hierarchical system of models. All the models are developed using rule-based decision tree method. Moreover, the models developed in this study present a useful improvement in increasing the practicality and accuracy of the rule-based travel data simulation models.  相似文献   

Daisy  Naznin Sultana  Liu  Lei  Millward  Hugh 《Transportation》2020,47(2):763-792

Suburban development patterns, flexible work hours, and increasing participation in out-of-home activities are making the travel patterns of individuals more complex, and complex trip chaining could be a major barrier to the shift from drive-alone to public transport. This study introduces a cohort-based approach to analyse trip tour behaviors, in order to better understand and model their relationships to socio-demographics, trip attributes, and land use patterns. Specifically, it employs worker population cohorts with homogenous activity patterns to explore differences and similarities in tour frequency, trip chaining, and tour mode choices, all of which are required for travel demand modeling. The paper shows how modeling of these important tour variables may be improved, for integration into an activity-based modeling framework. Using data from the Space–Time Activity Research (STAR) survey for Halifax, Canada, five clusters of workers were identified from their activity travel patterns. These were labeled as extended workers, 8 to 4 workers, shorter work-day workers, 7 to 3 workers, and 9 to 5 workers. The number of home-based tours per day for all clusters were modeled using a Poisson regression model. Trip chaining was then modeled using an Ordered Probit model, and tour mode choice was modeled using a Multinomial logit (MNL) model. Statistical analysis showed that socio-demographic characteristics and tour attributes are significant predictors of travel behavior, consistent with existing literature. Urban form characteristics also have a significant influence on non-workers’ travel behavior and tour complexity. The findings of this study will assist in the future evaluation of transportation projects, and in land-use policymaking.


The ability of conventional South African travel analysis practices to analyse adequately the travel needs of the poor is examined. The origins and nature of conventional practices are described, and it is observed that typically their scope has been limited to motorized modes, commutes and peaks. The paper reports on the findings of an activity diary survey administered in Cape Town that extended the conventional scope of analysis. An activity‐based survey method was selected because it typically yields higher rates of trip recall than other methods and is therefore relatively well suited to investigating travel behaviour in its fuller complexity. Selected findings of the survey are presented to demonstrate that travel occurring by non‐motorized modes, for non‐work purposes and during off‐peak periods, is considerable. It is argued that the conventional limitation in analytical scope can create serious misconceptions of the true nature of travel behaviour, particularly of low‐income households. By restricting the focus of analysis to motorized, work and peak period trip‐making, there is a risk of a routine bias being introduced in the way the urban passenger transport problem is understood, and in the nature of the interventions that are implemented as a result.  相似文献   

Modelling route choice behaviour in multi-modal transport networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents new findings on the influence of multi-modal trip attributes on the quality and competitiveness of inter-urban multi-modal train alternatives. The analysis covers the entire trip from origin to destination, including access and egress legs to and from the train network. The focus is on preferences for different feeder modes, railway station types and train service types as well as on the relative influence of time elements and transfer penalties. Data from dedicated surveys are used including individual objective choice sets of 235 multi-modal homebound trips in which train is the main transport mode. The observed trips have origins and destinations within the Rotterdam–Dordrecht region in The Netherlands with an average total trip time of 50 minutes. Hierarchical Nested Logit models are estimated to take account of unobserved similarities between alternatives at the home-end and the activity-end of the trip respectively, resulting in two-level nesting structures which differentiate between intercity (IC) and non-intercity railway station types at the upper level and between transit and private access modes at the lower level. In order to reflect the multi-dimensional structure of the data a more advanced so-called Multi-Nested GEV model according to the Principles of Differentiation has been estimated which significantly improves the explanatory power and stresses the importance of the home-end of the multi-modal trip.  相似文献   

This research concerns the relationships between the patterns of activities pursued in home-based trip chains and the characteristics of the persons making the chains. The data source is a one-week travel diary reported by persons over 11 years of age in the Netherlands in 1984. All home-based trip chains, including both simple two-link chains and more complex ones, were classified on the basis of the sequence of away-from-home activities. Twenty types were distinguished. The presence or absence of these trip-chain types were then explained in terms of the personal and household characteristics of the travellers using nonlinear canonical correlation analysis. This analysis technique can accomodate multiple dependent variables and nominally-scaled (categorical) variables in both the independent and dependent variables sets. Determined are the category scores for each independent variable that are optimal in explaining patterns in the dependent chain-type variables. Also determined are the optimal combinations of the two variable sets. These results capture the relationships between the sequences of activities in trip chains and the variables age, sex, working status, household income, stage in the family life cycle, household car ownership, and residential location. The most effective variable was found to be life cycle, followed by age and income.  相似文献   

Conventional design methods require the lane marking patterns, which are painted on ground showing road users the permissible turning directions on different approach lanes, as exogenous inputs to define the traffic stream grouping for analysis. This predefined grouping of traffic movements may restrict the design of signal timings in the optimisation procedures. More recently, a lane-based design method has been developed to relax the lane markings as binary-type control variables in a mathematical programming approach. The lane marking patterns and the signal timings can then be optimised simultaneously in a unified framework. This paper presents an extension work to further relax the numbers of approach lane in traffic arms as new integer variables which can then be optimised to give optimal lane arrangement in various arms of a junction to manage the given traffic demands more efficiently. All well-defined signal timings variables in the phase-based approach as well as the lane marking and lane flow variables in the lane-based approach together with their governing constraints are all preserved in the new formulation for the reserve capacity optimisation of isolated signal-controlled junctions.  相似文献   

A number of estimation procedures have been suggested for the situation where a prior estimate of an origin-destination matrix is to be updated on the basis of recently-acquired traffic counts. These procedures assume that both the link flows and the proportionate usage of each link made by each origin-destination flow (referred to collectively as the link choice proportions) are known. This paper examines the possibility and methods for estimating the link choice proportions. Three methods are presented: (1) using ad hoc iteration between trip distribution and traffic assignment; (2) combining trip distribution and assignment in one step; (3) solving a new optimization problem in which the path flows are directly considered as variables and its optimal solution is governed by a logit type formula. The algorithms, covergencies and computational efficiencies of these methods are investigated. Results of testing the three methods on example networks are discussed.  相似文献   

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