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The empirical valuation of travel time savings is a derivative of the ratio of parameter estimates in a discrete choice model. The most common formulation (multinomial logit) imposes strong restrictions on the profile of the unobserved influences on choice as represented by the random component of a preference function. As we progress our ability to relax these restrictions we open up opportunities to benchmark the values derived from simple (albeit relatively restrictive) models. In this paper we contrast the values of travel time savings derived from multinomial logit and alternative specifications of mixed (or random parameter) logit models. The empirical setting is urban car commuting in six locations in New Zealand. The evidence suggests that less restrictive choice model specifications tend to produce higher estimates of values of time savings compared to the multinomial logit model; however the degree of under-estimation of multinomial logit remains quite variable, depending on the context. 相似文献
David A. Hensher William H. Greene 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2011,45(7):954-972
In recent years we have seen important extensions of logit models in behavioural research such as incorporation of preference and scale heterogeneity, attribute processing heuristics, and estimation of willingness to pay (WTP) in WTP space. With rare exception, however, a non-linear treatment of the parameter set to allow for behavioural reality, such as embedded risk attitude and perceptual conditioning of occurrence probabilities attached to specific attributes, is absent. This is especially relevant to the recent focus in travel behaviour research on identifying the willingness to pay for reduced travel time variability, which is the source of estimates of the value of trip reliability that has been shown to take on an increasingly important role in project appraisal. This paper incorporates, in a generalised non-linear (in parameters) logit model, alternative functional forms for perceptual conditioning (known as probability weighting) and risk attitude in the utility function to account for travel time variability, and then derives an empirical estimate of the willingness to pay for trip time variability-embedded travel time savings as an alternative to separate estimates of time savings and trip time reliability. We illustrate the richness of the approach using a stated choice data set for commuter choice between unlabelled attribute packages. Statistically significant risk attitude parameters and parameters underlying decision weights are estimated for multinomial logit and mixed multinomial logit models, along with values of expected travel time savings. 相似文献
In mode choice decision, travelers consider not only travel time but also reliability of its modes. In this paper, reliability was expressed in terms of standard deviation and maximum delay that were measured based on triangular distribution. In order to estimate value of time and value of reliability, the Multinomial and Nested Logit models were used. The analysis results revealed that reliability is an important factor affecting mode choice decisions. Elasticity is used to estimate the impacts of the different policies and system improvements for water transportation mode. Among these policies, decision maker can assess and select the best alternative by doing the benefit and cost analysis based on a new market share, the value of time, and the value of reliability. Finally, a set of promising policies and system improvement of the water transportation were proposed. 相似文献
Valuation of travel time savings is a critical measure in transport infrastructure appraisal, traffic modelling and network performance. It has been recognised for some time that the travel times associated with repeated trips are subject to variation, and hence there is risk embedded in the treatment of expected travel time. In the context of the expected utility framework, we use a nonlinear probability weighting function to accommodate choice made under risk. Although the empirical findings suggest small differences between the value of expected travel time savings (VETTS) in the presence and absence of risk, the mean estimate does make a noticeable difference to time benefits when applied to real projects. By incorporating nonlinear probability weighting, our model reveals that the probabilities associated with specific travel times that are shown to respondents in the choice experiment are transformed, resulting in overweighting of outcomes with low probabilities and underweighting of outcomes with high probabilities. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper presents an empirical study in investigating user heterogeneity of Value of Time (VOT) and Value of Reliability (VOR). Combined Revealed Preference (RP) and Stated Preference (SP) data were used to understand traveler choice behavior regarding the usage of managed lanes (MLs). The data were obtained from the South Florida Expressway Stated Preference Survey, which focused on automobile drivers who had traveled on the I-75, I-95, or SR 826 corridors in South Florida. Mixed logit modeling was applied and indicated an average value of $13.55 per hour for VOT and $16.13 per hour for VOR. Potential sources of heterogeneity in user sensitivities to time, reliability, and cost were identified and quantified by adding interaction effects of the variables in the mixed logit model. The findings indicated that various socioeconomic demographic characteristics and trip attributes contributed to the variations in VOT and VOR at different magnitudes. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding on what attributes lead to higher or lower VOT and VOR and to what extent. These findings can be incorporated into the demand forecasting process and lead to better estimates and enhanced analytical capabilities in various applications, such as toll feasibility studies, pricing strategy and policy evaluations, and impact analysis. 相似文献
Luiz A. D. S. Senna 《Transportation》1994,21(2):203-228
Current benefits from travel time savings have only been related to the benefits from reducing mean travel time. Some previous attempts of including variability in the generalised cost function have mainly assumed commuters with fixed arrival time. This paper presents a comprehensive framework for valuing travel time variability that allows for any journey purpose and arrival time constraint. The proposed model is based on the expected utility approach and the mean-standard deviation approach. Stated Preference methods are considered the best technique for providing the data for calibrating the models. The values of time derived from the models are highly influenced by the value of travel time variability and it strongly depends on the probability distribution function travellers are faced with. 相似文献
Abstract This paper investigates the effect of travel time variability on drivers' route choice behavior in the context of Shanghai, China. A stated preference survey is conducted to collect drivers' hypothetical choice between two alternative routes with designated unequal travel time and travel time variability. A binary choice model is developed to quantify trade-offs between travel time and travel time variability across various types of drivers. In the model, travel time and travel time variability are, respectively, measured by expectation and standard deviation of random travel time. The model shows that travel time and travel time variability on a route exert similarly negative effects on drivers' route choice behavior. In particular, it is found that middle-age drivers are more sensitive to travel time variability and less likely to choose a route with travel time uncertainty than younger and elder drivers. In addition, it is shown that taxi drivers are more sensitive to travel time and more inclined to choose a route with less travel time. Drivers with rich driving experience are less likely to choose a route with travel time uncertainty. 相似文献
This paper reports the most extensive meta-analysis of values of time yet conducted, covering 3109 monetary valuations assembled from 389 European studies conducted between 1963 and 2011. It aims to explain how valuations vary across studies, including over time and between countries. In addition to the customary coverage of in-vehicle time in review studies, this paper covers valuations of walk time, wait time, service headway, parking space search time, departure time switching, time in congested traffic, schedule delay early and late, mean lateness and the standard deviation of travel time. Valuations are found to vary with type of time, GDP, distance, journey purpose, mode, the monetary numeraire and a number of factors related to estimation. Model output values of time compare favourably with earnings data, replicate well official recommended values obtained from major national studies, and are transferable across countries. These implied monetary values serve as very useful benchmarks against which new evidence can be assessed and the meta-model provides parameters and values for countries and contexts where there is no other such evidence. 相似文献
Maria Börjesson Mogens FosgerauStaffan Algers 《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2012,46(2):368-377
Transport infrastructure is long-term and in appraisal it is necessary to value travel time savings for future years. This requires knowing how the value of time (VTT) will develop over time as incomes grow. This paper investigates if the cross-sectional income elasticity of the VTT is equal to inter-temporal income elasticity. The study is based on two identical stated choice experiments conducted with a 13 year interval. Results indicate that the relationship between income and the VTT in the cross-section has remained unchanged over time. As a consequence, the inter-temporal income elasticity of the VTT can be predicted based on cross-sectional income elasticity. However, the income elasticity of the VTT is not a constant but increases with income. For this reason, the average income elasticity of the VTT in the cross-sections has increased between the two survey years and can be expected to increase further over time. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2001,35(4):339-369
Using the conceptual framework of time–space geography, this paper incorporates both spatio-temporal constraints and household interaction effects into a meaningful measure of the potential of a household to interact with the built environment. Within this context, personal accessibility is described as a measure of the potential ability of individuals within a household not only to reach activity opportunities, but to do so with sufficient time available for participation in those activities, subject to the spatio-temporal constraints imposed by their daily obligations and transportation supply environment. The incorporation of activity-based concepts in the measurement of accessibility as a product of travel time savings not only explicitly acknowledges a temporal dimension in assessing the potential for spatial interaction but also expands the applicability of accessibility consideration to such real-world policy options as the promotion of ride-sharing and trip chaining behaviors. An empirical application of the model system provides an indication of the potential of activity-based modeling approaches to assess the bounds on achievable improvements in accessibility and travel time based on daily household activity patterns. It also provides an assessment of roles for trip chaining and ride-sharing as potentially effective methods to facilitate transportation policy objectives. 相似文献
This paper examines the variation in the value of travel-time savings (VTTS), a fundamental element determining the market demand for high-speed rail. Following a review of time allocation theories, a time allocation model for general travel behavior is proposed as a further elaboration of Evans’ (1972) activities analysis. There are relationships among activities that can be expressed using a linear inequality to show the constraints on the arrangement of activities. This model indicates that two or more activities can be simultaneously rearranged to improve time management, which may be a source of variation in VTTS. This time allocation model can explain why large-scale high-speed rail construction in China faces significant market risks and a high likelihood of economic loss. Data from a new ticket sales and booking system for railway passengers indicate that passengers prefer conventional overnight sleeper trains, rather than high-speed trains, for long-distance travel, which supports the analysis of the time allocation model. 相似文献
Traffic incidents are recognised as one of the key sources of non-recurrent congestion that often leads to reduction in travel time reliability (TTR), a key metric of roadway performance. A method is proposed here to quantify the impacts of traffic incidents on TTR on freeways. The method uses historical data to establish recurrent speed profiles and identifies non-recurrent congestion based on their negative impacts on speeds. The locations and times of incidents are used to identify incidents among non-recurrent congestion events. Buffer time is employed to measure TTR. Extra buffer time is defined as the extra delay caused by traffic incidents. This reliability measure indicates how much extra travel time is required by travellers to arrive at their destination on time with 95% certainty in the case of an incident, over and above the travel time that would have been required under recurrent conditions. An extra buffer time index (EBTI) is defined as the ratio of extra buffer time to recurrent travel time, with zero being the best case (no delay). A Tobit model is used to identify and quantify factors that affect EBTI using a selected freeway segment in the Southeast Queensland, Australia network. Both fixed and random parameter Tobit specifications are tested. The estimation results reveal that models with random parameters offer a superior statistical fit for all types of incidents, suggesting the presence of unobserved heterogeneity across segments. What factors influence EBTI depends on the type of incident. In addition, changes in TTR as a result of traffic incidents are related to the characteristics of the incidents (multiple vehicles involved, incident duration, major incidents, etc.) and traffic characteristics. 相似文献
As intelligent transportation systems (ITS) approach the realm of widespread deployment, there is an increasing need to robustly capture the variability of link travel time in real-time to generate reliable predictions of real-time traffic conditions. This study proposes an adaptive information fusion model to predict the short-term link travel time distribution by iteratively combining past information on link travel time on the current day with the real-time link travel time information available at discrete time points. The past link travel time information is represented as a discrete distribution. The real-time link travel time is represented as a range, and is characterized using information quality in terms of information accuracy and time delay. A nonlinear programming formulation is used to specify the adaptive information fusion model to update the short-term link travel time distribution by focusing on information quality. The model adapts good information by weighing it higher while shielding the effects of bad information by reducing its weight. Numerical experiments suggest that the proposed model adequately represents the short-term link travel time distribution in terms of accuracy and robustness, while ensuring consistency with ambient traffic flow conditions. Further, they illustrate that the mean of a representative short-term travel time distribution is not necessarily a good tracking indicator of the actual (ground truth) time-dependent travel time on that link. Parametric sensitivity analysis illustrates that information accuracy significantly influences the model, and dominates the effects of time delay and the consistency constraint parameter. The proposed information fusion model bridges key methodological gaps in the ITS deployment context related to information fusion and the need for short-term travel time distributions. 相似文献
This paper presents a general framework to estimate the bus user time benefits of a median busway including the effects on travel time and access time. Unlike previous models, we take into account the effects of geometry and the interaction with the demand structure. Models for predicting the bus in-vehicle time benefits of a median dual carriageway busway against mixed traffic condition on 2 and 3 lanes roads are estimated using data from a case study in Santiago (Chile), using a bus travel time model empirically estimated and considering different base case situations, including mixed traffic operations and bus lanes. Results of the application show that the expected in-vehicle time savings of a median busway might be reduced by access time losses due to increased walking distances and road crossing delays. Also, that net time benefits can vary significantly according to the base situation and the structure of demand considered. These findings point out to the need of including a wider set of impacts when studying the benefits of median busways, beyond in-vehicle time savings only. The empirical work presented here is completely based on passive data coming from GPS and smartcards, what makes easier and cheaper to conduct this type of analysis as well as to do it with a comprehensive scope at an early stage of the development of a BRT project. This framework can be extended to other types of dedicated bus lanes provided that a corresponding bus travel time savings model is available. 相似文献
The impacts of household structure on the individual stochastic travel and out‐of‐home activity time budgets

The amount of time individuals and households spend in travelling and in out‐of‐door activities can be seen as a result of complex daily interactions between household members, influenced by opportunities and constraints, which vary from day to day. Extending the deterministic concept of travel time budget to a stochastic term and applying a stochastic frontier model to a dataset from the 2004 UK National Travel Survey, this study examines the hidden stochastic limit and the variations of the individual and household travel time and out‐of‐home activity duration—concepts associated with travel time budget. The results show that most individuals may not have reached the limit of their ability to travel and may still be able to spend further time in travel activities. The analysis of the model outcomes and distribution tests show that among a range of employment statuses, only full‐time workers' out‐of‐home time expenditure has reached its limit. Also observed is the effect of having children in the household: Children reduce the flexibility of hidden constraints of adult household members' out‐of‐home time, thus reducing their ability to be further engaged with out‐of‐home activities. Even when out‐of‐home trips are taken into account in the analysis, the model shows that the dependent children's in‐home responsibility reduces the ability of an individual to travel to and to be engaged with out‐of‐home activities. This study also suggests that, compared with the individual travel time spent, the individual out‐of‐home time expenditure may perform as a better budget indicator in drawing the constraints of individual space–time prisms. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim 《运输规划与技术》2017,40(6):641-660
In this paper, travel utility is conceptualized into the elements of disutility, or derived utility, and positive utility, which includes synergistic and intrinsic utility, and then analyzed in terms of the effects of these elements on weekly travel time according to three travel modes – the automobile, public transit, and nonmotorized modes – and on the choice of the annually most used mode. Linear regressions on mode-specific travel time and a multinomial logistic regression on mode choice show that, compared to life situation and land-use characteristics, utility elements are among the strongest travel determinants. Specifically, while some utility elements contribute exclusively to shifting the mode of travel and others to increasing nonmotorized travel, modal shift is most strongly affected by a disutility element, trip timeliness, and the increase in nonmotorized travel by a positive utility element, amenities. 相似文献
Five activity-travel choice dimensions, including three activity time allocation decisions and two work-related travel choices, are jointly modeled using the structural equation model in order to accommodate the complex interactions among them. Via a two-step estimation approach, the behavioral pattern underlying activity-travel decisions is explicitly revealed. For example, it demonstrates the priority with respect to subsistence activity, maintenance activity, and recreation activity due to a limited time budget; and bus commuting behavior positively influences the time allocated to the maintenance activity. In addition, two attitudinal factors are constructed and confirmed to have important effects on the five behavioral dimensions, which contribute to reveal the decision-making process from the perspective of psychology. This comprehensive framework is expected to provide important implications for mobility management and urban planning. 相似文献
Maria Börjesson Jonas Eliasson 《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2012,46(4):673-683
We estimate the value of time savings, different cycling environments and additional benefits in cost-benefit analysis of cycling investments. Cyclists’ value of travel time savings turns out to be high, considerably higher than the value of time savings on alternative modes. Cyclists also value other improvements highly, such as separated bicycle lanes. As to additional benefits of cycling improvements in the form of health and reduced car traffic, our results do not support the notion that these will be a significant part in a cost-benefit analysis. Bicyclists seem to take health largely into account when making their travel choices, implying that it would be double-counting to add total health benefits to the analysis once the consumer surplus has been correctly calculated. As to reductions in car traffic, our results indicate that the cross-elasticity between car and cycle is low, and hence benefits from traffic reductions will be small. However, the valuations of improved cycling speeds and comfort are so high that it seems likely that improvements for cyclists are cost-effective compared to many other types of investments, without having to invoke second-order, indirect effects. In other words, our results suggest that bicycle should be viewed as a competitive mode of travel and not primarily as a means to achieve improved health or reduced car traffic. 相似文献
Using data from over 2000 convenience store customers within and outside London, this paper explores how individuals access their convenience stores and how significant the influence of their socio-demographics, shopping types and trip chaining is to their mode choice in visiting the stores. Trip chaining is found to be crucial in influencing customers' mode choice and their visit frequency. The application of logit models also shows that frequent shoppers are the ones most likely to visit the stores on foot. Interestingly, the estimation results also show that the location's density, shopping types and the day of the week are not significant in influencing travel modes. Customers who live in the most deprived areas are less likely to use a private car in visiting the stores. 相似文献
Mutual interactions between transportation and land use have long been debated. Despite progress made in computational technology, the study of these interactions is not adequately developed. The most important aspect of such interactions is given by the changes in land values due to changes in transportation infrastructures. We consider the behavioural features of these interactions along with the constraints on the land and/or zoning restrictions and propose a reliable model for the first time to predict land value changes with respect to changes in transportation facilities and accessibility. The proposed model is a logit-based mathematical programming methodology where the relative price of land is predicted with respect to transportation accessibility, neighbourhood amenities, location premium, availability of land, and zoning regulations. A real-world case study is used to exhibit the applicability of the proposed methodology and demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithms and procedures. 相似文献