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The choice behaviour of low cost travel (LCT) modes is very sensitive to travel distance. A line haul system designed on the basis of current planning practice of locating widely spaced stations to cater auto and bus feeder modes with the primary objective of gaining travel speed is hostile to non‐motorized and low cost feeder modes. With the revival of interest in promoting the use of walk'n ride and bike'n ride modes, there is a need to develop an appropriate tool to examine the effect of their specific characteristics in establishing the number and location of stations.

A generic normative behavioural hybrid model for locating the cost minimizing number and location of stations is developed for an LCT‐fed line haul system. The model considers the system with many to many two dimensional line haul demand density function in which the density varies in both x‐ and y‐directions. The feeder mode choice behaviour is incorporated in the model by integrating probability‐access/egress distance function with the objective function. Explicit functional relationships among the parameters of these feeder modes such as modal share as a function of access/egress distance with the parameters of line haul systems are developed. Dynamic programming is used to minimize the system cost. The generic model is shown to collapse into several simplified models capable of yielding approximate solutions for several well known special cases. It has been shown that location of stations is sensitive to the through load on board as well as users’ cost that defines the choice behaviour at large. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the model.  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach to short‐range planning that was developed to analyze and suggest improvements to the existing transit system serving metropolitan Cairo. The methodology is based on a corridor‐by‐corridor analysis which not only brings the scale of analysis down to a level which is necessary to address operational issues, but also results in a technology transfer strategy which allows the local planners to apply and test planning techniques in one corridor while more advanced techniques are developed for another. Procedures using the results of a system‐wide on‐board transit survey are developed to allocate the bus fleet to the existing bus network, identify new express services, and identify new direct services. Because the effectiveness of procedures used in short‐range transit planning depends on the existence of accurate data, and given the resources required for a large‐scale survey, the development of planning procedures based on a continuing monitoring program is also recommended. This paper concludes that although techniques using on‐board surveys are limited in their applicability, the corridor‐based approach to planning is sound.


This paper presents the results of an accessibility-based model of aggregate commute mode share, focusing on the share of transit relative to auto. It demonstrates the use of continuous accessibility – calculated continuously in time, rather than at a single of a few departure times – for the evaluation of transit systems. These accessibility calculations are accomplished using only publicly-available data sources. A binomial logic model is estimated which predicts the likelihood that a commuter will choose transit rather than auto for a commute trip based on aggregate characteristics of the surrounding area. Variables in this model include demographic factors as well as detailed accessibility calculations for both transit and auto. The mode achieves a ρ2 value of 0.597, and analysis of the results suggests that continuous accessibility of transit systems may be a valuable tool for use in modeling and forecasting.  相似文献   

Cavadas  Joana  Antunes  António Pais 《Transportation》2019,46(5):1867-1891

The optimization model proposed in this paper is aimed to assist city councils (or other transport authorities) in the planning of integrated transit-parking policies. The objective is to minimize the joint operating deficit of the transit and parking operators while ensuring given minimum levels of (motorized) mobility in a city. The key decision variables are transit fares and parking fees. The impact of price changes on transit and car modal shares are described by logit functions of the generalized travel costs. The practical utility of the model is illustrated with a case study involving a midsize city in Portugal.


An optimization model for station locations for an on-ground rail transit line is developed using different objective functions of demand and cost as both influence the planning of a rail transit alignment. A microscopic analysis is performed to develop a rail transit alignment in a given corridor considering a many-to-one travel demand pattern. A variable demand case is considered as it replicates a realistic scenario for planning a rail transit line. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) based on a Geographical Information System (GIS) database is developed to optimize the station locations for a rail transit alignment. The first objective is to minimize the total system cost per person, which is a function of user cost, operator cost, and location cost. The second objective is to maximize the ridership or the service coverage of the rail transit alignment. The user cost per person is minimized separately as the third objective because the user cost is one of the most important decision-making factors for planning a transit system from the users’ perspective. A transit planner can make an informed decision between various alternatives based on the results obtained using different objective functions. The model is applied in a case study in the Washington, DC area. The optimal locations and sequence of stations obtained using the three objective functions are presented and a comparative study between the results obtained is shown in the paper. In future works we will develop a combinatorial optimization problem using the aforementioned objectives for the rail transit alignment planning and design problem.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of access and egress time to transport terminals over the spatial competiveness of the high-speed train (HST) in the Madrid–Barcelona (Spain) corridor, one of the densest airline domestic markets in the world. Applying spatial data from 2010 provided by a geographical information system (GIS) to a mode choice model estimated with sample travelers in this corridor, the present study examines whether and how the level-of-service of transport terminals spatially affects the competitiveness or modal distribution of HST and air transport in the provinces of Madrid and Barcelona; and, in particular, the degree of competitiveness that can be accrued by the access time provided by private car and transit in different market segments, especially mandatory and leisure trips. In a number of urban zones near train stations and airports, terminal accessibility clearly favors one transport mode in comparison to the other. Improving terminal accessibility via private car or public transit not only affects the relative access to terminals, but also represents a key strategy for readjusting the market shares of the competing modes in the corridor.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of a transportation corridor study. The emphasis in the study is in transportation system management (TSM) policies although some capital intensive alternatives are also considered.

The results suggest that currently popular TSM policies in U.S.A., even when augmented with capital intensive changes, have only marginal impacts on modal choices. These currently popular policies, high occupancy vehicle priority lanes, improved bus and express bus service, increased feeder bus service and so forth, appear to confer benefits to well to do suburbanites but do not improve the transportation of urban dwellers.

Another interesting result is that if user costs were increased to cover the full costs of transportation the transit fares for low income people would increase ten percent and the increase for urban dwellers would be about 20 percent. Interestingly, there would be no change in bus fares for either group. However, for high income travellers and suburbanites the increase in transit fares would be in excess of 100 percent. Thus, the current fare structure is inequitable making the low income people and the urban dwellers to pay a much larger share of their transportation cost than the often well to do suburbanites.  相似文献   


The selection of a rural highway corridor between designated termini is approached as the simultaneous selection of line and grade of a particular alignment in the corridor. The selection is facilitated by the successive application of linear programming and shortest path techniques. A model is presented in which the inputs are terrain elevations, design constraints on overall grade, terminal grades and elevations, and restricted areas of passage. The output consists of a user‐specified number of alternative corridors, selected on the basis of minimum sum of the deviations of their representative profiles from the original ground. The model is applicable to situations where route selection is dominated by construction considerations. A hypothetical example and an actual application demonstrate the utility of the methodology.  相似文献   


This paper is addressed to the question of social costs and social benefits (primarily environmental) which might derive from a large‐scale substitution of so‐called mass‐transit for the present, largely private, system of automotive transportation. Energy consumption and emissions are compared for the two basic alternatives and several variants. Varying degrees of physiological tolerance to pollutants are taken into account, in an attempt to develop comparable weight‐factors for different types of emissions. It is suggested that if automobiles succeed in meeting the 1975/76 emission standards set by the Clean Air Act of 1970, rail rapid transit will probably offer no advantage (in environmental terms) unless electric power is available from virtually non‐polluting sources (e.g., natural gas or nuclear plants). Economic implications of large‐scale substitution are examined, and it is noted that such substitution would involve major restructuring of our society as a whole. However, more intensive use of mass transit in central cities, possibly in conjunction with various measures to discourage the use of private automobiles in very congested areas is feasible and likely.  相似文献   


A mathematical model of a rapid transit system has been developed. The model employs computer techniques to simulate the physical system. To further enhance the results and gain management confidence in the reliability and validity of the design of the model, a TV‐like display of the computer results enables the viewer to “see” the performance of the model as it happens. The results displayed thus include: The track layout, time (simulation), train position on the track, and the number of passengers riding on each train and waiting at each platform or station. The computer printout of results is limited to summary type data, relying on the display for detailed evaluation and analysis.  相似文献   


Social capital (SC) describes the advantage individuals and communities can gain from social participation, mutual assistance and trust. The provision of travel options for those who are socially disadvantaged is a major rationale for providing public transport. While there has been recent work on how transport can address social exclusion, SC has been overlooked. This article describes the theoretical basis of SC and suggests ways in which the concept might relate to public transport planning, research and practice. Disadvantaged groups can lack SC, mobility and accessibility. Public transport can provide mobility for this group and, in doing so, provide a greater opportunity to create social networks, trust and reciprocity. Although these concepts are abstract, plausible links are identified between the concepts of enhanced positive social interaction associated with the ‘livable city’ concept and those engendered in SC theory. Public transport by definition involves travelling with others and hence provides opportunities for social interaction while travelling. While a series of possible links between SC and public transport are theorized, it is unlikely these are necessarily strong since other mobility options are available and a range of land‐use and non‐transport alternatives can address social needs. Aspects of the SC concept are already covered by the social mobility and accessibility literature, although it does offer a wider insight into the potential advantages of improving access and mobility for disadvantaged communities. The concept of SC is complex and suffers from a ‘fuzzy’ definition. There is a lack of quantitative primary research associated with measuring SC. Measuring the influence of improved mobility options on SC in disadvantaged communities would be a worthwhile research area. Despite the challenges associated with researching SC, the links between SC and travel present an opportunity to understand how public transport acts to address social disadvantage through the provision of mobility to disadvantaged communities.  相似文献   

Social equity is increasingly becoming an important objective in transport planning and project evaluation. This paper provides a framework and an empirical investigation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) examining the links between public transit accessibility and the risks of social exclusion, simply understood as the suppressed ability to conduct daily activities at normal levels. Specifically, we use a large-sample travel survey to present a new transport-geography concept termed participation deserts, neighbourhood-level clusters of lower than expected activity participation. We then use multivariate models to estimate where, and for whom, improvements in transit accessibility will effectively increase activity participation and reduce risks of transport-related social exclusion. Our results show that neighbourhoods with high concentrations of low-income and zero-car households located outside of major transit corridors are the most sensitive to having improvements in accessibility increase daily activity participation rates. We contend that transit investments providing better connections to these neighbourhoods would have the greatest benefit in terms of alleviating existing inequalities and reducing the risks of social exclusion. The ability for transport investments to liberate suppressed activity participation is not currently being predicted or valued in existing transport evaluation methodologies, but there is great potential in doing so in order to capture the social equity benefits associated with increasing transit accessibility.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to develop a generic simulation‐based approach to assess transit service reliability, taking into account interaction between network performance and passengers' route choice behaviour. Three types of reliability, say, system wide travel time reliability, schedule reliability and direct boarding waiting‐time reliability are defined from perspectives of the community or transit administration, the operator and passengers. A Monte Carlo simulation approach with a stochastic user equilibrium transit assignment model embedded is proposed to quantify these three reliability measures of transit service. A simple transit network with a bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor is analysed as a case study where the impacts of BRT components on transit service reliability are evaluated preliminarily.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to measure the impacts of urban transportation system improvements or changes on the community. The community's perceptions of the impacts are represented by its utilities (or disutilities) over various ranges of values of the multiple attributes representing these impacts. The utility technique used in the evaluation is based upon von Neumann‐Morgenstern (vN‐M, 1947) Utility Theory, and is applied using Raiffa's (1970) Fractile Method.

The paper specifically applies the technique to model the perceptions of five subgroups within a community to the impact of a new light rail transit system that is being incorporated in the transportation system of the City of Calgary.

Results of the modeling indicate explicitly how the community changes its perception over ranges of values of the attributes evaluated. Biases of various subgroups within the community over these attributes are also shown. Statistical tests indicate that aggregated utility perceptions can represent the utility perceptions of the individual subgroups quite reasonably.  相似文献   


Urban mobility options have increased in recent years, assisted by the widespread availability of smart device software apps, geo-positioning technology, and convenient electronic financial transactions. Multi-modal shared mobility consists of public transit systems and shared mobilities that support first/last mile travel, denoting the capability of Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and to stimulate additional non-private car travel demand. This paper reviews the supply and demand sides of implementation of multi-modal shared mobility. It found that an abundance of shared modes of car, bike, and e-scooter that are linked to public transport, can improve transport accessibility to meet specific public preferences, reduce social inequality, and minimise dilemmas from the demand side. This study introduces government policy innovations and other supporting system to improve the implementation of multi-modal shared mobility. Government policies play a key role in supporting shared mobility and technology development. However, governments do not have much information about new products such as shared mobility, which creates difficulties in subsidising multi-modal shared mobility services and potentially leads to policy failures around shared mobility schemes. This study suggests that policy entrepreneurship in collaboration with other partners, policy innovation, and the notions of merit goods and second-best policymaking can enable policy initiatives towards multi-modal shared mobility and provide supporting arguments if policies encounter failures. Implementing multi-modal shared mobility requires a collaborative partnership for a paradigm shift: service providers and government must jointly set a merit-based business model, with the support of organisations to achieve improved infrastructure provision, and smart technology applications. The findings will assist the community, business providers and government policymakers to promote multi-modal shared mobility as a pathway towards more efficient, environmentally sustainable, and socially responsive mobility solutions.  相似文献   


The problem of generating a set of “good” transportation alternatives during the early and intermediate stages of transportation planning is addressed in this paper. A linear programming model of a multi‐modal transportation system is developed. The model is run interactively to determine optimal operating levels for all modes for various transport policy decisions. The model described is a component of a composite network generation model incorporating dynamic changes. The linear programming component determines optimal operating policies for given points in time. The composite model incorporates these in a dynamic programming framework to determine optimal staged investment policies over several time periods.  相似文献   

Automated short headway urban transportation systems were viewed in the early Seventies as a possible means of effecting radical change in the type of transit service available in cities. However, interest has declined and government‐sponsored efforts in this area have ceased. The decline in interest was accompanied by much debate among the advocates of the various forms of transit. However, it does not appear to reflect the potential merits and limitations of short headway systems as disclosed by analysis.

This paper provides a basis for comparing short headway systems of citywide scale with conventional transit means.

The limitations inherent in rapid rail installations are reviewed and contrasted with the performance of short headway systems. Illustrative, large‐scale guideway configurations for systems operating in the three‐second headway range are defined and levels of service are deduced using simplified heuristic methods. A basis is provided for specification and analysis of systems conforming to realistic spatial and passenger‐movement constraints.

It is concluded that automated transit systems operating in the three‐second headway range remain viable candidates for large‐scale installations.  相似文献   


Toronto is to have an urban transit system with a passenger carrying capacity which fills the gap between the capacity of the subway and the capacity of the car and bus. Correspondingly, in the words of the Premier of Ontario, the system will “make possible an attractive alternative to high‐rise, high‐density living and urban sprawl. . . .” Furthermore, the new system is sufficiently economical to provide “. . . an encouragement to growth in appropriate areas, rather than merely responding to growth as it occurs . . .”

The decision to have such a system is the culmination of some years of major transportation activities in the Province, which included the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Transportation Study (MTARTS) of 1962. This study pursued both urban expressways and public transport solutions to the movement of people in Metropolitan Toronto.

The urban expressways programmes ran into difficulties, on environmental terms, when strong opposition from community groups was met on proposed routes. A climax came when the Ontario Government halted the construction of the controversial Spadina expressway in June 1971. However, the programmes of public transport solutions met with great success. The Toronto subway and its extensions, together with the change in land values along the route, has become a classic success story. So, too, has the introduction of the GO Train Service (Government of Ontario train service). This pioneered a combination of commuter rail service and integrated feeder buses and today replaces some 14,000 cars each day along the lakeshore highways.

The success of the subway and the GO train coupled with the difficulties experienced by the urban expressways programme, gave rise to the realisation that a better city through public transport rather than the car, was practicable. However, subways were too expensive and they needed a large patronage in a narrow corridor. Accordingly, an intermediate capacity transit system was sought.

The paper describes the programme of activities involved in the choice of the system and describes the technical specification which the system will enjoy. In particular, the demonstration installation which is to be set‐up in Toronto is described in detail, together with the plans to instal some 56 miles over five routes in Metropolitan Toronto.  相似文献   

Promoting public transit is a well-recognized policy for sustainable urban transport development. Transit demand analysis proves to be a challenging task in fast growing cities, partially due to the lack of reliable data and applicable techniques for rapidly changing urban contexts. This paper presents an effort to meet the challenge by developing a framework to estimate peak-hour boarding at light-rail transit (LRT) stations. The core part of the framework is an accessibility-weighted ridership model that multiplies potential demand by integral LRT accessibility. Potential demand around LRT stations is generated by using a distance-decay function. The integral LRT accessibility is a route-level factor that indicates the degree of attractiveness to LRT travel for stations in an LRT corridor. A case study in Wuhan, China, shows that the proposed method produces results useful for improving transit demand analysis.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of transit alternatives analyses, as defined by UMTA/FHWA technical requirements, in urban-transit decision-making. Case studies involving the Southwest Corridor of Chicago and the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority are reviewed. Decision-maker information needs, which differed widely between the two case studies, are outlined in terms of an emphasis on 10–15 key indices, the highlighting of trade-offs between direct and indirect impacts, and the identification of criteria where decision-maker judgment should be applied. Planning products most useful to decision-makers are identified, including the clear exposition of intangible costs and benefits. Financial cash-flow analysis, as related to implementation staging, and the well-organized management of overall evaluation results were also found to be important planning outputs in the case studies considered. Suggestions for improving planning products and the flow of information center on continuing evidence of the need for quick-response travel-analysis methods, better use of trade-off graphics, and avoiding the dangers of information overload. Several lessons learned from the case studies are listed.  相似文献   

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