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交警提示在道路上停车非常影响交通秩序和安全,所以实在需要临时停车时一定要守法,禁停路段不要停车,以免影响交通。临时停车更要注意交通安全,要打开双闪警示,慢停慢走,注意路况和来往的车辆与行人,驾驶员不要离车,  相似文献   

正7月15日是危险化学品运输交通安全"除隐患、防风险"专项整治行动第二次全国统一行动日。商丘市公安局交警支队高速大队提前部署,全警出动,严查危险化学品运输车辆交通违法,全面开展高速公路危化品运输交通安全"除隐患、防风险"专项整治行动,专题曝光查处的28辆危化品运输违法车辆,通过严查与警示相结合,警示提示危化品运输车辆驾驶员守法行车,有序通行。  相似文献   

<正>为切实解决道路交通安全的实际问题,更好地为交通安全管理部门提供技术支撑,提升道路交通安全水平,今年2月份以来,同济大学交通安全研究团队加强深度调研,在上海、苏州和广东等地扩大道路交通安全调研范围,与地方政府、交警、路政执法、企业等各部门各层级联动,聚焦实际问题,协同推进解决方案,强化交通安全管理。  相似文献   

近日,临沂市交警支队临沭大队的宣教民警在我县交通安全村上安全课和放电影,与村民交流交通安全这个话题时。驾驶员王刚向笔者讲了一件令他本人难忘的事。  相似文献   

为解决高速公路路面施工环境开放复杂,施工风险高问题,从合理确定施工方案、强化人员安全意识、及时公布施工安全信息等方面提出安全管理措施;从路面施工交通管制、施工机械安全设备、交叉施工作业警示、沥青罐区的围蔽及警示和路面施工道路封闭等方面提出安全标准,探讨高速公路路面施工安全标准化建设内容。  相似文献   

为丰富驾驶员安全行车知识,提高官兵交通安全意识,牢固树立安全发展理念,争做遵章守纪模范,保证车辆运行安全稳定,前不久,沈阳军区65370部队运输部门结合换季特点邀请驻地交警,  相似文献   

近年来,江苏省通州市物价局机关在抓紧对驾驶员安全教育的同时,还经常组织对驾驶员的亲属进行各种形式的交通安全警示教育,让他们从许多血淋淋的事故场景以及事故教训中深刻地认识到驾驶员注意交通安全的重要性与必要性,从而更好地督促与配合自己的亲人注重安全、远离事故.笔者认为此举很有必要,对保证驾驶员安全行车很有促进作用.  相似文献   

米晓艺  贾宁  万娇娜 《公路》2020,(4):243-249
作为公路避险车道重要的组成部分,交通安全设施的设置好坏与否直接影响着货车驾驶员能否合理使用避险车道。由于我国现行标准规范中对避险车道交通安全设施的设计要求规定不全面,加之各地在执行标准规范时亦存在未按标准执行等情况,使得公路避险车道交通安全设施设置出现了不完善、不一致的问题。从制动失效货车驾驶员实际需求角度,结合各地实际情况,系统地梳理了避险车道交通安全设施的设计要求,并对设计要求进行了安全方面的阐述。  相似文献   

雨天对安全行车的影响是巨大的。据山东费县交警大队事故部门统计,近几年雨天发生交通事故的比例较晴天时高出近25%,其中因驾驶员操作失误、不注意雨天安全行车的要领而造成的交通事故占80%以上。因此,驾驶员很有必要掌握雨天安全行车的一些诀窍,确保交通安全。  相似文献   

从事交通安全宣传工作的我,接触了许多驾驶员,他们从事多年或几十年驾驶生涯,但从没有发生过交通事故或被交警处罚的现象.近日,笔者走访了十几名驾驶员,发现他们有一个共同点,就是他们的家里都摆有不少交通安全方面的报刊书籍.驾驶员卢自友说的好:"这些书报刊是我学习的法宝,从中学到很多交通安全常识和安全驾车的好经验,同时还能借别人'堑',长自己'智'".  相似文献   

One of the main pillars for improving road safety in any country is a good understanding of traffic safety culture and the driving behavior of local drivers. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether Egyptian drivers differ in traffic safety attitudes and level of acceptance of risky driving behavior. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the driving cognition of the participants. An exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the number of factors that differentiated the three types of drivers. Then a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to group the drivers with similar patterns of scores on the factors into clusters. Three driver clusters emerged: The drivers in cluster 1 were “drivers who rigidly followed regulations” (51.7%). The drivers in cluster 2 were “drivers who violated safety precautions” (23.3%). The drivers in cluster 3 were “drivers who had a tendency to violate regulations” (25.0%). A similarity between the social norms and personal attitudes of drivers was found. This can be explained by the high social norm of violating traffic laws, which can lead to more drivers accepting violations. The majority of the older drivers and drivers with no violations or traffic accident on their record in the past 2 years were in cluster 1. Cluster 2 had the highest proportion of young drivers who wore their seat belts and used hands-free phones while driving. Cluster 3 drivers accepted very dangerous violations, such as texting while driving, driving while intoxicated, and driving at very high speeds. They reported significantly more traffic accidents, but no more violations than the other two clusters. The results of this study can be used to improve road safety programs for education and enforcement in Egypt.  相似文献   

基于人体工程学原理,将驾驶员在高速公路作业区行驶过程中接触的交通信息分为道路几何信息、道路交通运行信息、交通管理控制信息、气候与环境信息及驾驶员自身信息,将作业区各种道路交通信息进行量化处理,在系统分析驾驶员对信息处理模式的基础上,提出了基于驾驶员信息处理能力的高速公路作业区车速速度限制值计算模型。以2006年5月哈大公路入口作业区为例,考虑车道宽度、开放车道数、隔离设施、合流机会、合流冲突及大车影响对驾驶员接受信息的量化影响,计算得出该作业区的限速值为50 km/h,与工程实际中采用的55 km/h吻合较好,验证了本文所提方法的有效性,为高速公路交通管理部门确定车辆速度限制标准提供了一种参考方法。  相似文献   

刘勇 《公路交通技术》2012,(5):129-132,140
从驾驶者的有效视野角度出发,探讨交通标志设置、设计的思路和理念.结合国外交通设施标准和报告,剖析驾驶者有效视野的分布及其与道路宽度、车速、驾驶负荷的关系.设计时,应充分考虑交通环境对驾驶者有效视野的影响,着重从标志的位置、大小、材料设计进行提升,以实现视野补偿,确保交通标志具备合理的视认性.  相似文献   

农村公路交通事故特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过调研获得有关农村公路交通事故的数据,对数据进行分析,分析农村公路交通事故的四个方面的主要属性:外部环境、当事人特征、事故状况和事故地点道路状况。通过分析可以看出,农村公路车辆类型繁多、驾驶员性别比例严重不平衡、道路状况差、驾驶员无驾照、车辆无牌照等是农村公路交通事故的突出特征,为今后的道路设计、安全管理与宣传提供依据。  相似文献   

针对大型货车驾驶员对道路坡度把握不准确而容易导致长大下坡路段出现制动器失效的问题,提出一种用于货车的坡度提示系统。该系统采用陀螺仪实时探测货车所处道路的坡度,并实时显示,当检测到货车连续下坡超过一定长度且没有采取制动时,系统提示驾驶员适当制动,以避免后期车速加大而频繁制动导致制动器失效。经实际验证本系统能有效给驾驶员提示,对减少交通事故有一定实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Aggressive driving has emerged as one of the most studied behaviors in the traffic safety field, due to its association with the odds of motor vehicle crashes and especially fatal crashes. Previous research has investigated the situations which provoke anger while driving, as well as the emotional (anger) and behavioral (aggression) aspects of aggressive driving. However, surprisingly the cognitive aspects of aggressive driving have largely been neglected. This study investigated the psychometric properties of the short-forms of the Driver's Angry Thoughts Questionnaire (DATQ) and the Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX) in a sample of professional drivers. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate the mediation effects of aggressive thoughts, as the cognitive aspect of aggressive driving, on the relationship between traffic congestion and driving aggression. To this end, 613 public transport bus drivers completed the DATQ and DAX and were also asked to report the level of traffic congestion they normally faced in their daily driving, using six pictures. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported the four factor DAX and the five factor DATQ, which largely replicated the original factors. The four forms of maladaptive thoughts on the road were positively associated with aggressive driving, while the positive factor (coping self-instruction) was negatively associated with aggressive driving and traffic violations. Moreover, the results indicated that traffic congestion does not contribute directly to anger expression on the road, but rather through aggressive thoughts. This study suggests that cognitive interventions may help to eliminate aggressive driving and its adverse outcomes on traffic safety.  相似文献   

There has been recent interest in intelligent vehicle technologies, such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADASs) or in-vehicle information systems (IVISs), that offer a significant enhancement of safety and convenience to drivers and passengers. However, the use of ADAS- and IVIS-based information devices may increase driver distraction and workload, which in turn can increase the chance of traffic accidents. The number of traffic accidents involving older drivers that are due to distraction, misjudgment, and delayed detection of danger, all of which are related to the drivers’ declining physical and cognitive capabilities, has increased. Because the death rate in traffic accidents is higher when older drivers are involved, finding ways to reduce the distraction and workload of older drivers is important. This paper generalizes driver information device operations and assesses the workload while driving by means of experiments involving 40 drivers in real cars under actual road conditions. Five driving tasks (manual only, manual primarily, visual only, visual primarily, and visual-manual) and three age groups (younger (20–29 years of age), middle-aged (40–49 years of age), and older (60–69 years of age)) were considered in investigating the effect of age-related workload difference. Data were collected from 40 drivers who drove in a real car under actual road conditions. The experimental results showed that age influences driver workload while performing in-vehicle tasks.  相似文献   

路侧交通标志设置数量及位置研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
任锐  李文权 《公路交通科技》2006,23(11):111-115
高速公路和城市快速路通常将内侧车道设置为小车道,外侧车道设置为大车道,这将有可能导致内侧小车驾驶员视线被遮挡,无法及时获得路侧交通标志的信息采取相应的措施,从而引发交通事故。通过对驾驶员对路侧交通标志视认过程的分析,提出了计算单个路侧交通标志被遮挡概率的计算方法,并运用概率论的知识建立了求解连续多个路侧交通标志设置数量的数学模型和标志设置位置的计算公式,提出了路侧交通标志设置的具体步骤。通过计算示例证明理论模型及算法实用可行。  相似文献   

网联自动驾驶车辆(CAVs)与人工驾驶车辆(HDVs)混行的交通发展模式会促进城市路网容量发生变化,为解析混合交通流对城市路网容量可靠性的影响,构建了智能网联环境下城市路网容量可靠性双层规划模型。为表征CAVs信息获取与自动驾驶的能力,假定CAVs遵循系统最优原则选择路径,而HDVs则根据自身经验选择路径,基于二者路径选择的差异建立描述混合交通分配的下层模型,刻画智能网联环境下的混合交通流分配特性。并且,为了快速求解大型路网交通分配,将下层混合交通分配模型转换为非线性互补下问题进行求解。考虑到实际路网的随机性,以及路网道路通行能力并非固定值,运用具有多种相关性的均匀随机分布理论,建立了的描述城市路网容量可靠性的上层模型。通过蒙特卡洛仿真分析不同CAVs渗透率下的路网容量可靠性,并进一步解析各路段对路网容量可靠性的敏感度。结果表明:当需求水平d > 0.5时,路网容量可靠性开始降低;当d > 0.7且CAVs渗透率λ=0时,可靠性小于0.4;当d > 0.7而λ=1时,可靠性接近1,说明CAVs可增强路网容量可靠性。研究还发现,当需求水平处于0.7~1区间时,渗透率的变化对路网容量可靠性有显著的影响,但随着需求的增大,路网处于超负荷状态,渗透率对路网容量可靠性影响较小。此外,CAVs渗透率从0增加至1的过程中,路网中存在“道路容量悖论”现象的道路从19条下降至3条,且当λ=1时路网中仅有1条道路出现了显著的“道路容量悖论”现象,拥堵严重。表明CAVs渗透率的增大可以显著改善路网中的“道路容量悖论”现象,减少路网容量可靠性的波动,提高路网运行稳定性。   相似文献   

冯店隧道交通事故特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了成南高速公路冯店隧道交通事故的时空分布特性。冯店隧道(79~80km)的交通事故主要集中于79.62~80km路段、成都至南充(成南高速公路)方向,多数发生在夜晚,事故形态主要是撞击固定物和侧翻。分析了隧道、道路线形等因素对驾驶员的影响,认为隧道79~80km路段的线形组合和超速行驶不仅诱发事故、也是事故具有明显集中性、方向性和时间性的主要原因。  相似文献   

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