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对于二元定常超空泡流可以化成Rieman-Hilbert混合边值问题用奇异积分方程的方法来求解。对三元空泡流问题由于速度图映射法不能应用,只能求助于数值解。 与高速水翼和超空泡螺旋桨的设计有关的水翼剖面超空泡绕流问题属于小扰动问题,作者在1964年和1966年已求得解答。在螺旋桨设计中应用二元超空泡水翼理论,尚需考虑翼栅效应。作者介绍了应用动量理论求解超空泡翼栅流。 在换算实验结果与理论计算时必须注意筒壁对空泡流的影响。作者列出其估算式。 近年来对空泡流问题获得相当大的进展,现有的二元及准二元自由流线理论可以成功地用来设计定常运行下的超空泡翼型、螺旋桨及水泵。但对于非定常超空泡流尚须进一步研究。 相似文献
Prandtl’s lifting line theory was generalized to the lifting problem of a three-dimensional hydrofoil in the presence of a free surface. Similar to the classical lifting theory, the singularity distribution method was utilized to solve two-dimensional lifting problems for the hydrofoil beneath the free surface at the air-water interface, and a lifting line theory was developed to correct three-dimensional effects of the hydrofoil with a large aspect ratio. Differing from the classical lifting theory, the main focus was on finding the three-dimensional Green function of the free surface induced by the steady motion of a system of horseshoe vortices under the free surface. Finally, numerical examples were given to show the relationship between the lift coefficient and submergence Froude numbers for 2-D and 3-D hydrofoils. If the submergence Froude number is small free surface effect will be significant registered as the increase of lift coefficient. The validity of these approaches was examined in comparison with the results calculated by other methods. 相似文献
In order to study cavitation characteristics of a 2-D hydrofoil, the method that combines nonlinear cavitation model and mixed-iteration is used to predict and analyze the cavitation performance of hydrofoils. The cavitation elements are nonlinearly disposed based on the Green formula and perturbation potential panel method. At the same time, the method that combines cavity shape for fixed cavity length (CSCL) iteration and cavity shape for fixed cavitation number (CSCN) iteration is used to work out the thickness and length of hydrofoil cavitations. Through analysis of calculation results, it can be concluded that the jump of pressure and velocity potentially exist between cavitation end area and non-cavitations area on suction surface when cavitation occurs on hydrofoil. In certain angles of attack, the cavitation number has a negative impact on the length of cavitations. And under the same angle of attack and cavitation number, the bigger the thickness of the hydrofoil, the shorter the cavitations length. 相似文献
对非稳态空泡流现象的研究已成为当今一个研究重点。空泡非稳态脱落及其内部流动结构越来越受到研究人员的关注,但对其研究目前仍主要依靠实验手段。发展有效的数值模拟方法研究相关的机理具有重要的意义。本文从RANS方程入手,采用状态方程空化模型和计及可压缩性的SIMPLEC算法,实现了二维水翼CAV2003非定常空泡流动的数值模拟。研究了空泡从初生、发展、断裂,以及最终空泡在下游高压区溃灭的整个过程。计算表明,回射流并非完全液相的,而是汽液两相的。近壁面的回射流是导致空泡脱落的主要原因。最后,通过与第五届国际空泡会议上发表的7篇文献的对比,发现本文的计算结果是合理的。 相似文献
为了研究船用水翼前缘抽吸设置对其水动力性能及空泡性能的影响,应用数值模拟的方法进行了系统的计算分析。首先,以NACA0012为研究对象,采用两种湍流模型对翼型绕流进行模拟,通过与实验值对比,确定了合理的湍流模型。随后,计算分析了船用水翼添加前缘抽吸作用后,升力系数、阻力系数和升阻比的变化情况,及对失速角的影响,结果表明船用水翼在前缘布置吸口后可以提高失速角,扩大稳定工作攻角范围,提升翼型升阻比,起到增效的作用。最后,计算了NACA0012翼型及在其前缘加吸口水翼的定常与非定常空泡流动的数值模拟,计算结果表明:定常流动时,在翼型前缘加上吸口,可使空泡尺寸减小,改善了水翼的空泡性能;非定常流动时,加上吸口,可使空泡周期变长,空泡变化范围减小,抑制大规模空泡云的脱落,减少对水翼表面的剥蚀作用,降低空泡对水翼性能的影响。 相似文献
The most complicated component in cavitating flow and pressure distribution is the flow in the cavity closure line. The cavitating flow and pressure distribution provide critical aspects of flow field details in the region. The integral of pressure results of the hydrodynamic forces, indicate domination in the design of a supercavitating vehicle. An experiment was performed in a water tunnel to investigate the pressure characteristics of the cavity closure region. Ventilation methods were employed to generate artificial cavity, and the ventilation rate was adjusted accordingly to obtain the desired cavity length. An array of pressure transducers was laid down the cavity closure line to capture pressure distribution in this region. The experimental results show that there is a pressure peak in the cavity closure region, and the rise rate of pressure in space tends to be higher in the upwind side when the flow is non-axisymmetric. The transient pressure variations during the cavity formation procedure were also present. The method of measurement in this paper can be referenced by engineers. The result helps to study the flow pattern of cavity closure region, and it can also be used to analyze the formation of supercavitating vehicle hydrodynamics. 相似文献
解三维水翼绕流的下潜涡环栅格法 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
在包含于机翼表面内的某次表面及尾涡面上分布法向偶极子,在翼面上满足物面边界条件,建立了解三维机翼绕流的下潜涡环栅格法.考虑到非线性的自由液面边界条件,用下潜涡环栅格法求解水翼绕流问题.通过算例验证了方法的正确性和程序的可靠性.本方法可用于水翼及水下安定翼和各种舵的水动力计算. 相似文献
本文讨论将推进器在空泡水筒中的大气试验结果换算到敞水情况的方法。文中除介绍交通大学空泡试验室采用的测速方法及对进速系数J的修正结果外,还提出了导管螺旋桨的测速、筒壁修正及导管和螺旋桨推力之间重新分配的处理方法及部分结果。 相似文献
本文对有拱度而无厚度的圆弧型水翼按J.A.葛尔斯脱(Geurst)线性理论导出其升力、阻力和力矩系数公式,以便看出超空泡水翼的拱度效应。与空气动力学中所用的方法相似,首先用围道积分求出葛尔斯脱解中的柯西型积分,这样圆弧水翼的速度场可以确定。然后把复速度w(z)展成罗郎级数,设法求出级数中前三项系数,要求的流体动力系数即可得出。本文的结果可用分析和估算超空泡螺旋桨叶切面和高速水翼艇水翼的流体动力性能。最后数值计算的结果表明,当攻角和空泡数充分小时,本文结果可作为一级近似。 相似文献
4-6 July 2011, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK This is a non-profit academic/technical event. Scientists and engineers from universities, research institutes, consultant firms and industry are welcome to present their research work and exchange ideas at the Forum. The 2011 Cavitation Forum will be third such event, with previous Forum’s being held in 2006 and 2008. 相似文献
在本文中把吴耀祖(T.Y.Wu)在1962年提出的尾流模型加以线性化,并用来处理任意拱弧形状的二元超空泡初局部空泡水翼。这个模型在线性化理论中亦可称为开式模型,空泡末端是作为不封闭的。而在空泡的下游有一尾流区伸展到无穷远后。自由流线靠近水翼的一部分上,压力假定为常数,等于鲍和蒸汽压力。在前述部分下游自由流线上,压力逐渐增加,到无穷远后恢复到来流压力。由于空泡末端后存在着尾流区,这样则末端上避免了驻点(即奇点)。应用这个模型可使解从超空泡流连续过渡到无空泡流。本文所得的结果可以作为一级近似来估计过渡状态的水动力,因为封闭式模型的结果在空泡长度趋向弦长时是失效的。此外,本文的解中只出现二个待定常数,因此计算可以简化。 相似文献
在二巴抑制压力下用振动仪在自来水中测定1100-0及2024-T-1号铝、1018号碳素钢、316号不锈钢及含有3%碳的铸铁的空泡剥蚀。按总试样面积和实际剥蚀面积计算了剥蚀率MDPR及孕育期IP;并测定了最大损坏深度渗透率D_mPR;也给出了实际的剥蚀面积和最大损坏深度渗透率,因为最大损坏深度D_m通常是表徵破坏之最佳判据。假如按实际的剥蚀面积进行计算,孕育期IP具有更为精确的意义。 提供了温度对MDPR的影响,从而发觉MDPR_(max)出现在140~160°F(60~70℃)范围内。 定义了一个新的无量纲损坏深度参数C=D_m/MDP。发现对于铁类合金,C与伸缩振幅之关系近似于指数函数。但数据不足,尚不能说明铝有类似趋势。 相似文献
本文用尾流模型解决了超空泡平板翼栅非线性势流问题。物理平面上的复势可当作复速度平面上的一个虚拟流动的复势来进行处理。该虚拟流动的边界条件可通过复速度在物理平面上的边界条件来建立,然后求解这一边值问题,得出了计算升力、阻力及自由流线形状的公式,并对几种极限情况进行了讨论。 相似文献