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城市轨道交通列车驾驶员(以下简称列车驾驶员)需要按照作业计划进行列车驾驶,并将乘客安全准时运送至目的地。为更好地提高列车驾驶员职业素质,保证列车运行安全,从列车驾驶员工作特性及职业压力等方面进行分析,指出列车驾驶员职业素质现状,并提出职业素质提升措施,以期使列车驾驶员更好地履职尽责、提升城市轨道交通运营服务水平,展现城市轨道交通的良好形象。  相似文献   

将交通行业企业对职业素质要求融入交通类高职学生培养体系是交通类高职院校内涵发展的重要组成部分。文章从社会需求视角分析交通类高职院校学生职业素质培养的目标设定,从学校育人视角探索交通类高职院校学生职业素质培养的基本内容,提出了高职院校学生职业素质培养的路径选择,以促进交通类高职学生职业素质培养体系的构成与实施,不断提高学生的职业素质,进而提高交通类高职人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

职业经理人就是具备一定职业素质和职业能力,并掌握企业经营权的一个群体职务的称呼。中国职业经理人的出现,还仅仅是近十年的事,上个世纪九十年代海南刚刚成为经济特区不久,十万人才下海南。摇身一变遍地都是经理,有人戏言海南椰子树如果掉下一个椰子,砸了五个人,其中两位是经理,两位是副经理,另一位稍逊,是经理助理。既是笑话就难免有夸张的成分,但改革开放初期“经理”头衔满天飞却是不争的事实。著名的经济学家厉以宁还专门为职业经理人作过诠释,即职业经理人是伴随现代企业的诞生而出现,  相似文献   

2010年4月14日7时49分,青海玉树藏族自治州玉树县发生7.1级强烈地震。 地震发生时,青海交通职业技术学院12名学生正在玉树灾区实习,通讯中断,音信毫无,学校玉树籍师生的情绪也十分激动,灾情牵动着学院16个民族5603名师生员工的心。  相似文献   

正"举全院之力办好大赛"2016年11月19日,第八届全国交通运输行业"中车株机·捷安杯"轨道列车司机职业技能竞赛在河南交通职业技术学院圆满闭幕。作为本次技能大赛决赛承办方之一,河南交通职业技术学院负责提供行业组、学生组理论考场和学生组模拟驾驶考场,为保证大赛的顺利进行,做了大量工作。为确保按照时间节点完成各项准备工作,河南交通职业技术学院成立了以李强院长为组长的  相似文献   

广西交通职业技术学院前身为创建于1958年的国家重点中专广西交通学校,隶属于广西壮族自治区交通运输厅。2002年经自治区人民政府批准,升格为公办全日制普通高等职业院校,是广西唯——所培养交通运输专门人才的高等学校。学院占地面积1200多亩,设有路桥工程、汽车工程、管理工程、交通信息工程等5个系42个专科专业和方向,现有各类学生13700多人,其中全日制在校专科生11100多人,成人及函授教育2600多人。  相似文献   

本着探索创新与经济社会相适应、与学生成长成才相适应的职业素质教育模式的目的,本文论述了高等职业院校职业素质教育模式创新的必要性、内涵及具体构建。  相似文献   

在价值观、世界观、人生观多元化的今天,每个人都有选择不同职业的机会,跳槽、换行业成为了一件很平常的事情。而刘宝粮却坚守在一个岗位,踏踏实实干了一辈子。  相似文献   

广西交通职业技术学院前身为创建于1958年的国家重点中专广西交通学校,隶属于广西壮族自治区交通运输厅。2002年经广西壮族自治区人民政府批准,升格为公办全日制普通高等职业院校.是广西唯一一所培养交通运输专门人才的高等学校。  相似文献   

你可以理解为从事这些职业最易导致单身.也可以理解为单身人士最适合这些职业。无论如何,这些工作带来的高收入、社会地位、发展机遇、广阔的际视野和人脉资源,令无数单身男女竞折腰。  相似文献   

Values of time have been defined in various forms such as value of leisure time (shadow price of time), value of travel time, and value of saving time, and are mostly measured based on individuals' travel choice behavior. The main purpose of this study is to estimate the value of leisure time by general mode choice models. The estimated level can be used to evaluate the benefits from the increasing leisure time gained by people in Taiwan after the government has practiced a series of policies to shorten employee's working hours in the last few years. To justify the application, this study reviews and reinterprets the theoretical results of some major works on value of time derivations. Then to practically estimate the value of leisure time, it suggests a method of combining revealed preference and stated preference data for application. Finally, it conducts an empirical study on travelers' mode choices behavior in Taiwan to carry out the method suggested. The value of leisure time is estimated at 56NT$ per hour (around 1.65US$/hr), which is even lower than the minimum wage rate regulated by Taiwan government.  相似文献   


The role of a metaphor of centrally controlled air conditioning in governing Singaporean transport planning is examined, and its consequences evaluated. A modern transportation system has been put in place to link a hierarchy of central places. Tight government control has made change possible. A reliance on technical expertise at the expense of public involvement has, however, failed to develop public transport to effectively serve a range of dispersed‐destination travel needs. Regulatory approaches, furthermore, have discouraged service innovation. Policies making car purchase expensive have restricted car ownership. Effective change would be facilitated by involving a highly educated public more in decision‐making.  相似文献   

Stated preference (SP) rating experiments are easy to design and conduct. Furthermore, they constitute a generalisation of SP choice experiments in terms of the information about preferences that can be achieved. However, its results are sensitive to the numerical values assigned by the analyst to the semantic scale used by individuals to express their preferences. We consider this problem in depth using a variety of statistical techniques, including ordinal probit and a novel optimal scale linear regression approach.  相似文献   

In areas like household production and travel choice, time assigned to the different activities plays a key role in addition to consumption as the main variables in utility within the consumer behaviour framework. However, a comprehensive conceptual structure to understand the technological relations between goods consumption and the assignment of time to activities is still lacking. In this paper the problem is reviewed and all possible relations between goods and time are re-formulated. Two general functions are defined and proposed to account for all these relations, forming a new taxonomy for the technical constraints. The resulting consumer behaviour model is used to obtain general expressions for both the value of saving time in constrained activities like travel, and the value of leisure.  相似文献   

Hensher  David A. 《Transportation》2001,28(2):101-118
The empirical valuation of travel time savings is a derivative of the ratio of parameter estimates in a discrete choice model. The most common formulation (multinomial logit) imposes strong restrictions on the profile of the unobserved influences on choice as represented by the random component of a preference function. As we progress our ability to relax these restrictions we open up opportunities to benchmark the values derived from simple (albeit relatively restrictive) models. In this paper we contrast the values of travel time savings derived from multinomial logit and alternative specifications of mixed (or random parameter) logit models. The empirical setting is urban car commuting in six locations in New Zealand. The evidence suggests that less restrictive choice model specifications tend to produce higher estimates of values of time savings compared to the multinomial logit model; however the degree of under-estimation of multinomial logit remains quite variable, depending on the context.  相似文献   

阐述了油库常用安全阀排量、口径、开启压力的计算和确定方法,重点分析了油库和机场特定部位安全阀开启压力和公称通径的计算过程和考虑要素,并说明了安全阀定购和使用中的注意事项.  相似文献   


Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are expected to reshape travel behaviour and demand in part by enabling productive uses of travel time—a primary component of the “positive utility of travel” concept—thus reducing subjective values of travel time savings (VOT). Many studies from industry and academia have assumed significant increases in travel time use and reductions in VOT for AVs. In this position paper, I argue that AVs’ VOT impacts may be more modest than anticipated and derive from a different source. Vehicle designs and operations may limit activity engagement during travel, with AV users feeling more like car passengers than train riders. Furthermore, shared AVs may attenuate travel time use benefits, and productivity gains could be limited to long-distance trips. Although AV riders will likely have greater activity participation during travel, many in-vehicle activities today may be more about coping with commuting burdens than productively using travel time. Instead, VOT reductions may be more likely to arise from a different “positive utility”—subjective well-being improvements through reduced stresses of driving or the ability to relax and mentally transition. Given high uncertainty, further empirical research on the experiential, time use, and VOT impacts of AVs is needed.  相似文献   


Exploring route choice in the context of tolled alternatives can support road operators to achieve better utilization of the infrastructure, as well as maximizing revenue collection. The research presented in this paper is conducted in the context of OPTIMUM, a European Union-funded project. The research objectives include a two-component system of models that proactively calculates commercial vehicles’ toll prices. The component presented in this paper rests on the development of a route choice model that estimates the probabilities of using two alternative routes (toll road vs. national road), based on route attributes and user characteristics. To explore the usefulness of the proposed methodology a case study involving 50 truck drivers and 25 freight operators was conducted in Portugal between January 2016 and November 2017. Results from the route choice model reveal interesting insights about the role of incentives in the choice of toll roads, the perspectives of the different decision-makers and produce Values of Time for the study area.  相似文献   

This article explores the effects of perceived green value, perceived green usefulness, perceived pleasure to use, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on green loyalty to a public bike system. The mediators between perceived green value and green loyalty and a moderator of general attitude toward protecting the natural environment are also discussed. The aim of this research was to understand how to establish green loyalty via the other dimensions based on the sustainable modified technology acceptance model (modified TAM), the theory of planned behavior (TPB), and a moderator. The findings reveal that perceived pleasure to use and subjective norms have the strongest power to influence loyalty for both users and non-users. The implications of this finding are that fun in people’s lives has a strong influence on sustainable continuous use of public bikes, and that subjective norms are more effective for non-users. In addition, environmental attitude has stronger moderating effects for non-users than for users on perceived green usefulness, perceived pleasure and subjective norms. Therefore, governmental policies should promote the attitude of protecting the natural environment, perceptions of pleasure, and subjective norms so as to increase green loyalty to public bike-sharing.  相似文献   

挪威岩土所Barton等人给出的岩质评定系数Q值计算式,从岩体的完整性、结构面发育程度、地下水和地应力的影响等方面,全面地反映了岩体的工程地质状况和水文地质状况,定量地反映了围岩质量的好坏,但对宏观地质构造及地形地貌的影响考虑相对较少.文章通过理论分析和数值计算,提出了三个修正系数,即褶皱影响系数Kfo、断层影响系数Kfa以及地形影响系数Ktf,并针对具体工程给出了相应的取值范围,对Q值进行了修正,反应了工程地质构造、地形地貌对Q值的影响程度,使其表达更为准确.  相似文献   

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