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为了适应欧Ⅲ排放法规的需要,针对西安市区城市道路上正常行驶汽车的工况及排放情况进行研究,通过采用GPS测速系统和IPEXD便携式排放测量仪,快速、准确的获取汽车正常行驶过程中的即时速度及瞬间排放污染物等客观数据,进而具体分析汽车在城市道路上的行驶工况及排放情况,最终计算得出西安市城市道路上行驶汽车的相应工况、即时速度与瞬间排放之间的关系。其中,本文主要研究以汽油为燃料的车辆在城市道路条件下行驶时尾气排放中的HC、CO、NOX三种污染物,客观分析并确定日常城市道路条件下汽车行驶工况对其排放的相关影响。  相似文献   

本文以E10乙醇汽油、国III汽油和国IV汽油为试验参比对象,按照GB18352.5-2013的要求对CO、HC、NMHC和NOx等主要污染物的排放进行了检测和对比研究,并对多种污染的形成原因和排放机理进行了分析。研究结果表明,较之国III汽油相比, E10乙醇汽油可以有效减少CO、HC和NMHC的排放;相对于国IV汽油,乙醇汽油也可有显著的减少HC和NMHC排放;在CO2排放量方面,乙醇汽油与国III汽油相当,相对国IV汽油都有一定程度的减少,长期推广使用对减少温室气体的排放具有积极深远的意义。  相似文献   

文章以长春市的城市规划、不同道路特征、不同路段的交通流特性等因素为依据,选取具有代表性典型路段,即主干线306路为调查样本进行取样试验;依据严寒及寒冷地区分类的国家标准,确定冬季试验时间为2013年1月;通过公共汽车的行驶条件确定试验方法为平均车流法;所用试验车辆为中国第一汽车集团公司所产的解放牌CA6120URH2型公共汽车。试验将采集到的数据根据不同行驶状态划分为若干行程片段,并分别计算出每个片段的对应特征值,进而对所有数据片段进行了主成分分析和聚类分析,在相关性及有效性验证之后通过数据拟合构建成主干路典型行驶工况。  相似文献   

机动车排放受车辆类型、车龄、燃料类型、油品质量等多种因素的影响,这些因素也直接或间接反映车辆的污染物排放水平。本文系统梳理了反映单个车辆污染物排放水平的指标,并分为直接和间接指标两类,其中车辆的燃料类型、车辆大小、车龄、行驶里程、行驶速度以及车辆满足的环保排放标准等指标是间接指标,间接反映车辆的排放水平。车辆实时尾气排放检测结果是直接指标,能够直接反映车辆的污染物排放水平。反映车辆污染物排放水平的指标研究是车辆污染物排放研究的基础性研究,也是机动车污染减排的重要支撑。  相似文献   

机动车污染物排放影响因素及控制措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国机动车保有量的快速增长,机动车污染已经成为城市和区域大气环境主要的污染源,机动车排放污染成为当今交通环保和经济发展的矛盾冲突点。随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,城市建筑物密集,道路拥挤,机动车排放污染物难以扩散,进一步加剧了机动车排放污染及其对人体健康的危害。本文分析了影响机动车排放污染的主要因素并提出了相应的机动车减排措施。  相似文献   

道路隧道交通工况频率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要介绍采用纵向通风方式的双管4车道和双管6车道隧道内交通工况种类、发生概率和持续时间,交通工况种类与车辆组成、车流密度、平均车速和各种交通事故有关。根据各种效能事故对流畅效能的影响,推算出不同效能工况的发生概率。文中还介绍了一咱计算纵向通风系统最大通风负荷的新方法,它以效能工况及其相应大气负荷的组合概率为理论基础,详尽分析了两峒口大气压差所形成的通风负荷。并以中长隧道计算作举例说明。  相似文献   

利用RFID检测器和车辆GPS等设备采集的多源数据,通过交通流信息融合计算得到交通流特征参数(路段流量、平均速度),由尾气排放模型计算路段各类机动车污染物排放,然后利用多尺度大气扩散模拟区域和道路空气污染物浓度,并在webgis系统上展示浓度分布。同时,以环境监测站数据作为区域固定源等其他污染源的污染模块,移动和固定源两大模块同时用于评估道路环保。评估指标选取实时交通流特性、环境污染物背景浓度值、道路基本信息、气象信息和其他因素五类。结果表明交通流和环境背景浓度是影响环保道路评估的重要指标。研究结果可为未来城市道路的合理规划及居民出行提供一定理论依据和工程参考价值。  相似文献   

文章介绍了汽车道路行驶阻力的测量原理、底盘测功机模拟原理和惯量模拟原理;对欧美日三个标准体系中的道路行驶阻力测量方法进行了介绍,以实例对三个标准体系下计算的道路行驶阻力进行了验证和对比。结果表明,三种测量方法所得道路行驶阻力基本一致。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国典型航线典型船舶排放特征,以船舶自动识别系统数据为基础,收集整理所选研究船舶排放参数,结合船舶实际航行资料,采用动力法估算了秦皇岛港—广州港航线某散货船一个航行周期的排放清单,并分析了靠港、停泊、港内机动、巡航4个船舶状态下的排放特征,绘制了2 km×2 km分辨率的空间排放特征图。结果表明,该典型航线上典型散货船舶一个航行周期排放的SOx、NOx、PM10、PM2.5总量分别为18.88吨、30.87吨、1.85吨和1.69吨。排放源分析表明从在船舶的主机、辅机和锅炉3种排放源中,主机是主要排放源。航行状态上巡航工况排放量最大;船舶排放污染物的空间分析表明,船舶在进出港口区域是污染物排放最密集的区域。  相似文献   


With the growth in population and development of business activities in Hong Kong, the range and level of services provided by Hongkong Post have multiplied. However, the schedule of its postal vehicles, including mail collection and delivery, is still constructed manually on a daily basis, based on the experience of staff and transportation reviews. In this paper, the problem of scheduling a set of n collection points (District Post Offices) from a depot (General Post Office) in Hong Kong Island is addressed. The objectives pursued are the maximization of resource utilization and minimization of operation costs. In other words, the variable cost is expected to be reduced. To achieve these goals, an integer linear programming (IP) model of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) is developed in an effort to obtain optimal solutions. As the model involves computational complexity, a commercial software package CPLEX is used to solve the problems efficiently. The results show that the proposed model can produce optimal vehicle routes and schedules.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the price and income elasticities of air cargo demand and examines how they may change after the 2008 financial crisis. Using a set of time series data, we simultaneously estimate the aggregated demand and supply functions of air cargo at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). We find that during the entire sampling period of 2001–2013, the price elasticity for air cargo transport demand at HKIA ranges from −0.74 to −0.29, suggesting that air cargo demand in Hong Kong reacts negatively to price (as expected) but does not appear to be very sensitive to price. The income elasticity ranges from 0.29 to 1.47 and appears sensitive to seasonality adjustment approaches. However, in terms of the speed of changes, air cargo demand changes much faster than overall economy, indicating the presence of a pro-cyclical pattern of air cargo traffic with respect to the overall economy. Our analysis shows that air cargo demand becomes more sensitive to changes in both price and income after 2008.  相似文献   

Hong Kong was the first place in the world to implement a trial scheme to convert all public light buses (PLBs) on the road from diesel to alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). The scheme, however, did not receive much support from PLB operators. At present, there is a rich literature on households’ demand for AFVs (especially in the USA). However, there have not been many studies about the demand for commercial AFVs in the business and public transport sectors. Since light buses running on alternative fuels are not widely available in the Hong Kong market, a stated preference (SP) survey was conducted to solicit the preferences of PLB operators on eight commercial vehicle attributes and seven forms of government support. The SP data are analyzed by multinomial logit (MNL) models. Detailed analyses on market segmentation and price elasticities follow. The results are of theoretical and practical significance.  相似文献   

本文以贵州省道路客运交通运输中出租车和公交车作为研究对象,采用IPCC能耗统计法计算客运交通运输温室气体中CO2的排放、在NEDC工况下对温室气体CH4、N2O排放进行核算,建立了2017年贵州省交通道路运输温室气体碳排放清单。结果显示,贵州省道路客运交通中出租车万人均碳排放量为公交车的2.67倍。CH4排放的主要来源于天然气为燃料的公交车,N2O排放的主要来源于汽油为燃料的出租车。  相似文献   

道路交通是造成气候变化的主要碳排放来源之一。目前针对道路交通碳排放量测量和减排效果的定量评估方面仍然存在较大挑战。综述了道路交通碳排放测量方法,将道路交通碳减排措施分为经济、技术和行政三类,根据角色定位总结了影响交通碳排放的需求、供应和环境三方面的主要因素。发现不同测量方法得出的碳排放量差异较大,且各种方法的准确性和适用范围也存在较大差异。目前的碳减排措施目标针对性不够强,且缺乏对政策效果的定量研究。亟需在未来研究中规范道路交通碳排放量的统计口径和误差标准,明确各交通主体的减排责任,将更多研究工作集中在减排措施效果的量化上。  相似文献   

The impacts of road surface texture on tyre/road noise are explored by analysing field data applying fast Fourier transform technique to tyre/road noise spectrum analysis. The results indicate that the tyre/road noise can be higher at lower frequency bands but lower at higher bands. Cluster analysis on surface texture in terms of wavelength identified three cluster groups that centred at 1.32 mm, 3.65 mm, and 5.11 mm have different impacts on noise. The shorter wavelength group suppressed tyre/road noise, medium group aggravated it and the high wavelength group were outliers.  相似文献   

This paper presents the World-wide harmonized Light duty Test Cycle (WLTC), developed under the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) and sponsored by the European Union (with Switzerland) and Japan. India, Korea and USA have also actively contributed. The objective was to design the harmonized driving cycle from “real world” driving data in different regions around the world, combined with suitable weighting factors. To this aim, driving data and traffic statistics of light duty vehicles use were collected and analyzed as basic elements to develop the harmonized cycle. The regional driving data and weighting factors were then combined in order to develop a unified database representing the worldwide light duty vehicle driving behavior. From the unified database, short trips were selected and combined to develop a driving cycle as representative as possible of the unified database. Approximately 765,000 km of data were collected, covering a wide range of vehicle categories, road types and driving conditions. The resulting WLTC is an ensemble of three driving cycles adapted to three vehicle categories with different power-to-mass ratio (PMR). It has been designed as a harmonized cycle for the certification of light duty vehicles around the world and, together with the new harmonized test procedures (WLTP), will serve to check the compliance of vehicle pollutant emissions with respect to the applicable emissions limits and to establish the reference vehicle fuel consumption and CO2 performance.  相似文献   

Exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs) in urban and port areas were evaluated through a dedicated investigation. The HDV fleet composition and traffic driving from highways to the maritime port of Genoa and crossing the city were analysed. Typical urban trips linking highway exits to port gates and HDV mission profiles within the port area were defined. A validation was performed through on-board instrumentation to record HDV instantaneous speeds in urban and port zones. A statistical procedure enabled the building-up of representative speed patterns. High contrasts and specific driving conditions were observed in the port area. Representative speed profiles were then used to simulate fuel consumption and emissions for HDVs, using the Passenger car and Heavy duty Emission Model (PHEM). Complementary estimations were derived from Copert and HBEFA methodologies, allowing the comparison of different calculation approaches and scales. Finally, PHEM was implemented to assess the performances of EGR or SCR systems for NOX reduction in urban driving and at very low speeds.The method and results of the investigation are presented. Fuel consumption and pollutant emission estimation through different methodologies are discussed, as well as the necessity of characterizing very local driving conditions for appropriate assessment.  相似文献   


New technologies, especially advances in telecommunications, have had profound impacts on everyday life and brought even greater changes to some business models. Taxis represent one of the major modes of transportation in urban areas but they face a number of problems, including their environmental impacts. The status of the taxi industry in Taiwan is revealed and analyzed in this study. A new business model for the extensive and popular use of smart phones is proposed. However, it is important to know whether their use is both effective and safe. Two field experiments were executed to examine the effects on taxi drivers of using a navigation system installed in a GPS PDA phone. The results revealed that the efficiency of drivers using such a portable navigation system was better than those relying on paper maps in unfamiliar urban areas. Furthermore, performance in terms of safety was also better than those who used an on-board navigation system. In summary, incorporating e-technology can promote a taxi company's competitiveness and a driver's performance and safety as well as offer environmental benefits.  相似文献   

In recent years, China's container ports have experienced a significant expansion in throughput and capacity. This paper provides a review of the sector and analyses the recent development of container ports and terminals within Mainland China. It then focuses in more depth on the competition between the ports of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In particular, the port of Shenzhen is analysed in the context of Robinson's criteria for hub port development to try to discern whether it will become the dominant regional hub. The discussion concludes that despite Shenzhen's current competitive advantages, Hong Kong will, in all probability, retain its dominant role.  相似文献   

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