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One of the most common measures of signalized intersection operation is the amount of delay a vehicle incurs while passing through the intersection. Traditional models for estimating vehicle delay at intersections generally assume fixed signal timing and uniform arrival rates for vehicles approaching the intersection. One would expect that highly variable arrival rates would result in much longer delays than uniform arrival rates of the same average magnitude. Furthermore, one might expect that signal timing that is adjusted according to traffic volume would result in lower delay signal when variations in flow warrant such adjustable timing. This paper attempts to test several hypotheses concerning the effects of variable traffic arrival rates and adjusted signal timing through the use of simulation. The simulation results corroborate the hypothesis concerning the effect of varying arrival rates. As the variance of the arrival rate over time increases, the average delay per vehicle also increases. Signal timing adjustments based on traffic appear to decrease delay when flow rates vary greatly. As flow variations stabilize, the benefits of signal adjustments tend to diminish.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a pedestrian delay model suitable for signalized intersections in developing cities, on the basis of a field study conducted in Xi’an, China. The field study consisted of two parts: Part I involved only one crosswalk, and the signal cycle was divided into 13 subphases; Part II involved 13 crosswalks, but the signal cycles were only divided into green phases and non-green phases. It was found that pedestrian arrival rates were not uniform throughout cycles; pedestrians arriving during green phases might also receive delays; pedestrian signal non-compliance was so severe that delays were greatly reduced, but non-complying pedestrians might still receive delays; and for pedestrians walking different directions, though the relationships between average delay and arrival subphase were different, the overall average delays were almost the same. On the basis of the field study results, some assumptions are made about the relationship between average pedestrian delay and arrival subphase, and a new model is developed to estimate pedestrian delays at signalized intersections. The model is validated using the field data, and the validation results indicate that in Xi’an the new model provides much more accurate estimation than the existing models.  相似文献   


This paper develops a model for estimating unsignalized intersection delays which can be applied to traffic assignment (TA) models. Current unsignalized intersection delay models have been developed mostly for operational purposes, and demand detailed geometric data and complicated procedures to estimate delay. These difficulties result in unsignalized intersection delays being ignored or assumed as a constant in TA models.

Video and vehicle license plate number recognition methods are used to collect traffic volume data and to measure delays during peak and off-peak traffic periods at four unsignalized intersections in the city of Tehran, Iran. Data on geometric design elements are measured through field surveys. An empirical approach is used to develop a delay model as a function of influencing factors based on 5- and 15-min time intervals. The proposed model estimates delays on each approach based on total traffic volumes, rights-of-way of the subject approach and the intersection friction factor. The effect of conflicting traffic flows is considered implicitly by using the intersection friction factor. As a result, the developed delay model guarantees the convergence of TA solution methods.

A comparison between delay models performed using different time intervals shows that the coefficients of determination, R 2, increases from 43.2% to 63.1% as the time interval increases from 5- to 15-min. The US Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) delay model (which is widely used in Iran) is validated using the field data and it is found that it overestimates delay, especially in the high delay ranges.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development and validation of uniform delay models for coordinated signalized intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) identifies one uniform and five non-uniform (platoon) arrival types. Delays for non-uniform arrival cases are computed by applying progression adjustment factors (PFs) to the delay for uniform arrival case. The range of PF is from 0% to 256%. We found that the PF approach produced accurate results for only one-half of cases. This paper presents an Arrival-Based approach that eliminates the needs for applying PF. The AB approach directly considers the effects of quality of progression in formulating delay models. It uses different flow rates for vehicles within and outside platoons. A total of 11 different delay models were derived to cover all arrival cases. Data from three different states were used for validation of AB delay models. The results indicate that AB models provided accurate results for all arrival types. However, HCM uniform delay model was not accurate for Arrival Types 1, 4 and 6. Furthermore, the results of cycle-by-cycle delay analyses showed that the difference between field delays and AB models were not significant, but that was not the case for the HCM model. The AB models can be simplified to yield the HCM uniform delay model, if a single regime arrival rate is assumed. Single regime arrival rate implies that the flow rate for vehicles in platoon is the same as those arriving randomly. For only the uniform arrival case, the AB delay model is identical to the HCM delay model; thus making the HCM uniform delay model a special case of AB models.  相似文献   

How to estimate queue length in real-time at signalized intersection is a long-standing problem. The problem gets even more difficult when signal links are congested. The traditional input–output approach for queue length estimation can only handle queues that are shorter than the distance between vehicle detector and intersection stop line, because cumulative vehicle count for arrival traffic is not available once the detector is occupied by the queue. In this paper, instead of counting arrival traffic flow in the current signal cycle, we solve the problem of measuring intersection queue length by exploiting the queue discharge process in the immediate past cycle. Using high-resolution “event-based” traffic signal data, and applying Lighthill–Whitham–Richards (LWR) shockwave theory, we are able to identify traffic state changes that distinguish queue discharge flow from upstream arrival traffic. Therefore, our approach can estimate time-dependent queue length even when the signal links are congested with long queues. Variations of the queue length estimation model are also presented when “event-based” data is not available. Our models are evaluated by comparing the estimated maximum queue length with the ground truth data observed from the field. Evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed models can estimate long queues with satisfactory accuracy. Limitations of the proposed model are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The turning behavior is one of the most challenging driving maneuvers under non-protected phase at mixed-flow intersections. Currently, one-dimensional simulation models focus on car-following and gap-acceptance behaviors in pre-defined lanes with few lane-changing behaviors, and they cannot model the lateral and longitudinal behaviors simultaneously, which has limitation in representing the realistic turning behavior. This paper proposes a three-layered “plan-decision-action” (PDA) framework to obtain acceleration and angular velocity in the turning process. The plan layer firstly calculates the two-dimensional optimal path and dynamically adjusts the trajectories according to interacting objects. The decision layer then uses the decision tree method to select a suitable behavior in three alternatives: car-following, turning and yielding. Finally, in the action layer, a set of corresponding operational models specify the decided behavior into control parameters. The proposed model is tested by reproducing 210 trajectories of left-turn vehicles at a two-phase mixed-flow intersection in Shanghai. As a result, the simulation reproduces the variation of trajectories, while the coverage rate of the trajectories is 88.8%. Meanwhile, both the travel time and post-encroachment time of simulation and empirical turning vehicles are similar and do not show statistically significant difference.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for analyzing the capacity of all-way stop-controlled intersections and the data that have been collected to validate and support the methodology. The rate of departure from one approach of an all-way stop-controlled intersection is controlled by the presence or absence of vehicles on the other approaches. This degree of conflict is classified into a set of unique cases. Field measurements covering over 20,000 vehicle headways were classified into five degree of conflict cases. The model forecasts the mean departure headway based on the probability of occurrence of each degree of conflict case. ©  相似文献   

Enhancing the safety level of urban roads especially in CBDs is paramount. Due to a large number of intersections in what is usually a grid road system in the CBDs, we investigate crashes occurring in and around an intersection. The question of interest in this study is: does the nature of crashes at intersections differ from those of the roads at midblock? Stated more precisely, considering the intersection as a reference point, does the distance to the reference point (i.e. midblock locations on the roads) correlate with different types of crashes compared to that of the intersection? A right answer can lead traffic engineers and safety auditors to propose different safety measures at intersections and the midblock locations. As a pilot study, we collected the last 9 years crash data of the CBD of Melbourne, Australia. For the first time, we employ Survival Analysis models -including Exponential, Weibull, and Log-logistic- to investigate a space-dependent phenomenon (i.e. accidents at proximity to the intersection). Of the outcome, highlights are: (i) police presence at busy intersections during busy night outs and weekends highly improves the pedestrian safety (ii) raised crossings at midblock locations lower likelihood of crashes of pedestrians as well as cars, (iii) lighting conditions at intersections must be watched and kept at a high level. (iv) Severity, likelihood, and location have no known association with the level of congestion. In other words, safety is first, always and everywhere. The results can be of interest to traffic authorities and policy makers in reinforcing traffic calming measures in the cities. The codes developed in this study are made available to the research community to be used in further studies.  相似文献   

An enhanced Delay Propagation Tree model with Bayesian Network (DPT-BN) is developed to model multi-flight delay propagation and delay interdependencies. Using a set of real airline data, results show that flights have non-homogeneous delay propagation effects. The DPT-BN model is used to infer posterior delay profiles with different delay and scheduling scenarios. The major contribution of the DPT-BN model is to demonstrate how the modelling of non-independent and identically distributed delay profiles is more realistic for the observed delay propagation mechanism, and how robust airline scheduling methodologies can benefit from this probability-based delay model.  相似文献   

The following paper presents a dynamic macroscopic model for unsignalized intersections which accounts for time-limited disruptions in the minor stream flow, even in free-flow conditions when the average flow demand is satisfied. It introduces a deterministic fictive traffic light to represent an average alternating sequence of available and busy time periods for insertion depending on the major stream flow. Two allocation schemes of the total outflow during green periods are developed to model the influence or non-influence of the minor stream over the major stream flow. The aggregation of the resulting dynamic flow variations gives relevant capacity values. Moreover, the model predicts accurate average vehicle delay and queue length estimates compared to theoretical and empirical data. It has three easy-to-measure parameters and can be integrated into a dynamic macroscopic simulation tool for urban networks.  相似文献   

Despite extensive studies have been reported to address the operational issues of full Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI) in the literature, the asymmetric two-leg CFI, which is more applicable in practice, has not received adequate attentions yet. To satisfy such need, this study develops two signal optimization models for asymmetric CFI based on its unique geometric features. The first proposed model, following a two-step procedure, determines the cycle length, phase design and sequence, and green split in the first step and optimizes intersection offset in the second step. To benefit both intersections’ capacity maximization and signal progression design by optimizing phase plan and sequence, the second proposed model takes the Mixed-Integer-Linear-Programming (MILP) technique to concurrently optimize all signal control variables. With extensive case studies on a field site in Maryland, the simulation results prove that the proposed models can effectively provide signal progression to critical path-flows and prevent the potential queue spillover on the short turning bays/links. Further comparisons between the two proposed models reveal that the second model is more flexible in designing phase plan but the first model performs better in reducing link queue length.  相似文献   

This note examines if offsetting driver behavior affects rear end crashes at intersections with red light cameras. It models offsetting driver behavior and estimates simultaneous probit equations to analyze this behavior. It finds that in the city considered the effect of red light cameras on the probability of a rear end crash occurring is very strong and positive, thus suggesting that offsetting behavior is present.  相似文献   

Macroscopic pedestrian models for bidirectional flow analysis encounter limitations in describing microscopic dynamics at crosswalks. Pedestrian behavior at crosswalks is typically characterized by the evasive effect with conflicting pedestrians and vehicles and the following effect with leading pedestrians. This study proposes a hybrid approach (i.e., route search and social force-based approach) for modeling of pedestrian movement at signalized crosswalks. The key influential factors, i.e., leading pedestrians, conflict with opposite pedestrians, collision avoidance with vehicles, and compromise with traffic lights, are considered. Aerial video data collected at one intersection in Beijing, China were recorded and extracted. A new calibration approach based on a genetic algorithm is proposed that enables optimization of the relative error of pedestrian trajectory in two dimensions, i.e., moving distance and angle. Model validation is conducted by comparison with the observed trajectories in five typical cases of pedestrian crossing with or without conflict between pedestrians and vehicles. The characteristics of pedestrian flow, speed, acceleration, pedestrian-vehicle conflict, and the lane formation phenomenon were compared with those from two competitive models, thus demonstrating the advantage of the proposed model.  相似文献   

We study how to estimate real time queue lengths at signalized intersections using intersection travel times collected from mobile traffic sensors. The estimation is based on the observation that critical pattern changes of intersection travel times or delays, such as the discontinuities (i.e., sudden and dramatic increases in travel times) and non-smoothness (i.e., changes of slopes of travel times), indicate signal timing or queue length changes. By detecting these critical points in intersection travel times or delays, the real time queue length can be re-constructed. We first introduce the concept of Queue Rear No-delay Arrival Time which is related to the non-smoothness of queuing delay patterns and queue length changes. We then show how measured intersection travel times from mobile sensors can be processed to generate sample vehicle queuing delays. Under the uniform arrival assumption, the queuing delays reduce linearly within a cycle. The delay pattern can be estimated by a linear fitting method using sample queuing delays. Queue Rear No-delay Arrival Time can then be obtained from the delay pattern, and be used to estimate the maximum and minimum queue lengths of a cycle, based on which the real-time queue length curve can also be constructed. The model and algorithm are tested in a field experiment and in simulation.  相似文献   

The vehicular ad hoc network has great potential in improving traffic safety. One of the most important and interesting issues in the research community is the safety evaluation with limited penetration rates of vehicles equipped with inter-vehicular communications. In this paper, a stochastic model is proposed for analyzing the vehicle chain collisions. It takes into account the influences of different penetration rates, the stochastic nature of inter-vehicular distance distribution, and the different kinematic parameters related to driver and vehicle. The usability and accuracy of this model is tested and proved by comparative experiments with Monte Carlo simulations. The collision outcomes of a platoon in different penetration rates and traffic scenarios are also analyzed based on this model. These results are useful to provide theoretical insights into the safety control of a heterogeneous platoon.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic delay model for signalized intersections with right‐turn channelization lanes considering the possibility of blockage. Right‐turn channelization is used to improve the capacity and to reduce delay at busy intersections with a lot of right‐turns. However, under heavy traffic conditions the through vehicles will likely block the channelization entrance that accrues delay to right‐turn vehicles. If the right‐turn channelization gets blocked frequently, its advantage in reducing the intersection delay is neglected and as a result the channelization lane becomes inefficient and redundant. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) neglects the blockage effect, which may be a reason for low efficiency during peak hours. More importantly, using HCM or other standard traffic control methods without considering the blockage effects would lead to underestimation of the delay. To overcome this issue, the authors proposed delay models by taking into account both deterministic and random aspects of vehicles arrival patterns at signalized intersections. The proposed delay model was validated through VISSIM, a microscopic simulation model. The results showed that the proposed model is very precise and accurately estimates the delay. In addition, it was found that the length of short‐lane section and proportion of right‐turn and through traffic significantly influence the approach delay. For operational purposes, the authors provided a step‐by‐step delay calculation process and presented approach delay estimates for different sets of traffic volumes, signal settings, and short‐lane section lengths. The delay estimates would be useful in evaluating adequacy of the current lengths, identifying the options of extending the short‐lane section length, or changing signal timing to reduce the likelihood of blockage. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a strategic signal control, which anticipates travelers' route choice response and determines signal timings to optimize network‐wide objectives. In general traffic assignment models are used for anticipating this route choice response. However, model‐reality mismatch usually brings suboptimal solutions to the real system. A repeated anticipatory control resolves the suboptimality and addresses the modeling error by learning from information on model bias. This paper extends the repeated control approach and focuses on the estimation of flow sensitivity as well as its influence on control, which is a crucial issue in implementation of model bias correction. The main objective of this paper is first to analyze the estimation error in the real flow derivative that is estimated from noisy measurements. A dual control method is then presented, improving both optimization objective function and derivative estimation during the control process. The proposed dual algorithm is tested on a simple network as well as on a midsize network. Numerical examples confirm the reliable performance of the new reality‐tracking control strategy and its ability to identify (local) optimal solutions on real traffic networks. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Road traffic noise models are fundamental tools for designing and implementing appropriate prevention plans to minimize and control noise levels in urban areas. The objective of this study is to develop a traffic noise model to simulate the average equivalent sound pressure level at road intersections based on traffic flow and site characteristics, in the city of Cartagena de Indias (Cartagena), Colombia. Motorcycles are included as an additional vehicle category since they represent more than 30% of the total traffic flow and a distinctive source of noise that needs to be characterized. Noise measurements are collected using a sound level meter Type II. The data analysis leads to the development of noise maps and a general mathematical model for the city of Cartagena, Colombia, which correlates the sound levels as a function of vehicle flow within road intersections. The highest noise levels were 79.7 dB(A) for the road intersection María Auxiliadora during the week (business days) and 77.7 dB(A) for the road intersection India Catalina during weekends (non-business days). Although traffic and noise are naturally related, the intersections with higher vehicle flow did not have the highest noise levels. The roadway noise for these intersections in the city of Cartagena exceeds current limit standards. The roadway noise model is able to satisfactorily predict noise emissions for road intersections in the city of Cartagena, Colombia.  相似文献   

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