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In this paper we use advanced choice modelling techniques to analyse demand for freight transport in a context of modal choice. To this end, a stated preference (SP) survey was conducted in order to estimate freight shipper preferences for the main attributes that define the service offered by the different transport modes. From a methodological point of view, we focus on two critical issues in the construction of efficient choice experiments. Firstly, in obtaining good quality prior information about the parameters; and secondly, in the improved quality of the experimental data by tailoring a specific efficient design for every respondent in the sample.With these data, different mixed logit models incorporating panel correlation effects and accounting for systematic and random taste heterogeneity are estimated. For the best model specification we obtain the willingness to pay for improving the level of service and the elasticity of the choice probabilities for the different attributes. Our model provide interesting results that can be used to analyse the potential diversion of traffic from road (the current option) to alternative modes, rail or maritime, as well as to help in the obtaining of the modal distribution of commercial traffic between Spain and the European Union, currently passing through the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

This paper assesses travellers’ responses to the use of existing Park-and-Ride (P&R) services based on an economical welfare maximisation approach. Specifically, the paper presents a modelling framework to estimate consumer surplus and producer surplus (business profits) on the basis of modal choice probabilities. The paper draws on evidence from Stated Preference surveys conducted around two P&R sites in Sapporo, Japan, where P&R services occupy a modest market space. Overall, the results suggest that business profit increases when economical welfare is maximised, as a consequence of increased demand. It is also shown that P&R choice is not only influenced by parking fees, but also by the fares and other attributes of alternative transportation modes. Accordingly, the interactions of P&R with alternative transportation modes should be taken into consideration in any strategic transportation policies oriented towards motivating sustainable transport mode choices.  相似文献   

By estimating multinomial choice models, this paper examines the relationship between travel mode choice and attributes of the local physical environment such as topography, sidewalk availability, residential density, and the presence of walking and cycling paths. Data for student and staff commuters to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill are used to illustrate the relationship between mode choice and the objectively measured environmental attributes, while accounting for typical modal characteristics such as travel time, access time, and out-of-pocket cost. Results suggest that jointly the four attributes of the local physical environment make significant marginal contributions to explaining travel mode choice. In particular, the estimates reveal that local topography and sidewalk availability are significantly associated with the attractiveness of non-motorized modes. Point elasticities are provided and recommendations given regarding the importance of incorporating non-motorized modes into local transportation planning and in the study of how the built environment influences travel behavior.  相似文献   

A latent class model is developed to accommodate preference heterogeneity across commuters with respect to their mode choice between electric bike, private car, and public bus within the context of China. A three-segment solution – ‘electric bike individuals’, ‘private car addicts’, and ‘public bus enthusiasts’ – is identified, each characterized by heterogeneous preferences regarding specific mode attributes and unique socio-demographic profile. The choice model confirms the determinative effects of perceived alternative attributes on commuting mode choice, while the traditionally used objective attributes – travel time and cost – are found to have relatively small influences. The membership model provides solid explanations for these segment-specific preferences. This study provides a better understanding of the nature of mode choice behavior, which can be useful for strategies tailored to a specific segment in order to promote the use of sustainable transport modes.  相似文献   


Hybrid choice modelling approaches allow latent variables in mode choice utility functions to be addressed. However, defining attitude and behavior as latent variables is influenced by the researcher's assumptions. Therefore, it is better to capture the effects of latent behavioral and attitudinal factors as latent variables than defining behaviors and attitudes per se. This article uses a hybrid choice model for capturing such latent effects, which will herein be referred to as modal captivity effects in commuting mode choice. Latent modal captivity refers to the unobserved and apparently unexplained attraction towards a specific mode of transportation that is resulting from latent attitude and behavior of passengers in addition to the urban transportation system. In empirical models, the latent modal captivity variables are explained as functions of different observed variables. Empirical models show significant improvement in fitting observed data as well as improved understanding of travel behavior.  相似文献   

A mode choice decision structure incorporating traveler attitudes toward modes and situational constraints is investigated. The major hypothesis tested is that mode choice is determined primarily by situational constraints, such as auto ownership and income, secondly by the quality of alternative modes.The structure of the mode choice process is analyzed with respect to (1) applicability of certain choice criterion forms; (2) psychological weighting of modal attributes in the choice criterion; (3) strength of logit, probit, and discriminant functional forms; (4) the relative strength of socio-economic and attitudinal variables in predicting mode choice. An evaluation is made of 50 binary choice models fitted to a sample of 471 randomly drawn urban travelers. Results indicate that (1) the four choice criterion forms tested are all about equal in predictive strength; (2) psychological weighting has no effect on model strength, but does influence which modal attributes appear to determine choice; (3) the three functional forms tested are all about equal in strength; (4) situational factors account for 80–90% of variation explained by the models, attitudes toward modes 10–20%, thus confirming the primary hypothesis. Implications of these results for mode choice modeling and transit planning are discussed.This paper summarizes current research at the New York State Department of Transportation on the motivations and causes of travel behavior. Complete findings are available in Hartgen (1973).  相似文献   

This paper reviews and compares the performance of two dynamic transportation models – METROPOLIS and SILVESTER – which are used to predict the impacts of congestion charging for Stockholm. Both are mesoscopic dynamic models treating accumulation and dissipation of traffic queues, route choice, modal split and departure time choice. The models are calibrated independently for the baseline situation without charges and applied to forecast the effects of congestion charging. The results obtained from the two models are mutually compared and validated against the actual outcome of the Stockholm congestion charging scheme. Both models successfully predict the outcomes of the congestion charging trial at both aggregate and disaggregate levels. Results of welfare analysis, however, differ substantially due to differences in model specification.  相似文献   

Most models of modal choice are macroanalytic in nature — focusing on the behavior of large groups of travelers — and have limited explanatory power. Transportation managers need to know more about the decision processes of individual travelers in selecting a mode for a particular trip, if they are to be able to develop strategies for influencing these decisions. A microanalytic model of modal choice is therefore developed in flow-chart form, clarifying the stages in the modal choice decision process for any given trip. Individual consumers are seen as trying to satisfy a particular travel need by first specifying the characteristics of the trip itself and then specifying the “ideal” modal attributes required for this trip. Next, the perceived characteristics of a limited number of modes are evaluated against this “ideal” solution and the consumer is assumed to select that mode which provides the best match. The model explicitly recognizes the impact of psychological variables on modal choice as well as the consumer's need for information if he or she is to evaluate realistically all alternatives.  相似文献   

This research empirically evaluates the public sector investment in the US freight transportation infrastructure. In particular, the infrastructures to support the two most comparable modes of freight transportation – highway and intermodal rail – are examined as alternatives for public fund allocation. Indicators for public sector transportation infrastructure investment mix are established based on financial analysis of both private and social costs and benefits, as well as the propensity of freight shippers to utilize such infrastructures. The research results in recommendations for the aggregate allocation of public funds in the US based on these indicators. We find that approximately a quarter of truck freight could be handled at a 25% lower cost if rail infrastructure to support it existed. Because an additional 80% reduction in social costs could be achieved through this modal conversion, the public sector is a critical participant in creating a more efficient transportation infrastructure.  相似文献   

In transport economics, modeling modal choice is a fundamental key for policy makers trying to improve the sustainability of transportation systems. However, existing empirical literature has focused on short-distance travel within urban systems. This paper contributes to the limited number of investigations on mode choice in medium- and long-distance travel. The main objective of this research is to study the impacts of socio-demographic and economic variables, land-use features and trip attributes on long-distance travel mode choice. Using data from 2007 Spanish National Mobility Survey we apply a multilevel multinomial logit model that accounts for the potential problem of spatial heterogeneity in order to explain long-distance travel mode choice. This approach permits us to compute how the probability of choosing among private car, bus and train varies depending on the traveler spatial location at regional level. Results indicate that travelers characteristics, trip features, cost of usage of transport modes and geographical variables have significant impacts on long-distance mode choice.  相似文献   


This paper looks at estimated valuations of some service‐quality attributes in an airline choice context using stated preferences methods. The analysis is based on information obtained in the most important route connecting the Canary Islands with the Iberian Peninsula: Gran Canaria–Madrid, and tries to contribute to the body of knowledge in this area, given the relatively few studies of the monetary valuations of air travel regarding level‐of‐service attributes. A feature of this analysis is the examination of variations in values according to different characteristics of the service, such as price, penalties for changes in the ticket, legroom, food, etc.; the currently experienced level of the attribute, and various socio‐economic factors that affect the characteristics of the trip and passengers. In addition, the important issue of added value regarding different attributes is addressed, obtaining the willingness‐to‐pay for different improvements of service quality. A further analysis is made about how taste heterogeneity (market segments) affects these values. Results from the stated preference experiment and the market value of some comparable service are also compared. Finally, the paper brings together evidence from other studies and compares them with the findings obtained herein.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the factors that influence the choice of, and hence demand for taxis services, a relatively neglected mode in the urban travel task. Given the importance of positioning preferences for taxi services within the broader set of modal options, we develop a modal choice model for all available modes of transport for trips undertaken by individuals or groups of individuals in a number of market segments. A sample of recent trips in Melbourne in 2012 was used to develop segment-specific mode choice models to obtain direct (and cross) elasticities of interest for cost and service level attributes. Given the nonlinear functional form of the way attributes of interest are included in the modal choice models, a simple set of mean elasticity estimates are not behaviourally meaningful; hence a decision support system is developed to enable the calculation of mean elasticity estimates under specific future service and pricing levels. Some specific direct elasticity estimates are provided as the basis of illustrating the magnitudes of elasticity estimates under likely policy settings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of estimating the parameters of nonlinear sum constrained models by use of rearrangements to permit linear estimation methods. Over the years a number of different, and sometimes ingenious, techniques have been proposed but a remaining difficulty arises from the fact that different rearrangements lead to different parameter estimates. In this paper it is shown that while ordinary least squares certainly results in different estimates, generalised least squares leads to identical parameter estimates provided convergence to the true maximum likelihood estimates is achieved. In particular it is seen that estimates are invariant with choice of base or deletion of one equation and identical for the single base, multinominal logit, geometric mean and link constant versions. The findings of this paper apply to any sum-constrained model and in transportation these occur very frequently as mode choice problems, singly-constrained gravity models, and as route choice models in path assignment. While we develop all results in this paper in the context of an intercity passenger modal market share model, the transferability of these results to other problems should be recognised.  相似文献   


This article examines the spatial transferability of mode choice models in developing countries. An evaluation of the updating procedure and sample size are also included in the study. Because of the insufficiency of model coefficients in explaining differences in unmeasured modal attributes, naïvely transferring a model is not recommended. An understanding of the transport characteristics in both the estimation context and the application context is required, in order to justify whether a variable is transferable or not. Four updating procedures – updating alternative specific constants (ASCs), updating ASCs and scale parameter, the combined transfer estimator and Bayesian updating associated with three sets of small sample sizes – are applied to improve transferability. In general, the first three approaches produce significant improvements. It is also proposed that a minimum small sample size of 400 observations is necessary for updating purposes.  相似文献   

Accessibility measures reflect the level of service provided by transportation systems to various locations. Basic transportation choice behavior is defined to include those decisions of how many automobiles to own and how many trips to which destinations to make by automobile and by public transit. Here, these decisions are assumed to be made jointly by urban households and are conditional upon residential location decisions. It is the purpose of this paper to explore the role of accessibility as a causal factor in such basic transportation choice behavior.An economic utility theory model of choice behavior is postulated in which the benefits from making trips to specific destinations are reflected by measures of destination attraction. Through determination of utility-maximizing trip frequencies, indirect utility functions are developed which include accessibility concepts. Behavioral implications of these concepts are proposed and contrasts are drawn to accessibility measures used in conventional segregated models of trip distribution, modal choice, and automobile ownership.Sensitivity analyses of alternative empirical definitions of accessibility in the choice model are conducted using data from the Detroit Regional Transportation and Land Use Study — covering counties in southeastern Michigan. These analyses employ a multinomial logit estimation technique and focus on definitions of trip attraction. Results of these analyses indicate that more complicated attraction measures can be replaced by measures involving the proportion of either urban area population or urban area employment within a traffic analysis zone. Also, evidence is found that decision-makers in the case study area consider trips of up to 60 or even 90 minutes duration when evaluating accessibilities offered by alternative public and private transportation systems.  相似文献   

Household car ownership has risen dramatically in China over the past decade. At the same time a disruptive transportation technology emerged, the electric bike (e-bike). Most studies investigating motorization in China focus on macro-level economic indicators like GDP, with few focusing on household, city-level, environmental, or geographic indicators, and none in the context of high e-bike ownership. This study examines household vehicle purchase decisions across 59 cities in China with broad geographic, environmental, and socio-economic characteristics. We focus on a subset of households who own e-bikes and rely on a telephone survey from an industry customer database. From these responses, we estimate two three-level hierarchical choice models to assess attributes that contribute to (1) recent car purchases and (2) the intention to buy a car in the near future. The results show that the models are dominated by household characteristics including household income, household size, household vehicle ownership, number of licensed drivers and duration of car ownership. Some geographic, environmental and socio-economic factors have significant influences on car purchase decisions. Only two city-level transportation variable have an effect – higher taxi density and higher bus density reducing car purchase. Cold weather, population density gross domestic product per capita positively influence car purchase, while urbanization rate reduces car purchase. Because of supply heterogeneity in the data set, described by publicly available urban transportation data, this is the first study that can include geographic and urban infrastructure differences that influence purchase choice and suggests potential region-specific policy approaches to managing car purchase may be necessary.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation of the temporal evolution of commuting mode choice preference structures. It contributes to two specific modelling issues: latent modal captivity and working with multiple repeated crossectional datasets. In this paper latent modal captivity refers to captive reliance on a specific mode rather than all feasible modes. Three household travel survey datasets collected in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) over a ten-year time period are used for empirical modelling. Datasets collected in different years are pooled and separate year-specific scale parameters and coefficients of key variables are estimated for different years. The empirical model clearly explains that there have been significant changes in latent modal captivity and the mode choice preference structures for commuting in the GTHA. Changes have occurred in the unexplained component of latent captivities, in transportation cost perceptions, and in the scales of commuting mode choice preferences. The empirical model also demonstrates that pooling multiple repeated cross-sectional datasets is an efficient way of capturing behavioural changes over time. Application of the proposed mode choice model for practical policy analysis and forecasting will ensure accurate forecasting and an enhanced understanding of policy impacts.  相似文献   

Values lie at the heart of an individual’s belief system, serving as prototypes from which attitudes and behaviors are subsequently manufactured. Attitudes and behaviors may evolve over time, but values represent a set of more enduring beliefs. This study examines the influence of values on travel mode choice behavior. It is argued that personal values influence individual attitudes towards different alternative attributes, which in turn impact modal choices. Using data from a sample of 519 German commuters drawn from a consumer panel, the study estimates an integrated choice and latent variable model of travel mode choice that allows for hierarchical relationships between the latent variables and flexible substitution patterns across the modal alternatives. Results from the empirical application support the value-attitude-behavior hierarchical model of cognition, and provide insights to planners and policy-makers on how better to sell public transit as a means of travel.  相似文献   

In this paper, travel utility is conceptualized into the elements of disutility, or derived utility, and positive utility, which includes synergistic and intrinsic utility, and then analyzed in terms of the effects of these elements on weekly travel time according to three travel modes – the automobile, public transit, and nonmotorized modes – and on the choice of the annually most used mode. Linear regressions on mode-specific travel time and a multinomial logistic regression on mode choice show that, compared to life situation and land-use characteristics, utility elements are among the strongest travel determinants. Specifically, while some utility elements contribute exclusively to shifting the mode of travel and others to increasing nonmotorized travel, modal shift is most strongly affected by a disutility element, trip timeliness, and the increase in nonmotorized travel by a positive utility element, amenities.  相似文献   

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