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自动化集装箱码头平面布局设计是码头土建施工设计的依据,总平面布局设计的科学性影响码头建成后运营的作业效率和经济效应。国内自动化集装箱码头平面布局设计研究尚处于空白状态、没有系统分析和深入研究,针对这一现状,对自动化码头总平面布局进行研究。使用指数平滑预测算法预估码头运营后的吞吐量,依据码头吞吐量计算各功能区域相匹配的生产能力。各功能区域的设计须满足各功能区域生产能力的需求;根据业务流程中物理流的流向与衔接,确定功能区域的布局。首次采取了维修区前移、分离异步式闸口等独特设计。对国内其他自动化码头的建设和人工码头的自动化升级改造提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

码头检测、评估的现状与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
码头检测、评估是一个新兴的边缘学科 ,是正确评价码头现有功能、挖掘码头潜力的前提和必要准备 ,也是码头维修、加固、改建、扩建的依据。文中介绍了码头检测、评估的内容、方法、历史、现状及发展。  相似文献   

随着汽车业和汽车物流的快速发展,需要有现代化的滚装汽车码头为汽车物流提供更高效的服务,而外六期滚装汽车码头正是目前国内最为现代化、功能最齐全的滚装汽车码头。介绍了外六期滚装汽车码头的功能设计、码头高程的计算及港区平面布置,还从平面、功能、规模及结构等方面对多层停车场、VPC、PDI、整车分拨中心及汽车零部件中心的设计思路进行了描述。  相似文献   

结合在珠海高栏港建设船舶及生产基地专用码头的实际,综合分析研究专用码头的使用功能与珠海港总体规划的关系、工程区域的自然条件、与相邻工程的关系等总体布置时的主要因素,在限定的码头前沿线、码头岸线长度的条件下,提出了能满足使用功能的总平面布置及主要尺度等关键技术。  相似文献   

为避免上海某码头的客运可能将面临停运的尴尬局面,本文主要分析研究了该客运码头改造的几个方案,通过分析比较邮轮码头、游轮码头、保留做历史文化产业、游艇码头四个方案的优缺点,选择游艇码头改造方案,并进行深入研究,拓展码头功能,最大化地盘活码头、恢复码头区域往日的繁荣,为同类项目提供参考。  相似文献   

自动化集装箱码头堆场规划设计的目的是通过堆场的总体规划,使自动化码头堆场作业能力、作业效率满足自动化码头整体作业能力、作业效率的要求;通过堆场的设计,实现自动化堆场的各种功能,满足堆场安全高效作业的要求。对自动化集装箱码头堆场能力、功能区域、场区数量、场区长度、场区宽度、堆码层高等规划设计要素进行研究,并以青岛港自动化码头堆场规划设计为例,阐述自动化集装箱码头堆场的规划设计方法。  相似文献   

码头安全性评估与管理系统用于对码头结构进行技术性安全评估和管理,文章对系统的功能、组成、结构和构造系统的方法作了介绍,系统通过码头结构进行各种稳定和强度验算,评估在特殊使用荷载作用下码头的安全性。或全算码头正常使用的承载能力。系统也可用于码头设计。系统由数据库、功能计算机程序和系统辅助程序组织。通过菜单文件来构造系统的方法使得系统的建立、修改和扩充非常方便。针对各种类型的码头所开发的专用系统已在多家码头管理和设计部门使用,效果良好。  相似文献   

结合长江中游某核电重件码头装卸工艺系统改造项目,充分考虑码头设施现状及改造要求,提出了3种装卸工艺方案进行比选及优化,解决了码头空间有限问题,在保留码头重件装卸功能的前提下,使其具备散货装船及件杂货装卸船的功能,可供类似重件码头改造工程参考。  相似文献   

根据装卸的货种及用途,货运码头可分为集装箱码头、散货码头、件杂货码头、石油化工码头、滚装码头等. 货运码头的平面布置规划一般均依据功能进行适当的分区规划,例如码头前沿、货场作业区、辅助作业区、办公区等.本文主要针对码头前沿和货场作业区这一特殊环境条件的照明方式进行介绍.  相似文献   

桩基结构的码头受力工况复杂,比选方案众多,通过手算费时费力。SAP2000作为一款通用有限元软件,应用在码头结构计算这一细分领域内时存在建模效率低、配套功能不全的问题。基于SAP2000二次开发功能,通过C#语言开发了码头桩基设计接口。通过对桩基模型主要特征进行参数化分析,为码头桩基设计接口与桩基结构模型的交互打下基础,进而实现一键修改桩基斜率和角度,提高了软件的建模效率。为了便于桩基方案比选优化,开发了桩位图显示与导出、桩基模型存储与载入功能。提出基于IFC标准实现SAP2000与Revit模型的转换,弥补了SAP2000在碰撞检查方面的缺陷。通过在南美某码头工程中应用该码头桩基设计接口以辅助SAP2000模型建模与分析,大大提高了码头结构模型建模效率,拓展了SAP2000软件的原生功能,优化了复杂桩基结构设计过程。  相似文献   


To improve the security and efficiency of terminal operations, a key issue for land area layout at a foreign trade container terminal is to plan and design an inspection area. Since it directly affects terminal traffic, while determining inspection area site selection, we should pay a great attention to operations and management of terminal traffic as well as container inspection. This paper employs a system decomposition technique to develop an integrated simulation framework, which enables us to flexibly obtain the whole picture of terminal traffic conditions and evaluate traffic impacts of inspection area site selection. A real-world terminal with typical patterns of land area layout is chosen to carry out a case study, which shows that traffic flow is unevenly distributed on the terminal road network and that the distribution is influenced by truck streams at the terminal. New findings also include: (1) traffic volume at the terminal apron is rather unbalanced in association with the non-continuous utilization of berths; (2) a proper inspection area should be located near the gate if the terminal conditions permit from the perspective of terminal traffic. This work may provide a decision-making reference for the planning and construction of foreign trade container terminals.  相似文献   

随着LNG调峰需求日益增强,FSRU码头作为一种灵活有效的方案受到青睐。但我国仅有一个FSRU码头,鲜有相关研究。总结FSRU码头特点,系统展现FSRU码头的4种类型;结合某17万m3FSRU船,与常规LNG码头的平面设计进行对比,详细论述FSRU码头设计要点。结果表明,FSRU码头具有选址相对容易、建设周期短、建造投资少、运营灵活等优点;设计要点包含确定项目产品要求、确定FSRU船舶参数、工作平台、靠船墩和系缆墩的布置设计等方面。  相似文献   

The degree of container dispersion at a transhipment terminal is measured by an index termed container location dispersion, which represents the range, both horizontal and vertical, of all containers for ship loading that are scattered in the yard. First, this paper identifies the impacts of container location dispersion on loading performance with insufficient or sufficient equipment deployment in real-life settings at a terminal. Then, we investigate those scenarios with different levels of interference. This research aims to explore the relationship between the container location dispersion and Gross Crane Rate (GCR) stability at a transhipment terminal and proposes a discrete-event driven simulation model for this purpose. All data in our experiments are extracted from the terminal operation system at a real-life container terminal. It is concluded from a series of experiments that the container location dispersion well captures the overall performance of container terminal handling and can be used for yard template optimization and management. Implications of this investigation are discussed in the context of the yard template design and improvement in the overall performance of a container transhipment terminal.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical model to analyze the congestion internalization of the shipping lines, taking into account the ‘knock on’ effect (i.e. the congestion delay passed on from one port-of-call to the next port-of-call). We find that with the presence of the knock-on effect, liners will operate less in terminals, and an increase of a liner’s operation in one terminal will decrease its operation in the other. If the liners are involved in a Stackelberg competition, whether they operate more or less in a terminal under the knock-on effect depends on the comparison between the marginal congestion costs of terminals. Furthermore, we find that the coordinated profit-maximizing terminal charges are higher than both the socially optimal terminal charges and the independent profit-maximizing terminal charges. When the knock-on effect is small, the independent profit-maximizing terminal charges are set at higher levels than the socially optimal terminal charges; but when the knock-on effect is sufficiently large, this relationship may reverse. Besides, the capacity investment rules are the same for welfare-maximizing terminal operator and coordinated profit-maximizing terminal operator, while independent profit-maximizing terminal operators invest less in capacity. The larger the knock-on effect, the larger this discrepancy.  相似文献   

全球集装箱码头自动化发展趋势已日渐明显,将冷藏箱纳入码头自动化管理系统的需求必不可少。研究对冷藏箱进行监控、管理的方法,利用CAN总线将终端设备及控制器组网,实现对冷藏箱温度、工作状态及耗电量的7×24 h监控,并结合境外某集装箱码头,给出一种基于CAN总线及光缆组网方式的冷藏箱监控管理系统解决方案,以实现实时监管,降低人工操作成本,提高整个集装箱码头自动化管理效能。  相似文献   

Container shipping and its related service sectors help accelerate globalization of the world economy. This industry has been experiencing rapid growth, prompting container terminal operators to increase their handling capacity in response. Providing container terminal services requires substantial capital investment in physical assets such as cargo handling facilities and information systems. On the other hand, operating container terminals is a long-term investment that typically spans several business cycles. Hence prudent asset management using appropriate tools is critical for container terminal operators to sustain their businesses. Generally, due to risk-adverseness, investors are unwilling to take more risk in their investment unless they can reap a higher return. Contrary to this argument, this study finds no direct influence of better firm performance as a proxy of higher return on business risk-taking by container terminal operators. Instead, scale of operations is positively associated with business risk-taking, suggesting that container terminal operators with a larger scale of operations are willing to take more business risk.  相似文献   

集装箱码头的规划布置涉及多种复杂的影响因素,是系统性设计和不断优化的过程.本研究采用eM-plant软件模拟集装箱码头备选方案的作业系统,并根据实时统计生成仿真数据库;采用专家调研法和层次分析法创建尽可能全面反映备选方案信息的评价指标体系,并赋予各评价指标不同的权重;结合码头作业系统仿真模拟运行的情况,综合运用层次分析...  相似文献   

The major characteristics of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) are an enterprise-wide system that covers all the business functions and information resources, integrated database, built-in best industry practice, packaged software and open architecture. ERP enables reduction of system development time, flexibility, standardization of workflow and effective business planning capability. ERP is mainly for the manufacturing industry. However, the principles of ERP can also be applied to container terminal operating systems. This paper presents an ERP system approach for a container terminal. It has clustered the workflow of a container terminal and analysed the business process to generate the best workflows. The integrated database is designed to eliminate redundancy and keep integration. The core of ERP for container terminal is the planning facility such as berth planning and yard planning. The planning capability is very tightly coupled with data flow from client entities such as shipping companies. The ERP can handle the existing problems of container terminal operation that are mainly caused by lack of integration of a whole information resource in a container terminal, ad-hoc and poor planning capability, disconnected and incorrect data from client companies. The ERP approach can not only resolve the problems of container terminals but also promote adoption of information systems for container terminals in the world that have not yet implemented terminal operating systems.  相似文献   

The major characteristics of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) are an enterprise-wide system that covers all the business functions and information resources, integrated database, built-in best industry practice, packaged software and open architecture. ERP enables reduction of system development time, flexibility, standardization of workflow and effective business planning capability. ERP is mainly for the manufacturing industry. However, the principles of ERP can also be applied to container terminal operating systems. This paper presents an ERP system approach for a container terminal. It has clustered the workflow of a container terminal and analysed the business process to generate the best workflows. The integrated database is designed to eliminate redundancy and keep integration. The core of ERP for container terminal is the planning facility such as berth planning and yard planning. The planning capability is very tightly coupled with data flow from client entities such as shipping companies. The ERP can handle the existing problems of container terminal operation that are mainly caused by lack of integration of a whole information resource in a container terminal, ad-hoc and poor planning capability, disconnected and incorrect data from client companies. The ERP approach can not only resolve the problems of container terminals but also promote adoption of information systems for container terminals in the world that have not yet implemented terminal operating systems.  相似文献   

结合营口港鲅鱼圈港区一港池深水散货码头工程结构设计,对建造大型非预应力梁板构件桩基码头,采用空间有限元法对各种计算模型进行分析和探讨,并通过物模验证,取得较为满意的成果,为今后建设此类深水码头工程提出一种新的尝试。  相似文献   

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