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A continuum model that describes a disordered, heterogeneous traffic stream is presented. Such systems are widely prevalent in developing countries where classical traffic models cannot be readily applied. The characteristics of such systems are unique since drivers of smaller vehicles exploit their maneuverability to move ahead through lateral gaps at lower speeds. At higher speeds, larger vehicles press their advantage of greater motive power. The traffic stream at the microscopic level is disordered and defines a porous medium. Each vehicle is considered to move through a series of pores defined by other vehicles. A speed-density relationship that explicitly considers the pore space distribution is presented. This captures the considerable dynamics between vehicle classes that are overlooked when all classes are converted to a reference class (usually Passenger Car Equivalents) as is traditionally done. Using a finite difference approximation scheme, traffic evolution for a two-class traffic stream is shown.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to time-of-day control. While time-of-day control strategies presented up-to-now are only optimal under steady-state conditions, the control algorithm derived in this paper takes into account the evolution of traffic flow according to the time delay between a volume change at a ramp and its subsequent disturbance at a freeway point downstream. The new control strategy is based on the solution of a linear programming optimization problem and makes freeway volume hold the capacity constraints for the total time of control operation. In order to reduce the computational effort a simplified version of the new algorithm is also discussed. Simulation results obtained by use of two different traffic flow models show that control derived through the new algorithm can avoid congestion and ensure operation with peak performance even if a steady-state condition is never attained.  相似文献   

The paper describes a new method of optimizing traffic signal settings. The area-wide urban traffic control system developed in the paper is based on the Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) technique. The BCO method is based on the principles of the collective intelligence applied by the honeybees during the nectar collecting process. The optimal (or near-optimal) values of cycle length, offsets, and splits are discovered by minimizing the total travel time of all network users travelling through signalized intersections. The set of numerical experiments is performed on well-known traffic benchmark network. The results obtained by the BCO approach are compared with the results found by Simulated Annealing (SA). It has been shown that the suggested BCO approach outperformed the SA.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of modeling dynamic fluctuations in aircraft concentration within a group of air traffic control sectors. Using simultaneous time series recorded for each of the sectors, a multiple transfer function noise model is constructed. The modeling procedure demonstrates a data-dependent approach to ATC systems analysis which does not rely on describing the movement of individual aircraft.  相似文献   

Anticipatory optimal network control is defined as the problem of determining the set of control actions that minimizes a network-wide objective function. This not only takes into account local consequences on the propagation of flows, but also the global network-wide routing behavior of the users. Such an objective function is, in general, defined in a centralized setting, as knowledge regarding the whole network is needed to correctly compute it. Reaching a level of centralization sufficient to attain network-wide control objectives is however rarely realistic in practice. Multiple authorities are influencing different portions the network, separated either hierarchically or geographically. The distributed nature of networks and traffic directly influences the complexity of the anticipatory control problem.This is our motivation for this work, in which we introduce a decomposition mechanism for the global anticipatory network traffic control problem, based on dynamic clustering of traffic controllers. Rather than solving the full centralized problem, or blindly performing a full controller-wise decomposition, this technique allows recognizing when and which controllers should be grouped in clusters, and when, instead, these can be optimized separately.The practical relevance with respect to our motivation is that our approach allows identification of those network traffic conditions in which multiple actors need to actively coordinate their actions, or when unilateral action suffices for still approximating global optimality.This clustering procedure is based on well-known algebraic and statistical tools that exploit the network’s sensitivity to control and its structure to deduce coupling behavior. We devise several case studies in order to assess our newly introduced procedure’s performances, in comparison with fully decomposed and fully centralized anticipatory optimal network control, and show that our approach is able to outperform both centralized and decomposed procedures.  相似文献   

Area traffic control is an important element in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). This paper extends the lane‐based optimization method to a traffic equilibrium network, which improves the operational performance of signal‐controlled network. We formulate a decomposition approach to simultaneously optimize the lane markings and signal settings for a signal‐controlled network that comprises two levels of optimization. At the junction level, the lane markings, control sequence, and other aspects of the signal settings are optimized for individual junctions, whereas at the network level, the group‐based signal settings are optimized to take into account the re‐routing characteristics of travelers and signal coordination effects that are based on a TRANSYT traffic model, which is a well‐known procedure for evaluating the performance of signal‐controlled networks. We use a numerical example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

There are two kinds of stability associated with traffic flow problems – string stability (or car-following stability) and traffic flow stability. We provide a clear distinction between traffic flow stability and string stability, and such a distinction has not been recognized in the literature, thus far. String stability is stability with respect to intervehicular spacing; intuitively, it ensures the knowledge of the position and velocity of every vehicle in the traffic, within reasonable bounds of error, from the knowledge of the position and velocity of a vehicle in the traffic. String stability is analyzed without adding vehicles to or removing vehicles from the traffic. On the other hand, traffic flow stability deals with the evolution of traffic velocity and density in response to the addition and/or removal of vehicles from the flow. Traffic flow stability can be guaranteed only if the velocity and density solutions of the coupled set of equations is stable, i.e., only if stability with respect to automatic vehicle following and stability with respect to density evolution is guaranteed. Therefore, the flow stability and critical capacity of any section of a highway is dependent not only on the vehicle following control laws and the information used in their synthesis, but also on the spacing policy employed by the control system. Such a dependence has practical consequences in the choice of a spacing policy for adaptive cruise control laws and on the stability of the traffic flow consisting of vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise control features on the existing and future highways. This critical dependence is the subject of investigation here.  相似文献   

We consider an analytical signal control problem on a signalized network whose traffic flow dynamic is described by the Lighthill–Whitham–Richards (LWR) model (Lighthill and Whitham, 1955; Richards, 1956). This problem explicitly addresses traffic-derived emissions as constraints or objectives. We seek to tackle this problem using a mixed integer mathematical programming approach. Such class of problems, which we call LWR-Emission (LWR-E), has been analyzed before to certain extent. Since mixed integer programs are practically efficient to solve in many cases (Bertsimas et al., 2011b), the mere fact of having integer variables is not the most significant challenge to solving LWR-E problems; rather, it is the presence of the potentially nonlinear and nonconvex emission-related constraints/objectives that render the program computationally expensive.To address this computational challenge, we proposed a novel reformulation of the LWR-E problem as a mixed integer linear program (MILP). This approach relies on the existence of a statistically valid macroscopic relationship between the aggregate emission rate and the vehicle occupancy on the same link. This relationship is approximated with certain functional forms and the associated uncertainties are handled explicitly using robust optimization (RO) techniques. The RO allows emissions-related constraints and/or objectives to be reformulated as linear forms under mild conditions. To further reduce the computational cost, we employ a link-based LWR model to describe traffic dynamics with the benefit of fewer (integer) variables and less potential traffic holding. The proposed MILP explicitly captures vehicle spillback, avoids traffic holding, and simultaneously minimizes travel delay and addresses emission-related concerns.  相似文献   

An adaptive control model of a network of signalized intersections is proposed based on a discrete-time, stationary, Markov decision process. The model incorporates probabilistic forecasts of individual vehicle actuations at downstream inductance loop detectors that are derived from a macroscopic link transfer function. The model is tested both on a typical isolated traffic intersection and a simple network comprised of five four-legged signalized intersections, and compared to full-actuated control. Analyses of simulation results using this approach show significant improvement over traditional full-actuated control, especially for the case of high volume, but not saturated, traffic demand.  相似文献   

Traffic flow control in automated highway systems (AHS) is addressed. A link layer controller for a hierarchical AHS architecture is presented. The controller proposed in this paper stabilizes the vehicular density and flow around predetermined profiles in a stretch of highway using speed and lane changes as control signals. Multiple lane highways in which vehicles have different destinations and types are considered. The control laws are derived from a model based on a principle of vehicle conservation and Lyapunov stability techniques. The implementation requires only local information. Simulation results are presented.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a strategic signal control, which anticipates travelers' route choice response and determines signal timings to optimize network‐wide objectives. In general traffic assignment models are used for anticipating this route choice response. However, model‐reality mismatch usually brings suboptimal solutions to the real system. A repeated anticipatory control resolves the suboptimality and addresses the modeling error by learning from information on model bias. This paper extends the repeated control approach and focuses on the estimation of flow sensitivity as well as its influence on control, which is a crucial issue in implementation of model bias correction. The main objective of this paper is first to analyze the estimation error in the real flow derivative that is estimated from noisy measurements. A dual control method is then presented, improving both optimization objective function and derivative estimation during the control process. The proposed dual algorithm is tested on a simple network as well as on a midsize network. Numerical examples confirm the reliable performance of the new reality‐tracking control strategy and its ability to identify (local) optimal solutions on real traffic networks. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paths followed by vehicles in urban areas are densely interwoven, and some of the accidents and congestion that occur in city centres can be attributed to the ‘conflicts’ that arise where these paths intersect. Hence, it is desirable to encourage traffic patterns in which the frequency and severity of conflicts are minimised. At present, neither signal optimisation programs nor traffic simulation programs allow the user to experiment freely with different combinations of one-way streets and turn restrictions, which might otherwise help to disentangle conflicting movements. There is no accepted formula or philosophy for organising traffic into a coherent spatial pattern. The aim of this paper is to consider some idealised networks and circulation systems that have simple geometrical configurations, and to identify those systems that are relatively efficient in terms of path crossings, as compared with a theoretical yardstick derived from graph theory. The results provide some pointers towards a general strategy for efficient traffic circulation in urban areas.  相似文献   

The paper presents an idealised dynamical model of day-to-day or within-day re-routeing using splitting rates at nodes, or node-exit flows, rather than route-flows. It is shown that under certain conditions the dynamical model gives rise to a sequence of link flow vectors which converges to a set of approximate Wardrop equilibria. A special dynamical signal green-time re-allocation model is added; the combination is also shown (in outline) to converge to the set of approximate consistent equilibria under certain conditions. Finally the paper uses model network results to illustrate a method of designing fixed time signal timings to meet different scenarios.  相似文献   

Developing microscopic traffic simulation models requires the knowledge of probability distributions of microscopic traffic variables. Although previous studies have proposed extensive mathematical distributions for describing traffic variables (e.g., speed, headway, vehicle length, etc.), these studies usually consider microscopic traffic observations to be independent variables and distributions for these variables are investigated separately. As a result, some traditional approaches consider microscopic traffic variables as independent inputs to the traffic simulation process and these methods may ignore the possible dependence among different traffic variables.The objectives of this paper are to investigate the dependence structure among microscopic traffic variables and to examine the applicability of the copula approach to the joint modeling of these variables. Copulas are functions that relate multivariate distribution functions of random variables to their one-dimensional marginal distribution functions. The concept of copulas has been well recognized in the statistics field and recently has been introduced in transportation studies. The proposed copula approach is applied to the 24-h traffic data collected on IH-35 in Austin, Texas. The preliminary data analysis indicates that there exists dependence among microscopic traffic variables. Moreover, the modeling and simulation results suggest that copula models can adequately accommodate and accurately reproduce the dependence structure revealed by the traffic observations. Overall, the findings in this paper provide a framework for generating multiple microscopic traffic variables simultaneously by considering their dependence.  相似文献   

A novel traffic signal control formulation is developed through a mixed integer programming technique. The formulation considers dynamic traffic, uses dynamic traffic demand as input, and takes advantage of a convergent numerical approximation to the hydrodynamic model of traffic flow. As inherent from the underlying hydrodynamic model, this formulation covers the whole range of the fundamental relationships between speed, flow, and density. Kinematic waves of the stop-and-go traffic associated with traffic signals are also captured. Because of this property, one does not need to tune or switch the model for the different traffic conditions. It “automatically” adjusts to the different traffic conditions. We applied the model to three demand scenarios in a simple network. The results seemed promising. This model produced timing plans that are consistent with models that work for unsaturated conditions. In gridlock conditions, it produced a timing plan that was better than conventional queue management practices.  相似文献   

Present methods for determining optimal settings for signal networks are too time consuming to be implemented on-line with contemporary computers. The bulk of the computation involves signal coordination between intersections. It is proposed that global signal coordination may be achieved adaptively using appropriately chosen local control algorithms. This is demonstrated for certain simple networks using an algorithm that minimizes stops to vehicles in platoons. The results are valid for essentially light traffic. For several cases it is shown that a system consisting of signals controlled independently with the algorithm converges to a periodic asymptotic state exhibiting global signal coordination. The convergence proof is simultaneously a proof of the system's stability. No claim is made that the particular algorithm studied here is suitable for implementation in the field.  相似文献   

This study developed a set of pictograms for lane control systems, to provide additional information to drivers on weather and traffic incidents. The results suggest that in the design of traffic signs, it is important to consider local context and not simply adopt standards and practices that are developed elsewhere. The differences in the social and cultural environments may affect the ease of reading and comprehension by local drivers. However, the study also showed that not all locally developed signs were rated higher for their ease of reading than others… Since some design characteristics are more salient, whereas others tend to be more dependent on the local context, it is important to conduct simple experiments and exploratory research to find the optimal designs to be used.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a rule-based neural network model to simulate driver behavior in terms of longitudinal and lateral actions in two driving situations, namely car-following situation and safety critical events. A fuzzy rule based neural network is constructed to obtain driver individual driving rules from their vehicle trajectory data. A machine learning method reinforcement learning is used to train the neural network such that the neural network can mimic driving behavior of individual drivers. Vehicle actions by neural network are compared to actions from naturalistic data. Furthermore, this paper applies the proposed method to analyze the heterogeneities of driving behavior from different drivers’ data.Driving data in the two driving situations are extracted from Naturalistic Truck Driving Study and Naturalistic Car Driving Study databases provided by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute according to pre-defined criteria. Driving actions were recorded in instrumented vehicles that have been equipped with specialized sensing, processing, and recording equipment.  相似文献   

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