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In this paper, a dynamic user equilibrium traffic assignment model with simultaneous departure time/route choices and elastic demands is formulated as an arc-based nonlinear complementarity problem on congested traffic networks. The four objectives of this paper are (1) to develop an arc-based formulation which obviates the use of path-specific variables, (2) to establish existence of a dynamic user equilibrium solution to the model using Brouwer's fixed-point theorem, (3) to show that the vectors of total arc inflows and associated minimum unit travel costs are unique by imposing strict monotonicity conditions on the arc travel cost and demand functions along with a smoothness condition on the equilibria, and (4) to develop a heuristic algorithm that requires neither a path enumeration nor a storage of path-specific flow and cost information. Computational results are presented for a simple test network with 4 arcs, 3 nodes, and 2 origin–destination pairs over the time interval of 120 periods.  相似文献   

A general dynamical system model with link-based variables is formulated to characterize the processes of achieving equilibria from a non-equilibrium state in traffic networks. Several desirable properties of the dynamical system model are established, including the equivalence between its stationary state and user equilibrium, the invariance of its evolutionary trajectories, and the uniqueness and stability of its stationary points. Moreover, it is shown that not only a link-based version of two existing day-to-day traffic dynamics models but also two existing link-based dynamical system models of traffic flow are the special cases of the proposed model. The stabilities of stationary states of these special cases are also analyzed and discussed. In addition, an extension is made to the case with elastic demand. The study is helpful for better understanding the day-to-day adjustment mechanism of traffic flows in networks.  相似文献   

This study provides an example in which the dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) assignment of a congested road network with bottlenecks is non-unique. In previous studies, the uniqueness of DUE assignments with the bottleneck model has been shown in limited cases such as single-origin and single-destination networks. Consequently, it is still an important issue whether or not uniqueness is a general property of DUE assignments. The present study describes a network in which multiple patterns of link travel time are found, thus providing a negative answer to this question. The network has a loopy structure with multiple bottlenecks and multiple origin-destination (OD) pairs. Given a certain demand pattern of departure times for vehicles leaving their origins, a non-convex set of equilibria with a non-unique pattern of link travel times is shown to exist.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate the importance of computational precision of user equilibrium traffic assignment solutions for scenario comparisons. When traffic assignment is hierarchically embedded in a model for network design and/or road pricing, not only the precision of the solution itself becomes more important, but also the precision of its derivatives with respect to the design parameters should be considered.The main purpose of this paper is to present a method for precise computations of equilibrium derivatives. Numerical experiments are used for two evaluations: (1) precision of computed equilibrium derivatives for a medium-size network (Anaheim); and (2) the impact of precise derivatives on capacity-expansion solution quality for a small network (Sioux Falls).  相似文献   

A simple model of traffic flow is used to analyze the spatio-temporal distribution of flow and density on closed-loop homogeneous freeways with many ramps, which produce inflows and allow outflows. As we would expect, if the on-ramp demand is space-independent then this distribution tends toward uniformity in space if the freeway is either: (i) uncongested; or (ii) congested with queues on its on-ramps and enough inflow to cause the average freeway density to increase with time. In all other cases, however, including any recovery phase of a rush hour where the freeway’s average density declines, the distribution of flow and density quickly becomes uneven. This happens even under conditions of perfect symmetry, where the percentage of vehicles exiting at every off ramp is the same. The flow-density deviations from the average are shown to grow exponentially in time and propagate backwards in space with a fixed wave speed. A consequence of this type of instability is that, during recovery, gaps of uncongested traffic will quickly appear in the unevenly congested stream, reducing average flow. This extends the duration of recovery and invariably creates clockwise hysteresis loops on scatter-plots of average system flow vs. density during any rush hour that oversaturates the freeway. All these effects are quantified with formulas and verified with simulations. Some have been observed in real networks. In a more practical vein, it is also shown that the negative effects of instability diminish (i.e., freeway flows increase) if (a) some drivers choose to exit the freeway prematurely when it is too congested and/or (b) freeway access is regulated in a certain traffic-responsive way. These two findings could be used to improve the algorithms behind VMS displays for driver guidance (finding a), and on-ramp metering rates (finding b).  相似文献   

There are two kinds of stability associated with traffic flow problems – string stability (or car-following stability) and traffic flow stability. We provide a clear distinction between traffic flow stability and string stability, and such a distinction has not been recognized in the literature, thus far. String stability is stability with respect to intervehicular spacing; intuitively, it ensures the knowledge of the position and velocity of every vehicle in the traffic, within reasonable bounds of error, from the knowledge of the position and velocity of a vehicle in the traffic. String stability is analyzed without adding vehicles to or removing vehicles from the traffic. On the other hand, traffic flow stability deals with the evolution of traffic velocity and density in response to the addition and/or removal of vehicles from the flow. Traffic flow stability can be guaranteed only if the velocity and density solutions of the coupled set of equations is stable, i.e., only if stability with respect to automatic vehicle following and stability with respect to density evolution is guaranteed. Therefore, the flow stability and critical capacity of any section of a highway is dependent not only on the vehicle following control laws and the information used in their synthesis, but also on the spacing policy employed by the control system. Such a dependence has practical consequences in the choice of a spacing policy for adaptive cruise control laws and on the stability of the traffic flow consisting of vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise control features on the existing and future highways. This critical dependence is the subject of investigation here.  相似文献   

We consider a network with interactions and capacity constraints at each junction. We give conditions on the interactions and constraints which, if satisfied at each separate junction, ensure that any feasible assignment problem has an equilibrium solution. Two illustrative examples are provided; the first arises naturally and does not satisfy our conditions, while the second does satisfy our conditions but is somewhat unnatural.  相似文献   

We consider a network with interactions and capacity constraints at each junction. We give conditions on the interactions and constraints which, if satisfied at each separate junction, ensure that any feasible assignment problem has an equilibrium solution. Two illustrative examples are provided; the first arises naturally and does not satisfy our conditions, while the second does satisfy our conditions but is somewhat unnatural.  相似文献   

The introduction of connected and autonomous vehicles will bring changes to the highway driving environment. Connected vehicle technology provides real-time information about the surrounding traffic condition and the traffic management center’s decisions. Such information is expected to improve drivers’ efficiency, response, and comfort while enhancing safety and mobility. Connected vehicle technology can also further increase efficiency and reliability of autonomous vehicles, though these vehicles could be operated solely with their on-board sensors, without communication. While several studies have examined the possible effects of connected and autonomous vehicles on the driving environment, most of the modeling approaches in the literature do not distinguish between connectivity and automation, leaving many questions unanswered regarding the implications of different contemplated deployment scenarios. There is need for a comprehensive acceleration framework that distinguishes between these two technologies while modeling the new connected environment. This study presents a framework that utilizes different models with technology-appropriate assumptions to simulate different vehicle types with distinct communication capabilities. The stability analysis of the resulting traffic stream behavior using this framework is presented for different market penetration rates of connected and autonomous vehicles. The analysis reveals that connected and autonomous vehicles can improve string stability. Moreover, automation is found to be more effective in preventing shockwave formation and propagation under the model’s assumptions. In addition to stability, the effects of these technologies on throughput are explored, suggesting substantial potential throughput increases under certain penetration scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the capabilities of wavelet transform (WT) for analyzing important features related to bottleneck activations and traffic oscillations in congested traffic in a systematic manner. In particular, the analysis of loop detector data from a freeway shows that the use of wavelet-based energy can effectively identify the location of an active bottleneck, the arrival time of the resulting queue at each upstream sensor location, and the start and end of a transition during the onset of a queue. Vehicle trajectories were also analyzed using WT and our analysis shows that the wavelet-based energies of individual vehicles can effectively detect the origins of deceleration waves and shed light on possible triggers (e.g., lane-changing). The spatiotemporal propagations of oscillations identified by tracing wavelet-based energy peaks from vehicle to vehicle enable analysis of oscillation amplitude, duration and intensity.  相似文献   

Traffic restraint techniques, widely used to combat traffic congestion in the developed countries, have been tried in Lagos, Nigeria. This paper examines the impact of the use of odd and even numbered vehicles on alternate days in reducing congestion on the urban roads. The result of the analysis indicates that the restraint technique worked only during the first few months of its introduction. The basic causes of the subsequent failure are outlined and possible solutions suggested.  相似文献   

Traffic flow propagation stability is concerned about whether a traffic flow perturbation will propagate and form a traffic shockwave. In this paper, we discuss a general approach to the macroscopic traffic flow propagation stability for adaptive cruise controlled (ACC) vehicles. We present a macroscopic model with velocity saturation for traffic flow in which each individual vehicle is controlled by an adaptive cruise control spacing policy. A nonlinear traffic flow stability criterion is investigated using a wavefront expansion technique. Quantitative relationships between traffic flow stability and model parameters (such as traffic flow and speed, etc.) are derived for a generalized ACC traffic flow model. The newly derived stability results are in agreement with previously derived results that were obtained using both microscopic and macroscopic models with a constant time headway (CTH) policy. Moreover, the stability results derived in this paper provide sufficient and necessary conditions for ACC traffic flow stability and can be used to design other ACC spacing policies.  相似文献   

In this paper, stability analysis of traffic control for two-region urban cities is treated. It is known in control theory that optimality does not imply stability. If the optimal control is applied in a heavily congested system with high demand, traffic conditions might not change or the network might still lead to gridlock. A city partitioned in two regions with a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) for each of the regions is considered. Under the assumption of triangular MFDs, the two-region MFDs system is modeled as a piecewise second-order system. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for stable equilibrium accumulations in the undersaturated regimes for both MFDs. Moreover, the traffic perimeter control problem for the two-region MFDs system is formulated. Phase portraits and stability analysis are conducted, and a new algorithm is proposed to derive the boundaries of the stable and unstable regions. Based on these regions, a state-feedback control strategy is derived. Trapezoidal shape of MFDs are also addressed with numerical solutions.  相似文献   

The paper considers traffic assignment, with traffic controls, in an increasingly dynamic way. First, a natural way of introducing the responsive policy, Po, into steady state traffic assignment is presented. Then it is shown that natural stability results follow within a dynamical version of this static equilibrium model (still with a constant demand). We are able to obtain similar stability results when queues are explicitly allowed for, provided demand is constant. Finally we allow demand to vary with time; we consider the dynamic assignment problem with signal-settings now fixed. Here we assume that vehicles are very short and that deterministic queueing theory applies, and show that the time-dependent queueing delay at the bottleneck at the end of a link is a monotone function of the time-dependent input profile to the bottleneck. We have been unable to obtain results when dynamic demand and responsive signal control are combined.  相似文献   

Perimeter control based on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) is widely developed for alleviating or postponing congestion in a protected region. Recent studies reveal that traffic conditions might not be improved if the perimeter control strategies are applied to unstable systems where high demand generates heavy and heterogeneously distributed traffic congestion. Therefore, considering stability of the targeted traffic system is essential, for the sake of developing a feasible and then optimal control strategy. This paper sheds light on this direction. It integrates a stability characterization algorithm of MFD system equations into the Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme, and features respectively an upper and a lower bound of the feasible control inputs, to guarantee system stability. Firstly, the dynamics of traffic heterogeneity and its effect on the MFD are analyzed, using real data from Guangzhou in China. Piecewise affine functions of average flow are proposed to capture traffic heterogeneity in both regional and subregional MFDs. Secondly, stability of a three-state two-region system is investigated via stable equilibrium and surface boundaries analysis. Finally, a three-layer hierarchical control strategy is introduced for the studied two-region heterogeneous urban networks. The first layer of the controller calculates the stable surface boundaries for the given traffic demands and then determines the bounds of control input (split rate). An MPC approach in the second layer is used to solve an optimization problem with two objectives of minimizing total network delay and maximizing network throughput. Heterogeneity among the subregions is minimized in the last layer by implementing simultaneously a subregional perimeter flow control and an internal flow control. The effectiveness and stability of the proposed control approach are verified by comparison with four existing perimeter control strategies.  相似文献   


Researchers have improved travel demand forecasting methods in recent decades but invested relatively little to understand their accuracy. A major barrier has been the lack of necessary data. We compiled the largest known database of traffic forecast accuracy, composed of forecast traffic, post-opening counts and project attributes for 1291 road projects in the United States and Europe. We compared measured versus forecast traffic and identified the factors associated with accuracy. We found measured traffic is on average 6% lower than forecast volumes, with a mean absolute deviation of 17% from the forecast. Higher volume roads, higher functional classes, shorter time spans, and the use of travel models all improved accuracy. Unemployment rates also affected accuracy—traffic would be 1% greater than forecast on average, rather than 6% lower, if we adjust for higher unemployment during the post-recession years (2008 to 2014). Forecast accuracy was not consistent over time: more recent forecasts were more accurate, and the mean deviation changed direction. Traffic on projects that opened from the 1980s through early 2000s was higher on average than forecast, while traffic on more recent projects was lower on average than forecast. This research provides insight into the degree of confidence that planners and policy makers can expect from traffic forecasts and suggests that we should view forecasts as a range of possible outcomes rather than a single expected outcome.


Officials at various levels around the world are getting increasingly worried about the growth in automobile ownership and all the associated environmental problems that this implies. Voices are often heard advocating the exclusion of automobiles from the central areas of cities, much easier to say than to realise, unless the area is entirely reconstructed under a comprehensive redevelopment scheme, as, for instance, in the city of Västeras, Sweden. Another possible solution is to introduce some type of traffic restraint scheme involving compulsory rearrangement of the vehicular flow through the central area.The report deals firstly with an experiment carried out during the highly intensive, pre-Christmas shopping days in December 1969, when parts of the central business area of the city of Gothenburg, Sweden (population around 450,000) were closed to all unauthorised vehicles. The experience gained with this scheme was valuable when the next stage was being planned, i.e., a permanent traffic restraint scheme which was put into effect on August 18, 1970. Most of the report deals with the objectives, planning, realisation, and experience of the traffic restraint scheme, which involved dividing the central business area into five separate zones. During the first six months, several surveys were conducted to establish the impact of the scheme on vehicular flow, parking, pedestrian flow, public transport, accidents, air pollution, noise, and retail businesses.The scheme put into operation in Gothenburg has been a great success, having accomplished most of its objectives, and will be expanded to cover a still larger area in subsequent years.This paper is an amended and updated version of one originally prepared in May 1971 for the Environment Directorate of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, whose permission to publish is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that the left-turning movement reduces the intersection capacity significantly, because exclusive left turn phases are needed to discharge left turn vehicles only. This paper proposes the concept of Left-Hand Traffic (LHT) arterial, on where vehicles follow left-hand traffic rules as in England and India. The unconventional intersection where a LHT arterial intersects with a Right-Hand Traffic (RHT) arterial is named as symmetric intersection. It is only need three basic signal phases to separate all conflicts at symmetric intersection, while it at least need four signal phases at a conventional intersection. So, compared with the conventional intersection, the symmetric intersection can provide longer green time for the left-turning and the through movement, which can increase the capacity significantly. Through-movement waiting areas (TWAs) can be set at the symmetric intersection effectively, which can increase the capacity and short the cycle length furthermore. And the symmetric intersection is Channelized to improve the safety of TWAs. The Binary-Mixed-Integer-Linear-Programming (BMILP) model is employed to formulate the capacity maximization problem and signal cycle length minimization problem of the symmetric intersection. The BMILP model can be solved by standard branch-and-bound algorithms efficiently and outputs the lane allocation, signal timing decisions, and other decisions. Experiments analysis shows that the symmetric intersection with TWAs can increase the capacity and short the signal cycle length.  相似文献   

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