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阿拉尔至和田沙漠公路的建设中推广应用了《沙漠地区公路建设成套技术研究》的研究成果,在生产实践中深化和完善了科研成果。文章就该研究成果在阿拉尔至和田沙漠公路选线和线形设计中的应用情况进行评价分析,对科研成果的推广应用具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

沙漠公路工程防护体系由于受到风蚀、沙埋和风化等作用出现了不同程度的破损,其防护效益逐年降低,有些路段的防护体系已经失去作用,因此对于沙漠公路现存防沙体系的养护已经成为亟待解决的技术难题。本文通过对阿和沙漠公路工程防沙体系受害程度的调查和评价,提出针对性的沙漠公路防沙工程养护方法。  相似文献   

针对陶乐至横城公路沙漠地区的风沙运动规律,根据沙漠公路选线原则,对陶乐至横城公路沙漠路段路线布局提出三种方案,经过科学合理的比较论证,确定了最终的路线方案。  相似文献   

确保沙漠公路路基稳定可靠的关键是确定沙漠公路路基的合理填土高度以及路基高度。文章分析了影响公路沙埋的主要因素,根据对新疆以及西北地区广大沙漠公路路基高度数据和沙漠公路运营状况的调查分析,建立了路基高度与沙埋概率关系曲线,得出路基高度最好30cm,但其高度也不能太高,并通过风沙流风洞试验对不同填土高度的风速流场特征进行了研究,结果表明沙漠公路路基填土高度与沙埋危害关系的关键在于研究路基流场特征。  相似文献   

"十五"以来,针对新疆特殊的地质条件和恶劣的气候环境,交通运输部集中安排了31个交通科研项目,投入6260万元用于新疆交通建设科技攻关。截至目前,沙漠地区公路修筑成套技术研究已取得40余项成果,在沙漠公路自然区划、线性指标、阻沙性能指数、可调控防沙等7个方面取得  相似文献   

浅谈公路建设项目后评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据公路建设项目的特点,对公路建设项目后评价的内容、评价方法进行了阐述。  相似文献   

结合阿拉尔~和田沙漠防沙体系的设计选定,从设计角度入手,探讨如何选定一种既满足沙漠公路防沙要求而又经济的防沙体系.  相似文献   

青海省境内已经沙化的土地面积达到1525.42万hm2,对公路正常运营造成了很大的危害,加大了公路养护程度,严重影响行车安全,因此,应结合青海省沙漠地区特点,在公路勘察、设计、施工中采取有效措施对沙害进行治理,降低维修费用,保证行车安全.  相似文献   

<正>沙漠地区能源的大规模开发及周边区域社会经济的快速发展,客观上要求在沙漠地区修筑公路,但已有技术难以满足沙漠地区公路建设快速发展的需求;以面积约150万平方公里的青藏高原为代表的多年冻土地区是全球唯一低纬度高海拔多年冻土区,冻土地区公路的建设和养护面临许多世界性技术难题,严重制约着多年冻土地区公路交通的发展;  相似文献   

针对陶乐至横城公路沙漠地区的风沙运动规律,结合该地区的风沙地貌情况,提出了该路段合理的路基横断面型式。  相似文献   

针对榆靖沙漠高速公路气候特点,采用Su-perpave设计方法对沥青混合料进行设计,对试验路压实度、构造深度、路面弯沉、裂缝等质量控制指标进行测试,分析结果表明Superpave沥青混凝土路面具有优良的路用性能,所采用的材料组成设计方法在沙漠地区地区具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文主要针对国省道公路沥青道路的施工技术进行分析,从而及时改进现有的道路工程施工工艺,有效提高道路工程施工效率。道路工程作为当前城市建设中的重要内容,对于城市发展有着极为重要的作用。这就需要有关部门能够对此有着足够的重视,确保道路工程可以充分满足城市发展的需要。通过对公路沥青道路相关施工技术的分析,不仅可以实现道路工程施工工艺的改进,还可以提高道路的通过性,进一步减少国省道的拥堵情况。同时,对公路沥青道路施工技术进行分析,还能实现对于道路工程施工质量的控制,有利于道路使用寿命的提高。沥青道路施工技术的改进,对于当前交通运营及物流有着极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

文章基于Braess悖论,以单位车辆的平均出行时间为最优目标,以网络道路系统为约束条件,从逆向思维角度建立了通过临时关闭道路引导交通流以缓解城市道路交通拥挤的Narsh均衡非线性规划模型,并以北京二环道路网络为研究对象进行了实例分析。结果表明,在城市道路网中,关闭部分路段并不能明显缓解交通拥堵现状,但可以在不影响路网整体通行时间的条件下改善路网局部拥堵状况。建议城市道路交通临时疏导方案应该根据路网交通流的分布特点和道路通过能力等因素进行制订。  相似文献   

Government guarantees are frequently used to attract private investors’ participation into Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) road projects. In this paper, we investigate the impact of government guarantees on toll charge, road quality and road capacity by taking perspective of the private investor. The main results are: (1) Minimum traffic guarantee increases toll charge while decreasing road quality. Under a low guarantee level, minimum traffic guarantee has no impact on road capacity. However, it improves road capacity when a high guarantee level is performed. (2) Under minimum revenue guarantee, if the guarantee level is sufficiently high, the optimal toll charge will be sufficiently large, but road quality and road capacity will approach zero. (3) Price compensation guarantee decreases toll charge and increases both road quality and road capacity. This paper further investigates the impact of government guarantees when the contract is auctioned. We find that auction reduces the impact of government guarantees on toll charge while failing to affect the impact of government guarantees on road quality and capacity. Some policy implications are also derived from our model results.  相似文献   

道路车辆清障救援服务是保障道路运输安全畅通的重要组成部分,是道路交通安全保障失效情况下的一种补救措施。文中阐述了国内外道路车辆清障救援行业现状,分析了我国道路清障救援行业存在的问题。在此基础上,提出了道路车辆清障救援服务标准体系架构,以促进我国清障救援社会化、规范化、专业化、市场化。  相似文献   

The roads are one of the most obvious expressions of modern society, being considered vital for economical growth. Nevertheless, roads have a very strong negative impact upon environment, manifested, among others, by road mortality. In Romania numerous minor roads are currently upgraded and asphalted. In the year 2016, on a road of this kind, in a wooded mountain area, we recorded 1628 road killed animals belonging to 48 taxons. The majority were forest and wet areas animals (earthworms, snails, amphibians, etc), characteristic for the road’s vicinity. Flying or dry areas animals were fewer. The road crosses the forest and the wet areas animals’ habitats. Now, they are certain victims on the road, because its recent upgrade had increased the cars’ speed. Road mortality differed between periods and according to the road surroundings aspect. The highest road mortality intensity was registered at the end of the spring. It has dropped in the summer and then rose again in the autumn, but just moderately. The animals were affected according to their life cycle and ecological demands. On this minor road surrounded by relatively uniform wooded habitats, the road mortality differences were determined in the first place by the demandings and life cycle of the victims, which were affected by meteorological conditions. This studied road is a proof of how forest native animals are exposed once their habitat is crossed by a road.  相似文献   

文章针对广州市道路系统规划的基本状况及存在的问题,结合国外城市道路交通规划建设及管理经验,提出了基于小尺度道路网、合理道路等级级配和快速路系统的城市道路交通规划建设优化措施及建议,为缓解城市交通拥堵提供理论依据。  相似文献   

文章基于河池农村公路建设现状,总结了河池农村公路建设的有效经验,阐述了河池农村公路建设模式的优点、作用,为今后的农村公路建设与管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Severe traffic congestion in and around many cities across the world has resulted in programmes of extensive road building and other capacity increasing projects. But traffic congestion has often not fallen in the long run and neither has journey speed increased. Demand for peak period road travel, particularly by car, has grown so strongly that increases in road capacity have been quickly matched by increased road use. This paper develops a model of a road network characterised by insatiable road passenger (car and bus) demand. The model parameters are calibrated on a typical urban road network, and a number of simulations conducted to determine social welfare after the introduction of a road capacity constraint into the optimisation process. The empirical results have an important policy implication for the evaluation of projects that increase road capacity, namely that standard methods of cost-benefit analysis may tend to overestimate the net benefits of such projects by a significant amount. Although the model is developed in the context of roads and road traffic congestion, it could also be applied to air travel.  相似文献   

路面排水是否通畅,对路面各种病害的产生和发展具有决定性因素,通过路表排水设计、沥青混凝土路面结构选型及抗渗性设计和路面结构内部防排水系统设计等方面完善路面排水系统,对高速公路的正常运行和行车安全具有重大意义。  相似文献   

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