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Measurements of turbulence were performed in four frontal locations near the mouths of Block Island Sound (BIS) and Long Island Sound (LIS). These measurements extend from the offshore front associated with BIS and Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelf water, to the onshore fronts near the Montauk Point (MK) headland, and the Connecticut River plume front. The latter feature is closely associated with the major fresh water input to LIS. Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate, ε, was obtained using shear probes mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Offshore, the BIS estuarine outflow front showed, during spring season and ebb tide, maximum TKE dissipation rate, ε, estimates of order 10− 5 W/kg, with background values of order 10− 6 to 10− 9 W/kg. Edwards et al. [Edwards, C.A., Fake, T.A., and Bogden, P.S., 2004a. Spring–summer frontogenesis at the mouth of Block Island Sound: 1. A numerical investigation into tidal and buoyancy-forced motion. Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (C12021), doi:10.1029/2003JC002132.] model this front as the boundary of a tidally driven, baroclinically adjusted BIS flow around the MK headland eddy. At the entrance to BIS, near MK, two additional fronts are observed, one of which was over sand waves. For the headland site front east of MK, without sand waves, during ebb tide, ε estimates of 10− 5 to 10− 6 W/kg were observed. The model shows that this front is at the northern end of an anti-cyclonic headland eddy, and within a region of strong tidal mixing. For the headland site front further northeast over sand waves, maximum ε estimates were of order 10− 4 W/kg within a background of order 10− 7–10− 6 W/kg. From the model, this front is at the northeastern edge of the anti-cyclonic headland eddy and within the tidal mixing zone. For the Connecticut River plume front, a surface trapped plume, during ebb tide, maximum ε estimates of 10− 5 W/kg were obtained, within a background of 10− 6 to 10− 8 W/kg. Of all four fronts, the river plume front has the largest finescale mean-square shear, S2 ~ 0.15 s− 2. All of the frontal locations had local values of the buoyancy Reynolds number indicating strong isotropic turbulence at the dissipation scales. Local values of the Froude number indicated shear instability in all of the fronts.  相似文献   

We report on an intensive campaign in the summer of 2006 to observe turbulent energy dissipation in the vicinity of a tidal mixing front which separates well mixed and seasonally stratified regimes in the western Irish Sea. The rate of turbulent dissipation ε was observed on a section across the front by a combination of vertical profiles with the FLY dissipation profiler and horizontal profiles by shear sensors mounted on an AUV (Autosub). Mean flow conditions and stratification were obtained from a bed mounted ADCP and a vertical chain of thermistors on a mooring. During an Autosub mission of 60 h, the vehicle, moving at a speed of ~ 1.2 m s− 1, completed 10 useable frontal crossings between end points which were allowed to move with the mean flow. The results were combined with parallel measurements of the vertical profile of ε which were made using FLY for periods of up to 13 h at positions along the Autosub track. The two data sets, which show a satisfactory degree of consistency, were combined to elucidate the space–time variation of dissipation in the frontal zone. Using harmonic analysis, the spatial structure of dissipation was separated from the strong time dependent signal at the M4 tidal frequency to yield a picture of the cross-frontal distribution of energy dissipation. A complementary picture of the frontal velocity field was obtained from a moored ADCP and estimates of the mean velocity derived from the thermal wind using the observed density distribution. which indicated the presence of a strong (0.2 m s− 1) jet-like flow in the high gradient region of the front. Under neap tidal conditions, mean dissipation varied across the section by 3 orders of magnitude exceeding 10− 2 W m− 3 near the seabed in the mixed regime and decreasing to 10− 5 W m− 3. in the strongly stratified interior regime. The spatial pattern of dissipation is consistent in general form with the predictions of models of tidal mixing and does not reflect any strong influence by the frontal jet.  相似文献   

Protist abundance and taxonomic composition were determined in four development stages of newly formed sea ice (new ice, nilas, young ice and thin first-year ice) and in the underlying surface waters of the Canadian Beaufort Sea from 30 September to 19 November 2003. Pico- and nanoalgae were counted by flow cytometry whereas photosynthetic and heterotrophic protists ≥ 4 µm were identified and counted by inverted microscopy. Protists were always present in sea ice and surface water samples throughout the study period. The most abundant protists in sea ice and surface waters were cells < 4 µm. They were less abundant in sea ice (418–3051 × 103 cells L− 1) than in surface waters (1393–5373 × 103 cells L− 1). In contrast, larger protists (≥ 4 µm) were more abundant in sea ice (59–821 × 103 cells L− 1) than in surface waters (22–256 × 103 cells L− 1). These results suggest a selective incorporation of larger cells into sea ice. The ≥ 4 µm protist assemblage was composed of a total number of 73 taxa, including 12 centric diatom species, 7 pennate diatoms, 11 dinoflagellates and 16 flagellates. The taxonomic composition in the early stage of ice formation (i.e., new ice) was very similar to that observed in surface waters and was composed of a mixed population of nanoflagellates (Prasinophyceae and Prymnesiophyceae), diatoms (mainly Chaetoceros species) and dinoflagellates. In older stages of sea ice (i.e., young ice and thin first-year ice), the taxonomic composition became markedly different from that of the surface waters. These older ice samples contained relatively fewer Prasinophyceae and more unidentified nanoflagellates than the younger ice. Diatom resting spores and dinoflagellate cysts were generally more abundant in sea ice than in surface waters. However, further studies are needed to determine the importance of this winter survival strategy in Arctic sea ice. This study clearly shows the selective incorporation of large cells (≥ 4 µm) in newly formed sea ice and the change in the taxonomic composition of protists between sea ice and surface waters as the fall season progresses.  相似文献   

The separation in Southern Ocean provinces of silicate excess at nitrate exhaustion and of nitrate excess at silicate exhaustion was already introduced by Kamykowski and Zentara (Kamykowski, D., Zentara, S.J., 1985. Nitrate and silicic acid in the world ocean: patterns and processes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 26, 47–59; and Kamykowski, D., Zentara, S.J., 1989. Circumpolar plant nutrient covariation in the Southern Ocean: patterns and processes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 58, 101–111) and our investigations of the silicate to nitrate uptake ratios confirm the earlier distinction. Oligotrophic antarctic waters mainly exhibit proportionally higher silicate removal what induces a potential for nitrate excess. The nitrogen uptake regime of such areas is characterised by low absolute as well as specific nitrate uptake rates throughout. Maximal values did not exceed 0.15 μM d−1 and 0.005 h−1, respectively. Corresponding f-ratios ranged from 0.39 to 0.86. This scenario contrasts strikingly to the more fertile ice edge areas. They showed a drastic but short vernal increase in nitrate uptake. Absolute uptake rates reached a maximum value of 2.18 μM d−1 whereas the maximal specific uptake rate was 0.063 h−1. In addition to an optimal physical environment for bloom development, accumulation of ammonium stimulated nitrate uptake in a direct or indirect way. Since ammonium build-up in surface waters traces enhanced remineralisation, release of other essential compounds during degradation of organic matter might have been the main trigger. This peak nitrate utilisation during early spring led to the observed potential for silicate excess. With increasing seasonal maturity the nitrate uptake became inhibited by the presence of enhanced ammonium availability (up to 8% of the inorganic nitrogen pool), however, and after a short period of intensive nitrate consumption the uptake rates drop to very low levels, which are comparable to the ones observed in the area of nitrate excess at silicate exhaustion.  相似文献   

A nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton–detritus (1D-NPZD) ‘phytoplankton {Phyt} and Pseudocalanus elongatus {Zoop} dynamics in the spring bloom time in the Gda sk Gulf. The 1D-NPZD model consists of three coupled, partial second-order differential equations of the diffusion type for phytoplankton {Phyt}, zooplankton {Zoop}, nutrients {Nutr} and one ordinary first-order differential equation for benthic detritus pool {Detr}, together with initial and boundary conditions. In this model, the {Zoop} is presented by only one species of copepod (P. elongatus) and {Zoop} is composed of six cohorts of copepods with weights (Wi) and numbers (Zi); where . The calculations were made for 90 days (March, April, May) for two stations at Gda sk Gulf with a vertical space step of 0.5m and a time step of 900 s. The flow field and water temperature used as the inputs in the biological model 1D-NPZD were reproduced by the prognostic numerical simulation technique using hydrographic climatological data. The results of the numerical investigations described here were compared with the mean observed values of surface chlorophyll-a and depth integrated P. elongatus biomass for 10 years, 1980–1990. The slight differences between the calculated and mean observed values of surface chlorophyll-a and zooplankton biomass are ca. 10–60 mg C m−3 and ca. 5–23 mg C m−2, respectively, depending on the location of the hydrographic station. The 1D-NPZD model with a high-resolution zooplankton module for P. elongatus can be used to describe the temporal patterns for phytoplankton biomass and P. elongatus in the centre of the Gda sk Gulf.  相似文献   

During 2004, 10 samplings were performed in order to measure dissolved methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the surface waters of Río San Pedro, a tidal creek in the salt marsh area of the Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain). The inner partvs of the creek is affected by the inputs coming from an intensive fish farm and the drainage of an extensive salt marsh area.Dissolved CH4, CO2 and N2O concentrations ranged from 11 to 88 nM, 36 to 108 μM and 14 to 50 nM, respectively. Surface waters were in all cases oversaturated with respect to the atmosphere, reaching values of up to 5000% for CH4, 1240% for CO2 and 840% for N2O. Dissolved CH4, CO2 and N2O showed a significant tidal and seasonal variability. Over a tidal cycle, concentrations were always highest during low tide, which points to the influence of the inputs from the fish farm effluent and the drainage of the adjacent salt marsh area, as well as in situ production within the system. Dissolved CH4, CO2 and N2O seasonal patterns were similar and showed maximum concentrations in summer conditions. Using four different parameterizations to calculate the gas transfer coefficients [Liss, P.S. and Merlivat, L., 1986. Air-sea exchange rates: introduction and synthesis. In P. Buat-Ménard (Ed.), The Role of Air-Sea Exchanges in Geochemical Cycling. Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 113–127.; Clark, J.F., Schlosser, P., Simpson, H.J., Stute, M., Wanninkhof, R., and Ho, D.T., 1995. Relationship between gas transfer velocities and wind speeds in the tidal Hudson River determined by the dual tracer technique. In: B. Jähne and E. Monahan (Eds.), Air-Water Gas Transfer: AEON Verlag and Studio, Hanau, Germany, pp. 785–800.; Carini, S., Weston, N., Hopkinson, G., Tucker, J., Giblin, A. and Vallino, J., 1996. Gas exchanges rates in the Parker River estuary, Massachusetts. Biol. Bull., 191: 333–334.; Kremer, J.N., Reischauer, A. and D'Avanzo, C., 2003. Estuary-specific variation in the air-water gas exchange coefficient for oxygen. Estuaries, 26: 829–836.], the averaged air–water fluxes of CH4, CO2 and N2O from the creek to the atmosphere ranged between 34 and 150 μmol CH4 m− 2 day− 1, 73 and 177 mmol CO2 m− 2 day− 1 and 24 and 62 μmol N2O m−2 day−1, respectively.  相似文献   

During a repeat grid survey and drogue study carried out in austral summer 1994/95, the abundance and feeding activity of salps were estimated in the Lazarev Sea region from net tows and in situ measurements of gut fluorescence. Throughout the survey area, Salpa thompsoni accounted for >95% of the total salp stock while Ihlea racovitzai was consistently represented in very low abundances. Maximum densities of S. thompsoni, with ≈4000 ind. 1000 m−3, were recorded in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) in December when chlorophyll-a concentrations were well below 1 mg m−3. A dramatic decrease in salp stock was observed at the beginning of January, when S. thompsoni virtually disappeared from the most productive area of the MIZ where chlorophyll-a concentrations had by then reached bloom levels of 1.5–3 mg (Chl-a) m−3. In situ grazing measurements showed that throughout the cruise S. thompsoni exhibited the highest ingestion rates per individual of any of the most abundant components of the grazing pelagic community, with maxima of ≈160 μg (pigm) ind. −1 d−1. These feeding rates are 3 to 5 times higher than those previously obtained using in vitro incubations. The total daily consumption of the population of S. thompsoni varied from 0.3 to 108% of daily primary production. We suggest that competitive removal of food by S. thompsoni, rather than direct predation, is responsible for the low krill abundances generally associated with salp swarms.  相似文献   

Time-series samples of settling particles were collected in the water column of Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) Submarine Canyon (KPSC) with two sediment traps on taut-line moorings deployed at two different depths (60 and 280 m) between May 26 and June 27, 2004. Average total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations of upper and lower trap array samples were 310 ± 61 ng g− 1 dw (range: 200–440) and 240 ± 36 ng g− 1 dw (range: 180–290), respectively. Principal component analysis results suggest that PAH sources in the trap-collected particles included diesel vehicle/coal burning, diagenetic sources, and petroleum release. PAH downward fluxes based on settling particles were estimated to be 12–44 μg m− 2 d− 1. These values are higher than those reported in the literature for most coastal areas. During the sampling period, both traps were significantly tilted by tidal current and fluctuated vertically. The upper traps experienced greater vertical movements, thus their particle characteristics (e.g., POC, particle mass, and fine particle fraction) varied more than those of the lower traps. Hourly depth variations of the tilted sediment trap array were echoed by the corresponding total PAH concentrations. Moreover, the PAH composition of the collected particles was related to the flow direction and speed. These observations suggest that PAHs can be used as an effective chemical tracer for the transport of terrestrial and marine particulates in a complex aquatic environment like Gaoping (Kaoping) Submarine Canyon.  相似文献   

CTD-data obtained in the Azores Frontal Zone using a towed undulating vehicle are analyzed to study the relationship between characteristics of intrusions and mean parameters of the thermohaline field. A self-similar dependence between intrusion intensity and hydrological parameters is obtained. The most well-founded interpretation of the empirical dependence is as follows: (a) the main source supporting intrusive layering is the salt finger convection; (b) the abrupt decrease of intrusion intensity with the reduction of geostrophic Richardson number obtained from the analysis is explained by the beginning of turbulence when salt fingers do not work any longer, so the “driving force” for intrusive motion disappears. These results are consistent with the conclusions of the paper [Kuzmina N.P., Rodionov V.B., 1992. About the influence of baroclinicity upon generation of the thermohaline intrusions in the oceanic frontal zones. Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, Atmosperic and Oceanic Physics 28 (10–11), 1077–1086]. These conclusions imply that there are three main mechanisms of intrusive layering at oceanic fronts, namely the 2D baroclinic instability of geostrophic flow, the vertical shear instability and the thermohaline instability where the driving source of intrusive motion is double diffusive convection. The baroclinic and thermohaline instabilities can generate intrusions of large vertical scale, while vertical shear instability usually gives rise to thin turbulent layers. Turbulence in these thin layers can prevent salt finger convection and thus destroy the energy source of the intrusive motion conditioned by thermoclinicity. Therefore, the baroclinicity plays two parts in the processes of the intrusive layering: (1) it prevents double-diffusion interleaving by means of turbulence, and (2) it generates intrusions due to the 2D baroclinic instability of geostrophic current. Using features of thermohaline interleaving as a specific tracer of turbulent mixing, we have estimated turbulent mixing coefficient as ktRi−0.8 (Ri>1), where Ri is the geostrophic Richardson number. Application of the proposed approach to other frontal zones is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of a study on the distribution of pore water phosphates and ammonia, and their fluxes under anoxic condition in a deep (> 70 m) accumulation-type bottom of the south-eastern Baltic Sea, namely in the Gdańsk Deep and the adjacent areas, are presented. All measurements were taken during the growth period, i.e. in September 2000, April 2001 and June 2002. Benthic phosphate and ammonia fluxes were estimated using Fick's First Law. Phosphate and ammonia concentrations ranged from 7.5 to 266.3 μmol dm− 3 and from 53.6 to 1248.3 μmol dm− 3, respectively. The values recorded in the central part of the Gdańsk Deep were lower than those found both on its slopes and on the SW slope of the Gotland Deep. The lowest phosphate contents were typical of the Oblique Sill which separates the Gdańsk and Gotland Deeps.In 1993–2002, as a result of anoxia the sediments in the Gdańsk Deep released about 5.1 × 103 t P and 22.8 × 103 t N. These loads supplied on average 1.5% and 0.9% of phytoplankton's demand for P and N, respectively. In comparison to the total external load of nutrients discharged to the Gulf of Gdańsk (i.e. 8.79 × 103 t year− 1 Ptot and 130.79 × 103 t year− 1 Ntot; [Witek, Z., Humborg, Ch., Savchuk, O., Grelowski, A. and Łysiak-Pastuszak, E., 2003. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea). Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 57:239–248.]), the return flux of P and N from the anoxic sediments to the water column in the Gdańsk Deep was a minor source of these elements.  相似文献   

Three Argos buoy-years of Lagrangian data in westward-moving cyclonic eddies, or Storms, near 32.5°N, together with hydrographic measurements, have shown that Storms move westward at nearly 3 km day−1. Water in eddies can be trapped and moved westward by advection within the eddy or by phase propagation of the eddy pattern, so we cannot say that the flow field (or Eulerian mean) is 3 km day−1 westward. Two moorings (155 and 156) deployed in the Storm Corridor have provided a further 8 instrument-years of Eulerian data. The temperature and current records confirmed that two Storms a year passed each mooring over the 2-year measurement period. As expected, there is a lag of 1.3 month at mooring 155 (which is 102 km to the west of mooring 156) with respect to conditions at mooring 156. The progressive vector diagrams (PVDs) derived from the current meter records exhibit fairly regular X (east or zonal) and Y (north or meridional) displacement scales that repeat with semi-annual periodicity (SAP). The dominant current signal is the north component of the SAP, which reaches an amplitude of 18 cm s−1 for the upper layer or near surface current record (242-m depth). The geostrophic north component values derived from altimetry were in good agreement with the upper layer current meter measurements. The large north component amplitude was not interpreted as evidence for Rossby Waves but rather due to the passage of nine eddies (eight complete) of alternate sign (cyclonic, anticyclonic) passing the mooring rigs during the 2-year deployment period. The Y scale shows that the near surface characteristic or mean maximum azimuthal speed is about 35 cm s−1 for cyclonic eddies or Storms, and that this value is reduced to 4 cm s−1 at 1400-m depth. The residual or mean Eulerian currents range from 8 cm s−1 for the upper layer currents to 1 cm s−1 for the deeper currents at 1400-m depth and are predominantly westward. Simple theoretical considerations and idealised numerical simulations show that the mean westward Eulerian current depends markedly on whether the eddy centres pass to the north or south of the rigs. This raises the question as to what do we mean by Eulerian residual currents, even for relatively long records (2 years). It is shown that the strong near surface westward current (6 km day−1) measured at mooring 155 is largely due to a westward-moving eddy field with variable centre offsets. The magnitude of the near surface east–west component of flow was estimated as eastward at 2 cm s−1. The north–south component of mean flow was southward at 2 cm s−1. The deeper records gave a weak westward flow of 1 cm s−1 but did not show a significant southward component for the mean Eulerian flow field. 7.4 float-years of Lagrangian ALACE data in the Subtropical Front region near 740 dbar gave mean east–west flows that were <0.5 cm s−1. Overall, it is shown that the eddy structures propagate westward mainly by phase propagation (i.e. a westward-moving pattern with no westward advection for the current meter to measure), though plane Rossby Wave dynamics appeared inappropriate. Theoretical and modeling considerations show that a speed of 3-km day−1 westward is too large a value for the self-advection of eddies due to the beta effect.  相似文献   

Mean concentrations of the anthropogenic radioactive oceanographic tracers 99Tc, 90Sr and 137Cs have been measured as 0.005, 1.6 and 2.5 Bq m−3 in oceanic Northeast Atlantic surface water, east and northeast of the Azores, in 1992. This is, apparently, the first published value for fallout “background” 99Tc in oceanic Atlantic water.Comparison with older data indicates an observed half life for 90Sr and 137Cs in the northeast Atlantic surface water of 20 yr corresponding to a mean residence time of 80–100 yr for the stable elements.The observed 99Tc/90Sr ratio (3 × 10−3) in the Azores samples is 10 times higher than the theoretical fission yield decay corrected to 1992. This is in agreement with published data on rain water samples and may be characteristic for 1960's global fallout. Furthermore, the measured 137Cs/90Sr ratio is not significantly different from that observed for global fallout. There do not appear to be any additional significant sources of artificial radionuclides in this region.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of heterotrophic bacteria abundance were measured weekly over a 6-month period from December to May in Franklin Bay, a 230 m-deep coastal Arctic Ocean site of the southeastern Beaufort Sea. Total bacteria, low nucleic acid (LNA) and high nucleic acid (HNA) bacteria abundances were measured using flow cytometry after SYBR Green I staining. The HNA bacteria abundance in surface waters started to increase 5–6 weeks after phytoplankton growth resumed in spring, increasing from 1 × 105 to 3 × 105 cells mL− 1 over an 8-week period, with a net growth rate of 0.018 d− 1. LNA bacteria response was delayed by more than two months relative to the beginning of the phytoplankton biomass accumulation and had a lower net growth rate of 0.013 d− 1. The marked increase in bacterial abundance occurred before any significant increase in organic matter input from river discharge (as indicated by the unchanged surface water salinity and DOC concentrations), and in the absence of water temperature increase. The abundance of bacteria below the halocline was relatively high until January (up to 5 × 105 cells mL− 1) but then decreased to values close to 2 × 105 cells mL− 1. The three-fold bacterial abundance increase observed in surface waters in spring was mostly due to HNA bacteria, supporting the idea that these cells are the most active.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the abundance and biomass of cyanobacteria (Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus) and picoeukaryotes were studied by flow cytometry in the upper layers of the central Cantabrian Sea continental shelf, from April 2002 to April 2006. The study area displayed the typical hydrographic conditions of temperate coastal zones. A marked seasonality of the relative contribution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes was found. While cyanobacteria were generally more abundant for most of the year (up to 2.4 105 cells mL− 1), picoeukaryotes dominated the community (up to 104 cells mL− 1) from February to May. The disappearance of Prochlorococcus from spring through summer is likely related to shifts in the prevailing current regime. The maximum total abundance of picophytoplankton was consistently found in late summer–early autumn. Mean photic-layer picoplanktonic chlorophyll a ranged from 0.06 to 0.53 µg L− 1 with a relatively high mean contribution to total values (33 ± 2% SE), showing maxima around autumn and minima in spring. Biomass (range 0.58–40.16 mg C m− 3) was generally dominated by picoeukaryotes (mean ± SE, 4.28 ± 0.27 mg C m− 3) with an average contribution of cyanobacteria of 30 ± 2%. Different seasonality of pigment and biomass values resulted in a clear temporal pattern of picophytoplanktonic carbon to chlorophyll a ratio, which ranged from 10 (winter) to 140 (summer). This study highlights the important contribution of picoplanktonic chlorophyll a and carbon biomass in this coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

A tidal flat-sea grass bed ecosystem model was formulated and applied to Ise Bay to evaluate the purification capability of the shallow-water region where a new airport is expected to be built. The model results were in the range of the observed biomass for each state variable in the model. The purification capability of this shallow-water region is estimated from the model results. The inorganic nitrogen removal is estimated at 56 kg N day−1; the organic particulate nitrogen removal by suspension feeders is 95 kg N day−1; the organic nitrogen removal by harvest and fish predation is 25 kg N day−1, and the purification capability of this site is 51 kg N day−1. Potential loss of the sea grass bed by reclamation will reduce the removal ability of inorganic nitrogen as well as food sources for juvenile fishes.  相似文献   

The growth of wind waves was investigated in a circulating tank over slick and “clean” surfaces. The slick surface was produced through the aging of seawater, and the “clean” surface was obtained by overflowing. Water-surface slopes and microwave backscattering were simultaneously measured with an optical slope gauge and a continuous-wave radar, respectively. Dependencies of the mean-square slope and the radar backscattered power on the wind-friction velocity over these two surfaces were found to be different. A delayed growth of ripples over the slick surface was identified from optical and microwave measurements. The suppression of ripples by surface slicks was most significant at low winds up to the wind-friction velocity of 15 cm s−1. A reduction of −18 dB in the mean-square slope is found at the wind-friction velocity of 11 cm s−1. The exponent of power-law dependence of radar cross section on wind-friction velocity over the slick surface was much larger than that over the “clean” surface. The radar backscattering from the slick surface was reduced by −40 dB at light winds and saturated at high winds with the wind-friction velocities smaller than 11 cm s−1 and larger than 24 cm s−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analyses were performed on suprabenthic fauna collected in the western Mediterranean (NW Balearic Islands), at depths ranging between 350 and 780 m. Samples were collected seasonally at bi-monthly intervals during six cruises performed between August 2003 and June 2004, using a Macer-GIROQ suprabenthic sledge (0.5 mm mesh size). Twenty-four separate species (5 mysids, 12 amphipods, 2 cumaceans, 2 isopods, 1 euphausiid, 1 decapod and 1 fish) and bulk copepods were analyzed on a seasonal basis for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) ranged from 2.3‰ (the amphipod Lepechinella manco in September 2003) to 13.0‰ (the amphipod Rhachotropis caeca in August 2003). δ13C values ranged from − 24.2 (the cumacean Campylaspis sulcata in June 2004) to − 16.1 (the amphipod Bruzelia typica in November 2006). Both δ13C and δ15N values suggest that there are three trophic levels within the suprabenthic community. However, considering the bathymetric range of the species, the results suggest that the deepest assemblage supported only two trophic levels. The stable isotope ratios of suprabenthic fauna displayed a continuum of values and confirmed a wide spectrum of feeding types (from filter-feeders to predators). In general, and in spite of the poor knowledge about diets available for most suprabenthic species, higher δ15N were found for carnivorous amphipods (e.g. Rhachotropis spp., Nicippe tumida) consuming copepods. Low overlap for δ13C and δ15N values was observed, though δ15N values where less variable than δ13C, which suggests high resource partitioning in this assemblage. Seasonal variations in isotopic composition for both δ13C and δ15N were low (less than 1‰ and 3‰, respectively) and variable depending on species. Low correlations between δ13C and δ15N of suprabenthic fauna were found for all periods studied, though increasing from February 2004 to June 2004 (after the main peak of primary production in surface). C:N ratio (indicator of lipid content) showed higher values in summer than in winter. This suggests that lipid content may explain the seasonal patterns of δ13C variability and, due to the increase of storage products in phytoplankton and zooplankton, it possibly indicates the peak of primary production at the surface.  相似文献   

CTD data, collected in the northeastern Ionian Sea during late winter/early spring 1986, are used to examine the spreading of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) on selected isopycnal surfaces. The distribution of salinity on these surfaces provides the qualitative aspects of the flow field. Charts of the spreading of LIW, based on θ-S analysis, emphasize the diffusive nature of the LIW spreading over a major part of the study area. However, more than half of the overall decrease in its concentration, indicative of vertical mixing, occurs at the Strait of Otranto. Geostrophic calculations, with a reference level selected on the basis of heuristic criteria, are used to derive (preserving continuity) the quantitative flow pattern. The circulation of the “upper” water (above the reference level), in the part of the study area south of 37° 30′N was found to be dominated by a mesoscale though distorted anticyclonic gyre; with the latter a total of 2.0 Sv (1 Sv = 1 × 106 m3/s) of “upper” water, including 1.0 Sv of LIW, was found to be associated, presumably re-circulating in the area of the anticyclonic gyre. North of 37°30′N the flow is northward and mildly cyclonic, transporting 0.5 Sv. A major portion of the latter (= 0.4 Sv), including 0.2 Sv of LIW is directed toward the eastern side of the Otranto Strait.  相似文献   

The dissolved lead was studied in the whole salinity gradient of the system composed of the Loire estuary and the North Biscay continental shelf. About 130 samples were collected in winter 2001 and spring 2002 during Nutrigas and Gasprod campaigns (Programme PNEC-Golfe de Gascogne, RV Thalassa) and metal measurements were conducted on board by Potentiometric Stripping Analysis. In the Loire estuary, levels of dissolved lead ranged from 0.15 to 0.24 nM and from 0.04 to 0.26 nM in winter and spring, respectively. Compared to the concentrations reported in 1987 and 1990 (0.4–1.7 nM; Boutier, B., Chiffoleau, J.F., Auger, D., Truquet, I., 1993. Influence of the Loire river on dissolved lead and cadmium concentrations in coastal waters of Brittany. Estuar. Coast. Shelf S., 36:133–143, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 36, 133–143) our study indicated much lower values. The fall in concentration in the estuary could be attributed to the stopping of activity of Octel, a big manufacturer of tetra alkyl lead. Discharge in dissolved metal to the continental shelf by the Loire river was assessed as 7.5 and 1.9 kg day− 1 for winter and spring, respectively. On the continental shelf, levels of dissolved lead varied within 0.06 and 0.27 nM in winter (0.15 ± 0.06 nM, sd = 1.96, n = 49), whereas concentrations measured in spring were in the range 0.06–0.17 nM (0.09 ± 0.03 nM, sd = 1.96, n = 60). This difference in metal concentration was related to the amounts of rainfall that have fallen over the continental shelf: estimations of inputs by this way (74 and 32 kg day− 1 in winter and spring, respectively) appeared to be significantly higher than inputs from the Loire river (7.5 and 1.9 kg day− 1 in winter and spring, respectively). The distributions of dissolved metal in the surface waters highlighted the role of suspended particular matter (SPM) for a rapid “trapping” of lead near the mouth of the estuary. The vertical distributions showed, in the stratified area, a biological transfer of lead between winter and spring from surface waters to the halocline.  相似文献   

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