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The Chinese people have just celebrated the Spring Festival, the Year of Dragon. Viewing back to the past year and looking to the future of the new year, I'm full of confidence on China's economy, and as a shipping man, even more delighted to see the recovery of Chinese shipping market and its booming prospects. 1. RAPID AND HEALTHY ECONOMIC GROWTH SUSTAINABLE China has succeeded in keeping its economy at a reasonable growth rate in the past year-the gross domestic product (GDP) for 1999 reached 7.1 per cent, which is very  相似文献   

The China Shipping Prosperity Index (CSPI) for the third quarter has climbed 15 points from the second quarter to 101.7 points, back to positive territory, which is above 100 points, according to the latest report form Shanghai International Shipping Institute (SISI). This is the first time since the third quarter of 2011 that the CSPI returned to above the critical level. In the past two years, withering trade and overcapacity pushed the Chinese shipping industry down to a historical bottom. In the third quarter of 2012, when the CSPI fell to only 78 points, about 60 per cent of carriers in China suffered severe loss. Since the second quarter of this year, the Chinese government's policies to secure growth have taken effect and spurred an obvious growth in the country's investments and exports, which brought hope to the shipping market. The Baltic Dry Index has risen to over 2,100 points by far, a sharp increase of 180 per cent from the beginning of this year. The index surged nearly 80 per cent in September. The container shipping industry also shares the general improvement of the market. Since July, there have been several attempts to introduce rate increase. The spot rate from Shanghai to Europe was once more than doubled. Part of the carriers might be able to reverse their loss in the third quarter. However, the recovery might not be sustainable, as China is very likely to be able to meet the GDP target of 7.5 per cent growth and there will not be further policies to boost domestic economy. Meanwhile, the rebound of rates has stimulated deployment of new tonnage. Statistics show, capacity on Asia-Europe lane grew about three per cent in September but demand is not stable. The supply-demand imbalance caused a decrease of over US$100 per TEU in the container shipping rates in the last week of September.SISl's report estimated that the CSPI in the fourth quarter will be 99.56 points, falling again below the critical level. In face of such challenges,  相似文献   

The year of 2012 has left people many unpleasant memories,i.e.the news related to the deficit of shipping enterprises lingered in our ears,the shortage of ship orders and bankruptcy of shipping enterprises appeared one after another,and a fierce battle was once again waged among the shipbuilding industries of China,Japan and South Korea in the downturn.In 2012,the legendary year of doomsday,who on earth can survive in the face of hardships? According to a saying,poverty gives rise to the desire for change,and the shipbuilding industry will seek change in the downturn of shipping market.  相似文献   

With the current revolution in Shipping 4.0, a tremendous amount of data is accumulated during vessel operations. Data quality(DQ) is becoming more and more important for the further digitalization and effective decision-making in shipping industry. In this study, a practical DQ assessment method for raw data in vessel operations is proposed. In this method, specific data categories and data dimensions are developed based on engineering practice and existing literature. Concrete validation rules...  相似文献   

The 2007 work meeting of national waterborne transport was convened in Beijing on July 5, a date to be for ever remembered by the Chinese rivers, lakes and seas, for on this date waterborne transport was re-positioned and the clarion of marching toward a strong shipping country was blown. The sound swept across the rivers and lakes and surged over the col-orful shipping lines on the seas.  相似文献   

The tragic readings in 2012 has forced shipping enterprises to face more complicated and severe strategic choices under the shipping market with different structures.No progress simply means retreat.In the great waves,sand will be swept away and only those with wisdom can prevail.This situation is not only a test of the survival wisdom of the enterprises,but also a test of how the whole industry will succeed in the future.  相似文献   

On Jan 1st 2013,EEDI formally came into force.This is a significant progress in reducing emissions from ships and is the outcome of the concerted efforts of IMO member states over a decade on reducing shipping emissions.Today,it seems that EEDI is a decided issue,however,as EU carbon tax for shipping is gaining momentum,the secret war surrounding ship energy conservation and emission reduction keeps going on.  相似文献   

Window to China     
China is to apply for joining IMO voluntary audit scheme next year to protect the interests of Chinese shipping industry and the good image of a large shipping country, China plans to apply for joining IMO voluntary audit scheme in the second half of 2007…  相似文献   

2004 is a good year for global shipping and shipbuilding. Under such situation, how about the develop-ment of China Classification Society(CCS), the main force to perform shipsurvey in China? After a…  相似文献   

In china today,containers acconut for only 10% of all rail traffic volume in order to push forward china's container multimodal transport,the ministry of railways(MOR)is working hard to get domestic shippers/forwarders to containerise their conventional general cargo shipments,and for intemational ocean carriers,to get them to move a larger proprotion of the boxex inland by rail.  相似文献   

"Opinions" issued by the Ministry of Transport P.R. China recently
Approved by the Ministry of Transport P.R. China, "Several Opinions about Promoting the Healthy Development of Transformation and Upgrading of Shipping Industry" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions") has been issued recently. The "Opinions" is made up of 20 articles, containing the five aspects of capacity regulation, transformation and upgrading, market supervision, reducing the burden of enterprises and improving the service level. The aim is to deal with the current severe situation faced by the shipping industry actively, promote the steady and healthy development of the shipping market in China. The content of the 20 pieces of opinions is really solid, with high maneuverability. In a word, the "Opinions" provide timely help to the shipping industry in "cold winter". Each enterprises should know how to combine their own actual situation with the specific implementation. Generally speaking, the larger scale the enterprises have, the greater benefit they will get.P18  相似文献   

Xing Dan 《中国船检》2013,(9):124-125
In recent years,Chinese government’s policy support to the LNG-powered ship has been constantly increasing.The"Guidance on speeding up LNG fuel application in the shipping industry"has been issued with an intent to reserve a portion of fund for ship modification from the 1.5 billion Yuan special fund for energy-saving and emission reduction,so that 200m Yuan subsidies could be made available by the means of"award instead of subsidy".Meanwhile,the guidance determines that the highest price of LNG should not exceed 75%of the fuel oil price.  相似文献   

In a move designed to increase the shipping community's awareness and use of mediation techniques in resolving disputes, BIMCO has developed a Standard Dispute Resolution Clause by incorporating a comprehensive Mediation Clause in to its  相似文献   

In 2007, 19% of global sea-borne staple goods were transported to China, 20% of containers came from China and 39% of newbuilding orders flew into China. China's global influence is getting increasingly bigger. Then how to develop Chinese shipping and shipbuilding industries? On November 27, Mr. Zhang Guobao, Vice Minister of National Development and Reform, Mr. Jin Zhuanglong, Vice Minister of COSTIND, and Mr. Xu Zuyuan, Vice Minister of Communications all gathered in Shanghai and spoke on the opening session of the high level maritime forum, declaring to international maritime the outlines of action as a large maritime country.  相似文献   

Professor D. Daryl Wyckoff teaches in the Harvard Business School, Boston, U.S.A. He visited China from November to December in 1981. This paper was written as a seminar material at a course on international shipping after he returned to the United States. It is noted on the paper that "This ease was prepared by Professor D. Daryl Wyckoff as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation."This paper gives the historical background and a general survey of China's ocean shipping industry. It covers commodity flow and trades, fleet development, shipbuilding industry, and international agreements.the development of China's ocean shipping industry attracts world attention. There are quite a number of reports published abroad, some of which are quoted in this paper together with the author's own opinion. We publish this paper only for presenting some reference material from abroad and it does not mean that we agree with the author's opinion or confirm any thing in this paper.  相似文献   

In 2012,the maritime industry left us many questions,i.e.why did the secure green road lose its direction when each party is seeking its own gain? Why did Vale,the biggest ore trader enjoying a booming business,found itself trapped in the mire of "big ship dream" which is difficult to escape from? As the citizens of the biggest shipping country around the world,why were Greek shipowners not willing to fulfill their "support" responsibility in the crisis? Is it an alarm or a lie that the shipping financial mansion will topple down? These riddles appeared more complicated and confusing in the "cold winter" of shipping market.  相似文献   

The autumn is approaching and the chill is being felt, which is the general feeling of the shipping industry. Since the first quarter of 2011 till now, the coastal shipping market in Zhejiang has been vibrating at the low level initially and then dropping drop continuously. This  相似文献   

The mandatory enforcement of ship efficiency regulation puts forward even higher requirements for ship design, production techniques, auxiliary equipment and technical application of new energy. China is a major shipbuilding and shipping nation, the mandatory implementation of  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION In current semmars and conferences about marine transportation safety and shipping safety, the Internationsl safety Code(ISM)is one of the hot topics. In this paper the authors introduce the concepts Of systems safety engineering(SSE). The historical backgrounds of both ISM and SBE are described. The authors compare the concepts of both ISM and SSE. The advantages of SSE are discussed. The authors also introduce the SSE programme plan and SSE activities. 2.DEFINITIONS OF SAFETY If we look for the definition Of safety in an English dictionary, it tells you that safety is a noun meaning a state of being free from harm or danger. To expand the dictionary definition technically, we might define safety as "A measure that determines to what extend the management, technology and operation of a system is free from danger to life, property and the environment".  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Review the past of 1994 international shiPPing market: 1994 saw world economy begin a new cycle of boom. The economy of the West was on the way to a complete recovery, and that of East Asia was keeping up its steady growth. ACCOFding to the estimation 0f International Monetary Fund, the 1994 growth rate of world economy was 3% and that of world—trade volume was about 5%. Thanks to these factors, the international shipping market had also Undergone considerable changes. 1. In 1994,world dry—bulk shipping market first sagged and thenstiffened. Affected by the negative growth of the  相似文献   

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