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Electric vehicles are often said to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However, the results of current comparisons with conventional vehicles are not always in favor of electric vehicles. We outline that this is not only due to the different assumptions in the time of charging and the country-specific electricity generation mix, but also due to the applied assessment method. We, therefore, discuss four assessment methods (average annual electricity mix, average time-dependent electricity mix, marginal electricity mix, and balancing zero emissions) and analyze the corresponding CO2 emissions for Germany in 2030 using an optimizing energy system model (PERSEUS-NET-TS). Furthermore, we distinguish between an uncontrolled (i.e. direct) charging and an optimized controlled charging strategy. For Germany, the different assessment methods lead to substantial discrepancies in CO2 emissions for 2030 ranging from no emissions to about 0.55 kg/kWhel (110 g/km). These emissions partly exceed the emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles. Furthermore, depending on the underlying power plant portfolio and the controlling objective, controlled charging might help to reduce CO2 emissions and relieve the electricity grid. We therefore recommend to support controlled charging, to develop consistent methodologies to address key factors affecting CO2 emissions by electric vehicles, and to implement efficient policy instruments which guarantee emission free mobility with electric vehicles agreed upon by researchers and policy makers.  相似文献   

Reducing energy consumption and controlling greenhouse gas emissions are key challenges for urban residents. Because urban areas are complex and dynamic, affected by many driving factors in terms of growth, development, and demographics, urban planners and policy makers need a sophisticated understanding of how residential lifestyle, transportation behavior, land-use changes, and land-use policies affect residential energy consumption and associated CO2 emissions. This study presents an approach to modeling and simulating future household energy consumption and CO2 emissions over a 30-year planning period, using an energy-consumption regression approach based on the UrbanSim model. Outputs from UrbanSim for a baseline scenario are compared with those from a no-transportation-demand model and an Atlanta BeltLine scenario. The results indicate that incorporation of a travel demand model can make the simulation more reasonable and that the BeltLine project holds potential for curbing energy consumption and CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

Temperature-controlled transport is needed to maintain the quality of products such as fresh and frozen foods and pharmaceuticals. Road transportation is responsible for a considerable part of global emissions. Temperature-controlled transportation exhausts even more emissions than ambient temperature transport because of the extra fuel requirements for cooling and because of leakage of refrigerant. The transportation sector is under pressure to improve both its environmental and economic performance. To explore opportunities to reach this goal, the Load-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem (LDVRP) model has been developed to optimize routing decisions taking into account fuel consumption and emissions related to the load of the vehicle. However, this model does not take refrigeration related emissions into account. We therefore propose an extension of the LDVRP model to optimize routing decisions and to account for refrigeration emissions in temperature-controlled transportation systems. This extended LDVRP model is applied in a case study in the Dutch frozen food industry. We show that taking the emissions caused by refrigeration in road transportation can result in different optimal routes and speeds compared with the LDVRP model and the standard Vehicle Routing Problem model. Moreover, taking the emissions caused by refrigeration into account improves the estimation of emissions related to temperature-controlled transportation. This model can help to reduce emissions of temperature-controlled road transportation.  相似文献   

This paper shows the results of a comparative fleet test the main objective of which was to measure the influence of Low Viscosity Oils (LVO) over the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of urban buses. To perform this test, 39 urban buses, classified into candidate and reference groups depending on the engine oil viscosity, covered a 60,000 km mileage corresponding to two rounds of standard Oil Drain Interval (ODI). In the same way, for 9 buses of the 39 buses, the effect of differential LVO over fuel consumption and their interaction with engine LVO was assessed during the second ODI.Test results confirm that the use of LVO could reduce fuel consumption, hence CO2 emissions. However, special attention should be taken prior to its implementation in a fleet, particularly if the vehicles are powered by engines with high mechanical and thermal stresses during vehicle operation because this could lead to friction loss increase, loss of the potential fuel consumption reduction of LVO and, in the worst scenario, higher rates of engine wear.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impacts on energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the introduction of electric vehicles into a smart grid, as a case study. The AVL Cruise software was used to simulate two vehicles, one electric and the other engine-powered, both operating under the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), in order to calculate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, fuel consumption and energy efficiency. Available carbon dioxide data from electric power generation in Brazil were used for comparison with the simulated results. In addition, scenarios of gradual introduction of electric vehicles in a taxi fleet operating with a smart grid system in Sete Lagoas city, MG, Brazil, were made to evaluate their impacts. The results demonstrate that CO2 emissions from the electric vehicle fleet can be from 10 to 26 times lower than that of the engine-powered vehicle fleet. In addition, the scenarios indicate that even with high factors of CO2 emissions from energy generation, significant reductions of annual emissions are obtained with the introduction of electric vehicles in the fleet.  相似文献   

There are no studies that model the potential effectiveness of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones to reduce CO2e lifecycle (including both utilization and vehicle phase) emissions when compared to conventional diesel vans, electric trucks, electric vans, and tricycles. This study presents a novel analysis of lifecycle UAV and ground commercial vehicles CO2e emissions. Different route and customer configurations are modeled analytically. Utilizing real-word data, tradeoffs and comparative advantages of UAVs are discussed. Breakeven points for operational emissions are obtained and the results clearly indicate that UAVs are more CO2e efficient, for small payloads, than conventional diesel vans in a per-distance basis. Drastically different results are obtained when customers can be grouped in a delivery route. UAV deliveries are not more CO2e efficient than tricycle or electric van delivery services if a few customers can be grouped in a route. Vehicle phase CO2e emissions for UAVs are significant and must be taken into account. Ground vehicles are more efficient when comparing vehicles production and disposal emissions per delivery.  相似文献   

The ’MOT’ vehicle inspection test record dataset recently released by the UK Department for Transport (DfT) provides the ability to estimate annual mileage figures for every individual light duty vehicle greater than 3 years old within Great Britain. Vehicle age, engine size and fuel type are also provided in the dataset and these allow further estimates to be made of fuel consumption, energy use, and per vehicle emissions of both air pollutants and greenhouse gases. The use of this data permits the adoption of a new vehicle-centred approach to assessing emissions and energy use in comparison to previous road-flow and national fuel consumption based approaches. The dataset also allows a spatial attribution of each vehicle to a postcode area, through the reported location of relevant vehicle testing stations. Consequently, this new vehicle data can be linked with socio-demographic data in order to determine the potential characteristics of vehicle owners.This paper provides a broad overview of the types of analyses that are made possible by these data, with a particular focus on distance driven and pollutant emissions. The intention is to demonstrate the very broad potential for this data, and to highlight where more focused analysis could be useful. The findings from the work have important implications for understanding the distributional impacts of transport related policies and targeting messaging and interventions for the reduction of car use.  相似文献   

The environmental sustainability of polycentric spatial structures in urban planning must be evaluated to ensure the sustainable development of city regions. Given the mixed conclusions of previous studies, as well as the lack of information on reliable methods of assessment and quantifiable mechanisms, a three-year dataset for prefecture-level and above city regions in China and spatial econometric models were used to examine the relationship between regional polycentricity and CO2 concentrations. After robust testing, we confirmed that polycentric structures decrease the mean CO2 concentrations of city regions, significantly reducing CO2 concentrations in primary city centers and mildly increasing those in city subcenters. Further quantitative analyses of the mechanisms underlying these patterns revealed that the CO2-reduction effect of polycentric structures is due to the balancing of reductions in commuting duration, transference of industrial CO2 to neighboring areas, and an increase in household CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

Globalization, greenhouse gas emissions and energy concerns, emerging vehicle technologies, and improved statistical modeling capabilities make the present moment an opportune time to revisit aggregate vehicle miles traveled (VMT), energy consumption, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions forecasting for passenger transportation. Using panel data for the 48 continental states during the period 1998-2008, the authors develop simultaneous equation models for predicting VMT on different road functional classes and examine how different technological solutions and changes in fuel prices can affect passenger VMT. Moreover, a random coefficient panel data model is developed to estimate the influence of various factors (such as demographics, socioeconomic variables, fuel tax, and capacity) on the total amount of passenger VMT in the United States. To assess the influence of each significant factor on VMT, elasticities are estimated. Further, the authors investigate the effect of different policies governing fuel tax and population density on future energy consumption and GHG emissions. The presented methodology and estimation results can assist transportation planners and policy-makers in determining future energy and transportation infrastructure investment needs.  相似文献   

The continuously variable hydromechanical transmission is an interesting solution for high power vehicles subject to frequent changes of speed, in which the comfort is a significant requirement.Despite their low average efficiency with respect to the mechanical transmissions, the hydromechanical transmissions allow to release the engine speed by the vehicle speed, and to open the possibility for the optimal control of the engine. It follows that the performance and emissions of the powertrain is heavily affected by the logic control.The aim of the paper is to investigate the emission reductions that can be obtained using a Power-Split transmission.Therefore, a hydromechanical transmission has been sized and tested on a 12-ton-city bus by using a one-dimensional model developed in an AMESim environment. Four different control strategies of the powertrain were applied to the model. The CUEDC-ME standard cycle for the characterization of emissions in heavy vehicles was used as a reference mission.The simulation results showed that the hydromechanical transmission reduces consumption or the emission levels with respect to the traditional transmission when managed according to appropriate control strategies. By means of emission values normalized with respect to the standard limits, it is possible to identify a control strategy that allows the reduction of emissions in every usage condition of the vehicle at the expense of a slight increase of consumption.The suggested procedure could help the manufacturer to satisfy the emission standard requirements.  相似文献   

There is a considerable body of studies on the relationship between daily transport activities and CO2 emissions. However, how these emissions vary in different weather conditions within and between the seasons of the year is largely unknown. Because individual activity–travel patterns are not static but vary in different weather conditions, it is immensely important to understand how CO2 emissions vary due to the change of weather. Using Swedish National Travel Survey data, with emission factors calculated through the European emission factor model ARTEMIS, this study is a first attempt to derive the amount of CO2 emission changes subject to the change of weather conditions. A series of econometric models was used to model travel behaviour variables that are crucial for influencing individual CO2 emissions. The marginal effects of weather variables on travel behaviour variables were derived. The results show an increase of individual CO2 emissions in a warmer climate and in more extreme temperature conditions, whereas increasing precipitation amounts and snow depths show limited effects on individual CO2 emissions. It is worth noting that the change in CO2 emissions in the scenario of a warmer climate and a more extreme temperature tends to be greater than the sum of changes in CO2 emissions in each individual scenario. Given that a warmer climate and more extreme weather could co-occur more frequently in the future, this result suggests even greater individual CO2 emissions than expected in such a future climate.  相似文献   

Transportation sector accounts for a large proportion of global greenhouse gas and toxic pollutant emissions. Even though alternative fuel vehicles such as all-electric vehicles will be the best solution in the future, mitigating emissions by existing gasoline vehicles is an alternative countermeasure in the near term. The aim of this study is to predict the vehicle CO2 emission per kilometer and determine an eco-friendly path that results in minimum CO2 emissions while satisfying travel time budget. The vehicle CO2 emission model is derived based on the theory of vehicle dynamics. Particularly, the difficult-to-measure variables are substituted by parameters to be estimated. The model parameters can be estimated by using the current probe vehicle systems. An eco-routing approach combining the weighting method and k-shortest path algorithm is developed to find the optimal path along the Pareto frontier. The vehicle CO2 emission model and eco-routing approach are validated in a large-scale transportation network in Toyota city, Japan. The relative importance analysis indicates that the average speed has the largest impact on vehicle CO2 emission. Specifically, the benefit trade-off between CO2 emission reduction and the travel time buffer is discussed by carrying out sensitivity analysis in a network-wide scale. It is found that the average reduction in CO2 emissions achieved by the eco-friendly path reaches a maximum of around 11% when the travel time buffer is set to around 10%.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the results of the Royal Automobile Clubhallo’s 2011 RAC Future Car Challenge, an annual motoring challenge in which participants seek to consume the least energy possible while driving a 92 km route from Brighton to London in the UK. The results reveal that the vehicle’s power train type has the largest impact on energy consumption and emissions. The traction ratio, defined as the fraction of time spent on the accelerator in relation to the driving time, and the amount of regenerative braking have a significant effect on the individual energy consumption of vehicles. In contrast, the average speed does not have a great effect on a vehicles’ energy consumption in the range 25–70 km/h.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a mixed-integer linear program to represent the decision-making process for heterogeneous fleets selecting vehicles and allocating them on freight delivery routes to minimize total cost of ownership. This formulation is implemented to project alternative powertrain technology adoption and utilization trends for a set of line-haul fleets operating on a regional network. Alternative powertrain technologies include compressed (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) engines, hybrid electric diesel, battery electric (BE), and hydrogen fuel cell (HFC). Future policies, economic factors, and availability of fueling and charging infrastructure are input assumptions to the proposed modeling framework. Powertrain technology adoption, vehicle utilization, and resulting CO2 emissions predictions for a hypothetical, representative regional highway network are illustrated. A design of experiments (DOE) is used to quantify sensitivity of adoption outcomes to variation in vehicle performance parameters, fuel costs, economic incentives, and fueling and charging infrastructure considerations. Three mixed-adoption scenarios, including BE, HFC, and CNG vehicle market penetration, are identified by the DOE study that demonstrate the potential to reduce cumulative CO2 emissions by more than 25% throughout the period of study.  相似文献   

We develop a method for empirically measuring the difference in transport related carbon footprint between traditional and online retailing (“e-tailing”) from entry point to a geographical area to consumer residence. The method only requires data on the locations of brick-and-mortar stores, online delivery points, and residences of the region’s population, and on the goods transportation networks in the studied region. Such data are readily available in most countries. The method has been evaluated using data from the Dalecarlia region in Sweden, and is shown to be robust to all assumptions made. In our empirical example, the results indicate that the average distance from consumer residence to a brick-and-mortar retailer is 48.54 km in the studied region, while the average distance to an online delivery point is 6.7 km. The results also indicate that e-tailing increases the average distance traveled from the regional entry point to the delivery point from 47.15 km for a brick-and-mortar store to 122.75 km for the online delivery points. However, as professional carriers transport the products in bulk to stores or online delivery points, which is more efficient than consumers’ transporting the products to their residences, the results indicate that consumers switching from traditional to e-tailing on average reduce their transport CO2 footprints by 84% when buying standard consumer electronics products.  相似文献   

Transportation CO2 emissions are expected to increase in the following decades, and thus, new and better alternatives to reduce emissions are needed. Road transport emissions are explained by different factors, such as the type of vehicle, delivery operation and driving style. Because different cities may have conditions that are characterized by diversity in landforms, congestion, driving styles, etc., the importance of assigning the proper vehicle to serve a particular region within the city provides alternatives to reduce CO2 emissions. In this article, we propose a new methodology that results in assigning trucks to deliver in areas such that the CO2 emissions are minimized. Our methodology clusters the delivery areas based on the performance of the vehicle fleet by using the k-means algorithm and Tukey’s method. The output is then used to define the optimal CO2 truck-area assignment. We illustrate the proposed approach for a parcel company that operates in Mexico City and demonstrate that it is a practical alternative to reduce transportation CO2 emissions by matching vehicle type with delivery areas.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a scenario-based study carried out at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre aimed at analyzing the future growth of aviation, the resulting fuel demand and the deployment of biofuels in the aviation sector in Europe. Three scenarios have been produced based on different input assumptions and leading to different underlying patterns of growth and resulting volumes of traffic. Data for aviation growth and hence fuel demand have been projected on a year by year basis up to 2030, using 2010 as the baseline. Data sources are Eurostat statistics and actual flight information from EUROCONTROL. Relevant variables such as the number of flights, the type of aircrafts, passengers or cargo tonnes and production indicators (RPKs) are used together with fuel consumption and CO2 emissions data. The target of the European Advanced Biofuels Flightpath to ensure the commercialization and consumption of 2 million tons of sustainably produced paraffinic biofuels in the aviation sector by 2020, has also been taken into account. Results regarding CO2 emission projections to 2030, reveal a steady annual increase in the order of 3%, 1% and 4% on average, for the three different scenarios, providing also a good correlation compared to the annual traffic growth rates that are indicated in the three corresponding scenarios. In absolute values, these ratios correspond to the central, the pessimistic and the optimistic scenarios respectively, corresponding to 360 million tonnes CO2 emissions in 2030, ranging from 271 to 401 million tonnes for the pessimistic and optimistic scenarios, respectively. This article also reports on the supply potential of aviation biofuels (clustered in HEFA/HVOs and biojet) based on the production capacity of facilities around the world and provides an insight on the current and future trends in aviation based on the European and national policies, innovations and state-of-the art technologies that will influence the future of sustainable fuels in aviation.  相似文献   

Nowadays, evaluating CO2 emissions efficiency and its marginal abatement cost in transportation sectors has been a hot topic. However, while evaluating the CO2 marginal abatement cost using data envelopment analysis approach, the weak disposability of CO2 may imply positive abatement cost, which undoubtedly violates our common sense. To obtain non-positive marginal abatement cost, CO2 emissions should be treated as an input. To reconcile this contradiction, this paper intends to propose a global, directional distance function model based on previous study to investigate the productivity, economic efficiency, CO2 emissions efficiency, and marginal abatement cost of the China’s regional transportation sectors during 2007–2012. The results show that: (1) the productivity, economic efficiency and CO2 emissions efficiency of different regions differ widely. More specifically, the coastal areas of south China perform better than the other areas in terms of productivity, economic efficiency, and CO2 emissions efficiency. (2) Generally, the economic efficiency is greater than CO2 emissions efficiency, which is relatively low in most areas. (3) A negative correlation is found between CO2 emissions efficiency and its marginal abatement cost. For a 1% increase in CO2 emissions efficiency, the CO2 marginal abatement cost declines by 102 Yuan (in 2004 constant price). The results imply that improving CO2 emissions efficiency plays an important role in marginal abatement cost reduction, and it also provides us a new approach to reduce abatement cost besides the technical progress.  相似文献   

Τhis study demonstrates the combination of a microscopic traffic simulator (AIMSUN) with an instantaneous emissions model (AVL CRUISE) to investigate the impact of traffic congestion on fuel consumption on an urban arterial road. The micro traffic model was enhanced by an improved car-following law according to Morello et al. (2014) and was calibrated to replicate measured driving patterns over an urban corridor in Turin, Italy, operating under adaptive urban traffic control (UTC). The method was implemented to study the impact of congestion on fuel consumption for the category of Euro 5 diesel <1.4 l passenger cars. Free flow and congested conditions led to respective consumption differences of −25.8% and 20.9% over normal traffic. COPERT 5 rather well predicted the impact of congestion but resulted to a much lower relative reduction in free flow conditions. Start and stop system was estimated to reduce consumption by 6% and 11.9% under normal and congested conditions, respectively. Using the same modelling approach, UTC was found to have a positive impact on CO2 emissions of 8.1% and 4.5% for normal and congested conditions, respectively, considering the Turin vehicle fleet mix for the year 2013. Overall, the study demonstrates that the combination of detailed and validated micro traffic and emissions models offers a powerful combination to study traffic and powertrain impacts on greenhouse gas and fuel consumption of on road vehicles over a city network.  相似文献   

This paper develops an operational activity-based method to estimate CO2 emissions from container shipping in contrasts to the traditional aggregated activity-based method. Two case studies investigate the impacts of empty container repositioning policies and port handling capacity on CO2 emission index. The results show that the aggregated method could well overestimate CO2 emissions and the operational activity-based method is more appropriate. The paper also demonstrates that high port-handling capacity and efficient empty container repositioning could reduce CO2 emissions in seaborne container transportation.  相似文献   

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