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郑侠 《中国水运》2007,5(6):241-242
作为两大语言形式,英汉语的词义发展变化存在很多差异,与此同时,也有颇多相似之处。通过研究,我们可以发现这两种语言词义发展方向是一致的,词义发展变化方式是相似的,词义发展趋势是一致的,短语/词组构成的模式是相通的。这就要求我们在英语学习过程中应充分注意到两种语言词义的相似性,以提高英语学习效率。  相似文献   

海洋 《船艇》2006,(2):50-54
——IBI作为一家国际知名的船艇信息调查机构对中国的游艇市场当然不会漠视。该机构最近发表文章,专门介绍中国游艇市场的现状。充分看到了正在兴起的船艇及其设备制造厂商,客观分析了市场消费潜力以及制约游艇业发展的种种障碍,同时也预测了中国游艇市场未来的发展方向及重点,为业内外人士从宏观角度把握中国游艇市场的走向提供了重要的可靠依据。[编者按]  相似文献   

杨帆 《中国船检》2008,(4):12-18
世界造船业竞争格局正在发生着深刻变化:韩国全面赶超日本,坐上了世界造船业的“第一把交椅”;中国迅速崛起,与韩日之间的差距大幅缩小,从规模快速扩张期进入到素质全面提升期,成为当今世界造船四极结构中唯一一支正在崛起、具有巨大发展潜力的新生力量。  相似文献   

“近年来,海事系统一直在加强信息亿建设工作,其实质就是在建设智能海事、构建智慧海事。”2012年直属海事系统工作会议上,部海事局常务副局长陈爱平正式提出了“智慧海事”的概念。  相似文献   

崔燕 《中国船检》2005,(11):38-40
我国的造船工业自上世纪90年代中后期首次超过德国,成为世界第三造船大国,至今处于世界第三的位置已有10年。在这一发展历程中,“老三”的地位和性质发生了怎样的变化?[编者按]  相似文献   

The importance of ocean waves parameters (propagation direction, mean period, significant wave height, etc.) is related to several aspects of a ships safety, efficiency in operation, routing, design, and maintenance. However, some available methods for obtaining those parameters have data limitations and inconvenient aspects. In severe weather conditions, an ocean-wave-field detector is necessary. This can provide two-dimensional ocean-wave-field information directly. Among other conventional methods, ship-borne wave radar has the ability to function as such a detector, and some researchers have tried to develop practical systems. A numerical approach using plan position indicator (PPI) images from conventional marine radars is proposed to retrieve valuable information from the ocean waves. A three-dimensional Fourier transform is applied to a set of consecutive radar PPI images to perform spectrum analysis. The removal of undesired elements in the spectrum is achieved by applying a hi-pass filter to remove static components, and by comparing the data with the expected dispersion shell to correct for nonocean-wave power. Numerical experiments under controlled conditions using simulated PPI images were performed through numerical simulations based on theoretical ocean-wave equations. The results include a comparison between the original wave parameters used in the simulation and the values retrieved from the spectrum analysis.  相似文献   

安飞 《中国船检》2008,(11):70-73
10月29日,2008年北京国际风能大会暨展览会在中国国际展览中心(新馆)隆重召开。来自世界各国的风能业精英齐聚中国,共论风能产业的未来发展前景。其中,四位国际知名企业家就业相关问题所展开的讨论,为金融危机中的产业指明了前进之路。  相似文献   

崔连德 《中国船检》2007,(11):34-37
10月29日,“中国-东盟港口发展与合作论坛”在广西南宁举行,中国与东盟各国交通部长共同发表了《中国-东盟港口发展与合作联合声明》,又称“南宁共识”。11月2日,第六届东盟-中国交通部长会议在新加坡召开,《东盟-中国海上运输协议》正式签署。中国与东盟在港口、海运合作方面的突破。为中国与东盟的经贸合作增添了强劲动力。  相似文献   

The non-linear finite element software ABAQUS was used to simulate the dynamic response of a marine supercharged boiler when subjected to impact loading. Shock resistance was analyzed by the time-domain simulation method. After exhaustive simulations,the effect of air pressure induced by different working conditions on the shock response of a supercharged boiler was reviewed,leading to conclusions about the variability of structural response with different loading parameters. In order to simulate the real impulsive environments of supercharged boilers,the integration of equipment and ship structure was then primarily used to analyze shock response. These distinctly different equipment shock test methods,run under equivalent work conditions,were compared and the causes of discrepancy were analyzed. The main purpose of this paper is to present references for the anti-shock design of marine supercharged boilers.  相似文献   

The present survey covers one spawning season of marine benthic invertebrates in a large geographical area, the inner Danish waters, and includes a wide range of habitats with steep salinity and nutrient load gradients. The loss ratios of soft-bottom marine invertebrates from one development stage to the next is calculated based on average abundances of pelagic larvae, benthic post-larvae and adults of Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polychaeta and Echinodermata, with planktonic development. This gives a rough estimate of the larval and post-larval mortality. Loss ratios between post-larvae stage and adult stage (post-larval mortality) varies from 3:1 to 7:1 (71.2–84.9%) and loss ratios between larvae and post-larvae (larval mortality) and between larvae and adult, ranging from 7:1 to 42:1 (85.2–97.6%) and from 45:1 to 210:1 (97.8–99.5%), respectively. The results show a remarkable unity in loss ratios (mortality) between the mollusc taxa (Bivalvia and Gastropoda) at the phylum/class level. This similarity in loss ratios among the mollusc taxa exhibiting the same developmental pathways suggests that the mortality is governed by the same biotic and abiotic factors. Larval mortality is estimated to range from 0.10 d− 1 to 0.32 d− 1 for Bivalvia and ranging from 0.09 d− 1 to 0.23 d− 1 for Polychaeta. The species loss ratios combined with specific knowledge of the reproduction cycles give estimated loss ratios (mortality) between the post-larvae and the adult stage of 25:1 and 14:1 for the bivalves Abra spp. and Mysella bidentata. For the polychaete Pygospio elegans the loss ratio (larval mortality) between the larvae and the post-larval stage is 154:1 and between the post-larvae and the adult stage 41:1. For Pholoe inornata the loss ratio between post-larvae and adults is 7:1. The present results confirm that the larval stage, metamorphosis and settlement are the critical phase in terms of mortality in the life cycle for Bivalvia. Assuming steady state based on actual measurements of pelagic larval densities an estimated input to the water column of pelagic bivalve larvae is ranging from 10,930 to 17,157 larvae m− 2 d− 1 and for Polychaeta between 2544 and 3994 larvae m− 2 d− 1. These estimates seem to correspond to the reproductive capacity of the observed adult densities using life-table values from the literature.The potential settlement of post-larvae is 43 post-larvae m− 2 d− 1 for Bivalvia and 56 post-larvae m− 2 d− 1 for Polychaeta. The adult turnover time for Bivalvia is estimated to be 1.5 years and 2.1 years for Polychaeta. This exemplifies that species with short generation times may dominate in very dynamic transitional zones with a high frequency of catastrophic events like the frequent incidents of hypoxia in the inner Danish waters.  相似文献   

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