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Geographic Information System (GIS) is an “intelligent” technology which integrates attribute data and spatial features and manages the relationship between them. GIS is widely used in many activities, but its application in transportation is less common. The extension of GIS into transportation (GIS‐T) offers the potential to integrate transportation data into GIS. The integration of transportation data in GIS faces a number of barriers that are discussed in the paper. These barriers can be broadly categorized into data attribution and network representation issues. This paper analyzes these issues and reviews the potential for overcoming these constraints with current GIS technology. A fully developed GIS‐T has to meet many diverse needs including transportation inventory, modeling and operational problems. If GIS is to succeed as a transportation technology, it must be capable of integrating different levels of network representation and data attribution and have the ability to link with other transportation technologies.  相似文献   


Both the geographic information system (GIS) and transportation modeling environments have seen continually developing analytic concepts and techniques. However, these developments have seldom resulted in the integration of GISs and transportation models. This paper explores the potential inherent in merging of these environments through a systematic investigation of the fundamental basis of integration. To do this, the traditional four step transportation modeling process is extended to include input and output steps. We then define functional components for GIS data handling — data management, manipulation, and analysis. The steps of modeling are matched against the list of GIS data handling functions within a matrix‐based framework. GIS functions that enhance a land‐use based urban transportation modeling process are then categorized. Conclusions are drawn and directions for future developments are discussed.  相似文献   


The main purpose of this paper is to develop an efficient method to design traffic analysis zones (TAZs), which is necessary for implementing a planning process with Geographic Information System (GIS) for Transportation (GIS‐T), using statistical spatial data analyses and GIS technology. The major roles of GIS in this method are: (1) to produce basic spatial units (BSUs) with topological data structure; (2) to integrate various procedures during the TAZ generation including computer program routines; and (3) to visualize the output of each TAZ generation. One of the most significant reasons for obtaining well‐defined TAZs is the fact that they are defined at the outset of transportation demand modeling, used from trip generation to trip assignment, and will ultimately affect transportation policy decisions.

Toward obtaining well‐defined TAZs, this paper concentrates on two important constraints: homogeneity and contiguity. Iterative partitioning technique is adopted to promote the optimum homogeneity of generated TAZs, while a contiguity checking algorithm is developed to ensure contiguous TAZs are generated by the iterative partitioning technique.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to implement an efficient method for GIS‐based traffic analysis zone (TAZ) design in order to evaluate and validate such a method. The method was developed by the authors.

Moran's I spatial autocorrelation coefficient and sample variance are used for evaluating the generated TAZs using the Champaign‐Urbana, IL region as a case study. Sensitivity analysis is also conducted to explore the fluctuations in TAZ generation outcomes. The evaluation, the validation as well as the TAZ design have been implemented with ARC/INFO GIS software on a UNIX workstation platform.  相似文献   


This paper explores the tenuous link between speeding behavior and accident causation, one that has not been well established in the international literature to date. Taking advantage of established engineering conventions and formulae, we were able to set up an a priori hypothesis suitable for testing. Utilizing this formal scientific method (which GIS researchers have been criticised for not using) we establish a statistical link for this relationship. Our methodology can be used to support all police intervention strategies, including the controversial photo radar systems. The results from our research have been entered into a GIS in order to create a map for spatial display. This map illustrates the relative probability or risk of collision occurrence resulting from speeding at all intersections and interchanges within the scope of the study. It is suggested that this methodology could easily be maintained with periodic updates of data, thus creating a dynamic model from which to monitor traffic safety within the city. Furthermore, this model can be utilized to study specific strategies, allowing for the scrutiny of before, during and after effects. The study area is the entire city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and includes all traffic collisions occurring during the year of 1994.  相似文献   

The production function approach is used to introduce the effect of public infrastructure on economic growth focusing on its spillover effects. We improve the existing literature both from a conceptual and methodological perspective. As regressors we incorporate variables related to the new concepts of internal and imported transport infrastructure capital stocks, which are actually used in commercial flows, calculated by network analysis performed in GIS. The internally used capital stock represents own infrastructure that benefits accessing markets within the region itself, while the imported capital stock captures the spillover effect associated to the use of the infrastructure situated in neighboring regions. From a methodological perspective, we introduce spatial interdependence into these models, applying the most recent spatial econometric techniques based on instrumental variables estimation in spatial autoregressive panel models in comparison with Maximum Likelihood estimation methods. We illustrate the methodology with Spanish provincial panel data for the period 1980–2007. Results support the hypothesis that the imported capital has a positive spillover effect on production.  相似文献   

Global Positioning System (GPS) data have become ubiquitous in many areas of transportation planning and research. The usefulness of GPS data often depends on the points being matched to the true sequence of edges on the underlying street network – a process known as ‘map matching.’ This paper presents a new map-matching algorithm that is designed for use with poor-quality GPS traces in urban environments, where drivers may circle for parking and GPS quality may be affected by underground parking and tall buildings. The paper is accompanied by open-source Python code that is designed to work with a PostGIS spatial database. In a test dataset that includes many poor-quality traces, our new algorithm accurately matches about one-third more traces than a widely available alternative. Our algorithm also provides a ‘match score’ that evaluates the likelihood that the match for an individual trace is correct, reducing the need for manual inspection.  相似文献   


The scheduling operations of many paratransit agencies in the United States are undertaken manually. Those customers who are eligible to travel call in their requests the day before the trip is needed. As the trip requests are received, they are entered into a list of unscheduled trips. In order to schedule these trips, the scheduler must first determine the number of drivers and shuttle buses that are available as well as the time of availability of each. The scheduler must then try to match the rides that are in “similar” areas around the “same” time to place together on the driver's schedule. As new trip requests are made, the schedulers must adjust the trips that are already scheduled to try and schedule as many trips as possible in the most efficient way.

By developing a system that would improve the scheduling system operations of, in this case, DART (Delaware Administration for Regional Transit) First State Paratransit, customers can expect to receive better service that will improve their ability to travel throughout the community. Some devices that could also improve the operations of paratransit agencies are described in this paper, such as satellite‐based Global Positioning System (GPS), radio communication systems, mobile computers, radio frequency‐based data communication systems, internet web pages, automated paratransit information systems, and card‐based data storage and transfer media. However, because paratransit systems are difficult to operate cost‐efficiently, the optimum and most cost‐efficient device must be selected. The system chosen for DART First State Paratransit includes the use of a relational database management system (RDMS) and a transportation Geographic Information System (GIS). RDMS keeps track of the database information as well as the scheduled trips and the GIS is ideal for analyzing both geographic and temporal data. This system is shown to be superior to the manual system.  相似文献   

In the last decades, due to the population increase and the relative need of new land to cultivate, expand urban centers and develop transportation networks, most of the Italian natural protected areas are subject to different typologies of human pressures that generally cause habitat fragmentation. This process represents a major concern for biodiversity conservation and a key driver of species loss.The main purpose of this paper was to investigate levels of natural habitat fragmentation due to roads and railways networks in the Italian National Parks (INPS) through the use of an Infrastructural Fragmentation Index (IFI).All the operations (geospatial analysis, image classification, and fragmentation analysis) were performed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) software for elaborating a national database. The obtained results include an IFI value for each natural territorial unit inside any INP. Moreover, in order to highlight which are the INPS characterized by higher infrastructural fragmentations, an IFI weighted mean was calculated for each INP. These results represent important indicators for the prioritization of biodiversity conservation interventions and the planning of a INPS sustainable management.  相似文献   

An efficient optimization approach, called feasible gate (FG), is developed to enhance the computation efficiency and solution quality of the previously developed highway alignment optimization (HAO) model. This approach seeks to realistically represent various user preferences and environmentally sensitive areas and consider them along with geometric design constraints in the optimization process. This is done by avoiding the generation of infeasible solutions that violate various constraints and thus focusing the search on the feasible solutions. The proposed method is simple, but improves significantly the model's computation time and solution quality. Such improvements are demonstrated with two test examples from a real road project.  相似文献   

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