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Traffic noise emission has long been a pervasive environmental and ecological problem, especially in the metropolitan cities with large-scale traffic network and high population density. Low noise road surface (LNRS) has been actively developed and applied as an effective measure to maintain the quieter environment of mobility service system. However, when LNRS is applied for noise abatement, the relationship between the acoustic performance and degradation of pavement has not been fully understood yet. To this end, this study aims to model the acoustic longevity of asphalt pavement as a function of the thickness, binder content, maximum aggregate size, and air void content of the pavement surface, as well as vehicle speed based on the long-term tyre-road noise data collected from 270 asphalt pavement sections in Hong Kong. Two machine learning techniques, namely artificial neural networks (ANN) and support vector machines (SVM), were employed and compared. It was found that both ANN and SVM could successfully model the pavement acoustic performance with acceptable model performance metrics. A case study showed that the ANN model was more aligned with the aging mechanisms of porous road surface, but the SVM model showed better training performance. The predicted acoustic deterioration rates of the porous surface case varied from −0.1 to 0.28 dB(A)/month rather than keeping a constant linear increasing trend, depending on pavement ageing periods and vehicle speed levels. The two-dimension sensitivity analysis (2D-SA) revealed the relative importance of pavement age and vehicle speed in controlling the acoustic performance.  相似文献   

底面层是沥青路面结构层中承上启下的重要层位,文章结合六宜路沥青路面施工实例,以骨架密实型为目标对底面层沥青混合料配合比进行了优化设计分析,并通过室内试验与施工质量检测,验证了生产配合比优化后的沥青混合料的路用性能与施工质量。  相似文献   

车辙是沥青路面早期损坏主要形式,特别在陡坡及超载的条件下,沥青路面车辙病害更为突出。文章拟定了5种沥青路面结构组成,建立有限元模型计算了各种沥青路面结构的力学参数,对各种路面结构抵抗车辙的性能进行了分析对比。  相似文献   

Road agencies are facing the challenges of aging pavements, deteriorating networks, and insufficient maintenance budgets. This study addresses two limitations in the current state of practice in pavement management. First, because the evaluation of maintenance strategies has traditionally focused on economic and technical aspects, it neglects the environmental impact of maintenance decisions. Second, current management systems often provide a unique, optimised pavement maintenance strategy based on a specific objective(s) and constraint(s). The main objective of the study is to analyse the effect of including environmental aspects and funding availability in the design of maintenance strategies. To achieve this objective, the study followed a three-step methodology. First, this study reviews existing practices on pavement maintenance and the criteria considered to trigger the application of maintenance treatments and their effects on pavement condition. Then, maintenance strategies are optimised considering three levels of budgetary capacity and a sustainable evaluation which incorporates technical, economic, and environmental aspects over the pavement lifecycle. Finally, a case study dealing with an urban pavement network in Chile is analysed. Results obtained from this case study show that an increment of 2% in maintenance budget allows to account for more sustainable maintenance decisions, such as cold in-place recycling and full-depth slab repair, whose greenhouse gas emissions are lower than other alternatives. Results also show that functional asphalt overlay and microsurfacing are more recommended in flexible pavements when budgetary restrictions are low, whereas recommended treatments for rigid pavements exhibit small variability with budgetary restrictions.  相似文献   

沥青路面作为公路建设的重要内容,其抗滑性能是道路安全问题的核心,探究其影响因素可以为提高路面抗滑性能提供依据。国内外学者对此做了大量研究,也取得了相应的进展。本文对国内外的研究成果进行了系统的归纳总结,将公路沥青路面抗滑性能影响因素分为了沥青混合料的材料特性、环境因素、车辆特性3个主要方面,其中在沥青混合料的材料特性方面,研究认为集料的结构特性与混合料配合比对抗滑性的影响较大;环境因素方面,研究认为温度对于抗滑性的影响较大;车辆特性对抗滑性的影响方面,研究认为主要体现在轮胎特性与荷载方面。此外随着行车速度的增加,路面的抗滑性能呈现降低趋势。  相似文献   

橡胶沥青作为一种新型的道路材料,具有降低路面噪音、提高行驶安全性与舒适性等优异性能。文章介绍了橡胶沥青的优点,分析了影响橡胶沥青及橡胶沥青混凝土质量的因素,并对橡胶沥青应用于公路建设和养护所存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章结合广西桂林-龙胜段二级公路沥青路面病害修补实践,介绍采用沥青路面热再生修补机的施工过程,通过对沥青路面热再生修补法与传统方法的工艺对比,分析其成本和效率,探讨其在公路养护中的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对目前广西地区高速公路沥青路面养护状况,文章依托实体工程,通过路面养护数据和使用性能检测数据的收集、整理和分析,对微表处、不同厚度的铣刨重铺等常用沥青路面养护措施的使用效果进行评价,其对广西地区高速公路沥青路面养护方案的制定具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为研究温拌沥青混合料薄层罩面施工技术,依托江西省景鹰高速公路沥青路面养护工程,优化原材料的选取,总结施工技术要点,并探究实验路段的实际施工效果,按照《公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程》(JTG E20-2011),对已铺筑完成的施工路段进行摩擦系数、渗水系数和构造深度检测,结果显然,罩面施工后沥青路面的使用功能得到较好的恢复与改善。  相似文献   

文章结合广清高速公路水泥混凝土薄层罩面结构设计实例,介绍了应用高弹改性沥青应力吸收层(SAWI)的水泥混凝土加铺薄沥青层的路面结构设计过程,阐述了SAWI的性能特点与施工质量控制的方法和重点,并对其实际使用性能进行了跟踪检测。结果表明:应用SAWI的水泥混凝土薄沥青层加铺技术可较好地抵抗反射裂缝,并能减少路面厚度,降低工程造价,是一项具备良好发展前景的水泥路面加铺新技术。  相似文献   

微表处技术是高速公路养护中的一项有效措施,结合高速公路沥青路面维修工程,进行了微表处的配合比设计和施工。使用结果表明,微表处有良好的抗滑性能、封水效果和较长的使用寿命,能满足高速公路沥青路面维修养护的需要。  相似文献   

文章结合某高速公路水泥混凝土路面大修情况,介绍不同路段采用不同的加铺沥青层设计方案,并就路面维修建设费用和使用寿命间的经济关系进行分析和研究,为同类维修项目提供参考。  相似文献   

多功能养护车是完成沥青路面病害快速处置的现代化作业机具,而将路面材料的就地再生利用作为养护车的标准配置是其作业功能的重要拓展,且是道路养护现代化的主要标志之一。探讨路面材料再生工艺及相关技术参数的优化对于保证和提高再生材料的路用质量、降低加热能源消耗和环境保护具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

A hybrid predictive control formulation based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization to optimize real-time operations of public transport systems is presented. The state space model includes bus position, expected load and arrival time at stops. The system is based on discrete events, and the possible operator control actions are: holding vehicles at stations and skipping some stations. The controller (operator) pursues the minimization of a dynamic objective function to generate better operational decisions under uncertain demand at bus stops. In this work, a multi-objective approach is conducted to include different goals in the optimization process that could be opposite. In this case, the optimization was defined in terms of two objectives: waiting time minimization on one side, and impact of the strategies on the other. A genetic algorithm method is proposed to solve the multi-objective dynamic problem. From the conducted experiments considering a single bus line corridor, we found that the two objectives are opposite but with a certain degree of overlapping, in the sense that in all cases both objectives significantly improve the level of service with respect to the open-loop scenario by regularizing the headways. On average, the observed trade-off validates the proposed multi-objective methodology for the studied system, allowing dynamically finding the pseudo-optimal Pareto front and making real-time decisions based on different optimization criteria reflected in the proposed objective function compounds.  相似文献   

The environmental and economic burdens of various pavement construction strategies are evaluated in this study. A partial life-cycle approach was used to determine the environmental and economic benefits of asphalt concrete and Portland concrete mix designs as well as pavement-related pay items. Approximately 920 designs were assessed to determine the upstream energy consumption and global warming potential (GWP) of producing these mixes. In general, it was found that transportation hauling distances as well as asphalt binder type and production imposed the greatest variability on the environmental and economic costs of the mixes. In many cases, these variabilities were seen to reduce some of the benefits from using increased recycled content. A similar analysis was performed for pay items where it was found that the contribution of environmental and economic impacts to a project followed a trend with upper pavement layers having the greatest impact, followed by subsequently lower layers, and finally earth exaction and preparation. A cost effectiveness (CE) analysis was then conducted for 18 sustainable strategies, the majority of which had, on average, cost savings as well as environmental savings for both energy and GWP at the mix design level. Overall, this study systematically used common reference units (i.e., mix designs and pay items) from the industry to assess general trends, inconsistencies, and implications from using sustainable strategies in pavement construction.  相似文献   

Optimization of three-dimensional road alignments is a nonlinear non-convex optimization problem. The development of models that fully optimize a three-dimensional road alignment problem is challenging due to numerous factors involved and complexities in the geometric specification of the alignment. In this study, we developed a novel bi-objective optimization approach to solve a three dimensional road alignment problem where the horizontal and vertical alignments are optimized simultaneously. Two conflicting cost objective functions, earthwork cost and the utility cost, are cast in a bi-objective optimization problem. We numerically compare several multi-objective optimization solvers, and find that it is possible to determine the Pareto front in a reasonable time.  相似文献   

在沥青混凝土路面施工工艺中,温度、摊铺厚度以及压实度的良好控制是确保沥青路面质量的重要保证,从而使公路沥青路面检测在施工质量控制与保障方面显得尤为重要。文章开发设计出一种沥青路面检测机器人,替代沥青路面检测人员的人工检测职能,以求降低劳动强度,减少高温、核子仪带来的各种风险,提高施工安全性能以及沥青路面施工质量。  相似文献   

为了准确估算MOH材料半柔性路面常温施工技术的环保效益,构建了具有测算对象、边界、指标及测算方法的测算体系,测算了MOH材料半柔性路面施工期的能耗、碳排放等,并与传统沥青路面进行了对比分析。结果表明,MOH材料半柔性路面施工期的能耗、碳排放分别为81.60 MJ/t、6.05 kg/t,较传统沥青路面能耗、碳排放降幅均达到71.20%;在设备及人员配置、成本、扬尘、有害气体、颗粒物排放等方面也表现出显著的优势。  相似文献   

An optimization model for station locations for an on-ground rail transit line is developed using different objective functions of demand and cost as both influence the planning of a rail transit alignment. A microscopic analysis is performed to develop a rail transit alignment in a given corridor considering a many-to-one travel demand pattern. A variable demand case is considered as it replicates a realistic scenario for planning a rail transit line. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) based on a Geographical Information System (GIS) database is developed to optimize the station locations for a rail transit alignment. The first objective is to minimize the total system cost per person, which is a function of user cost, operator cost, and location cost. The second objective is to maximize the ridership or the service coverage of the rail transit alignment. The user cost per person is minimized separately as the third objective because the user cost is one of the most important decision-making factors for planning a transit system from the users’ perspective. A transit planner can make an informed decision between various alternatives based on the results obtained using different objective functions. The model is applied in a case study in the Washington, DC area. The optimal locations and sequence of stations obtained using the three objective functions are presented and a comparative study between the results obtained is shown in the paper. In future works we will develop a combinatorial optimization problem using the aforementioned objectives for the rail transit alignment planning and design problem.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment is being accepted by the road industry to measure such key environmental impacts as the energy consumption and carbon footprint of its materials and laying processes. Previous life cycle studies have indicated that the traffic vehicles account for the majority of fuel consumption and emissions from a road. Contractors and road agencies are looking for road maintenance works that have the least overall environmental impact considering both the roadwork itself and the disrupted traffic. We review life cycle assessment studies and describe the development of a model for pavement construction and maintenance, detailing the methodology and data sources. The model is applied to an asphalt pavement rehabilitation project in the UK, and the micro-simulation program VISSIM is used to model the traffic on that road section. The simulation results are fed into a traffic emissions model and emissions from the roadwork and the traffic are compared. The additional fuel consumption and emissions by the traffic during the roadwork are significant. This indicates that traffic management at road maintenance projects should be included in the life cycle assessment analysis of such work.  相似文献   

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