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本文以我国海事行政法规、规章为主线回顾了历史,阐述了“海事”、“海事处理”等基本概念,海事工作与海事“立法”的关系。提出了对海事管理自身研究的必要性。  相似文献   

海事“软实力”属于海事管理范畴,包括海事法律法规体系、体制机制体系、海事文化体系、思想意识、道德标准、作风建设、社会影响力和公信力等。海事“软实力”相当于海事的灵魂,加强海事“软实力”建设至关重要。  相似文献   

推进海事系统“三化”建设 10月10日,为深入贯彻落实杨传堂部长提出的《关于加强全国海事系统“革命化、正规化、现代化”建设的意见》,切实提升海事科学发展水平,交通运输部海事局召开全国海事系统加强“三化”建设动员部署视频会议,号召全国海事系统进一步提高思想认识,增强使命意识、责任意识、宗旨意识,努力建设一支政治坚定、素质精良、作风过硬、清正廉洁的海事队伍,为交通运输行业执法队伍树起标杆。全国海事系统全面推进海事系统“三化”建设,研究制订了“三化”建设工作任务分解表,切实做好工作任务的落实,打造人民满意的中国海事。  相似文献   

建设“四型海事”是交通运输部海事局在认真分析面临的内外形势、科学判断海事发展阶段性特征的基础上作出的战略部署,是海事系统“十二五”科学发展的主线。近年来,广东海事局坚持把“四型海事”建设融入日常工作,融入干部职工岗位职责,“四型海事”建设取得了阶段性成效。但是,与广东海事发展面临的形势和任务相比,广东海事局“四型海事”建设还存在一定的差距,迫切需要选准切入点,找准突破口,突出工作重点,狠抓关键环节,深入推进“四型海事”建设。  相似文献   

“行政执法一面旗”建设,强调依法行政,执法为民理念,体现海事行政执法先进性,是社会主义核心价值体系的重要内容,是海事系统践行“三个服务”的重要举措,是海事事业科学发展的重要保证。海事文化是海事系统在长期水上安全监督、改革发展中倡导、积累、筛选、提炼形成的思想方法、价值取向和行为习惯,是海事核心竞争力的核心要素和重要组成部分,代表了海事发展软实力。文中通过探讨“行政执法一面旗”建设和海事文化建设的内在关系,以此加深对“行政执法一面旗”深刻内涵的理解,拓宽海事文化发展思路,促进海事事业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

<正>“海事管理”核心教材正式出版近日,由交通运输部海事局组织编写的“海事管理”核心教材正式出版。教材以海事“三保一维护”为目标导向,以教育部本科专业设置标准为基础,是彰显交通海事发展特色、深化海事管理专业内涵建设、聚焦海事管理人才培养和针对海事管理及相关专业学生的“通识性教育”教材。  相似文献   

陈小玲 《珠江水运》2012,(23):15-15
俗话说,基础不牢,地动山摇。 海事处是海事部门现场监管和应急处置任务的主要责任人和执行主体,是海事部门服务民生、彰显形象的主要窗口,也是海事践行“三个服务”(服务国民经济和社会发展全局、服务社会主义新农村建设、服务人民群众安全便捷出行)、建设“四型海事”(学习型海事、责任型海事、服务型海事、创新型海事)  相似文献   

万家灯火时,海事不打烊。面对客运、物流双压力,保障民生物资、航路畅通是海事人的职责所在、使命所系。海事部门开通“绿色通道”,保障民生物资水路运输“不断档”,守卫物资能源供应“不掉链”,确保海上供应链安全、有序、畅通,赴春运之约,守海事之责,用“海事蓝”守护“中国红”。  相似文献   

海事行政许可是法律法规授予海事管理机构一项重要的行政执法职能。海事行政许可“提速”,就是要求海事管理机构在法律规定的范围内,最大限度缩短海事行政许可办理时限,提高许可速度。但是,由于受多种主客观因素的影响,目前在推进海事行政许可“提速”的法律认识、机制的建立和监督的有效性上还存在一些不足,给海事行政许可“提速”的有效推进造成不良影响。  相似文献   

2012年,是实施“十二五”规划、深化海事改革的关键一年,也是“四型海事”建设全面推进的一年。作为广东海事局“四型海事”建设学习实践活动领导小组办公室主任,广东海事局副局长杨文在接受本刊记者采访时表示,建设“四型海事”是交通运输部海事局在认真分析面临的内外形势、科学判断海事发展阶段性特征的基础上作出的战略部署  相似文献   

2009年6月22日,国内最大的修船企业集团--中远船务工程集团有限公司迎来了8周岁的生日.几天后的6月28日,中远船务建造的全球最先进的首座超深水海洋钻探储油平台命名,这昭示着这家"航母"级的修船企业集团不仅在修船业界独树一帜,同时也在船舶和海洋工程建造市场占据了重要一席.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to provide a budget study with calculated erosion rates. Three methods have been used to calculate sediment yield and denudation rates in the Ria de Vigo: (1) measurements of sediment loads, (2) measurements of sediment accumulation rates at the coast, (3) theoretical calculations of potential denudation. Sediment loads and water discharge were measured over a period of 14 months from May 1997 to July 1998. Two of the tributaries entering the Ria de Vigo were monitored for 12 more months, from May 2000 to May 2001, to observe changes in discharge and sediment loads. This period corresponded with atypical precipitation, with peak monthly values (600 mm) three times higher than those on record.Water rating curves are typically exponential. Suspended and dissolved loads vary for different rivers, showing values of 1.5 to 130 mg/l during 1997/1998. For 2000/2001, these values are twice as high. Suspended load versus discharge relationships for 1997/1998 were logarithmic, but data from 2000/2001 does not fit the same equation. Dissolved loads are several times higher than suspended loads in almost all cases. Dissolved load concentrations vary more widely with discharge than suspended loads. This is probably due to local pollution and contamination from marine spray in areas closer to the sea.Second, erosion rates and bed load sediment yields were calculated from accumulation rates at the Ramallosa Complex. Well-preserved estuarine and tidal sediments, associated with the Minor River, have accumulated in this area during the Holocene. 14C ages allow calculation of sedimentation rates (SR) for two intervals. The lower interval extends from 2001 to 484 years BP and yields an SR of 1.12 mm/a. The upper interval extends from 484 years BP to the present and has an SR of 3.3–4.4 mm/a. These differences may be explained by basin dynamics as the beach progressively encloses the area and also by human interference. From sedimentary facies analysis it is concluded that 90% to 95% of the accumulated deposits were transferred to the basin as bed load. Muddy deposits (mostly marshes) are better developed at the upper part of the sediment pile, and inner areas, indicating a progressive shallowing and filling up of the basin. Most of suspended load is exported to the ria, whereas the Ramallosa Complex acts as a sediment sink for bed load derived material.Calculated potential erosion rates using Ahnert's [Am. J. Sci. 268 (1970) 243] equation show lower values than those estimated from river load concentrations. Potential erosion rates for the Minor River are higher than for the Lagares River which contrast with mechanical denudation rate values from river loads during 1997/1998 which are higher for the Lagares River. During 2000/2001 MDR values were higher than those of the potential erosion rates for both rivers, in line with the extremely high precipitation. Higher values in the Lagares could be in part due to human interference.  相似文献   

Surface seawater samples were taken in the framework of the GEOTRACES program on “POLARSTERN” expedition ANT XXIII/1 in the Eastern Atlantic in 2005 to study the distribution of the trace elements Hg (mercury), Pb (lead), Cd (cadmium), Cu (copper), Ni (nickel), Zn (zinc), Co (cobalt), Mn (manganese), Fe (iron), and Al (aluminium). With the exception of Hg, results were compared to earlier datasets from 1989 to 1990. The particulate fraction averaged over the transect was calculated to be 49% for Cd, 23% for Mn and 50% for Fe indicating a release of these TEI's (trace elements and their isotopes) from a leachable SPM fraction in the stored and acidified samples.Total Pb concentrations ranged between 5 and 20 pmol kg? 1 in 2005 with highest values in the ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone). In 1989 Pb concentrations were twice as high in the region of the ITCZ, while by a factor of 10–15 higher values were obtained in the North Atlantic.Total Cd and Co are dominated, by different seasonal upwelling regimes (Equatorial upwelling, Guinea Dome, Angola Dome).Total Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn and Al show nearly identical concentrations in 1990 and 2005. For total manganese and aluminium strong maxima (3–4 nmol kg? 1 and 55 nmol kg? 1 respectively) are observed between 23°N and 0°, while the Fe maximum (6–9 nmol kg? 1) is located at 7°N. Total Hg concentrations ranged between 0.5 and 4.5 pmol kg? 1.  相似文献   

阐述锦州港依托明显的区位优势,抓住机遇,通过体制创新和有效的市场开发,实现了港口吞吐量的快速增长,并发展成为我国北方沿海的一个重要港口.针对西部大开发的战略决策和振兴东北地区老工业基地带来的巨大运输需求,为实现锦州港的持续发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

节能环保型抗沉式铝合金游艇的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了南太湖区域某企业新近研制了一艘集节能、环保、环境友好型为一体的抗沉式铝合金游艇,其上的关键技术包括:游艇抗沉措施、降温系统的工作原理和实效、以及铝合金船体制作的焊接技术要求和强度计算原则等。  相似文献   

摘要:从工程项目的决策阶段到实施阶段的整个过程中,影响工程项目质量的因素主要有“人、机、料、法、环、测”等六大方面。文章论述了对这六方面的因素予以严格控制是保证重大工程项目质量的关键。  相似文献   

An Fei 《中国船检》2009,(12):21-23,100
世事变迁,历史更迭,这是谁都无法改变的自然法则。在此法则下,无论你昔日有多荣光,但终有黯然离场的那一天。如果说2008年的海事界让我们见证了航运高潮,那么2009年则让我们感受了亢奋消退后的苍凉。  相似文献   

Deep water samples (in contact with the sediment) were collected at eight different points of the estuary of the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal River (Bay of Biscay, Basque Country), both at low and high tides, during four sampling campaigns (May, September and December 2005 and March 2006). Superficial water was also sampled in March 2006. Temperature, pH, redox potential, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity corresponding to each sample were measured in situ at each sampling point using a multiparametric probe. The physico-chemical parameters found are typical of highly stratified estuaries, with an acceptable oxygenation level. After filtering and acidifying the samples, they were analysed by inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) to simultaneously determine the total concentration of Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn. Concentrations in the μg kg− 1 level were found in all cases (cCr and cNi, 1–10; cAl, cAs and cZn, 10–50; cCu and cMn, 10–100 and cFe, 100–400 μg kg− 1). A probable net input of Al, Cr, Mn and Zn via the main (Nerbioi-Ibaizabal) and some of the tributary rivers (Galindo, Asua and Gobela) was identified. Evidence of a common source of Al and Zn to the estuary was found. Correlation analysis of data revealed connections between variables (concentration of Cu, Fe and As with salinity, as well as cAl with cZn, cCu with cFe, cAs with cFe, and cAs with cCu). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of data allowed the samples to be grouped according to sampling campaign, with two principal components accounting for 62% of the total variance. In addition, plots of element concentration against salinity suggested a conservative behaviour for As, Cu and Fe and a non-conservative one for Cr. Not clear mixing behaviour was observed for the rest of elements.  相似文献   

重点阐述了AIS、VHF、RADAR在船舶避碰中的优势和不足,船舶驾驶员只有全面掌握其性能和特点,恰当地使用才能保证船舶安全。  相似文献   

Specialization in cargoes and forelands is defined for the ports of Montreal, Quebec, Saint John, and Halifax using a variation of the location quotient. Economic impact is also defined using the location quotient. All ports are shown to have some degree of specialization; whereas, Saint John and Halifax have relatively greater economic impact. It is suggested that the four ports should be encouraged to develop their specializations. However, are the benefits to the shipping industry in following such a policy outweighed by the losses to the local economies because investment in certain ports does not take place?  相似文献   

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