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舰载导弹发射装置通用化技术研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
通过对国外舰载导弹发射装置通用化相关技术以及对武器系统综合作战效能的影响进行初步分析,重点对导弹共架所必须面临和注意的问题进行了研究。进而提出了我国发展通用发射装置的一些设想和应及早解决的问题,对促进我海军导弹发射装置通用化研制工作是十分有意义的。 相似文献
专用引航员船作为特种用途船舶,是引航员的工作驿站,其布置和功能在满足船东使用要求的同时,船舶性能和安全还要满足规范、法规对于特种用途船的要求。从功能对布置的要求、船舶适用规范、具体法规要求和船舶布置及配置如何满足这些要求方面,详细阐述了国内首艘新建专用引航员船的船型、救生和消防安全、完整稳性、破损稳性和线型优化等研究结果。 相似文献
海桅 《舰载武器(含VCD光盘)》2006,(10):25-29
这是中国海军进入21世纪以来首次在公开场合露面的新型导弹驱逐舰,也可以说是近几年备受媒体关注的热点装备之一。从168舰的外型尺寸、武器配备及电子设备.可以大致看出该型舰应该是我国海军重点培植的一种通用型驱逐舰。[编者按] 相似文献
Coastal managers have sought to enhance the collaborative inputs of stakeholder groups into management activities. Nonetheless, established organizational approaches have led to primarily consultative forms of engagement and constrained citizen involvement in formative activities. In Olympia, Washington, managers overseeing the Deschutes Estuary Feasibility Study (DEFS) implemented an innovative cooperative research planning initiative that diverged from conventional consultative processes. Stakeholders, rather than government officials, identified the research priorities for the socioeconomic component of this restoration feasibility study. This design method altered the traditional roles and responsibilities of different organizational actors, and the involvement of citizen groups in these formative activities changed the relationship between governmental and nongovernmental actors. Using conceptual frameworks from organizational sociology, this study develops insights into the behavior of the organizations involved with the DEFS cooperative planning effort, demonstrating how engaging stakeholders in formative research planning activities may foster new types of collaboration among coastal management organizations. 相似文献
国际工程项目合同管理组织模式的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文结合作者在国内外参与国际工程项目合同管理工作的研究和体会,着重对承包商一方合同管理的两种组织方式:直线式和矩阵式及其各自的优缺点作了分析,并从组织方式上对国际工程项目管理的核心部门合同部与工程项目其他主要职能部门之间的关系进行了探讨。 相似文献
从和平时期军用舰船的有效利用和战时舰船的大量消耗,以及如何降低舰船的建造费用、如何减少舰船现代化改装时的难度和费用及民用船只的征用等多方面论述了开展“军民通用型舰船开发及应用技术研究”的重要意义,并针对军民通用型舰船研究提出了建议和看法。 相似文献
Over $3.5 billion were spent toward nutrient controls in the Chesapeake Bay watershed between 1985 and 1996. These expenditures were based on cost-shares between federal, state, local, and private sources and should be considered conservative. A comparison of point and nonpoint nutrient control expenditures in the Bay basin showed that about 50% of the funds were directed toward agricultural best management practices and 45% were allocated for point source nutrient reductions and combined sewer overflows (20% and 25%, respectively). The remainder was spent on various other estuarine-targeted programs. Maryland was responsible for 79% of the total expenditures, 16% was expended by Virginia, and the remainder was attributable to the District of Columbia and Pennsylvania (4% and 1%, respectively). The most costly basin was the Patuxent (over $125 per kilogram of total nitrogen removed) and the least costly was the Eastern Shore of Virginia, where the cost was just under $21 per kilogram of nitrogen removed. For the control practices examined, the analysis found that nutrient management was the least costly. Animal waste control and low tillage were the second and third most economical nutrient management strategies. Significant reductions were achieved from point sources for both total nitrogen (16%) and total phosphorus (53%) by 1996. Virtually all of the large reduction in point source phosphorus was a result of the phosphorus detergent ban implemented basinwide in the late 1980s. Nonpoint source nutrient reductions were more modest. An approximate 12% reduction in phosphorus was accompanied by an 8% reduction in total nitrogen loadings. Despite these nutrient reductions, no significant improvements in bottom-dissolved oxygen levels were detected along the Bay mainstem during the warmer months, and the mouth of Chesapeake Bay showed marginally significant degradation during the 11-year period. It was determined that dissolved oxygen conditions were influenced more by nitrogen than phosphorus reductions and that nutrient controls aimed at the mid-Bay region had the greatest potential for improving low dissolved oxygen conditions in the Bay's bottom waters. 相似文献
供舰船上排、下水用的浮船坞,是一种特殊用途的浮船坞,控制系统必须按其用途要求进行特殊设计。现介绍该特殊用途浮船坞作业控制系统的几个主要方面,包括:手动控制、计算机辅助手动控制、压载舱群液位计算机控制、配载计算及联机控制等。利用计算机实现对浮船坞的作业控制在国内尚无成功的先例,实现对压载舱群液位的控制、配载计算及联机控制等功能更是一次有益的探索。 相似文献
A. T. M. SHAMSUL HUDA 《Coastal management》2013,41(1):89-94
Protection, conservation, and development of coastal resources of Bangladesh are being pursued by a number of agencies on narrowly defined subject-matter specialization like agriculture and fisheries. Coastal resources, however, have competitive uses and need to be approached holistically. A Program Development Office set up to start the preparatory work for an ICZM program commissioned an institutional review of 15 agencies most intimately connected with activities in the coastal area to assess their institutional capacity to take part in an ICZM program. The actual performance of one of the top-ranked organizations under review was further evaluated by drawing upon case materials from five completed multisector projects in which it was the lead agency. The case study revealed that institutional capacity was a necessary but not a sufficient condition for successful joint execution of multisector programs. Organizations tend to cooperate in a multisector program only when they are given full control over the management of their own components. Any arrangements short of that will not yield the desired result. An integrated approach needs to be formalized in a manner that allows each agency to maintain its independent status while at the same time allowing it to carry out its activities within a commonly agreed framework. This model contains the elements of an institutional design for carrying out an integrated coastal zone management program in Bangladesh. 相似文献
“马士基海陆”——几乎在全球各个角落都能看到其集装箱的远洋承运人巨头——目前在100多个国家和地区设立325个经营管理中心或者办事处,在各条国际航线上总共经营250艘集装箱船,每年航程达到3200万海里,但是该公司的在编职工人数总共不过1万人。除了反映公司经营规模上一直在膨胀的一些常规统计资料外,人们更想知道这无处不在的马士基海陆背后的更多故事。 相似文献
Since 1992, coastal researchers at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington have been documenting the impacts of human recreational use on Masonboro Island, a component of the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the subsequent natural processes that mitigate these impacts. Both short-term and long-term natural mitigational processes were identified. The effects of these processes were found to be much more rapid than similar impacts on typical terrestrial settings. However, careful examination of the data suggests that both physical location of the impact site and natural variability of weather patterns and events play a role. Management implications of these findings are proposed. 相似文献
湘江株洲航电枢纽平面布置的研究试验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过物理模型试验 ,从多方面对株洲航电枢纽的 3个平面布置方案进行了比选 ,从而优选出了较优的平面布置方案 3作为推荐方案。 相似文献
Jennifer M. Dupont 《Coastal management》2013,41(5):495-507
Artificial reefs are one of a number of tools that should be considered by scientists and managers when planning coastal zone restoration and/or mitigation projects. In this article, the details of one project from the West Florida Shelf are presented. Two types of artificial reefs were used to mitigate pipeline construction impacts on natural hardbottom ledges in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The project's primary objective was to avoid the paradigm of building artificial reefs as fish attraction devices, and to instead implement a design that would mimic, not augment, natural hardbottom conditions. Fish assemblage parameters (species richness and commercial fish abundances) were compared between the artificial habitats and natural hardbottom reference sites. Results indicate that species richness trends are similar among artificial and natural reefs, while certain commercial fish abundances are significantly higher on the artificial reefs. Recommendations for future restoration/mitigation projects using artificial reefs are discussed. 相似文献