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根据总布置绘图图形符号表示法的特点,运用了AutoCAD的建块技术,参考了各类总布置制图的标准和实践经验,以块的形式建立了标准图形符号库,将大量总布置绘图中所用到的图形符号以库的形式组织起来,并以此为核心,应用AutoCAD的二次开发技术开发出了客船总布置图绘制系统。 相似文献
内河客船布置设计的改革 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从人机关系的角度讨论了船舶总布置设计的各种影响因素,介绍了总布置量化设计方法-人机关系的相关环方法;并结合实船设计介绍了这种方法的具体操作。 相似文献
一、前言上海作为国际大都市,全国经济的龙头,随着其经济的发展,开发崇明、建设崇明也被崇明县政府提到一个相当的高度。崇明是我国第三大岛屿,要开发建设崇明首先要解决的就是交通问题,也就是说要解决崇明至上海的高速船问题。崇明县人民政府、上海亚通股份有限公司、武汉华中科技大学、东莞市江龙船舶制造有限公 相似文献
基于模糊综合评判的客船火灾人员应急疏散评价体系研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
客船发生火灾时,应急疏散能力的优劣直接关系到客船人员疏散的效率。有效的应急疏散评价指标体系的建立及评价对避免与减少客船火灾时人员的伤亡起着关键作用;通过分析海上客船火灾人员疏散特点,借鉴陆上大型公共建筑火灾人员应急疏散评价研究建立了客船火灾人员应急疏散评价指标体系,综合运用层次分析法与模糊决策理论,建立了评价客船发生火灾时的应急疏散能力的模糊层次分析模型,运用该模型对“千岛”号客船的人员应急疏散能力进行了实证分析,结果表明该评价体系是可行的,有一定的适用性。 相似文献
阐述了高速公路路线方案社会评价的重要意义,介绍了基于多层模糊模型的综合评价方法,并将该方法引入高速公路项目路线方案的社会评价中,同时运用该方法对具体项目的不同路线方案进行了社会评价比选。 相似文献
针对近年来围绕高速艇大回转试验出现的分歧意见,分析了进行高速艇大回转试验的必要性,探讨高速艇大回转试验的程序和方法,提出了尽快更新回转试验标准等建议。 相似文献
全垫升气垫船垫态高速运行于水气界面,类似于飞机,因此对重量要求极为苛刻。具有水陆两栖性的气垫登陆艇属于全垫升气垫船,主要运载主战坦克等重型装备实现超越式干登陆,其装载量大而主尺度又往往受限,故只能采用单位重量功率大的小档燃气轮机作为主动力。美国气垫登陆艇代表了目前气垫船的最高技术水平,因装载需要而采用首尾贯通的敞开式装载甲板,其边岛式上层建筑留给燃气轮机的布置空间十分有限,并且高温、高湿、高盐的工作环境对船用燃气轮机提出了更高要求。文中介绍了TF系列船用燃气轮机在JEFF A/B、LCAC、LCAC(SLEP)、SSC上的应用,并就其技术发展对总布置的影响进行了初步分析。 相似文献
船舶重量控制在船舶设计与建造过程中处于重要地位 ,高速钢质客船在重量控制方面具有相对的独特性。从方案设计、详细设计、生产设计与制造等方面阐述重量控制应贯穿于高速船设计的整个过程 ,归纳总结了现代高速船所采用的新材料、新工艺、新技术等减重措施 相似文献
This paper presents a study on the numerical simulation of planing crafts sailing in regular waves. This allows an accurate estimate of the seas keeping performance of the high speed craft. The simulation set in six-degree of freedom motions is based on the Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations volume of fluid (RANSE VOF) solver. The trimming mesh technique and integral dynamic mesh method are used to guarantee the good accuracy of the hydrodynamic force and high efficiency of the numerical simulation. Incident head waves, oblique waves and beam waves are generated in the simulation with three different velocities (Fn =1.0, 1.5, 2.0). The motions and sea keeping performance of the planing craft with waves coming from different directions are indicated in the flow solver. The ship designer placed an emphasis on the effects of waves on sailing amplitude and pressure distribution of planing craft in the configuration of building high speed crafts. 相似文献
This paper presents an integrated design procedure for determination of structural arrangement and scantlings for the complete structure of small high-speed craft. The purpose of the procedure is to serve as a tool in the preliminary design stage where it enables generation of weight minimized designs with very limited effort. The design procedure is applied in a material concept study for a high-speed patrol craft. The various concepts include single skin and sandwich composites, aluminum and steel. It is demonstrated that the mass of the aluminum hull structure can be reduced from the original 11.7 tonnes to 9.6 tonnes through application of the presented design procedure. The most weight efficient material concept is a carbon-fiber foam-cored sandwich with a structural mass of 4.8 tonnes, which is about 50% less than the refined aluminum version. Through simple hydromechanic analysis, potential for fuel and CO2 emission reductions of 8% for the refined aluminum version and 27% for the carbon-fiber sandwich version in relation to the original craft are indicated. 相似文献
Ibrahim S. Seddiek 《Journal of Marine Science and Technology》2016,21(3):493-500
Strategies of fuel consumption onboard ships are of one of the crucial issues in marine shipping industry. Many of the relevant authorities maritime domain gave great interesting to that issue, either through research that discussed the impact of marine fuel consumption on the environment and economy of ships or through practical experiments’ that are made by marine engine manufacturers. Over the years, many solutions have been put forward to overcome this problem while maintaining the amount of goods transported globally at the same transfer rate and ship speed. The present paper sheds light on many of the methods used currently to reach this purpose. It is explained that applying a certain fuel-saving strategy will rely on some of the factors, especially the type of ship. Mainly two methods including: shore-side power and cold out of heat strategies have been investigated regarding adaption, economic, and environmental issues in case of applying onboard high-speed passenger ships. 相似文献
从方案设计、详细设计、生产设计与制造等方面阐述重量控制应贯穿于高速船设计的整个过程,归纳总结了现代高速船所采用的新材料,新工艺,新技术等减重措施。 相似文献