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In this paper, we perform a rigorous analysis on a link-based day-to-day traffic assignment model recently proposed in He et al. (2010). Several properties, including the invariance set and the constrained stability, of this dynamical process are established. An extension of the model to the asymmetric case is investigated and the stability result is also established under slightly more restrictive assumptions. Numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the findings.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a first-order macroscopic stochastic dynamic traffic model, namely the stochastic cell transmission model (SCTM), to model traffic flow density on freeway segments with stochastic demand and supply. The SCTM consists of five operational modes corresponding to different congestion levels of the freeway segment. Each mode is formulated as a discrete time bilinear stochastic system. A set of probabilistic conditions is proposed to characterize the probability of occurrence of each mode. The overall effect of the five modes is estimated by the joint traffic density which is derived from the theory of finite mixture distribution. The SCTM captures not only the mean and standard deviation (SD) of density of the traffic flow, but also the propagation of SD over time and space. The SCTM is tested with a hypothetical freeway corridor simulation and an empirical study. The simulation results are compared against the means and SDs of traffic densities obtained from the Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) of the modified cell transmission model (MCTM). An approximately two-miles freeway segment of Interstate 210 West (I-210W) in Los Ageles, Southern California, is chosen for the empirical study. Traffic data is obtained from the Performance Measurement System (PeMS). The stochastic parameters of the SCTM are calibrated against the flow-density empirical data of I-210W. Both the SCTM and the MCS of the MCTM are tested. A discussion of the computational efficiency and the accuracy issues of the two methods is provided based on the empirical results. Both the numerical simulation results and the empirical results confirm that the SCTM is capable of accurately estimating the means and SDs of the freeway densities as compared to the MCS.  相似文献   

This paper presents a continuum dynamic traffic assignment model for a city in which the total cost of the traffic system is minimized: the travelers in the system are organized to choose the route to their destinations that minimizes the total cost of the system. Combined with the objective function, which defines the total cost and constraints such as certain physical and boundary conditions, a continuum model can be formulated as an optimization scheme with a feasible region in the function space. To obtain an admissible locally optimal solution to this problem, we first reformulate the optimization in discrete form and then introduce a heuristic method to solve it. This method converges rapidly with attractive computational cost. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A nascent ridesharing industry is being enabled by new communication technologies and motivated by the many possible benefits, such as reduction in travel cost, pollution, and congestion. Understanding the complex relations between ridesharing and traffic congestion is a critical step in the evaluation of a ridesharing enterprise or of the convenience of regulatory policies or incentives to promote ridesharing. In this work, we propose a new traffic assignment model that explicitly represents ridesharing as a mode of transportation. The objective is to analyze how ridesharing impacts traffic congestion, how people can be motivated to participate in ridesharing, and, conversely, how congestion influences ridesharing, including ridesharing prices and the number of drivers and passengers. This model is built by combining a ridesharing market model with a classic elastic demand Wardrop traffic equilibrium model. Our computational results show that (i) the ridesharing base price influences the congestion level, (ii) within a certain price range, an increase in price may reduce the traffic congestion, and (iii) the utilization of ridesharing increases as the congestion increases. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Advances in connected and automated vehicle technologies have resulted in new vehicle applications, such as cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC). Microsimulation models have shown significant increases in capacity and stability due to CACC, but most previous work has relied on microsimulation. To study the effects of CACC on larger networks and with user equilibrium route choice, we incorporate CACC into the link transmission model (LTM) for dynamic network loading. First, we derive the flow-density relationship from the MIXIC car-following model of CACC (at 100% CACC market penetration). The flow-density relationship has an unusual shape; part of the congested regime has an infinite congested wave speed. However, we verify that the flow predictions match observations from MIXIC modeled in VISSIM. Then, we use the flow-density relationship from MIXIC in LTM. Although the independence of separate links restricts the maximum congested wave speed, for common freeway link lengths the congested wave speed is sufficiently high to fit the observed flows from MIXIC. Results on a freeway and regional networks (with CACC-exclusive lanes) indicate that CACC could reduce freeway congestion, but naïve deployment of CACC-exclusive lanes could cause an increase in total system travel time.  相似文献   

This paper studies the assignment of long-distance passenger traffic on a highway corridor network. First, we propose a traditional model for the long-distance traffic assignment considering interactions with local commuter traffic. It addresses the effect of local networks on highway corridors. An iterative algorithm is developed to solve for the exact solution. Then, to address the potential computational issues that arise therein, a decomposition method is proposed by introducing a new concept of corridor elasticity. An assignment procedure for long-distance passenger traffic is developed accordingly. Numerical tests show that the proposed decomposition method makes significant improvements in computational performance at a small loss of optimality. This decomposition method well approximates the exact assignment from the traditional formulation, especially when the highway corridors are near-saturation. The proposed decomposition method appears practical for application.  相似文献   

A predictive continuum dynamic user-optimal (PDUO-C) model is formulated in this study to investigate the dynamic characteristics of traffic flow and the corresponding route-choice behavior of travelers within a region with a dense urban road network. The modeled region is arbitrary in shape with a single central business district (CBD) and travelers continuously distributed over the region. Within this region, the road network is represented as a continuum and travelers patronize a two-dimensional continuum transportation system to travel to the CBD. The PDUO-C model is solved by a promising solution algorithm that includes elements of the finite volume method (FVM), the finite element method (FEM), and the explicit total variation diminishing Runge-Kutta (TVD-RK) time-stepping method. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the utility of the proposed model and the effectiveness of the solution algorithm in solving this PDUO-C problem.  相似文献   

An equivalent continuous time optimal control problem is formulated to predict the temporal evolution of traffic flow pattern on a congested multiple origin-destination network, corresponding to a dynamic generalization of Wardropian user equilibrium. Optimality conditions are derived using the Pontryagin minimum principle and given economic interpretations, which are generalizations of similar results previously reported for single-destination networks. Analyses of sufficient conditions for optimality and of singular controls are also given. Under the steady-state assumptions, the model is shown to be a proper dynamic extension of Beckmann's mathematical programming problem for a static user equilibrium traffic assignment.  相似文献   


This paper develops a model for estimating unsignalized intersection delays which can be applied to traffic assignment (TA) models. Current unsignalized intersection delay models have been developed mostly for operational purposes, and demand detailed geometric data and complicated procedures to estimate delay. These difficulties result in unsignalized intersection delays being ignored or assumed as a constant in TA models.

Video and vehicle license plate number recognition methods are used to collect traffic volume data and to measure delays during peak and off-peak traffic periods at four unsignalized intersections in the city of Tehran, Iran. Data on geometric design elements are measured through field surveys. An empirical approach is used to develop a delay model as a function of influencing factors based on 5- and 15-min time intervals. The proposed model estimates delays on each approach based on total traffic volumes, rights-of-way of the subject approach and the intersection friction factor. The effect of conflicting traffic flows is considered implicitly by using the intersection friction factor. As a result, the developed delay model guarantees the convergence of TA solution methods.

A comparison between delay models performed using different time intervals shows that the coefficients of determination, R 2, increases from 43.2% to 63.1% as the time interval increases from 5- to 15-min. The US Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) delay model (which is widely used in Iran) is validated using the field data and it is found that it overestimates delay, especially in the high delay ranges.  相似文献   

Foresee traffic conditions and demand is a major issue nowadays that is very often approached using simulation tools. The aim of this work is to propose an innovative strategy to tackle such problem, relying on the presentation and analysis of a behavioural dynamic traffic assignment.The proposal relies on the assumption that travellers take routing policies rather than paths, leading us to introduce the possibility for each simulated agent to apply, in real time, a strategy allowing him to possibly re-route his path depending on the perceived local traffic conditions, jam and/or time already spent in his journey.The re-routing process allows the agents to directly react to any change in the road network. For the sake of simplicity, the agents’ strategy is modelled with a simple neural network whose parameters are determined during a preliminary training stage. The inputs of such neural network read the local information about the route network and the output gives the action to undertake: stay on the same path or modify it. As the agents use only local information, the overall network topology does not really matter, thus the strategy is able to cope with large and not previously explored networks.Numerical experiments are performed on various scenarios containing different proportions of trained strategic agents, agents with random strategies and non strategic agents, to test the robustness and adaptability to new environments and varying network conditions. The methodology is also compared against existing approaches and real world data. The outcome of the experiments suggest that this work-in-progress already produces encouraging results in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. This indicates that the proposed approach has the potential to provide better tools to investigate and forecast drivers’ choice behaviours. Eventually these tools can improve the delivery and efficiency of traffic information to the drivers.  相似文献   

《Transportation Research》1978,12(6):395-402
Estimation of traffic velocity and the number of vehicles on adjacent sections of a limited access highway is examined. The method evaluated is based upon application of Kalman Filtering Methods to a linear state variable model of traffic flow. The estimator utilizes velocity and flow measurements at selected points along the highway. The flow measurement is a nonlinear function of the state variables and necessitates linearization about the one step ahead prediction of the state (extended Kalman Filter) or about nominal values of the state variables. It is shown that performance using Lincoln Tunnel data is comparable in either case to that of methods previously reported and provides a substantial savings in storage requirements. Also demonstrated is the fact that flow at an internal measurement point may be deleted from the observation vector without a serious effect on performance. This would arise, for example, if control of traffic were to be exercised at such a point.  相似文献   

Static traffic assignment models are still widely applied for strategic transport planning purposes in spite of the fact that such models produce implausible traffic flows that exceed link capacities and predict incorrect congestion locations. There have been numerous attempts to constrain link flows to capacity. Capacity constrained models with residual queues are often referred to as quasi-dynamic traffic assignment models. After reviewing the literature, we come to the conclusion that an important piece of the puzzle has been missing so far, namely the inclusion of a first order node model. In this paper we propose a novel path-based static traffic assignment model for finding a stochastic user equilibrium in general transportation networks. This model includes a first order (steady-state) node model that yields more realistic turn capacities, which are then used to determine consistent capacity constrained traffic flows, residual point (vertical) queues (upstream bottleneck links), and path travel times consistent with queuing theory. The route choice part of the model is specified as a variational inequality problem, while the network loading part is formulated as a fixed point problem. Both problems are solved using existing techniques to find a solution. We illustrate the model using hypothetical examples, and also demonstrate feasibility on large-scale networks.  相似文献   

《Transportation Research》1976,10(5):339-341
Dial's multipath traffic assignment model is interpreted as a probabilistic choice model. Anomalies in path assignments generated by Dial's algorithm are related to the independence-of-irrelevant alternatives axiom.  相似文献   

This paper describes an algorithm for routing freight over a rail network whose tracks are controlled by several carriers in a manner that follows current industrial practices. In particular, the freight is routed to minimize the number of interline transfers and to maximize the revenue division for the originating carrier. The algorithm is based upon generalizing a shortest path algorithm to allow vector valued link impedances.  相似文献   

Moving bottlenecks in highway traffic are defined as a situation in which a slow-moving vehicle, be it a truck hauling heavy equipment or an oversized vehicle, or a long convey, disrupts the continuous flow of the general traffic. The effect of moving bottlenecks on traffic flow is an important factor in the evaluation of network performance. This effect, though, cannot be assessed properly by existing transportation tools, especially when the bottleneck travels relatively long distances in the network.This paper develops a dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model that can evaluate the effects of moving bottlenecks on network performance in terms of both travel times and traveling paths. The model assumes that the characteristics of the moving bottleneck, such as traveling path, physical dimensions, and desired speed, are predefined and, therefore, suitable for planned conveys.The DTA model is based on a mesoscopic simulation network-loading procedure with unique features that allow assessing the special dynamic characteristics of a moving bottleneck. By permitting traffic density and speed to vary along a link, the simulation can capture the queue caused by the moving bottleneck while preserving the causality principles of traffic dynamics.  相似文献   

In this paper, a predictive dynamic traffic assignment model in congested capacity-constrained road networks is formulated. A traffic simulator is developed to incrementally load the traffic demand onto the network, and updates the traffic conditions dynamically. A time-dependent shortest path algorithm is also given to determine the paths with minimum actual travel time from an origin to all the destinations. The traffic simulator and time-dependent shortest path algorithm are employed in a method of successive averages to solve the dynamic equilibrium solution of the problem. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Aircraft noise has been regarded as one of the major environmental issues related to air transport. Many airports have introduced a variety of measures to reduce its impact. Several air traffic assignment strategies have been proposed in order to allocate noise more wisely. Even though each decision regarding the assignment of aircraft to routes should consider population exposure to noise, none of the air traffic assignment strategies has addressed daily migrations of population and number of people exposed to noise. The aim of this research is to develop a mathematical model and a heuristic algorithm that could assign aircraft to departure and arrival routes so that number of people exposed to noise is as low as possible, taking into account temporal and spatial variations in population in an airport’s vicinity. The approach was demonstrated on Belgrade airport to show the benefits of the proposed model. Numerical example showed that population exposure to noise could be reduced significantly by applying the proposed air traffic assignment model. As a consequence of the proposed air traffic assignment, overall fuel consumption increased by less than 1%.  相似文献   

Using the schedule-based approach, in which scheduled time-tables are used to describe the movement of vehicles, a dynamic transit assignment model is formulated. Passengers are assumed to travel on a path with minimum generalized cost which consists of four components: in-vehicle time; waiting time; walking time; and a time penalty for each line change. With the exception of in-vehicle time, each of the other cost components is weighted by a sensitivity coefficient which varies among travelers and is defined by a density function. This time-dependent and stochastic minimum path is generated by a specially developed branch and bound algorithm. The assignment procedure is conducted over a period in which both passenger demand and train headways are varying. Due to the stochastic nature of the assignment problem, a Monte Carlo approach is employed to solve the problem. A case study using the Mass Transit Railway System in Hong Kong is given to demonstrate the model and its potential applications.  相似文献   

A cell-based variant of the Merchant-Nemhauser (M-N) model is proposed for the system optimum (SO) dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) problem. Once linearized and augmented with additional constraints to capture cross-cell interactions, the model becomes a linear program that embeds a relaxed cell transmission model (CTM) to propagate traffic. As a result, we show that CTM-type traffic dynamics can be derived from the original M-N model, when the exit-flow function is properly selected and discretized. The proposed cell-based M-N model has a simple constraint structure and cell network representation because all intersections and cells are treated uniformly. Path marginal costs are defined using a recursive formula that involves a subset of multipliers from the linear program. This definition is then employed to interpret the necessary condition, which is a dynamic extension of the Wardrop’s second principle. An algorithm is presented to solve the flow holding back problem that is known to exist in many discrete SO-DTA models. A numerical experiment is conducted to verify the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a stochastic dynamic transit assignment model with an explicit seat allocation process. The model is applicable to a general transit network. A seat allocation model is proposed to estimate the probability of a passenger waiting at a station or on-board to get a seat. The explicit seating model allows a better differentiation of in-vehicle discomfort experienced by sitting and standing passengers. The paper proposes simulation procedures for calculating the sitting probability of each type of passengers. A heuristic solution algorithm for finding an equilibrium solution of the proposed model is developed and tested. The numerical tests show significant influences of the seat allocation model on equilibrium departure time and route choices of passengers. The proposed model is also applied to evaluate the effects of an advanced public transport information system (APTIS) on travellers’ decision-making.  相似文献   

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