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This study aims to develop work zone speed‐flow and capacity models, which incorporate work zone configuration factors including the number of work zones, geometrical alignment, work zone speed limit, and work zone length. On the basis of the traffic data from six work zone sites with various work zone configurations, two nonlinear traffic speed and flow models including work zone configuration factors are developed for the uncongested and congested traffic conditions, respectively. A work zone capacity model is proposed on the basis of the two models. The three models can further be used to examine the effects of work zone configuration factors on the speed‐flow relationship and capacity at work zones. Results show that traffic speed, traffic flow, and work zone capacity increase with the posted speed limit. Traffic speed under uncongested conditions decreases with the geometric alignment, the number of work zones, work zone length, and heavy vehicle percentage. Under congested conditions, the increase of the number of work zones is found to exhibit a larger negative impact on the traffic flow than the increase of geometric alignment. The number of work zones is also found to have the largest negative impacts on work zone capacity, followed by the geometric alignment. Short work zone length exhibits a relatively minor contribution to increasing work zone capacity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Abstract The motorcycle is a popular mode of transport in Malaysia and developing Asian countries, but its significant representation in the traffic mix results in high rates of motorcycle accidents. As a result, the Malaysian Government decided to segregate motorcycle traffic along its new federal roads as an engineering approach to reduce accidents. However, traffic engineers needed to know the maximum traffic a motorcycle lane could accommodate. Despite substantial literature related to speed–flow–density relationships and capacities of various transport facilities, there is a knowledge gap regarding motorcycle lanes. This paper establishes motorcycle speed–flow–density relationships and capacities of exclusive motorcycle lanes in Malaysia. Observations of motorcycle flows and speeds were conducted along existing and experimental motorcycle lanes. Motorcycle speed–density data were aggregated and plotted for two types of observable motorcycle riding behaviour patterns that were influenced by the widths of a motorcycle lane: the headway pattern (lane width ≤ 1.7 m) and the space pattern (lane width > 1.7 m). For both riding patterns, regression analysis of motorcycle speed–density data best fits the logarithmic model and consequently the motorcycle flow–density and speed–flow models are derived. Motorcycle lane capacities for headway and space riding patterns are estimated as 3300 mc/hr/lane and 2200 mc/hr/m, respectively. 相似文献
Work zones exist widely on urban arterials in the cities that are undergoing road construction or maintenance. However, the existing studies on arterial work zones are very limited, especially on the work zones at urban intersections, although they have a severe negative impact on the urban traffic system. For the first time, this study focuses on how work zones reduce intersection capacity. A type of widely observed work zone, the straddling work zone that straddles on a road segment and an intersection, is studied. A linear regression model and a multiplicative model suggested by Highway Capacity Manual are proposed respectively to determine the saturation flow rate of the signal intersection with the straddling work zone. The data of 22 straddling work zones are collected and used to evaluate the performances of the proposed models. The results display that the linear regression model outperforms the multiplicative model suggested by Highway Capacity Manual. The study also reveals that reducing approach (or exit) lanes and the mixture of motor vehicles and non‐motor vehicles (and pedestrians) can significantly decrease the capacity of the intersection with straddling work zone. Therefore, in setting a straddling work zone, workers should try to ensure that the intersection approach and exit are unobstructed and set a separation for non‐motors and pedestrians to avoid mixed traffic flow. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
高速公路空间平均速度是高速公路交通流动态模型中的重要参数。文章从高速公路交通流的宏观特性和动态特性出发,采用离散计算方法得到空间平均速度的数学公式。 相似文献
文章以重庆嘉悦大桥主桥工程为依托,通过索梁锚固区缩尺模型试验和有限元分析比较,评价了主梁斜拉索锚固区的工作性能,并为梁斜拉索锚固区的构造和配筋设计提出合理的改进措施和建议。 相似文献
Abstract Online traffic flow modeling is of increasing importance due to intelligent transport systems and technologies. The flow-density relation plays an important role in traffic flow modeling and provides a basic way to illustrate traffic flow behavior under different traffic flow and traffic density conditions. Until now the research effort has focused mainly on the shape of the relation. The time series of the relation has not been identified clearly, even though the time series of the relation reflects the upstream/downstream traffic conditions and should be considered in the traffic flow modeling. In this paper, the dynamic flow-density relation is identified based on the classification of traffic states and is quantified employing fuzzy logic. The quantified dynamic flow-density relation builds the basis for online application of a macroscopic traffic flow model. The new approach to online modeling of traffic flow applying the dynamic flow-density relation alleviates parameter calibration problems stemming from the static flow-density relation. 相似文献
文章针对四方山隧道工程地质条件,采用FLAC3D建立三维数值模型,计算分析破碎带对四方山隧道围岩稳定性的影响,并指出破碎带影响围岩稳定性的重点区域。 相似文献
Heterogeneous traffic flow, characterized by a free inter-lane exchange, has become an important issue in addressing congestion in urban areas. It is of particular interest in many developing countries, that experience a strong increase in motorcycle use. New approaches to the heterogeneous non-lane-based flow have been proposed. However insufficient empirical verification has been made to estimate vehicle interaction, that is necessary for an accurate representation of mixed-flow conditions. In this paper, we focus on the porous flow approach to capture the complex interactions. The parameters from this approach are estimated from empirical observations. Video data was recorded and processed to capture vehicle interactions at a number of road sections in Surabaya City, Indonesia. The specific behavior of each vehicle in the traffic flow was captured by developing the pore size–density distributions, analyzing the class-specific critical pore sizes, and producing the class specific speed–density and flow–density diagrams. The results reveal how critical pore sizes are based on pore size–density distributions, the flow diagram for each vehicle class, and how traffic flow relationships for motorcyclists and the other vehicles exhibit significant differences. It is concluded that the proposed approach can represent the specific behavior of the motorcyclist in heterogeneous traffic flow, in both the situations of with- and without an exclusive lane for motorcycles, can clarify motorcyclist’s behavior in terms of passenger car unit of motorcycle, and can therefore support policy making on the improvement of urban transport. 相似文献
The GSOM (Generic second order modelling) family of traffic flow models combines the LWR model with dynamics of driver-specific attributes and can be expressed as a system of conservation laws. The object of the paper is to show that a proper Lagrangian formulation of the GSOM model can be recast as a Hamilton–Jacobi equation, the solution of which can be expressed as the value function of an optimal control problem. This value function is interpreted as the position of vehicles, and the optimal trajectories of the optimal control formulation can be identified with the characteristics. Further the paper analyzes the initial and boundary conditions, proposes a generalization of the inf-morphism and the Lax–Hopf formulas to the GSOM model, and considers numerical aspects. 相似文献