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BAI Yun  CHEN Wei  XU Dilu 《隧道建设》2018,38(2):153-160
The process of how the "Belt and Road" Initiative was brought up is studied and the major opportunities that the "Belt and Road" Intiative brings to China are described in this paper. The "Belt and Road" Intiative is very prospective. The important role of the infrastructure construction in the "Belt and Road" Intiative is shown. Two examples of the infrastructure construction under the "Belt and Road" strategy, i.e., China Nepal India Trans Himalaya Corridor and Kra Isthmus Canal in Thailand, are introduced. Finally, the challenges that China will face in the infrastructure construction under the "Belt and Road" Intiative and the rational countermeasures are described.  相似文献   

正Harley-Davidson发布Road King Special近日,Harley-Davidson在海外发布了Road King(路王)Special版本,新版本在外观上一改以往的电镀风格,抛弃了大风挡,且大到车架、车把、排气系统,小至反光镜、发动机盖、转向灯等通身均采用亚光黑喷涂,唯一使用镀铬工艺的只有发动机内部的零件。动力方面,新Road King系列搭载哈雷全新升级的排量1746mL、代号为"密尔沃基8号"的发动机,扭矩比上一代提升10%,油门响应更为顺畅。通过改变金属风格的外观,Road King Special建立了更为年轻  相似文献   

Elementary Discussion of Several Issues in Design of Combining Urban Road with Sightseeing Tram
Abstract: According to the engineering examples, the article discusses how to organically combine the sightseeing tram to design the proposed urban roads. The relative experience can be referred for the similar projects.  相似文献   

LI Bo  BAO Zhen 《隧道建设》2019,39(5):820-831
The author focuse on the great challenges encountered during the tunneling process in the Wuhan Sanyang Road Tunnel, and the key techniques adopted to solve those problems. When tunneling in composite strata, engineers inevitably face problems such as inefficient excavation, excessive tool wear, excavation face instability and the risk of clogging. The TBM used in the project allows tool change under atmospheric pressure, which improves the efficiency of tool change and eliminated the risk of casualties during hyperbaric interventions. In terms of the tool wear and clogging, the authors propose technical solutions as follows: the optimization of the tool′s type and configuration, improvement of the central flushing system and chemical dissolution of clogging. The results indicate that through the countermeasures proposed, the tunneling efficiency can be improved effectively. They also reduce the cutter change frequency and eliminate the risk of TBM downtime. The technical achievements obtained in the construction of the Wuhan Sanyang Road Tunnel can provide technical reference for the construction of large diameter shield tunnels in composite strata in the future.  相似文献   

正迈凯伦定制部门MSO现在的生意火爆得令人嫉妒,就在前不久又推出了一对全球限量10台的特殊定制版本。事实是这样的,所谓MSO X并不是MSO部门又推出了什么装载外星科技的暗黑车型,那个令人想入非非的"X"其实就是个代表10的罗马字而已,也就是说限量10台的MSO特别定制版。基于迈凯伦570S GT4车型特别改造的这两款MSOTuned McLaren 570S GT4-Inspired Road Car特别车型,采用了与GT4赛车相同的车身配色与专门涂装,并采  相似文献   

Two major concerns have been drawn in the process of shield construction: one is the difficulty in selecting a shield machine; the other is the high risk of opening for cutterhead changing. Based on the existing shield systems, a parallel dual mode shield with freezing cutterhead is developed by optimising internal structure and equipment and carrying the freezing device. The dual mode shield construction technology and freezing cutterhead technology are successfully carried out on project cases including Guangzhou Metro Line 9, Guangzhou Metro Line 21 and 220 kV Shijing Huanxi Electric Tunnel (Xiwan Road Shisha Road Section). The parallel dual mode slurry/EPB shield not only has the functions and advantages of slurry shield and EPB shield but also can switch into slurry/EPB mode for different strata and environments easily. Thus, it can achieve rapid shield tunneling. By combining the shield with the freezing system, the soil around cutterhead can be frozen to provide conditions for chamber opening under atmospheric condition. Meanwhile, it is also compatible with dual mode shield.  相似文献   

正陆汉洋完成2018 Road to Le Mans"勒芒之路"6月16日,香港车队一颷赛车WIN Motorsport参加了勒芒24小时耐力赛序幕战Road to Le Mans(短途国际杯)赛事。车队创办人兼主车手陆汉洋,与美国车坛大亨兼长堤大奖赛总裁及首席执行官Jim Michaelian先生携手参赛。披上蓝色和橙色涂装的Ligler JS P3 Nissan赛车于著名的勒芒赛道飞驰,同时标志着车队合作伙伴GULF勒芒首胜50周年的大  相似文献   

基于UC-win/Road的城市高架路建模及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着城市的飞速发展和道路基础设施的完善,城市高架路作为主要城市快速路之一,已成为国内外城市解决交通问题的重要手段之一。利用UC-win/Road软件及其模拟器可以实现城市高架路的模拟仿真。以南京市宁溧高架为例,设计资料为平、纵、横参数,在UC-win/Road平台上进行建模并实现模拟驾驶,最后对其应用前景作出展望。  相似文献   

XIAO Mingqing 《隧道建设》2018,38(3):360-371
In the 21st century, the underwater tunnels have advanced rapidly in China. A large number of projects, completed or ongoing, have greatly promoted the advancement of underwater shield tunnel technologies in China and in the world. The development history of the underwater tunnels in China is summarized, and the technical challenges and breakthroughs encountered and achieved during the construction of many tunnels are presented, as represented by Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel and Shiziyang Tunnel of Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway. The characteristics and challenges of some representative underwater tunnels during construction, including Road Railway Yangtze River Tunnel in Sanyang Road, Shiziyang Tunnel of Foshan Dongguan Intercity Railway, Yangtze River Tunnel of Suzhou Nantong UHV Power Transmission and Transformation Project; and projects to be constructed, such as Pearl River Estuary Tunnel of Shenzhen Maoming Railway, Shantou Bay Subsea Tunnel of Shantou Shanwei High speed Railway, and Nanjing Heyan Road Yangtze River Tunnel, are presented as well. The development trend of China′s underwater shield tunnels, including from single soft soil formation to complex soil formation, from large diameter to super large diameter, from medium water pressure to high and ultra high water pressure, from ordinary to special and unfavorable geological conditions, from seismic regions with moderate intensity to those with high intensity, and from single construction method to combination of multiple methods, are analyzed. It is pointed out that the technical fields still require further study and innovation, and the areas still require further enhancement and innovation, such as the norms, codes, designs, constructions, equipment, materials and management.  相似文献   

近期大众推出了一款Passat Alltrack车型,请问大众的Alltrack与奥迪的Allroad有何区别?湛江读者:何胜利从字面意思上来看,"Track"和"Road"都有"道路"的含义,因此在名称方面Alltrack和Allroad所表达的意思是一致的。从车型方面来看,虽然奥迪A4  相似文献   

杭州狭长软土基坑支护侧移规律与解析预测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to reduce the influence of deep narrow foundation pit construction on adjacent properties in urban area in Hangzhou, the characteristics of the support wall lateral deflection are analyzed and the corresponding analytical prediction method is proposed. The support wall lateral deflections of the deep narrow foundation pits at Wenyi West Road, Qingchun Station, Qiutao Station, Xingtang Station and Qingnian Station in Hangzhou soft clay are monitored and compared with those of deep foundation pits in Zhejiang and deep narrow foundation pits in Shanghai, Taipei and Singapore. The results show that the maximum support wall lateral deflection of the foundation pit on Wenyi West Road, 0.20%He ~0.25%He, where He is the maximum excavation depth, is close to that in Shanghai(0.15%He~0.41% He), but is smaller than those in Zhejiang, Taipei and Singapore(0.27% He~0.62% He); which is related to the high tangential modulus of Hangzhou soil and small width of the foundation pit. The support wall lateral deflection of the narrow deep foundation pits in Hangzhou can be precisely predicted based on the representative stress strain relationship at site and the modified mobilisable strength design (MMSD) method.  相似文献   

<正>设计说明:Road experts是为了有效地躲避级道路上各种障碍物而设计的它可以像蜘蛛一样随意地改变自己的高度和宽度。在路段狭窄的地方可以通过改变车身的宽度进而顺利地通过。Road experts采用内置电子陀螺平衡仪有效地保持车身的平衡,采用电能为能源能有效地减少对空气的污染。013号作者:李东洋重庆工商大学设计艺术学院  相似文献   

位于美国Idaho州的Solar Roadways公司研制出了Solar Road Panel(太阳能道路面板),Solar Road Panel能使道路改变现有的单纯使用模式,将道路转变成同时能产生能源的太阳能道路。Solar Road Panel的整体架构分为三层,主要元件有电源线、数据线、太阳能电池、LED灯及电能存储设备。Solar Road Panel的最上层为半透明的保护层,可让太阳光透入并保护内部元件;中间为太阳能电池,用来产生电力;最底层则是用来隔绝土壤的湿气,避免影响内部的线路和零组件。  相似文献   

正"对热爱旅行的人来说,世界上的路可以划分为两种,即‘Road’和‘Offroad’,前者是追求速度和驾控的乐土,而后者则是寻险和征服的天堂。在平坦的大道或是荒漠沼泽,我们可以利用半导体的科技和机械的暴力畅行无阻,但若是面对大自然塑造的天堑奇险,这就需要另一种利器随你单骑闯关。"Specialized是美国专业高端自行车品牌,在国内被广大骑友称为"闪电",旗下不但有例如Venge这样快如闪电的公路车型,还打造出了Epic这样称霸诸多赛事的越野神  相似文献   

多年来雅马哈孜孜不倦地拓展美式巡航车市场,推出了五花八门的各种系列,包括天王车系列(Virago)、"皇家之星"系列(Royal Star)、"道路之星"系列(Road Star)、V星系列(V-Star)等等.  相似文献   

特斯拉Model X     
正测试地点:中国·北京特斯拉再一次刷新了人们对于电动车的认知,眼前这台Model X体长超过5m、体重超过2t,不仅可以在3.1 s内轻松突破100km/h,而且续航里程更是可以达到500km站在Model X这个大块头身边,我并没有急于冲进驾驶舱,而是开始仔细打量着它。作为一款"SUV"车型,Model X的体型更加庞大、车身高度更高、空间也更大,而且不仅拥有和运动型SUV一样的大轮圈、溜背式设计,还拥有和SUV车型一样更加优越的通过性。  相似文献   

CSR推出低成本的全功能蓝牙车载设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CSR公司宣布推出Road Tunes,它是一款功能齐全且具备完全互操作性的蓝牙免提组件,专门用于个人导航设备(PND)和车载系统。超低成本的Road Tunes能够帮助OEM厂商将产品更快的推向市场,该设计只需6美元,可实现少于6周的平均集成时间,现已上市销售。  相似文献   

日前,在西班牙赛维亚举行的“Road to the Future”体验活动中,戴姆勒集团机械研究发展与概念车及人体工学研究部门总监Gunther Ellenrieder提出,公司决定针对现行市场上奔驰商用车的发动机部分进行改善与升级,其中称为NGT的天然气动力系统将跨越乘用车与商用车领域。这一决议刚刚提出,梅赛德斯-奔驰便适时地推出了全球唯一原厂天然气载重专用车Econic NGT。  相似文献   

Study on Scheme Selection of Cross-section Design for Urban Elevated Expressway
Zhou Hongxia, Zhao Binqiang ( 1 )
Abstract:With the construction of the elevated expressways in large cities, the traffic of cities is more convenient, but also brings a series of environmental problems, i.e. light, noise, automobile exhaust pollution and etc. In order to decrease the damage of elevated expressway on the existing environment, the reasonable cross-section scheme should be selected. According to the construction of the elevated expressway in Moshui Lake Road (N) of Wuhan, the article discusses the cross-section scheme selection of the urban elevated expressway by the comparative analysis method, and sums up some methods and experience for the scheme selection of cross-section design of urban elevated expressway.  相似文献   

Discussion on Design of Green Road Peng Kun (1)
Abstract: The road design is the leading factor for the following work of road construction, operation and management curing, and the premise of ensuring road engineering quality and safety, strengthening energy saving and environmental protection, and carrying out sustainable development scientific development outlook. Based on the position of road design in road road construction, introduces some effective design green road design.
Keywords: green road, design, method, importance construction, the article puts forward a new idea of green methods of green road, and sets forth the importance of  相似文献   

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