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This paper aims to examine choice behavior in respect of the time at which battery electric vehicle users charge their vehicles. The focus is on normal charging after the last trip of the day, and the alternatives presented are no charging, charging immediately after arrival, nighttime charging, and charging at other times. A mixed logit model with unobserved heterogeneity is applied to panel data extracted from a two-year field trial on battery electric vehicle usage in Japan. Estimation results, obtained using separate models for commercial and private vehicles, suggest that state of charge, interval in days before the next travel day, and vehicle-kilometers to be traveled on the next travel day are the main predictors for whether a user charges the vehicle or not, that the experience of fast charging negatively affects normal charging, and that users tend to charge during the nighttime in the latter half of the trial. On the other hand, the probability of normal charging after the last trip of a working day is increased for commercial vehicles, while is decreased for private vehicles. Commercial vehicles tend not to be charged when they arrival during the nighttime, while private vehicles tend to be charged immediately. Further, the correlations of nighttime charging with charging immediately and charging at other times reveal that it may be possible to encourage charging during off-peak hours to lessen the load on the electricity grid. This finding is supported by the high variance for the alternative of nighttime charging.  相似文献   

This study explores how battery electric vehicle users choose where to fast-charge their vehicles from a set of charging stations, as well as the distance by which they are generally willing to detour for fast-charging. The focus is on fast-charging events during trips that include just one fast-charge between origin and destination in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Mixed logit models with and without a threshold effect for detour distance are applied to panel data extracted from a two-year field trial on battery electric vehicle usage in Japan. Findings from the mixed logit model with threshold show that private users are generally willing to detour up to about 1750 m on working days and 750 m on non-working days, while the distance is 500 m for commercial users on both working and non-working days. Users in general prefer to charge at stations requiring a shorter detour and use chargers located at gas stations, and are significantly affected by the remaining charge. Commercial users prefer to charge at stations encountered earlier along their paths, while only private users traveling on working days show such preference and they turn to prefer the stations encountered later when choosing a station in peak hours. Only private users traveling on working days show a strong preference for free charging. Commercial users tend to pay for charging at a station within 500 m detour distance. The fast charging station choice behavior is heterogeneous among users. These findings provide a basis for early planning of a public fast charging infrastructure.  相似文献   

Shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) are the next major evolution in urban mobility. This technology has attracted much interest of car manufacturers aiming at playing a role as transportation network companies (TNCs) and carsharing agencies in order to gain benefits per kilometer and per ride. It is predicted that the majority of future SAVs would most probably be electric. It is therefore important to understand how limited vehicle range and the configuration of charging infrastructure will affect the performance of shared autonomous electric vehicle (SAEV) services. In this study, we aim to explore the impacts of charging station placement, charging types (including normal and rapid charging, and battery swapping), and vehicle battery capacities on service efficiency. We perform an agent-based simulation of SAEVs across the Rouen Normandie metropolitan area in France. The simulation process features impact assessment by considering dynamic demand responsive to the network and traffic.Research results suggest that the performance of SAEVs is strongly correlated with the charging infrastructure. Importantly, faster charging infrastructure and placement of charging locations according to minimized distances between demand hubs and charging stations result in a higher performance. Further analysis indicates the importance of dispersing charging stations across the service area and its impacts on service effectiveness. The results also underline that SAEV battery capacity has to be selected carefully such that to avoid the overlaps between demand and charging peak times. Finally, the simulation results show that the performance indicators of SAEV service are significantly improved by providing battery swapping infrastructure.  相似文献   

Recently, electric vehicles are gaining importance which helps to reduce dependency on oil, increases energy efficiency of transportation, reduces carbon emissions and noise, and avoids tail pipe emissions. Because of short daily driving distances, high mileage, and intermediate waiting time, fossil-fuelled taxi vehicles are ideal candidates for being replaced by battery electric vehicles (BEVs). Moreover, taxi BEVs would increase visibility of electric mobility and therefore encourage others to purchase an electric vehicle. Prior to replacing conventional taxis with BEVs, a suitable charging infrastructure has to be established. This infrastructure consists of a sufficiently dense network of charging stations taking into account the lower driving ranges of BEVs.In this case study we propose a decision support system for placing charging stations in order to satisfy the charging demand of electric taxi vehicles. Operational taxi data from about 800 vehicles is used to identify and estimate the charging demand for electric taxis based on frequent origins and destinations of trips. Next, a variant of the maximal covering location problem is formulated and solved to satisfy as much charging demand as possible with a limited number of charging stations. Already existing fast charging locations are considered in the optimization problem. In this work, we focus on finding regions in which charging stations should be placed rather than exact locations. The exact location within an area is identified in a post-optimization phase (e.g., by authorities), where environmental conditions are considered, e.g., the capacity of the power network, availability of space, and legal issues.Our approach is implemented in the city of Vienna, Austria, in the course of an applied research project that has been conducted in 2014. Local authorities, power network operators, representatives of taxi driver guilds as well as a radio taxi provider participated in the project and identified exact locations for charging stations based on our decision support system.  相似文献   

The plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) is deemed as a critical technological revolution, and the governments are imposing various vehicle policies to promote its development. Meanwhile, the market success of PEVs depends on many aspects. This study integrates one’s use of charging infrastructure at home, public place and workplace into the market dynamics analysis tool, New Energy and Oil Consumption Credits (NEOCC) model, to systematically assess the charging infrastructure (home parking ratio, public charging opportunity, and charging costs) impact on PEV ownership costs and analyze how the PEV market shares may be affected by the attributes of the charging infrastructure. Compared to the charging infrastructure, the impact of battery costs is incontrovertibly decisive on PEV market shares, the charging infrastructure is still non-negligible in the PEV market dynamics. The simulation results find that the public charging infrastructure has more effectiveness on promoting the PEV sales in the PEV emerging market than it does in the PEV mature market. However, the improvement of charging infrastructure does not necessarily lead to a larger PEV market if the charging infrastructure incentives do not coordinate well with other PEV policies. Besides, the increase of public charging opportunities has limited motivations on the growth of public PEV fleets, which are highly correlated to the number of public fast charging stations or outlets. It also finds that more home parking spaces can stimulate more sales of personal plug-in hybrid electric vehicles instead of personal battery electric vehicles.  相似文献   

Battery-only electric vehicles (BEVs) generally offer better air quality through lowered emissions, along with energy savings and security. The issue of long-duration battery charging makes charging-station placement and design key for BEV adoption rates. This work uses genetic algorithms to identify profit-maximizing station placement and design details, with applications that reflect the costs of installing, operating, and maintaining service equipment, including land acquisition. Fast electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs) are placed across a congested city's network subject to stochastic demand for charging under a user-equilibrium traffic assignment. BEV users’ station choices consider endogenously determined travel times and on-site charging queues. The model allows for congested-travel and congested-station feedback into travelers’ route choices under elastic demand and BEV owners’ station choices, as well as charging price elasticity for BEV charging users.Boston-network results suggest that EVCSs should locate mostly along major highways, which may be a common finding for other metro settings. If 10% of current EV owners seek to charge en route, a user fee of $6 for a 30-min charging session is not enough for station profitability under a 5-year time horizon in this region. However, $10 per BEV charging delivers a 5-year profit of $0.82 million, and 11 cords across 3 stations are enough to accommodate a near-term charging demand in this Boston-area application. Shorter charging sessions, higher fees, and/or allowing for more cords per site also increase profits generally, everything else constant. Power-grid and station upgrades should keep pace with demand, to maximize profits over time, and avoid on-site congestion.  相似文献   

The transition to electric vehicles (EV) faces two major barriers. On one hand, EV batteries are still expensive and limited by range, owing to the lack of technology breakthrough. On the other hand, the underdeveloped supporting infrastructure, particularly the lack of fast refueling facilities, makes EVs unsuitable for medium and long distance travel. The primary purpose of this study is to better understand these hurdles and to develop strategies to overcome them. To this end, a conceptual optimization model is proposed to analyze travel by EVs along a long corridor. The objective of the model is to select the battery size and charging capacity (in terms of both the charging power at each station and the number of stations needed along the corridor) to meet a given level of service in such a way that the total social cost is minimized. Two extensions of the base model are also considered. The first relaxes the assumption that the charging power at the stations is a continuous variable. The second variant considers battery swapping as an alternative to charging. Our analysis suggests that (1) the current paradigm of charging facility development that focuses on level 2 charging delivers poor level of service for long distance travel; (2) the level 3 charging method is necessary not only to achieve a reasonable level of service, but also to minimize the social cost; (3) investing on battery technology to reduce battery cost is likely to have larger impacts on reducing the charging cost; and (4) battery swapping promises high level of service, but it may not be socially optimal for a modest level of service, especially when the costs of constructing swapping and charging stations are close.  相似文献   

Given the rapid development of charging-while-driving technology, we envision that charging lanes for electric vehicles can be deployed in regional or even urban road networks in the future and thus attempt to optimize their deployment in this paper. We first develop a new user equilibrium model to describe the equilibrium flow distribution across a road network where charging lanes are deployed. Drivers of electric vehicles, when traveling between their origins and destinations, are assumed to select routes and decide battery recharging plans to minimize their trip times while ensuring to complete their trips without running out of charge. The battery recharging plan will dictate which charging lane to use, how long to charge and at what speed to operate an electric vehicle. The speed will affect the amount of energy recharged as well as travel time. With the established user equilibrium conditions, we further formulate the deployment of charging lanes as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints. Both the network equilibrium and design models are solved by effective solution algorithms and demonstrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper explores how to optimally locate public charging stations for electric vehicles on a road network, considering drivers’ spontaneous adjustments and interactions of travel and recharging decisions. The proposed approach captures the interdependency of different trips conducted by the same driver by examining the complete tour of the driver. Given the limited driving range and recharging needs of battery electric vehicles, drivers of electric vehicles are assumed to simultaneously determine tour paths and recharging plans to minimize their travel and recharging time while guaranteeing not running out of charge before completing their tours. Moreover, different initial states of charge of batteries and risk-taking attitudes of drivers toward the uncertainty of energy consumption are considered. The resulting multi-class network equilibrium flow pattern is described by a mathematical program, which is solved by an iterative procedure. Based on the proposed equilibrium framework, the charging station location problem is then formulated as a bi-level mathematical program and solved by a genetic-algorithm-based procedure. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the models and provide insights on public charging infrastructure deployment and behaviors of electric vehicles.  相似文献   

Shared autonomous vehicles, or SAVs, have attracted significant public and private interest because of their opportunity to simplify vehicle access, avoid parking costs, reduce fleet size, and, ultimately, save many travelers time and money. One way to extend these benefits is through an electric vehicle (EV) fleet. EVs are especially suited for this heavy usage due to their lower energy costs and reduced maintenance needs. As the price of EV batteries continues to fall, charging facilities become more convenient, and renewable energy sources grow in market share, EVs will become more economically and environmentally competitive with conventionally fueled vehicles. EVs are limited by their distance range and charge times, so these are important factors when considering operations of a large, electric SAV (SAEV) fleet.This study simulated performance characteristics of SAEV fleets serving travelers across the Austin, Texas 6-county region. The simulation works in sync with the agent-based simulator MATSim, with SAEV modeling as a new mode. Charging stations are placed, as needed, to serve all trips requested (under 75 km or 47 miles in length) over 30 days of initial model runs. Simulation of distinctive fleet sizes requiring different charge times and exhibiting different ranges, suggests that the number of station locations depends almost wholly on vehicle range. Reducing charge times does lower fleet response times (to trip requests), but increasing fleet size improves response times the most. Increasing range above 175 km (109 miles) does not appear to improve response times for this region and trips originating in the urban core are served the quickest. Unoccupied travel accounted for 19.6% of SAEV mileage on average, with driving to charging stations accounting for 31.5% of this empty-vehicle mileage. This study found that there appears to be a limit on how much response time can be improved through decreasing charge times or increasing vehicle range.  相似文献   

The aim of the German Government is the licensing of one million electric vehicles (EV) in Germany until 2020. However, the number of battery electric vehicles (EVs) today still is just above 25,000. There are several reasons for deciding against an EV, but especially low battery ranges as well as too long perceived charging duration inhibit the usage of an EV. To eliminate the negative influence of these two reasons on the decision to purchase an EV, a novel charging technology is established. The rapid-charging technology enables the user to recharge the battery to 80% of its state of charge (SOC) within 20–30 min. For the examination of the technology’s impact from (potential) user’s perspective, users and nonusers of battery electric vehicles were questioned about the perceived additional value of public rapid-charging infrastructure by taking into account different trip purposes and running comparisons to regular charging options. The results show an increased perceived value especially for trips with leisure purpose, considering their share of all trip purposes in Germany, according to the MiD 2008. In order to increase the number of licensed EVs in Germany, the study’s results also suggest further dissemination of information on rapid charging which might influence the perceived usefulness of the technology and consequentially the perceived usefulness of an EV.  相似文献   

This paper examines choice behaviors pertaining to the time at which users of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with 24 km electric range charge their vehicles after arriving at home under a dynamic electricity pricing scheme. The following mutually exclusive alternatives are presented: no charging, charging immediately after arriving at home, charging at the cheapest time, and charging at other times. Four versions of a mixed logit model with unobserved heterogeneity are applied to panel data on vehicle usage from 9 households with 2226 observations in Toyota City. Estimation results suggest that users’ willingness to charge become stronger with increasing driving distance when the driving distance is less than the electric range of 24 km, while tend not to charge when the driving distance is longer than the electric range. Users who return home at the cheapest time or during the day are willing to charge immediately after arriving at home. Electricity prices significantly affect choices to charge at the cheapest time for all users, and stay-at-home mother users and users returning home in the evening tend to charge at the cheapest time. Users returning home in the evening also tend to charge at other times, and being accustomed to charge at a certain time increases the probability of charging at other times. In addition, considerable variations are found across individuals with respect to their preferences for charge timing alternatives as well as for electricity prices.  相似文献   

The spread of electric vehicles (EVs) and their increasing demand for electricity has placed a greater burden on electricity generation and the power grid. In particular, the problem of whether to expand the electricity power stations and distribution facilities due to the construction of EV charging stations is emerging as an immediate issue. To effectively meet the demand for additional electricity while ensuring the stability of the power grid, there is a need to accurately predict the charging demands for EVs. Therefore, this study estimates the changes in electricity charging demand based on consumer preferences for EVs, charging time of day, and types of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and elucidates the matters to be considered for constructing EV infrastructure. The results show that consumers mainly preferred charging during the evening. However, when we considered different types of EVSEs (public and private) in the analysis, people preferred to charge at public EVSEs during the day. During peak load time, people tended to prefer charging using fast public EVSEs, which shows that consumers considered the tradeoffs between the full charge time and the price for charging. Based on these findings, this study provides key political implications for policy makers to consider in taking preemptive measures to adjust the electricity supply infrastructure.  相似文献   

Proposed legislation in British Columbia would require 30 percent of new car sales to be zero-emission vehicles by 2030, and 100 percent by 2040. The growing amount of energy demand and usage data from smart meters or internet of things (IoT) devices enables new research areas. We reporton machine learning approaches to reevaluate the impacts of battery electric vehicles (BEV) on the built environment. We developed a daily power profile analysis based on unsupervised learning, to understand the underlying structure of building and BEV charging station demand data. In addition, we have implemented a load aggregation method based on the features revealed by a clustering process. This aggregation method simulates the electricity demand of an arbitrary number of charging stations, all of which are connected to the main feeder of a building. Several scenarios are simulated using charging stations and building demand data from the University of British Columbia campus in Vancouver. Results for 150 charging stations revealed that the feeder load could increase from a peak load scenario of 300 kW to more than 1000 kW during a high-consumption weekday.  相似文献   

Lack of charging infrastructure is an important barrier to the growth of the plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) market. Public charging infrastructure has tangible and intangible value, such as reducing range anxiety or building confidence in the future of the PEV market. Quantifying the value of public charging infrastructure can inform analysis of investment decisions and can help predict the impact of charging infrastructure on future PEV sales. Estimates of willingness to pay (WTP) based on stated preference surveys are limited by consumers’ lack of familiarity with PEVs. As an alternative, we focus on quantifying the tangible value of public PEV chargers in terms of their ability to displace gasoline use for PHEVs and to enable additional electric (e−) vehicle miles for BEVs, thereby mitigating the limitations of shorter range and longer recharging time. Simulation studies provide data that can be used to quantify e-miles enabled by public chargers and the value of additional e-miles can be inferred from econometric estimates of WTP for increased vehicle range. Functions are synthesized that estimate the WTP for public charging infrastructure by plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles, conditional on vehicle range, annual vehicle travel, pre-existing charging infrastructure, energy prices, vehicle efficiency, and household income. A case study based on California’s public charging network in 2017 indicates that, to the purchaser of a new BEV with a 100-mile range and home recharging, existing public fast chargers are worth about $1500 for intraregional travel, and fast chargers along intercity routes are valued at over $6500.  相似文献   

There have been ongoing debates over whether battery electric vehicles contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in China’s context, and if yes, whether the greenhouse gas emissions reduction compensates the cost increment. This study informs such debate by examining the life-cycle cost and greenhouse gas emissions of conventional vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles, and comparing their cost-effectiveness for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The results indicate that under a wide range of vehicle and driving configurations (range capacity, vehicle use intensity, etc.), battery electric vehicles contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared with conventional vehicles, although their current cost-effectiveness is not comparable with hybrid electric vehicles. Driven by grid mix optimization, power generation efficiency improvement, and battery cost reduction, the cost-effectiveness of battery electric vehicles is expected to improve significantly over the coming decade and surpass hybrid electric vehicles. However, considerable uncertainty exists due to the potential impacts from factors such as gasoline price. Based on the analysis, it is recommended that the deployment of battery electric vehicles should be prioritized in intensively-used fleets such as taxis to realize high cost-effectiveness. Technology improvements both in terms of power generation and vehicle electrification are essential in improving the cost-effectiveness of battery electric vehicles.  相似文献   

The benefit of using a PHEV comes from its ability to substitute gasoline with electricity in operation. Defined as the proportion of distance traveled in the electric mode, the utility factor (UF) depends mostly on the battery capacity, but also on many other factors, such as travel pattern and recharging pattern. Conventionally, the UFs are calculated based on the daily vehicle miles traveled (DVMT) by assuming motorists leave home in the morning with a full battery, and no charge occurs before returning home in the evening. Such an assumption, however, ignores the impact of the heterogeneity in both travel and charging behavior, such as going back home more than once in a day, the impact of available charging time, and the price of gasoline and electricity. Moreover, the conventional UFs are based on the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) data, which are one-day travel data of each sample vehicle. A motorist’s daily travel distance variation is ignored. This paper employs the GPS-based longitudinal travel data (covering 3–18 months) collected from 403 vehicles in the Seattle metropolitan area to investigate how such travel and charging behavior affects UFs. To do this, for each vehicle, we organized trips to a series of home and work related tours. The UFs based on the DVMT are found close to those based on home-to-home tours. On the other hand, it is seen that the workplace charge opportunities significantly increase UFs if the CD range is no more than 40 miles.  相似文献   

As charging-while-driving (CWD) technology advances, charging lanes can be deployed in the near future to charge electric vehicles (EVs) while in motion. Since charging lanes will be costly to deploy, this paper investigates the deployment of two types of charging facilities, namely charging lanes and charging stations, along a long traffic corridor to explore the competitiveness of charging lanes. Given the charging infrastructure supply, i.e., the number of charging stations, the number of chargers installed at each station, the length of charging lanes, and the charging prices at charging stations and lanes, we analyze the charging-facility-choice equilibrium of EVs. We then discuss the optimal deployment of charging infrastructure considering either the public or private provision. In the former, a government agency builds and operates both charging lanes and stations to minimize social cost, while in the latter, charging lanes and stations are assumed to be built and operated by two competing private companies to maximize their own profits. Numerical experiments based on currently available empirical data suggest that charging lanes are competitive in both cases for attracting drivers and generating revenue.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the market potential and environmental benefits of replacing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in the taxi fleet in Nanjing, China. Vehicle trajectory data collected by onboard global positioning system (GPS) units are used to study the travel patterns of taxis. The impacts of charger power, charging infrastructure coverage, and taxi apps on the feasibility of electric taxis are quantified, considering taxi drivers’ recharging behavior and operating activities. It is found that (1) depending on the charger power and coverage, 19% (with AC Level 2 chargers and 20% charger network coverage) to 56% (with DC chargers and 100% charger network coverage) of the ICE vehicles can be replaced by electric taxis without driving pattern changes; (2) by using taxi apps to find nearby passengers and charging stations, drivers could utilize the empty cruising time to charge the battery, which may increase the acceptance of BEVs by up to 82.6% compared to the scenario without taxi apps; and (3) tailpipe emissions in urban areas could be significantly reduced with taxi electrification: a mixed taxi fleet with 46% compressed-natural-gas-powered (CNG) and 54% electricity-powered vehicles can reduce the tailpipe emissions by 48% in comparison with the fleet of 100% CNG taxis.  相似文献   

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