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The tremendous use of hazardous materials has promoted the economic development, which also brings about a growing risk causing a widespread concern. In this work, we consider a location-scheduling problem on hazardous materials transportation under the assumption that transportation risks are time-dependent fuzzy random variables. First, we formulate a scheduling optimization model and design a fuzzy random simulation based genetic algorithm to optimize the departure time and dwell times for each depot–customer pair. Then we establish an expected value model and design a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm to minimize the en route risks and site risks. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed models and algorithms.  相似文献   

In this work we consider the following hazmat transportation network design problem. A given set of hazmat shipments has to be shipped over a road transportation network in order to transport a given amount of hazardous materials from specific origin points to specific destination points, and we assume there are regional and local government authorities that want to regulate the hazmat transportations by imposing restrictions on the amount of hazmat traffic over the network links. In particular, the regional authority aims to minimize the total transport risk induced over the entire region in which the transportation network is embedded, while local authorities want the risk over their local jurisdictions to be the lowest possible, forcing the regional authority to assure also risk equity. We provide a linear bilevel programming formulation for this hazmat transportation network design problem that takes into account both total risk minimization and risk equity. We transform the bilevel model into a single-level mixed integer linear program by replacing the second level (follower) problem by its KKT conditions and by linearizing the complementary constraints, and then we solve the MIP problem with a commercial optimization solver. The optimal solution may not be stable, and we provide an approach for testing its stability and for evaluating the range of its solution values when it is not stable. Moreover, since the bilevel model is difficult to be solved optimally and its optimal solution may not be stable, we provide a heuristic algorithm for the bilevel model able to always find a stable solution. The proposed bilevel model and heuristic algorithm are experimented on real scenarios of an Italian regional network.  相似文献   

In the expressway network, detectors are installed on the links for detecting the travel time information while the predicted travel time can be provided by the route guidance system (RGS). The speed detector density can be determined to influence flow distributions in such a way that the precision of the travel time information and the social cost of the speed detectors are optimized, provided that each driver chooses the minimum perceived travel time path in response to the predicted travel time information. In this paper, a bilevel programming model is proposed for the network with travel time information provided by the RGS. The lower-level problem is a probit-based traffic assignment model, while the upper-level problem is to determine the speed detector density that minimizes the measured travel time error variance as well as the social cost of the speed detectors. The sensitivity analysis based algorithm is proposed for the bilevel programming problem. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the applications of the proposed model and of the solution algorithm.  相似文献   

Multi-objective optimization of a road diet network design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study focuses on the development of a model for the optimal design of a road diet plan within a transportation network, and is based on rigorous mathematical models. In most metropolitan areas, there is insufficient road space to dedicate a portion exclusively for cyclists without negatively affecting existing motorists. Thus, it is crucial to find an efficient way to implement a road diet plan that both maximizes the utility for cyclists and minimizes the negative effect on motorists. A network design problem (NDP), which is usually used to find the best option for providing extra road capacity, is adapted here to derive the best solution for limiting road capacity. The resultant NDP for a road diet (NDPRD) takes a bi-level form. The upper-level problem of the NDPRD is established as one of multi-objective optimization. The lower-level problem accommodates user equilibrium (UE) trip assignment with fixed and variable mode-shares. For the fixed mode-share model, the upper-level problem minimizes the total travel time of both cyclists and motorists. For the variable mode-share model, the upper-level problem includes minimization of both the automobile travel share and the average travel time per unit distance for motorists who keep using automobiles after the implementation of a road diet. A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is mobilized to solve the proposed problem. The results of a case study, based on a test network, guarantee a robust approximate Pareto optimal front. The possibility that the proposed methodology could be adopted in the design of a road diet plan in a real transportation network is confirmed.  相似文献   

Regardless of existing types of transportation and traffic model and their applications, the essential input to these models is travel demand, which is usually described using origin–destination (OD) matrices. Due to the high cost and time required for the direct development of such matrices, they are sometimes estimated indirectly from traffic measurements recorded from the transportation network. Based on an assumed demand profile, OD estimation problems can be categorized into static or dynamic groups. Dynamic OD demand provides valuable information on the within-day fluctuation of traffic, which can be employed to analyse congestion dissipation. In addition, OD estimates are essential inputs to dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) models. This study presents a fuzzy approach to dynamic OD estimation problems. The problems are approached using a two-level model in which demand is estimated in the upper level and the lower level performs DTA via traffic simulation. Using fuzzy rules and the fuzzy C-Mean clustering approach, the proposed method treats uncertainty in historical OD demand and observed link counts. The approach employs expert knowledge to model fitted link counts and to set boundaries for the optimization problem by defining functions in the fuzzification process. The same operation is performed on the simulation outputs, and the entire process enables different types of optimization algorithm to be employed. The Box-complex method is utilized as an optimization algorithm in the implementation of the approach. Empirical case studies are performed on two networks to evaluate the validity and accuracy of the approach. The study results for a synthetic network and a real network demonstrate the robust performance of the proposed method even when using low-quality historical demand data.  相似文献   


This paper revisits the classical transit scheduling problem and investigates the relationship between stop spacing and headway, considering realistic wait time and operable transit capacity. Headway and stop spacing are important determinants for planning a transit system, which influence the service level as well as the cost of operation. A mathematical model is developed, and the objective function is user travel time which is minimized by the optimized stop spacing and headway, subject to the constraints of operable fleet size and route capacity. Optimal stop spacing and headway solutions are obtained in a numerical example. Sensitivity analysis is conducted, and the effect of model parameters on user travel time is explored.  相似文献   

Based on train scheduling, this paper puts forward a multi-objective optimization model for train routing on high-speed railway network, which can offer an important reference for train plan to provide a better service. The model does not only consider the average travel time of trains, but also take the energy consumption and the user satisfaction into account. Based on this model, an improved GA is designed to solve the train routing problem. The simulation results demonstrate that the accurate algorithm is suitable for a small-scale network, while the improved genetic algorithm based on train control (GATC) applies to a large-scale network. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of the parameters is performed to obtain the ideal parameters; a perturbation analysis shows that the proposed method can quickly handle the train disturbance.  相似文献   


Route planning is usually carried out to achieve a single objective such as to minimize transport cost, distance traveled or travel time. This article explores an approach to multi-objective route planning using a genetic algorithm (GA) and geographical information system (GIS) approach. The method is applied to the case of a tourist sight-seeing itinerary, where a route is planned by a tour operator to cover a set of places of interest within a given area. The route planning takes into account four criteria including travel time, vehicle operating cost, safety and surrounding scenic view quality. The multi-objective route planning in this paper can be viewed as an extension of the traditional traveling salesman problem (TSP) since a tourist needs to pass through a number of sight points. The four criteria are quantified using the spatial analytic functions of GIS and a generalized cost for each link is calculated. As different criteria play different roles in the route selection process, and the best order of the multiple points needs to be determined, a bi-level GA has been devised. The upper level aims to determine the weights of each criterion, while the lower level attempts to determine the best order of the sights to be visited based on the new generalized cost that is derived from the weights at the upper level. Both levels collaborate during the iterations and the route with the minimal generalized cost is thus determined. The above sight-seeing route planning methodology has been examined in a region within the central area of Singapore covering 19 places of interest.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a network design problem (NDP) for finding the optimal public transport service frequencies and link capacity expansions in a multimodal network with consideration of impacts from adverse weather conditions. The proposed NDP aims to minimize the sum of expected total travel time, operational cost of transit services, and construction cost of link capacity expansions under an acceptable level of variance of total travel time. Auto, transit, bus, and walking modes are considered in the multimodal network model for finding the equilibrium flows and travel times. In the proposed network model, demands are assumed to follow Poisson distribution, and weather‐dependent link travel time functions are adopted. A probit‐based stochastic user equilibrium, which is based on the perceived expected travel disutility, is used to determine the multimodal route of the travelers. This model also considers the strategic behavior of the public transport travelers in choosing their routes, that is, common‐line network. Based on the stochastic multimodal model, the mean and variance of total travel time are analytical estimated for setting up the NDP. A sensitivity‐based solution algorithm is proposed for solving the NDP, and two numerical examples are adopted to demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed model. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The goal of a network design problem (NDP) is to make optimal decisions to achieve a certain objective such as minimizing total travel time or maximizing tolls collected in the network. A critical component to NDP is how travelers make their route choices. Researchers in transportation have adopted human decision theories to describe more accurate route choice behaviors. In this paper, we review the NDP with various route choice models: the random utility model (RUM), random regret-minimization (RRM) model, bounded rationality (BR), cumulative prospect theory (CPT), the fuzzy logic model (FLM) and dynamic learning models. Moreover, we identify challenges in applying behavioral route choice models to NDP and opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of accessibility‐based equity measurements in transportation and proposes a multiobjective optimization model to simulate the trade‐offs between equity maximization and cost minimization of network construction. The equity is defined as the spatial distribution of accessibilities across zone areas. Six representative indicators were formulated, including GINI coefficient, Theil index, mean log deviation, relative mean deviation, coefficient of variation, and Atkinson index, and incorporated into an equity maximization model to evaluate the performance sensitivity. A bilevel multiobjective optimization model was proposed to obtain the Pareto‐optimal solutions for link capacity enhancement in a stochastic road network design problem. A numerical analysis using the Sioux Falls data was implemented. Results verified that the equity indicators are quite sensitive to the pattern of network scenarios in the sense that the level of equity varies according to the amount of overall capacity enhancement as well as the assignment of improved link segments. The suggested multiobjective model that enables representing the Pareto‐optimal solutions can provide multiple options in the decision making of road network design. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines network design where OD demand is not known a priori, but is the subject of responses in household or user itinerary choices to infrastructure improvements. Using simple examples, we show that falsely assuming that household itineraries are not elastic can result in a lack in understanding of certain phenomena; e.g., increasing traffic even without increasing economic activity due to relaxing of space–time prism constraints, or worsening of utility despite infrastructure investments in cases where household objectives may conflict. An activity-based network design problem is proposed using the location routing problem (LRP) as inspiration. The bilevel formulation includes an upper level network design and shortest path problem while the lower level includes a set of disaggregate household itinerary optimization problems, posed as household activity pattern problem (HAPP) (or in the case with location choice, as generalized HAPP) models. As a bilevel problem with an NP-hard lower level problem, there is no algorithm for solving the model exactly. Simple numerical examples show optimality gaps of as much as 5% for a decomposition heuristic algorithm derived from the LRP. A large numerical case study based on Southern California data and setting suggest that even if infrastructure investments do not result in major changes in link investment decisions compared to a conventional model, the results provide much higher resolution temporal OD information to a decision maker. Whereas a conventional model would output the best set of links to invest given an assumed OD matrix, the proposed model can output the same best set of links, the same daily OD matrix, and a detailed temporal distribution of activity participation and travel from which changes in peak period OD patterns can be observed.  相似文献   


In this paper, a fuzzy-stochastic optimization model is developed for an intermodal fleet management system of a large international transportation company. The proposed model integrates various strategic, tactical and operational level decisions simultaneously. Since real-life fleet planning problems may involve different types of uncertainty jointly such as randomness and fuzziness, a hybrid chance-constrained programming and fuzzy interactive resolution-based approach is employed. Therefore, stochastic import/export freight demand and fuzzy transit times, truck/trailer availabilities, the transport capacity of Ro-Ro vessels, bounds on block train services, etc. can also be taken into account concurrently. In addition to minimize overall transportation costs, optimization of total transit times and CO2 emission values are also incorporated in order to provide sustainable fleet plans by maximizing customer satisfaction and environmental considerations. Computational results show that effective and efficient fleet plans can be produced by making use of the proposed optimization model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the optimal transit fare in a simple bimodal transportation system that comprises public transport and private car. We consider two new factors: demand uncertainty and bounded rationality. With demand uncertainty, travelers are assumed to consider both the mean travel cost and travel cost variability in their mode choice decision. Under bounded rationality, travelers do not necessarily choose the travel mode of which perceived travel cost is absolutely lower than the one of the other mode. To determine the optimal transit fare, a bi‐level programming is proposed. The upper‐level objective function is to minimize the mean of total travel cost, whereas the lower‐level programming adopts the logit‐based model to describe users' mode choice behaviors. Then a heuristic algorithm based on a sensitivity analysis approach is designed to solve the bi‐level programming. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effect of demand uncertainty and bounded rationality on the modal share, optimal transit fare and system performance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose application of multiple criteria decision making to problems of a metropolitan network improvement plan. Initially, a bilevel multiple objective network design model is considered in two objectives which are minimal government budget and minimal total travel time of road users. We seek feasible improvement alternatives among those bottleneck links in an existing road network structure and travel demand. We present an effective heuristic algorithm to obtain noninferior solutions; then ELECTRE III multiple criteria decision making and group decision making are used to evaluate and to select a compromise solution among those noninferior solutions. From the design phase in multiple criteria decision making, multiple objective mathematical programming is used to formulate a continuous network design model. However, from the phase of evaluation, multiple criteria decision making to solve the discrete network design problem. The network of metropolitan Taipei is taken as an example to illustrate the operation of this model.  相似文献   

Many previous studies have formulated the decision‐making problems in transportation system planning and management as single‐objective bilevel optimization models. However, real‐world decision‐making processes always have several social concerns and thus multiple objectives need to be achieved simultaneously. In most cases, these objective functions conflict with each other and are also not simple enough to be combined into a single one. Therefore it is necessary to apply multiobjective optimization to generate non‐dominated or Pareto optimal alternatives. It can be foreseen that the multiobjective bilevel modeling approach can become a powerful, and possibly interactive, decision tool, allowing the decision‐makers to learn more about the problem before committing to a final decision. Such multiobjective bilevel models are difficult to solve due to their intrinsic nonconvexity and multiple objectives. This paper consequently proposes a solution algorithm for the multiobjective bilevel models using genetic algorithms. The proposed algorithm is illustrated, using the numerical example taken from the previous study. It is found that the proposed algorithm is efficient to search simultaneously the Pareto optimal solutions.  相似文献   

Wang  Chih-Hao  Chen  Na 《Transportation》2021,48(4):1967-1986

Improving public health through active transpiration investments has increasingly become a new research focus in transportation planning. This study is to propose a multi-objective optimization modeling framework, through an optimal allocation of active transportation investments, to maximize the total accessibility while minimizing the total differences in accessibility over a city. Accessibility to multi-use paths is calculated for Fresno, California that measures the total length of multi-use paths a resident could reach with a 30-min cycling ride. Then, a geographically weighted regression (GWR) model is used to capture the local relationships between accessibility outcome and previous transportation investments. The marginal-effect analysis for the GWR results indicates economically efficient, inefficient, and indifferent locations for further investments. This study is one of the few to incorporate such a GWR model into a multi-objective optimization modeling framework to improve accessibility to multi-use paths and address inequality issues in transportation. Solving the multi-objective optimization model provides decision-makers a new insight into the making of an economically efficient and socially equal active transportation plan to improve public health.



Estimation of the origin–destination (O–D) trip demand matrix plays a key role in travel analysis and transportation planning and operations. Many researchers have developed different O–D matrix estimation methods using traffic counts, which allow simple data collection as opposed to the costly traditional direct estimation methods based on home and roadside interviews.

In this paper, we present a new fuzzy model to estimate the O–D matrix from traffic counts. Since link data only represent a snapshot situation, resulting in inconsistency of data and poor quality of the estimated O–Ds, the proposed method considers the link data as a fuzzy number that varies within a certain bandwidth. Shafahi and Ramezani's fuzzy assignment method is improved upon and used to assign the estimated O–D matrix, which causes the assigned volumes to be fuzzy numbers similar to what is proposed for observed link counts. The shortest path algorithm of the proposed method is similar to the Floyd–Warshall algorithm, and we call it the Fuzzy Floyd–Warshall Algorithm. A new fuzzy comparing index is proposed by improving the fuzzy comparison method developed by Dubois and Prade to estimate and compare the distance between the assigned and observed link volumes. The O–D estimation model is formulated as a convex minimization problem based on the proposed fuzzy index to minimize the fuzzy distance between the observed and assigned link volumes. A gradient-based method is used to solve the problem. To ensure the original O–D matrix does not change more than necessary during the iterations, a fuzzy rule-based approach is proposed to control the matrix changes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model that incorporates real time information using variable travel times. Dynamic traffic simulation was used to update travel times. The model was applied to a test road network. Results indicated that the total cost decreased by implementing the dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model with the real time information based on variable travel times compared with that of the forecast model. As well, in many cases total running times of vehicles were also decreased. Therefore, the dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model will be beneficial for both carriers in reducing total costs and society at large by alleviating traffic congestion.  相似文献   

The available highway alignment optimization algorithms use the total cost as the objective function. This is a single objective optimization process. In this process, travel‐time, vehicle operation accident earthwork land acquisition and pavement construction costs are the basic components of the total cost. This single objective highway alignment optimization process has limited capability in handling the cost components separately. Moreover, this process cannot yield a set of alternative solutions from a single run. This paper presents a multi‐objective approach to overcome these shortcomings. Some of the cost components of highway alignments are conflicting in nature. Minimizing some of them will yield a straighter alignment; whereas, minimizing others would make the alignment circuitous. Therefore, the goal of the multiobjective optimization approach is to handle the trade‐off amongst the highway alignment design objectives and present a set of near optimal solutions. The highway alignment objectives, i.e., cost functions, are not continuous in nature. Hence, a special genetic algorithm based multi‐objective optimization algorithm is suggested The proposed methodology is demonstrated via a case study at the end.  相似文献   

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