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Using the metabelian property, regularity, p-commutativity and some properties of congruence, this paper gave the orders of automorphism groups of family Φ24, which are the groups of order p6 determined by Rodney James, where p denotes an odd prime.  相似文献   

Let F be a locally defined formation consisting of locally soluble groups,G a hyper-(cyclic or finite)locally soluble group and A a noetherian ZG-module with all irreducible ZG-factors being finite,G∈F,f(∞)≌f(p),f(P)≠Фfor each P∈π.The following conclutions are obtained:(1)if there exists a maximal submodule B of A such that A/B is F central in G and B has no nonzero F centml ZG-factors,then A has an F decomposition;(2)if there exists an irreducible F central submodule B of A such that all ZG-composition factors of A/B are F ecentric,then A has an F decomposition.  相似文献   

Let F be a locally defined formation consisting of locally solvable groups, G a hyper-( cyclic or finite) locally solvable group and A a noetherian ZG-module with all irreducible ZG-factors being finite. The following conclusion is obtained: if G∈F, f( ∞ ) include f(p), f(p) ≠φ for each p∈π, and A has no nonzero F central ZG- images, then any extension E of A by G splits conjugately over A, and A has no nonzero F central ZG-factors.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn 1973, Markel[1]began to investigate the“S3-conjecture”; that is,S3is the only finite group inwhich every conjugacy class has different order(note: the“order”here from Ref.[2] means thelength of a conjugacy class of a group). Many schol-…  相似文献   

In this paper, we improved the regularity results of obstacle problems, in which the smooth conditions of the coefficients a^ij (x) are released from C^1 (^-Ω) to L^∞ (Ω) .  相似文献   

Prediction of Welding Deformation of Underframe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionWelding deformation is a common and impor-tant problem in industry.In the last decades re-searchers have made efforts to predict and controlwelding deformation.There are usually three waysto determine the welding deformation:1 experi-ential formulas.2 Thermal elastic- plastic FEMmethod.3 Inherent strain method based onFEM[1~ 3 ] .Experiential formulas are only fit for simpleshape structures.Current thermal elastic- plasticmethod usually simulated either small or simplestructur…  相似文献   

IntroductionSteelingot.steelslabbecomest6elproductsafterheatingandrollingorforging.Steelproductsofforgingneedtobeheattfeatedinheattreatingfumace,fOrexampleannealingnormalization.Heattreatinentcandecreasestress,reducehydrogenconcentrationandimprovetheorganizationandperformanceofsteel.Everyprocessofproductionthatsteelingotschangeilltosteelproductsisaprocessofthermalcycleofsteel.Thisprocesswillconsumealargeamountofeneasmaterialandequipment.Inthepast,inmetallurgicalenterpriseofourcountrythetimeo…  相似文献   

A kind of Kantorovich-type operator of Butzer-Hahn Bn^* (f; x) on the bounded and integrable function space was introduced, and the properties of Bn^* (f; x) were studied. Positive theorem, converse theorem, and the order of weighted approximation of Bn^* (f; x) were obtained.  相似文献   

As one of the most important factors that determine the lifespan of a reinforced concrete structure, carbonation not only corrodes the reinforcing steel, but also changes the mechanical properties of concrete. For better understanding the performance of carbonated concrete structure, it is necessary to study the mechanical properties of carbonated concrete. The strees-strain relationship of carbonated concrete was analyzed on the basis of experiments. The specimens were made by means of accelerated carbonation and then compressed on the testing machine. Some very important characteristics of carbonated concrete were revealed by the testing results. In addition,a useful constitutive model of carbonated concrete, which proved to be suitable for analyzing carbonated concrete members, was established in this research.  相似文献   

Introduction As is well known, lifetime distributions can beclassified by stochastic ordering. Recently, Ahmad etal.[1]defined a new aging class, namely, NBUCA(new better than used in increasing convex average),based upon the increasing convex average order. Inthe theory of economics, this order is known as weakthird-order stochastic dominance[2]. Under the as-sumption that the elements are independent andidentically distributed (i.i.d.), the preservationproperties of this class under convo…  相似文献   

LetXbeaBanachspaceandCbeaconvexsubsetofX .T :X→Cisanonexpansivemapping ,thatis ,Tx -Ty ≤x - y forallx ,y∈X .Now ,westudythefollowingiterativeprocessforx0 ,un∈C ,xn 1=Snxn, ( 1 )whereSn =αn0 I αn1T αn2 T2 … αnkTk γnun,andαni≥ 0 ,0 <α≤αn  相似文献   

In the traditional methods of program evaluation and review technique (PERT) network optimization and compression of time limit for project, the uncertainty of free time difference and total time difference were not considered as well as its time risk. The authors of this paper use the theory of dependent-chance programming to establish a new model about compression of time for project and multi-objective network optimization, which can overcome the shortages of traditional methods and realize the optimization of PERT network directly. By calculating an example with genetic algorithms, the following conclusions are drawn: ( 1 ) compression of time is restricted by cost ratio and completion probability of project; (2) activities with maximal standard difference of duration and minimal cost will be compressed in order of precedence; (3) there is no optimal solutions but noninferior solutions between chance and cost, and the most optimal node time depends on decision-maker's preference.  相似文献   

A new complex method is presented considering not only the improvement upon the "bad "design point, but also the diversity of the newly generated complex, which is obtained by replacing the "bad "design point with the better design point located at the line between the "bad "design point and the ceotroid of the remaining design points of the old complex. The new complex method is applied to searching for the critical slip surface of two non-homogeneous soil slopes. The comparison of the results obtained by the new complex method with that by the basic complex method shows that the new complex method is much more likely to find the true critical surface for the randomly generated initial complex.  相似文献   

本文从语言教学理论和教学实践出发,通过录制学生声音,调查某班级学生的地域背景,重点讨论了英语专业低年级学生,由于地域性因素影响所造成的带有明显地域性特征的声音特点,归纳分析了所存在的问题和成因,为第二语言学习过程中如何解决语音问题提供了初步的解决方法.  相似文献   

Introduction The concept of lattice was first introduced andelaborated by Dedekind, and the abstract structure oflattice was proposed by Birkhoff in 1935[1]. Sincethen, the lattice theory has gradually developed to be acomplete theoretical system[2], and extensively studiedby researchers[3-6]. In 1990s, Xu[7]proposed the con-cept of lattice implication algebras and investigatedsome of their properties. Then, Xu and Qin[8]intro-duced the notion of filters in lattice implication algebraand dis…  相似文献   

IntroductionGraph G,considered in this paper,is finiteand simple with vertex set V ( G) and edge setE( G) .Let d( x,y) denote the distance between xand y in G and W={w1,w2 ,…,wk}denote the or-dered set of V( G) .For any given v∈V( G) ,therepresentation of v with respect to W is the k- vec-tor:r( v| W) ={d( v,w1) ,d( v,w2 ) ,…,d( v,wk) }.The ordered set W is called a resolving set of G ifr( u| W) =r( v| W) implies that u=v for all pairs{u,v}of vertices of G. A resolving set of G with…  相似文献   

InfoructionThCcastingProcsscoInbinOsacomplex,dynandcPrOblemoffluldflowtalhCattransferinorthetoProduCethehighqualitycastings,thefoundryengineesshOuldknOWthCsesfluldflowandheaIransferMmenaPr6viouslyUoftwtaty,theSe~naaretDOdifficulttousethetheOrodcalanalysiswithOutcowtonalteWes'ThedeSignOfthecastingsystem(suchasgatinndeq)usedhaydepeAnunonextwthanonengineeringbo.MnysuccesshodeSigDSarendybasedontalanderrorInrecenW'theinCrodsingN[i]forwtraridPrOtOtyPincashngs~tomakacastingrightatthefu…  相似文献   

Introduction  Asanimperviousbarrier ,clayiswidelyusedinmanyfieldssuchaswasteisolation .Theimperviousnessofclayisstableinzoneofsaturation ,butnotstableinzoneofaerationasaresultofalternatewettinganddrying ,whichinducesstructuralporeanddryingfractureandrai…  相似文献   

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