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船舶优先权实现过程中的异议程序初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1船舶优先权实现过程构建异议程序的必要性就实体法而言,船舶优先权人之间因其享有的船舶优先权存在位次之分,船舶优先权人与其它以船舶为担保的海事债权人之间因各自享有的担保物权受偿顺位不同,各海事债权人必然会争夺优先受偿的地位。这种实体上客观存在的利益冲突就需要在船舶优先权的实现过程中构建一个用以解决各船舶优先权人之间以及船舶优先权与其他担保债权人之间的争议程序。例如,主张工资优先权的船员对救助人是否享有船舶优先权、救助优先权所担保的债权数额,或者救助优先权的位次有异议时;船舶留置权人或船舶抵押权人对某海事…  相似文献   

在船员劳务纠纷案件中,如确定船员和用人单位之间成立劳动合同关系,则双方权利义务必然受到劳动合同法的规范。由此出现海商法和劳动合同法交叉对该法律关系进行调整的现象。审判实践中,船员依据劳动合同法第八十二条和海商法第二十二条主张其"二倍工资"应享有船舶优先权。虽然司法实践尚未形成统一意见,但船员的该项主张不应得到支持,船员"二倍工资"不具有享有船舶优先权的法理基础,也不符合相关法律规定,违背立法目的。  相似文献   

谈杰 《世界海运》2003,26(4):37-38
船舶优先权是海商法赋予某些海事债权人的一种特权。船员工资及其他待遇列在船舶优先权的第一项。但在航运实务中,船舶所有人拖欠船员工资的现象时有发生。针对船员各种待遇的界定、船员劳务合作公司的法律地位、船员申请扣船、船舶优先权消灭时效等几个方面如何行使船员工资船舶优先权进行了分析,并提出了处理意见。  相似文献   

劳务派遣合同纠纷中,船员中介机构使得船舶优先权的实施复杂化。本文从船舶优先权法定担保物权的性质出发,基于原存的海事请求权和保障海事请求权优先受偿的考量,对劳务合同纠纷案中船舶优先权权利主体进行分析,以保障船舶优先权原债权人的权利。  相似文献   

论我国《海商法》下船舶优先权的项目设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭佳怡 《中国水运》2007,7(2):259-260
船舶优先权作为一项古老的海商法法律制度,一直吸引着众多学者探索研究。本文提出对《海商法》下船舶优先权的项目设置需严格控制,只须设定船员工资、救助报酬项目,对特殊群体进行保护即可。这样规定对我国航运业的发展有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

船舶优先权作为海商法领域中一项特别的法律制度,历来为各国航运界、律师界、司法界及海商法学界所重视。因为它具有最优受偿序位,是否享有船舶优先权对于权利人来说有着切身的利益。本文就船舶优先权的含义、性质、特征、项目及受偿顺序、行使和消失等有关问题作一番浅析。  相似文献   

无人驾驶技术的发展,使得无人船舶成为可能。但是在现行国际条约和国内法下,适当配备船员是保证船舶适航的必要条件。无人船舶可能因船上无人操作而无法满足船舶配员的要求;岸上操作人员因不在船上也无法被认定为船员,无法享有船员的权利、承担船员的义务。现行制度需要做出适当调整,或者采用法律解释的方法加以适用,缓和船舶配员的要求、扩大船员的范围,方可适应、促进无人船舶技术的发展。  相似文献   

谷浩  齐燕雯 《世界海运》2022,(11):37-40
在《海商法》规定的船舶优先权制度及海事赔偿责任限制制度中,船舶优先权人主张债权时将受到责任人海事赔偿责任限额的约束。对于享有船舶优先权担保的非限制性债权人能否对当事船舶主张权利以及基金分配顺位是否受到船舶优先权影响等问题,目前学界尚无定论。分析船舶优先权和海事赔偿责任限制两种制度之间的关系以及产生冲突的原因,尝试为债权的受偿顺位冲突提供解决路径,认为应从整体把握《海商法》第210条的规定,人身伤亡损害赔偿所产生的债权相较于非人身伤亡损害赔偿请求不具有绝对优先性。而对后序船舶优先权担保的非限制性债权的受偿,应仿效瑞士的“空白担保位置制度”对船舶拍卖价款进行分配,以尽可能协调海事赔偿责任限制制度与船舶优先权制度之间的冲突,达到两种制度在受偿顺位上的协调与平衡。  相似文献   

章跃 《珠江水运》2009,(1):41-44
船员外派已经成为当今航运界的一个普遍做法,而这种情况下外派船员工资请求权的优先权问题在我国的理论界还存在着争议。本文通过对我国《海商法》有关规定的理解分析,得出船员工资优先权的请求基础;结合新颁布实施的《劳动合同法》,分析了船员外派情况下外派船员、劳务公司、船东三方之间的法律关系。从而在此基础上得出在船员外派情况下外派船员可以依据劳动关系向船方主张工资等报酬的支付,并主张优先权的担保。  相似文献   

船舶优先权的受偿顺序,又叫船舶优先权的位次,是指两个或两个以上的优先权竞合时,如何决定其效力的优劣次序问题。完备的优先权制度以及合理的受偿顺序定能促进航运事业的发展。在研究船舶优先权性质的基础上,就船舶优先权外部和内部受偿顺序问题进行分析,提出合理的优先权受偿顺位调整方案,以保证船舶优先权及其他船舶担保物权充分发挥其担保作用,避免法律冲突,更好地保护受偿人的利益。  相似文献   


The safety of maritime transportation along the twenty-first century Maritime Silk Road (MSR) is important to ensure its development and sustainability. Maritime transportation poses risks of accidents that can cause the death or injury of crew members and damage to ships and the environment. This paper proposes a Bayesian network (BN) based risk analysis approach that is newly applied in the main route of the MSR to analyse its relevant maritime accidents. The risk data are manually collected from the reports of the accident that occurred along the MSR. Next, the risk factors are identified and the results from the modelling method can provide useful insights for accident prevention. Historical data collected from accident reports are used to estimate the prior probabilities of the identified risk factors influencing the occurrence of maritime accidents. The results show that the main influencing factors are the type and location of an accident and the type, speed, and age of the involved ship(s). In addition, scenario analysis is conducted to analyse the risks of different ships in various navigational environments. The findings can be used to analyse the probability of each possible maritime accident along MSR and to provide useful insights for shipowners’ accident prevention.  相似文献   

海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于各国关于海事赔偿责任限制的法律规定不一样,因此,在涉外海事赔偿责任限制法律关系中就需要进行法律选择,以确定所应适用的法律。国际社会关于海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用主要有适用法院地法、适用侵权行为地法、适用船旗国法、适用最密切联系原则几种立法模式,中国《海商法》关于海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用宜规定为:海事赔偿责任限制适用船旗国法,若海事赔偿责任限制与其他国家的法律有更密切联系,则适用其他国家的法律。  相似文献   

This paper examines the historical circumstances that have stigmatized the American seaman. Once a respected occupation, the stigma is shown to be the result of structural antecedents: laws regulating maritime labour; hiring practices; changes in the economy and the good intentions of charitable institutions. Reasons for the persistence of stigma despite improved wages and working conditions are discussed as well as the future role of technology in bringing higher social status to seaman.  相似文献   

The study is based on a literature review of recent empirical research on crew resource management (CRM) training in the maritime industry, organised around what non-technical skills to learn and how. The review indicates that existing work is dominated by individualistic theories of learning with less focus on learning as a social process. Five main categories of skills that need to be trained are identified: assertiveness, decision-making, communication, situation awareness and team coordination. We argue that it is necessary to operationalise these broad concepts further, emphasising the work context and crew-specific needs. The review also shows that a combination of classroom lectures and simulator-based exercises is commonly used in maritime education and training in these skills. The learning effect seems to be suffering from training programmes that are exported ‘as is’ from aviation and not adjusted to the maritime domain or to operation-specific needs. This paper examines maritime crew resource management training from a social learning perspective, involving the view that learning is a context bound, social process that might take place in communities of practice (CoP). A CoP is a group (e.g. a crew) wherein members share an activity and learn from each other. It is argued that CRM training programmes will benefit from including a social learning perspective. Factors that enable the assessment of teams are discussed, and it is argued that the training should be tailored to existing crews, emphasising a learning environment as close to reality as possible.  相似文献   

王勇 《中国海事》2009,(6):43-46
在海事执法过程中难免会遇到合法性和合理性冲突的局面。出现这种价值冲突的时候该如何选择?这是当今行政执法中的一个重要课题,也是具体实践中的一个难题。文中就海事执法在社会效果和法律效果发生冲突时如何作出价值选择,如何实现海事执法的法律效果和社会效果和谐统一提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

文中阐明了海事科技档案的内涵、基本特征及其重要作用,提出了加强海事科技档案工作应把握好的三个环节,为海事发展提供服务保障。  相似文献   

辛亮亮 《中国海事》2021,(1):53-55,65
文中介绍了轻型多旋翼无人机凭借体积小、质量轻、操作简单、成本低等优势成为了助力海事监管效能提升的重要帮手.但由于无人机参与执法存在一定的安全隐患,在使用中应加强风险管理并提出建立健全无人机使用安全管理机制;强化专业人才队伍建设;加强无人机飞行安全保障;强化无人机投保续保意识;推动海事无人机行业标准制定的风险管理对策.  相似文献   

陈红 《中国海事》2008,(9):58-59
海事档案管理是海事文化建设的一部分,也是海事业务的基础性工作。近年来,随着沿海港口的开发与开放,海事工作业务也随之扩大.形成大量的海事业务档案。文中通过阐述海事档案特征,分析海事档案管理与海事文化建设的关系,探讨创新海事档案管理形式,目的是充分发挥海事档案的作用,更好地服务于海事文化建设和发展。  相似文献   


Catch share programs can have far-reaching effects on coastal communities and the people that rely on fishing income, including crew members. Analysis of management actions affecting crew wages and well-being is often limited due to a dearth of available data. We examine crew-related outcomes during the first six years of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program using two unique datasets – a mandatory economic survey and a voluntary social science study. We find that impacts on crew compensation differ from other catch share programs due to prior conditions of the fishery and also vary by the target species within the program. The median number of crew positions per vessel increased slightly, annual crew days decreased, and crew wage as a percentage of revenue was nearly unchanged, even with the introduction of new costs. Median daily crew compensation increased from $514 per day to $776 after implementation of catch shares and annual compensation increased from $33 thousand to $39 thousand. Many crew members expressed a lack of support for the program and job satisfaction did not rise with increased wages and fewer days at sea, indicating that job satisfaction is likely influenced by more than compensation and effort.  相似文献   

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